You're All Mine (Oh Sehun/Lu...

By CaratTrash

3.8K 337 150

Sehun didn't know that one drunk night would change his life forever. This is a sequel to "I'm not your pet"... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six

Chapter Seven

638 42 41
By CaratTrash

"You really like cuddles, don't you?"

Luhan sat up in the sofa, away from Sehun, with a worried look.

"I'm not being too clingy, am I?"

Sehun gave him a little smile and the cat hybrid relaxed a bit of the warm eyes that met his.

"No Luhan, I don't mind."

"Good." The cat hybrid replied before he sat close to his human, pressed up against Sehun's side with a pleased smile.

Luhan had lived with Sehun for a little over a month now. Sehun really enjoyed getting to know the pink, little cat hybrid. His days were certainly filled with new surprises, and his usual boring life was now colourful and exiting. Luhan loved to leave small post it notes around the apartment, with small emojis and small, uplifting messages for Sehun. Luhan didn't know, but the man had a box filled with them by now. Not having the heart to throw them, since the words moved him.

The other day had Luhan decided to surprise him when he came home from work; standing in the hallway with a cake in his hands with a lightened candle. Luhan wanted to celebrate the one month anniversary of living together. Sehun wasn't the kind to do things like that, but did it for his little cat hybrid. A happy Luhan equalled a happy Sehun.

As Sehun thought back at one of the happiest months in his life, the cat hybrid pressed himself closer to him. The cat hybrid purred lowly and the sound made Sehun feel at peace.


"Yes, Lu?"

Sehun looked down at him, still smiling. His deep brown eyes were warm and made Luhan feel all tingly in his body. His sharp eyebrows were relaxed, his hair messy and damp from the shower. He looked really, really good, Luhan concluded.

"Can I kiss you?" His eyes glanced quick at his human's lips, desire in his eyes. Sehun nodded, barely noticeable.

The cat hybrid sat up as the human leaned down, their lips meeting halfway. It wasn't their first kiss, but the way Luhan had suddenly asked Sehun for permission made him nervous. Nervous and exited.

Sehun's lips were tender and sweet, the scent of his human made his head dizzy. He kissed Luhan back harder and the cat hybrid let out a whine of want as he slid onto Sehun's lap. Sehun's fingers tangled in his hair and as they brushed against his cat ears Luhan broke off the kiss with a loud moan.

Sehun stared up at him with a surprised look and Luhan's cheeks went deep red.

"It felt really good when you did that." He muttered and turned more red as Sehun's gace went dark. He yanked the cat hybrid down and covered his mouth with his in a hungry kiss. Luhan felt like he was walking on air. It was magic, the way Sehun's lips connected with his.

Sehun grabbed harder at his fluffy pink hair and earned himself another moan from Luhan as he caressed his cat ears. He felt the pink tail stroke at his knees and shivers ran up his spine. Sehun felt so hungry, hungry for his beautiful cat hybrid that was panting heavily on his lap. Luhan let out a moan as he rolled his hips against Sehun, his head tilting back and exposing his neck. 

Sehun was quick to attack the pale neck with his mouth, leaving purple marks that would stay there for days. He felt proud as he stared down at the panting cat hybrid, saliva painting his lips, cheeks red and eyes dazed for Sehun. Luhan whined slightly and pressed his face into Sehun's neck, deciding that it was his turn to leave marks on his human. 

Sehun leaned back, a soft moan escaping his lips as Luhan went to work. Sehun placed his hands on the cat hybrid's hips, loving how right it felt. Luhan nipped and kissed, small bites that turned bigger and harsher as his human let out more deep moans. Luhan felt ecstatic, his whole body slightly shaking of his want for Sehun.

Mine, mine, mine. He chanted in his mind while he bit down harder.

"Ahh, Luhannie." Sehun's deep voice filled his ears and Luhan shivered in response.

This felt so right. So beautiful and right. Luhan was on the edge of crying, so many feelings crashing around in him. Therefore it stung when Sehun grabbed his shoulders and gently moved him off his lap. Luhan gave him a desperate and questioning look, hurt and confused. Sehun's deep, warm eyes met his, and the human gave him a small smile.

"That's enough for today, Luhan. Let's get some sleep, it's late."

Luhan pouted immediately and Sehun couldn't help to laugh of him. The cat hybrid slung his arms around his neck, in a death gripping hug. Sehun got up from the couch, with the cat hybrid clinging to him like a koala bear.

Sehun took a deep breath to calm himself down as Luhan snuggled closed to him in their bed. He had been so close to lose control tonight.

Luhan woke up to an empty bed. He frowned as the space beside him was cold and no Sehun was in sight. Sehun hadn't said anything about going to work today, but it wasn't unsual that he was called in on short notice. Luhan didn't like to wake up alone, but he knew how important work was for Sehun. The cat hybrid stretched his arms and back before he went to get some clothes. He looked through the clothes Sehun had bought him, trying to decide what he wanted to wear. He gave up and skipped to Sehun closet, finding a big hoodie instead. 

After all, Sehun's clothes were way more comfortable and another plus was that they smelled so good. It felt like a warm hug, and could almost be compared to the warm embrace of his human. 

He didn't care for pants, but he put on a pair of boxers. Sehun didn't like it when he walked around too exposed, something about it not being proper and that Luhan could get sick. Luhan thought it was funny, but did as his human said. The big, blue hoodie was reaching the middle of his thighs and Luhan felt good as he walked out of their bedroom.

What surprised him was the sound of cooking in the kitchen, and the cat hybrid's ears perked up as the smell reached his nose.


"Sehun?" he asked as he walked into the kitchen. Sehun, his beautiful and handsome human, stood by the kitchen counter. He turned around of the sound of his cat hybrid and shoot him a warm smile.

"Sit, breakfast is nearly done."

"I thought you had work today." Luhan said quietly as he sat down by the table.

Sehun flipped another pancake as his back faced Luhan. He was wearing a white t-shirt and his pyjama pants.

"I did but then I got someone to cover for me today. Work wasn't very tempting, I wanted to spend the day with you." He said and Luhan felt his heart warm up.

"Oh." He replied softly.

Sehun turned off the stove and smiled as Luhan as he put the pancakes on the table.

"Let's eat."

Luhan was very much in love with Sehun's cooking, and ate probably a bit too fast. But it was worth it because they tasted so dangerously good. When they were done eating, Luhan helped Sehun to clean up after them. Sehun didn't say anything about him stealing his hoodie, but Luhan could feel his gaze on his thighs. It made him blush and it was a miracle he didn't break any of the cups as they cleaned up.

"Hey, Luhannie." Sehun sounded nervous and Luhan looked up at him with his big, icy blue eyes full of wonder.

"Let's sit." He murmured and took Luhan's hand and walked them to the table.

"What's going on?" Luhan asked, feeling a bit nervous himself.

"I know I hurt you a bit last night..."

Luhan tilted his head a bit and looked like a question mark.

"When I stopped us, you know, from doing that." Sehun blushed and Luhan's cheeks flamed red when he realised what he meant.

"N-no don't worry about it Sehunnie!" he said quickly.

"No Luhan. I owe you an explanation why."

Luhan bit his lip.

"I might be old fashioned or just weird, but I wanted to give you this before we do... anything." Sehun smiled softly and motioned for Luhan to come closer and turn around. Luhan did and could feel Sehun putting something around his neck. It was a soft, velvety fabric and he felt a little cold stone hanging from it. The cat hybrid snapped around and met Sehun's face with a wide grin.

"Is it-"

"Take a look in the mirror." Sehun replied to the stunned cat hybrid. Luhan ran down the hall before Sehun could say anything else, his tail raised high behind him. He heard Sehun's soft laugh before he ran into the bathroom. He gasped as he got a look on himself in the mirror.

Around his neck was a black collar of velvet, a blue sapphire in the middle. It was stunning, and Luhan wanted to cry. He had always imagined his own collar, but he had never imagined it to be so beautiful. The small sapphire complimented his eyes, the black collar a nice contrast to his pale neck. He let out a happy squeal as he touched it carefully, the soft fabric feeling nice under his fingertips.


Sehun's worried voice reached his ears from the kitchen and Luhan snapped out of his happy daze. He bolted out of the bathroom and ran down the hall. Sehun froze as the cat hybrid ran at full speed into the kitchen. The cat hybrid's cheeks were red, his eyes wide and tail raised high. Sehun gave him a questioning look as Luhan froze.

Luhan's ears twitched and then he slung his arms around Sehun's neck, pressing his body to Sehun's as close as possible.

"I love it, I love it, I love it!" he quickly squealed into his neck and Sehun hugged him back, smiling.

The cat hybrid purred loud into his neck as he kissed and nipped, showing how grateful he really was.

"Woah, Luhan."

"I need you now  Sehun." He whined into his neck and Sehun felt like they were put on fire. He gasped as Luhan bit down hard at his neck.

"Mate, my mate, my beautiful kind mate." He whimpered as he licked the bite, and Sehun shuddered. Sehun's legs felt weak as Luhan continued to attack his neck. His arms went around the cat hybrid's waist helplessly, too caught up in Luhan's kisses at his neck.

"Sehun" he whimpered and leaned up to press his lips hard against Sehun's.

