Sure Feels Right // R. Bortuz...

By eddyscroptop

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"You know you're eventually gonna have to let yourself fall again," he told me. "Yeah," I whispered, "I know... More

Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One

Chapter One

4.4K 29 15
By eddyscroptop

Don't ask me how I ended up in bed with some random guy, because I'm not exactly sure. How my friends got me to go out the night before an exam is beyond me too.

From what I can remember it went a little like this..

"Come on Scar, your exam isn't until 3 and you've been studying all week. And it's summer! Just come with us. Please." I looked at my three roommates who were all dressed up and ready to go. They all stared at me with wide eyes, knowing I would give in eventually.

"Fine. I'll go. Just let me get ready first." I mumbled as I shut my book and brought it down to my room. I switched my cutoff and running shorts for a pair of skinny jeans and a plain black v neck. I grabbed a pair of vans and my wallet then ran up the stairs.

"Okay, let's go."

"Can we take Barry?" Taylor asked. Barry is my truck. My nice, blue dodge. Or my baby, as I like to call it.

"Nope. I'm not driving. Nice try though!" I laughed as I went to the passenger side of Rachel's car, already pregaming.

Once we got to the club, my friends went to a table and I went straight to the bar. If I'm going to go out the night before an exam, I'm gonna make it worth it. I made it back to my friends after a few shots.

"I thought you had an exam tomorrow," Katie laughed at me and I gave her a dirty look.

"I thought you wanted me to come out tonight."

"We did," Rachel interjected, "We love drunk Scarlett. We never get to see her anymore."

"There's a reason for that.."

Whenever I drink, I do stupid shit. 90% of the time it involves my ex boyfriends. Texting. Calling. Sexing. You name it.

I don't think sexing is a real word, but it's now Scarlett's favorite.

"Is sexing a word," I asked the three girls around me, only I get funny looks from them.

"No.. I don't think so."

Somehow whenever we're out, the conversation always turns to guys. Rachel was pretty much engaged after almost two years with her boyfriend. He plays for the Pirates. Katie is pretty much dating her recurring hookup. Taylor is definitely hooking up with a few different guys. Me? I'm single. Which I enjoy. A lot.

"Any cute guys show interest lately, Scar?"

"Yeah. Haven't you seen them line up at our doorstep?"

"Come on. There's gotta be someone you like."

"I've had my eye on Derek Jeter for a while now but I don't think that's gonna happen," I laughed to myself but my friends didn't think I was as amusing as I did.

"What about someone here tonight?"

I looked around at all the potential guys. A majority of them were trying to wheel in some girl but there were a couple that had just walked in.

"She's too shy," Katie challenged. She would always do this. She knew I would have to talk to someone just to prove her wrong.

I scanned the crowd once more before finding a guy ordering a drink at the bar. From what I could tell, he was alone.

"Alright. Him. The lanky fucker over there," I finished my drink and made my way over to the bar.

"A double whiskey please," the bartender poured my drink and I was going to pay for it but was stopped by the guy next to me.

"I got this."

"Oh thanks," I flashed a smile, "What's your name?"

"You can call me Rob."

"I'm Scarlett."

"Well Scarlett, are you here with anyone?"

"Just friends," I took a sip of my drink and spent the next few minutes doing some major flirting.

Just as I knew he was getting interested, I decided it was time to go back to my friends, "Thanks for the drink, Rob. I'll see you around." When I got back to the table, I made sure to stand where I could see him. Every once in a while, we would catch eyes.

"See this is why we like drunk Scarlett. You do crazy shit like this," Taylor nudged my arm and motioned to Rob.

"I do crazy shit anyway," I told her, thinking of the things I've done this summer. It's pretty surprising that I haven't broken anything yet.

"Yeah but not flirting with a completely random stranger like this."

"Alcohol is a wonderful thing," I finished my last drink for the night and caught Rob's eye one last time, "I'm going to go dance."

