Blind Beauty (Preview)

By LiAWake

1.4K 58 1

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Brett was among the many outcasts in the school's four walls. He didn't... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
End of Preview

Chapter 9

61 4 0
By LiAWake


I sat there staring down at the photo, and it was almost like looking into the mirror. Bailey was good at hiding this from me, likely because of her hair being so long that it put her into her own isolation. The picture however was amazing, unsettling to an extent but amazing. However, it also did leave me confused since what are you supposed to say when someone draws a picture of you behind your back.

"Thank you?" The words slipped out of my mouth in a confused tone, but it seemed like the only appropriate thing to say at the moment.

Wanting to continue the conversation further so I could learn more about this mysterious girl next to me. My hopes were immediately ripped away as the school bell echoed around the room signalling that our class was over. Turning back to Bailey, I watched as she slid her notebook back in front of her and quickly began packing up as if it was some sort of race. The journal was the last thing she put into her bag, as I got one last look at her drawing before it disappeared. Then before I could do anything, Mrs. Conrad gave her final address to the class that day as we all turned our heads giving her our full attention.

"Alright class we'll briefly discuss this tomorrow first thing, before moving on to the next assignment. Have a good day." Her words trailed off, and like prisoners sitting before a warden, we waited until she got back to her desk before continuing to move again.

I hadn't even touched my bag yet as I began moving the binders and books inside it, not paying attention to Bailey. When I was nearly done packing up, I heard the sound of metal chair legs screeching against the laminate floor, and suddenly felt something brush against my shoulder in Bailey's direction. Instantly I looked over to where she was just sitting but she had vanished, which caused me to turn to look at the classroom door. Sure enough, I watched as the girl left the room. No goodbye, or nothing and I wondered if she'd even give me the time of day after this.

My gaze didn't leave the entrance for a few moments as I watched her turn the corner of the threshold, and actually enter the hallway. Please come back. I thought yet it was no use, she was gone as the class started to follow her lead.

"Goodbye, I guess," I muttered to myself as I finished up packing my bag, and then followed the crowd out of the room.

Before I walked out, I turned to look back one last time to make sure that I had grabbed everything. Only instead of looking at the desks, my eyes locked with Mrs. Conrad's. It didn't even dawn on me that her desk was right behind where we had been sitting. She had a front-row seat and likely watched as everything played out between Bailey and I. To the point that she had a look about her that told me she had questions about what had gone on between the two of us. I didn't have time to ask her though, nor did I really want to as I walked out the door.

Ritually following my schedule like I did every day, I knew full well that nothing as satisfying as meeting Bailey would be happening in any of my other classes. Unlike some students, though I stuck to them, I never skipped in fear that my mother would find out, and that was a yelling match that I didn't need to have. Even though the whispers around me were tempting. They all talked of this magical world outside of the school, and all they had to do was walk out the doors at an inappropriate time. It just didn't make sense to me, and that's what made me wonder what my breaking point would be. What would be more important than school for me? I thought as I sat there in a class I didn't care about.

I understood the craving of freedom here, but what drove everyone to want it? That said I hated being here too, the classes were repetitive, and the teachers all had rather monotone voices when describing their lessons. There was nothing to enjoy here. Yet I continued to go without hesitation in fear of disappointing my mother, and that was the only thing that drove me to keep trying in school.

Finally, the second bell of the day went and the morning classes came to an end. As predicted nothing else exciting happened, other than meeting Bailey. It was just the same old things day in and day out. That now it was time for lunch, for actual authorized freedom allowing us to get out of this hell even if it was just for a minute so that we could get a sweet, refreshing breath of fresh air.

Not waiting I already had my stuff packed up and stood up from my desk in the white-walled mundane room. It made those of us with a class in here feel like we were insane as we headed out the door into the hallway. There was never enough time for lunch, as I blazed a path straight for the cafeteria. Looking at the usual table, where The Republic was already starting to form.

Walking over and taking my spot at the table. Don was on my one side, already engulfed in a book, and hadn't even noticed that I sat down beside him. In front of me to the right was Jakob, and like Don, he was distracted as well. He was staring out at the cafeteria trying to get a group of girls attention by awkwardly waving, to which they only laughed at him, before turning away to giggle in their inner circle.

Next to join the group was Alec, he took the seat in front and to the left of me. He never talked to anyone, unless he was asked a question directly, and with everyone distracted he merely sat down and opened his textbook. There were only two chairs left, one to my right and one straight in front of me. The group remained quiet, and it was peaceful when all of a sudden a flirtatious voice cut through the air.

