By owjdnwbd

100K 1.6K 2.1K


CreepyPasta Brother Description
When Someone Hurts You
You Get A Boyfriend
When Your Boyfriend Makes Dinner For You
You Have Your Period
When You Have Your First Kiss
You Break Up With Your Boyfriend
When You Get Kidnapped
When You Need Them
Jason The Toymaker Follow Up
They Save You
You Have To Go To The Hospital

When You Get Mad At Them

8K 133 169
By owjdnwbd

Jeff & Liu

To say you were furious was an understatement. You were absolutely livid at your brothers.

After what they did to you... you didn't know if you'd ever be able to trust them again. You were their baby sister, they were meant to protect you from any harm.


You panted, out of breath as you and your older brothers ran from the police. Due to Sully's little slip-up, the cops were able to be informed of your whereabouts.

Now, you and your older brothers were running for your lives: jumping over the various of branches on the ground.

Then, you tripped.

While most would believe that you tripped over one of the many branches: you knew the truth. Just as you had caught up to Sully, he tripped you. He tripped you, just to save his and Jeff's asses.

The only words he said were, "good luck, bitch."

What kind of bullshit was that? Surely, this wasn't the only way? No. There were many other ways to avoid getting caught; he chose the one that would cause his sister to gain trust issues. Not only that, but you also began to doubt your self worth.

'Am I really only good as a sacrifice?'

Present time, you are now sitting in a cold, dirty jail cell. Waiting patiently to get out, you noticed a sleeping security officer. Another thing that had caught your eye was the pair of keys hanging on the wall beside your cell.

'What an idiot.' You thought as a smirk creeped up on your face, planning out your escape.

Then, you took action.

"Um... excuse me, sir?" You called out, just loud enough to wake the sleeping man.

"Huh? Oh, yes?" He said after shooting up from his spot on the chair.

"Do you think I could get a snack or something? I haven't had anything to eat since yesterday morning." You pouted while holding onto your stomach; on cue, your stomach grumbled.

The officer tried to contain his laughter as he nodded his head, "I'll see if I can get you something."

After you made sure he was no longer nearby, you reached as far as you could to grab ahold of the keys that sealed your freedom.

You stretched as you opened your cell door, however, you were now faced with another obstacle.

How would you get out of the building?

——Time Skip——

Here you sat on one of the 3 sofas located in your shared living room.

Many things were running through your head as you waited for your brothers to arrive. It had already been 2 hours.

As the time passed you began to give your brothers the benefit of the doubt. They loved you. Right?
Just as you were about to let them off the hook and head to your bedroom, Jeff and Liu walked through the door.

Suddenly, all the anger that had been tamed went loose upon seeing its prey.

"You fuckers! How could you do that to me?" You growled while looking up to see an expressionless Jeff and an apologetic Liu.

"What'd you expect, for us to not take any chance we got?" Jeff grumbled, his eyes narrowing once he saw a dagger held tightly in your grip.

"Any chance? You fucking sacrificed me to save your cowardly asses!" You shouted, paying no attention to Liu who profusely apologized.

"We're not your fucking babysitters anymore, (Y/n). You can take care of yourself." Jeff glared at you, before walking past you making sure to hit you with his shoulder in the process.

Just as he was about to head down the hall to his bedroom, he was interrupted by a dagger passing right by him, landing straight into the white wall. However, Jeff wasn't left untouched, you had thrown the dagger in a way to leave a cut on the side of his face.

This caused him to turn around and run towards you with his knife held high, "You fucking bitch!"

While you and Jeff fought, Liu watched from the sidelines, thinking of how to put an end to this.
Even though it was obvious that he wouldn't be able to do so, both you and Jeff were now grown adults, Liu no longer had authority over you guys.

"W... why'd you leave me?" You shouted in Jeff's face as he managed to slice your arm.

This sudden question left Jeff to be in a state of shock, "What?"

You noticed that he was now cut off guard and stabbed him in his abdomen, making sure to not stab him anywhere that would actually lead to his death.

In return, Jeff groaned in pain, "shit."

"Why'd you leave me?"