I joined the many others out on the floor, hoping Rob would join me. A few moments later, I felt someone touch my shoulder.

"You know I've always had a thing for girls that dance when they get a little tipsy," Rob told me as I moved closer to him.

That's where my recollection of last night ends.

I looked at the clock and it was only 9 am. I still had enough time to figure out where I was, get home, shower and review my notes one last time before I had to be in the lecture hall.

I sat up looking around the room I was in. I could see a shelf with a few hockey pucks and a framed jersey. It looked like the one from last season. Maybe they look the same every season. I didn't watch enough hockey anymore to know.

I typed in my home address to the maps application on my phone. Apparently I was only a few blocks from my house. I gathered all my clothing and tried to put it back on without waking Rob up. I was doing pretty well until I tripped over one of his shoes. He shot up, confused.

"What's going on," he wondered, rubbing the sleep from his eyes.

"Just trying to get home before my exam. Sorry for waking you," I walked out of the room without another word.

"Wait," he called after me, "Don't I get a number or something?"

"I don't really do the whole hookup thing, last night was a rare occasion. You're attractive. My God are you attractive but I'm not sure I want to date right now."

I exchanged awkward glances with his roommate before leaving the house. According to my phone, my house was four blocks down and three blocks over. Thank you technology for making my walk of shame a little better.

I got back to the house and made sure to make noise, "Alright shitheads, which one of you decided it was a good idea for me to go home with some random guy."

My three roommates groaned in unison, apparently they were more affected by the alcohol than I was.

"We talked to his roommate. He said he was a good guy and that he would look out for you now shut up," Rachel threw a pillow at me but missed.

I laughed at her failed attempt and kicked off my shoes. Once I got out of the shower, I could feel the hangover coming. I quickly changed and grabbed my books to study while I ate breakfast.

"She's the definition of a deadly superstition. She ain't got no opposition, little devil on a mission." I sang to myself as I tried to find the page I needed. I could hear someone grab something out of the cupboard and pour something into it.

"How can you still be studying? You need to take a break."

"I need an A in this class and this is pretty much my final. We only have a paper left and I'm sitting at a borderline A so that's how I'm still studying." I told my roommate.

"So want to tell us how last night went?" The rest of the girls made their way into the kitchen.

"I would if I could tell you what happened, I would. We definitely slept together. And he's definitely a hockey fan."

"What's your problem with hockey anyway?"

"Every hockey player I've been with has cheated on me. They're all the same."

"You really shouldn't assume all guys that like hockey are like that."

"Yeah well I'm going to until someone proves me wrong," I put my books in my backpack and swiped my keys off the counter, "I'll be back after my exam. Don't have too much while I'm done."

"Wait," Rachel called after me, "We have tickets to the Pirates game tonight! Game starts at 6."

"I'll be home by 4:30," As much as I wanted to get out of it, they were playing the Yankees and you just don't turn down Yankees tickets, "Not wearing Pirates shit though!"

I could hear boos from the three girls who were still thinking of what to make for a late lunch. I got in my truck and drove to the coffee shop I always stop at. I thought about going in the drive thru, but those were a bitch when I was in Barry. I told the barista my order and gave her my card.

It took a while to get to campus, but I didn't mind. I rolled my windows down and turned up the music. Flipping through the channels, I tried to find something that was not ridiculously over played. Failing to find anything, I connected my phone to bluetooth. A huge pain in the ass if you ask me.

I got into the classroom 10 minutes early. I sat next to my really cute, really smart friend and he greeted me with a smile.

"Are you ready for this?"

"If by ready you mean hungover and pretty sure I'm going to fail, then yes. I am ready," I joked with Andy.

"Hungover on exam day? That doesn't seem like something you would do."

"It's usually not, but apparently it was last night."

I laughed to myself as the professor handed out the exams. I don't know what I was worried about, this exam was going to be easy. Maybe I should start going out on the night before an exam.

Just kidding. That's a horrible idea.

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