Fighting Attraction

Door secretsxoxo

4.7K 123 45

"We can't." He whispered, his breath fanning across my face, even as he wrapped his arms around me and hauled... Meer

Fighting Attraction

4.7K 123 45
Door secretsxoxo

Hey :) I hope you all read and enjoy this new book I've started!

Please VOTE COMMENT AND FAN! It means everything to me to have your support!

Thanks xx


“You look like you’re about to be sick.” My brother Evan informed me, looking at me from the driver’s seat of his car.

I shot him a quelling look before returning my gaze to the front building of White Falls Highschool.

He restrained a grin and he gave me a firm pat on the back “You’ll be great, I know you will.”

I rolled my eyes “Let’s just get in there okay?”

Following him as he slipped on his jacket and strolled across the student car park I could feel the curious eyes on us both. Evan, apparently, was completely unbothered by the attention as he fixed a confident grin on his face and with a purposeful stride walked straight through the double doors of the school.

Glancing back at me he approached the Reception desk and asked politely for our timetables, supplying the necessary information for us both. I examined the busy hallways that I could see through the glass doors, with clusters of students chattering away.

“You know you can come and find me right?” Evan whispered, looking at me for the first time with a sincerely worried expression.

I nodded, not trusting my voice and gave him the most convincing smile I could muster.

He handed me my schedule and nodded toward the glass doors “You want me to come find your locker with you?”

I hesitated and he seized the opportunity to guide me out and into the crowded corridors. With a brief glance at the sheet of paper in my hands he scanned the locker numbers before dragging me decidedly toward a particular one.

“I can take it from here.” I told him “Honestly, I’m fine. Why don’t you check out when the football tryouts are?”

He put a hand through his already messy brown hair and looked down at me “Sure?”


He shrugged, squeezed my arm and ambled back down the corridor as if he’d been in the school his whole life.


“Are you lost?”

I looked up from my schedule sheet and into the grey eyes of a girl.

“Yeah, would you happen to know where Mr.Nordstrom’s Spanish class is?”

She gave me a sympathetic smile “First day?”

I grinned “Is it totally obvious?”

She shook her head “It just that everyone knows everyone in White Falls, it’s a small town.”

“I’m Arielle.” I told her, sticking out my hand.

She took it “Kayla.” Then she pointed at the sheet in my hands “Mind if I take a look?”

I passed it to her, watching a smile blossom across her face. “What is it?”

She glanced up at me “We’re in mostly all the same classes.”

“I don’t suppose you’re offering to be my tour guide?” I teased, adjusting the strap of my bag on my shoulder.

“Being the gracious person that I am, I will.” She joked back, linking her arm through mine and propelling down the corridor.

It turned out the Mr.Nordstrom was pretty laid back, especially since I told him that it was my first day. The lessons, to which Kayla had accompanied me all day, flew past quickly. She’d even introduced me to her other friend Rianna who was also friendly, and for the first time that day I’d begun to relax.

By the time lunch rolled around Rianna, Kayla and I stood at our respective lockers emptying our schoolbags.

“Hungry?” Rianna asked, dumping some books into her locker and smiling.

“Very.” Kayla and I chorused, and then turned to grin at each other.

“It’s Tuesday you know.” She informed us sagely.

“What does that mean?” I interrupted.

“It means that its sushi.” Kayla informed me with a dreamy expression on her face, “It’s like heaven.”

Rianna rolled her eyes “Yes I’m sure heaven is filled with sushi!” and proceeded to drag us both into the canteen, muttering about having weird friends.

When we collapsed at a table outside in the quad, each armed with a tray brimming with food, I scanned the students around us.

“Looking for someone?” Rianna asked, lifting a brow.

“My brother.” I answered distractedly “Evan. He was supposed to be-“

Suddenly I felt a hand on my shoulder “Miss me?”

Swivelling around in my seat I saw Evan smilingly slightly, his grin widening as he saw that I’d already made friends.

I glanced over his shoulder and my voice caught in my throat.

The guy, standing just behind my brother, lifted a hand through his dishevelled dark hair and then his eyes met mine. He stopped in the movement, his brown eyes turning to liquid molten and stared right back at me.

My heartbeat accelerated, and a warm flush coursed through me. My eyes, as if of their own accord, journeyed down the tanned hollows of his cheeks, and his sharp masculine jaw to the wide shoulders, tapered waist and muscular legs showcased to perfection in black Levi’s.

“Ari?” Evan prompted, his eyes darting between the guy and me.

I tore my eyes away and asked in a voice that quivered slightly “Yes?”

Evan grimaced, shooting his friend a dark look before saying involuntarily “This is Aiden.”

The boy, whose eyes still hadn’t left mine, clenched his jaw before stretching out a hand.

I looked down at it for a stunned moment, before slipping my hand into his. The delicious friction of his hand against mine flooded through me and I looked  back up at him.

Almost as though the busy quad around us disappeared he tugged lightly on my hand and pulled me closer. I couldn’t help but fall against him, his hard chest colliding with mine and my nose almost touching his.

He tilted my chin up with a gentle finger. Our eyes met and in that moment I knew.

He was my mate.


So what did you think?  I hope you all enjoyed it!


Thank you! xx

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