Betrayal and heartbreak was laced within your voice, your brothers could tell. Especially when there was tears streaming down your face.

Silence filled the room, which caused your disappointment to only grow.

Deciding to not put up with this any longer, you grabbed your coat and walked out of the house, all while holding on to your bleeding arm.

Jeff and Liu only watched as their baby sister walked out of the door with soft sobs passing her lips.

After a minute, Liu was about to speak; however, he was interrupted when Jeff walked to his room with no words.

That's when he realized, both of his siblings left him to clean up the bloody mess that was a result of their fight.

"Dammit, they always do this."


It had unfortunately, been one of Toby's bad days. Which are usually the days that you avoid him at all costs, in fear of what he may do.

Now, you're not saying that he will attack you at any point in time, you're saying that he will unless he already had a job to kill others.

He did not. Slender had not requested Toby's services for the past 3 days, and that got to him.

So now, here you are, sitting at the dining room table eating [food].

Just as you were about to take your last bite, the front door was slammed open, revealing Toby with his hoodie pulled over his eyes. You immediately knew what was about to happen and quickly set your dish in the sink before [speed]walking to your room.

However, just as you were about to reach for your doorknob, the wall right beside you was met with a hatchet, Toby's to be specific.

You held your breath as you heard footsteps grow near. Just as you heard Toby reach for the hatchet once again, you turned your doorknob and quickly shut the door, making sure to lock it, before running inside of your closet.

Your heart was beating rapidly, to the point that you felt as if it would explode. Tears began to well up in your eyes due to feeling overwhelmed with everything that was currently happening.

However, just as you were about to open the closet doors, you heard wood cracking. It was your door.

Toby was breaking down your door using his hatchet.

"G...get out h...here!"

"Leave me alone!! Please..." you shouted to your brother, your head covering your ears as you buried your head into your knees.

After a few minutes of waiting anxiously for your brother to open the closet doors, you realized that he was no longer trying to harm you.

"(Y/n)? I'm s...sorry. I...I don't know w...why I d..did that." You lifted your head upon hearing your brother apologize, taking notice of how he was sitting with his back to the closet doors.

That's when you exploded. How dare he apologize and think everything should be fine after he tried to kill you. You shouldn't have to worry about your life being taken from you every week.

"Get out." You mumbled.

"W...what?" You could see Toby's shocked expression by the tone in his voice.

"I said get the fuck out!"

Eyeless Jack

(Before you met Josh.)

It was always hard to get upset with your brother, since he always tried to be the best brother he could be.

However, sometimes he goes a little bit overboard.

"What the fuck did you do?" You whispered, standing in front of the medical table with wide eyes.

You felt your whole body shaking as Jack turned to 'look' at you. After he saw your state, he moved out of the way to reveal a chopped up body.

That's when you fell to your knees, tears pouring out of your eyes, but no sound leaving your mouth.

He was dead. Eli was dead.

Suddenly, a burst of anger overtook you. You grabbed any object you could find; which happened to be scissors, and charged at your brother.

"What the fuck did you do?!" You screamed into his face, the tears never stopping as you thought about all the good times you had with Eli. You had thought he was the one.

"How could you?" You spoke before sobs began to leave your mouth. Suddenly all the anger turned to despair as your grip on EJ loosened before you fell onto your knees once again.

Jack only watched as your heart broke, before he decided to slide down to the floor with you, hoping to comfort you by wrapping his arms around you.

But the exact opposite happened. You roughly pushed his arms away from you before wrapping your arms around yourself.

"Don't fucking touch me." You growled, shooting Jack a glare in the process.

Laughing Jack

Jack always tend to get a bit greedy, which you have came to accept and understand. However, when he takes one of your kills, that draws the line.

You had been watching over this 5-year-old boy for a while now, gaining his trust. Then, Jack comes out of nowhere and sliced the boy in the throat.

All while you watched.

"What the fuck..." You mumbled, as blood splattered all over you. Jack only laughed, which only added fuel to the fire.

"He was mine!" You pouted as you watched the boys body twitch before going completely limp.

"That too bad." