Love at Last Breath

By OnlyAverage

62 6 5

"I'm sorry to inform you Miss. Spence, but you have been diagnosed with cancer." 17 year old Rebecca Spence i... More

Love at Last Breath

62 6 5
By OnlyAverage

I stared at the door nervously as it opened swiftly and Dr. Hanes walked in wearing light blue scrubs. He gave me a look full of pity as he took a seat infront of me. his eyebrows squinted together as he chose his next words carefully. he let out a small sigh and rested his hand on my knee reassuringly.

"I'm sorry to inform you Miss. Spence, but you have been diagnosed with cancer."

a small gasp escaped my lips as the bad news registered through my brain. He must be playing a sick joke. i stood up abrubtly,knocking over my chair in the process.

"No, Dr. Hanes, im sorry to inform you." I clenched my fists and continued. "But i don't find your sick humor amusing."

I started to walk out the door but i was stopped when Dr. Hanes grabbed the hem of my shirt. and pulled me back in the room.

"Rebecca i know this is much to take in but im not playing a joke on you. I'm being quite serious actually." he sat back down and motioned to the chair that i knocked over in my attempt to leave. "Please, sit back down."

i  gazed at him hesitantly for a second then sighed and picked up the chair taking a seat. He smiled slightly and started to explain.

"A few weeks ago we did a biopsy on your brain tumor and we found it to be cancerous. we would remove it, but im afraid we didnt catch it fast enough and it's too late to do anything. you start chemotherapy in 2 weeks." he let out a sigh and continued to speak. "But that's not the worst of it. Miss. Spence your so, so young and we'll do everything we can. It kills me inside seeing you go through this at such an early age and-" I raised my hand cutting him off. i didn't want to hear him ramble on about how i dont deserve this. I just wanted him to finish explaining.

"save it. just get on with the news." he gave me a meaningful look and rested his hand on my shoulder reassuringly.

"Miss. Spence, you only have a year to live." 

I looked at him and laughed. He couldn't be serious right? I only have a year to live? Please, I'm not that stupid. I stood up once more and left the room. Leaving Dr. Hanes behind. He called after me but i just kept walking. As soon as i exited the bulding the chilly wind nipped at my skin. I pulled my jacket tighter around me and walked to my car.

Tomorrow was the first day of school, and i wasn't going to let Dr. Hanes foolish ideas get to me.


So what do you guys think so far? I know it's kind of boring and short right now but i promise it will get better. I will probably be working on this story more than my other ones because i have this one more planned out. this story is dedicated to AngelFromAbove001 because she made me this awesome cover!

Remember to comment, vote, and fan(:

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