The kisses from last night felt little compared to the passion in these ones. Sehun took a step back as Luhan jumped up and clung to him like a koala bear. Luhan broke off the kiss and started to attack his neck again. Sehun grabbed Luhan's legs to steady him and turned around so he could place him on the kitchen counter. The hoodie slid up Luhan's thighs and Sehun groaned of the sight as he pressed himself against Luhan. His lips were hard against his again, the cat hybrid's purrs filling his ears.

"Luhan." He panted as the cat hybrid was trying to get out of his boxers.

"Ah, Luhan, wait." Sehun grabbed his wrists and the cat hybrid whimpered in want.

"Here? You don't want to move to the bedroom, Lu?" he asked softly as he tucked some of the pink hair behind his ear.

Luhan shook his head and grabbed Sehun's neck.

"No, I need you now. Please."



Sehun didn't have the heart to deny him anymore and grabbed Luhan's cheeks and kissed him. Luhan managed to take of his pyjama pants while they kissed, and Sehun moaned as Luhan tried to take of his boxers as well.

"W-wait we need lube an-"

"No need."

"No, Luhan! I don't want you to get hurt."

Luhan shook his head fast in reply.

"Listen to me-"

Luhan grabbed his hand and lead it to his crotch. Wetness met him and Sehun's eyes widened.

"Luhan! Are you in he-"

"Yeah, I guess your gift and love kinda triggered it." Luhan gasped as Sehun touched him again.

Luhan was shivering and Sehun suddenly noticed how warm his skin was. He moaned loudly as Sehun caressed him, his loud purrs filling the room. His tail flicked around and his cat ears laid flat, whines escaping his mouth.

"Okay so, ready?" Sehun gasped out as Luhan clawed at his back eagerly. His legs hugged Sehun tight.

"W-wait, wait." He reached for his wallet on the kitchen counter and pulled out the condom. Luhan was too gone to notice what his human was doing. His lips were covered in saliva and his eyes hazy. The cat hybrid whined of the loss of contact and made grabby hands after him.

"Shh, shh I'm here baby." Sehun calmed him down; little did he know that the nickname threw fuel over the raging flames inside of Luhan. Sehun yelped as he grabbed him by the neck and slammed their lips together.

The two gasped as their bodies felt like melting together. Sehun groaned into his ear as he started to move, Luhan biting at his shoulder – nearly sobbing of the pleasure. The previous flames were calming down, only to be replaced by intense pleasure.

"God, Luhan. You feel so good."

"Ah, yes!" Luhan yelped as the trusts became harder. Sehun's back was now covered in marks from Luhan's scratching. Luhan's hips would definitely be covered in bruises from Sehun's strong grip, not that Luhan had any complaints.

Luhan felt hot. Sehun felt hot. The kitchen filled with moans from the passionate lovemaking was very hot.

"I-I'm close."

"Me too." Luhan replied weakly, his face red and sweaty. Sehun let out a little laugh, feeling so happy about embracing his cat hybrid. Luhan gave him a wide smile back, before his face scrunched up in pleasure as Sehun hit his spot.

"Ahh, my mate" he whimpered, on the edge of crying.

Sehun kissed his him hard as he came, the cat hybrid shivering as he came as well. Luhan's leg shook slightly around Sehun's waist, his arms around Sehun's neck. They stood there for a couple of minutes, well Luhan sitting on the kitchen counter and Sehun standing between his legs. After catching their breaths, and Sehun pulling out and throwing the condom, Sehun lifted Luhan gently of the counter and carried him down the hall to their bedroom.

Luhan gave him a sleepy smile and cuddled closer to his chest before Sehun gently laid him on the bed. The purrs went quiet and Luhan pouted when Sehun didn't join him.

"I'm just gonna go and clean up after us in the kitchen." Sehun murmured.

Luhan rolled his eyes and grabbed his hand, pulling Sehun down on the bed with him.

"You can clean up tomorrow, stupid." He said stubbornly as he hugged him tight. The flames were calm for now, but it was only a question of how much time it would be before they were hungry again.

"But baby." Sehun cooed back into his hair, and the cat hybrid shivered again. Sehun could only smile fondly when he heard the cat hybrid purring again. He decided that Luhan was right and got under the covers. Luhan pressed himself against him immediately, still happily purring.

"My mate."

Sehun hummed back as he closed his eyes.

"Lu, you're all mine."

Luhan kissed his neck softly, his eyes feeling heavy and body worn out. Sehun was almost asleep as the soft words of his mate reached his ears.

"All yours."

Authors note:

Hey guys, sorry for the long wait. I hope this chapter, which is the last one, was good enough. I'm just so happy I managed to finish it. Writing has been real hard the last couple of weeks.
Thank you for reading

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