Is This What Love Feels Like?

By 1D_is_fabuLOUIS

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Five girls from all over the world and five guys from the UK One Summer (or more....) What will Avy do to get... More

Is This What Love Feels Like?
Who Am I?
Nothing Left To Lose
So Sick


287 11 10
By 1D_is_fabuLOUIS

CAMMY – England – side of road

My head was pounding. I had absolutely no idea where the hell I was and what day it was or anything.

I couldn’t open my eyes.

I couldn’t move.

Darkness swirled around me, I vaguely heard arguing.

The road underneath me. My eyes cracked open.

A blond haired boy was standing there beating up some guy.

I tried to call for help, but all I managed was some gurgling noises before I coughed up blood.

The person looked at me and the last thing I saw were two very blue eyes looking into my soul.

Black again.

AVY – HARRY’S POV – England/Australia

Why do they make airplane seats so uncomfortable?

Here I am on a flight from England to Australia. Why? Because I fricken love Australia and I wanted to get away for a few weeks.

If you saw me right now I would be squirming uncomfortably in my air plane seat while staring at my iPhone.

I was reading this very intriguing Fan Fiction on It was about this girl who was at the beach and was laying on a blanket in a cove when this guy (his name was Harry Styles A.K.A. me) walked in a fell on top of her accidently.

So far it was an amazing story. They had just met and were at the moment talking in the cove.

I really was fascinated by the person who wrote it too. She had no profile photo besides a photo of a strawberry. Her username was amazing too.


Jennifer – England – sneaking from school

I waited in the hallways until everyone was gone, then I sprinted to the door.

I made it there are ran out.


Now I just had to run to the nearest bus station so I could get them.


I heard them before I saw them.

Screaming girls. Everywhere.

CAROL – Ireland – walking on the road

I felt stupid.

Here I was wearing a short dress with high heels. I had taken off the heels and was walking barefoot.

I smelled coffee ahead I made a beeline for the coffee shop.

I still had money on me so I could get something.

I put my heels back on and stepped inside letting the aromas of the coffee engulf me completely.

Over riding my sense. Drive me nuts.

“One cappuccino with whipped cream and chocolate chips with chocolate drizzles please.”

I don’t care about how much fat there was in it. When I was younger with Niall … we ate everything.

I got my coffee and went to go sit in a booth. The coffee shop was practically empty.

The door opened again and in hurried some guy.

“One cappuccino with whipped cream and chocolate chips and chocolate drizzle.”

The waitress laughed and pointed to me, probably saying it’s the exact same thing that I ordered.

The guys eyes made contact with mine and it was like looking into each other.

He got his coffee and made his way over to me.

“May I sit here?” He asked.

I shrugged and sipped my coffee.

He sat down and his knee brushed mine sending tingles up and down my spine.

Sara – Zayn’s POV – side of the road

I was driving. Where? I don’t know. I just needed to clear my head.

The boys were all off in different places but for some reason I was drawn to America.

As I was driving I saw this car pulled to the side of the road talking to this girl.

The girl. Oh god, the girl. How do I describe her?

She was beautiful. But the thing that made my heart clench was that she was covered in blood.

Alone next to the woods. Barefoot.

I pulled my car to the side of the road and saw her collapse.

The couple who was in the car instantly got out and tried to help her.

I jumped out as well.

“What happened?” I asked

“We weren’t doing anything, just offering a ride, when she collapsed.”

“We need to get her to a hospital.”

I carried her to my car and set her in the back seat.

“You guys can follow me if you want to see that I’m not going to hurt her.”

They nodded and off we drove.


Song on the side - Blackout - Breathe Carolina

Hey everyone! sorry about the long wait for the upload :/

I have tons off stuff to do, Like writing my joint fan fic!!! Its amazing!

ANyway, sorry  (oops cant say that...) its short, the next one will be huge, I PROMISE!

Also Please comment, i read them all and i makes me happy when i get them.

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