His Personal Assistant √

By imkhaleesi

405K 15K 587

Kandell Anderson can not keep her job with her past hunting her. She had just recently worked at a coffee sh... More

1//M A N S I O N
2//B R O K E
3//R U D E
4//B E L O N G
5//A S S
6//Y O U
7//U N E X P E C T E D
8//S H O P P I N G
9//D O N E
10//U N B E L I E V A B L E
11//V I E W
12//S I G H T S E E I N G
13//W E A V S
14//L O O K S
15//W E I R D
16//D I S T U R B A N C E S
17//L O V E
18//G E T - T O G E T H E R
19//F I R S T
20//K I S S E D
21//O F F I C I A L
23//: E P I L O G
Authors Note

22//H E A R T

13.8K 526 10
By imkhaleesi


Your father... what?" I had just told Axel that my father wanted to meet him, and now he was peacing around like a headless chicken. His too worried about my father not liking him but I told him, that my dad would love him, hopefully.

"What if-"

"Axel, no more what if's, okay" I get up from the bed and walk into the bathroom to take a shower, wash my hair, and dry of.

I get out the bathroom, only to find Axel gone. I quickly pull out something to wear. I find a nervy blue skirt with a flower pattern and a matching blue long sleeve tank top, with matching blue heels.

"You look absolutely stunning" I turn around to find Axel all dressed up. He was wearing a black jean matching it with a black shirt and shoes. His abs were very much visible under that shirt. The whole outfit made me what to pull him back to bed

"I love it, when you check me out" My blush quickly creeps up my cheeks coursing me to turn around, totally embarrassed by it. "Do not do that, I find it cute" and that is the problem. "How did you shower?" The look on his face was priceless, but I tried not to laugh, after all the question was very stupid. "This house has more than enough bathroom sweetie, so I used the one at the end of the hall" oh that makes sense "Come on, baby lest go meet your father shall we"

"Are you ready?" Axel shakes his head no, coursing me to walk out the car, we were outside of the restaurant were we have to meet my dad. "Wait I am coming" I was really going to leave him there, it really does not matter to me. It will be my dad coming to look for him, not me.

He finally catches up to me, as we walk into the restaurant. "Welcome, do you have a table?" Do we have a table? "Yes under A.Knight" the lady's who name read Gwen snapped her head up so first, am telling you something broke. "Mr.Knight, please come in" oh brother, will it be like this everywhere we will go? Girls throwing themselves at Axel completely ignoring me, his girlfriend.

"Do not worry about that, I have only eyes only for you" that actually made me feel better, but that does not mean I will not strangle that bitch if needed to. "Who said I was, you should be worried actually; not me"

We finally get to our table and order some drinks. After a few minutes pass, my dad came into my view as he was brought to our table by Gwen.

The thing or more to say person that cough my attention was not him, it was the women walking next to him, holding hands on top of that, interesting; very interesting. "Daddy, hey how are you" I jump in for a bear hug, which is very much welcomed. Dad and his guest settle down.

"Daddy, this is Axel my boyfriend" wow that was easier then I thought. I was expecting to choke on my air pie. "Nice to meet you Mr. Anderson, your daughter speaks of you very highly" since when? To be quite honest I am enjoying seeing him nervous like that. It shows me that his also human and has flows as well, and that is what I love about him. Oh my, I am in love with Axel Knight.

"Oh just call me Shawn" okay now it is time to know who this lady is. A few minutes pass and still nothing, I clear my throat in hopes that he will pick up the hint. "Oh, yes Kendall this is my girlfriend Julie, I mear her at the hospital.

We all talk and laugh for some time as we eat our lunch, that is when my brother come out of no way, really from thin air I tell you. "Hey everyone" the happy jumpy side of him bring the table even more talk. "So Axel what do you want with my daughter?" And there goes my choking.

"I actually want to marry her-" and freeze, everything around me frozen, the word 'marry' replaying in my mind. "-I am one hundred percent sure, she is my one" we both lock eyes as he spoke those haert touching words. That is the cutest thing ever.

"I am ready to marry her at any time, any day as long as it is her. That is want I went for my girlfriend and I" this was actually real, no games no playing. "Why so soon, is she pregnant" and way to go Chris you ruined it all. "No am not pregnant you idiot"

The rest of the lunch date with my family was a complete blur, my eyes were on Axel and no one else. My true love. What have you done to me Axel Knight

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