"Hey boys." I didn't even have to see the source of the voice to know who was standing behind us.

Making their way around the table, Mason and Nielsen were the last to arrive at the group. Nielsen taking his usual spot directly in front of me, and reached out attempting to touch my hands in a flirtatious manner. I never played into his little games like the others did, as I retracted my hands before he could hold them. Mason, on the other hand, had already sat down beside me and watched as the interaction played out.

The two of us both knew we were burning daylight at this point. Nielsen now taking control of the table and bringing everyone into a conversation, meant it was time for Mason and me to take our leave. Nielsen's attention bounced from each individual, not letting the majority of them finish their sentences as Mason leaned over to me.

"Hey man, ready to walk?" The question granted me my freedom as I took one last look around the group and I was content with leaving.

I turned and looked at him, his eyes wide as he gestured to leave, even though we both knew Nielsen would attempt to barrage us with questions or comments to make us stay longer. Only we knew he'd forget about us as soon as we left.

"Yeah let's head out," I responded to Mason's question, and in unison, the two of us rose from our seats.

Throwing my backpack over my shoulder, Mason joined me a few moments later. Then together we started walking away from the group when Nielsen's familiar voice put up less of a fight than either of us initially expected. Although that didn't stop him from getting a portion of the cafeteria to look at us.

"Bye boys." He flirtatiously blurted out as I looked over my shoulder.

Nielsen quietly sat there and waved stupidly at us, and in turn, we both gave him a quick wave and departed from the group. The two of us now beelining it to the hallway, where other kids were littered about sitting next to their lockers and eating their lunches. Majority of them were alone, or with one or two friends. No matter how you looked at it though, the school knew this as the hallway of outcasts.

One after another I looked at the individuals who lined the walls and kept an eye out for people that I knew, or whether or not anyone new had joined the isolated ranks. However, everything seemed to be the usual, as we finally reached the doors leading to the outside. An aggressive gust of wind blew past us as we opened the doors, but to avoid losing my breath, I turned to the stairwell door beside me leading down to the first floor. That's when I spotted a group of three kids sitting on the landing in between.

The one boy in the group wore a black exercise coat and had slicked back brown hair, and a smug grin on his face like he was better than everyone. Beside him was a girl that was probably no taller than five feet with short blonde hair and unusual makeup designs around her eyes. She was leaning up against the boy and had her arms wrapped around him as the two held each other close. Anyone with any basic common sense could come to the conclusion that these two were likely a couple, but at the end of the day, they weren't what caught my eye.

What caught my eye was sitting across from the overly romantic couple, the angel herself. Bailey.


This was the best time of the day, were Brett and I could just chill and not have to stress about classes. Only walking distances further than we probably should be and further then any student had ever gone before. We were all about pushing the limits in the small time frame we had since the further we got the freer it felt. However as we pushed the doors open, Brett stopped, clearly distracted by something beside us.

Looking in the direction at what he was, I was confused. He was staring down the staircase at a group of people that I had never met, and Brett and I pretty much shared the same friend group. It appeared to be a couple with another girl third wheeling. With that said couples in the school rarely interested me, having to be rather significant for me to care, but it was the girl with the long brown hair in the mustard yellow hoodie that seemed to capture Brett's attention, and I could understand why since she stood out a mile away in that colour.

However, he was struggling to look away from her, which were usually the first signs of a crush. This was bro time though, and I wasn't going to waste it watching my best friend stare at a girl. Pushing the door open to the outside world even further, I let more of a breeze hit Brett until I finally said something to him.

"Hey man, you coming or what?" I called out, and his body shook as he seemed to return to reality.

Shaking his head a bit, he finally looked at me and saw that I was already standing outside. He didn't say anything, and neither did I since I really didn't see a reason to address a mere crush unless otherwise provoked. Giving me a nod, we stepped across the threshold, as the sweet yet chilling embrace wrapped itself around us. Thankfully the blizzard had settled leaving only the white fluff of snow behind to cover the ground, and we'd be the first ones to christen the white powder as we left a trail behind us.

Only I could see just from the way Brett carried himself that he was still thinking about the girl. I had never known him to be the kind that chased after women like the jocks did, but maybe he knew something I didn't, and I was sure he would let me know sooner than later. That was just the way he was. Except it also concerned me, because I didn't know what that meant for our friendship. Is he going to push me to the side, to make room for someone else, or is this just a phase? I pondered as I led us through the fresh layer of snow. No matter what happened, I'd enjoy this time we had, as I braced for the inevitable fate that only Brett could bestow upon us. 

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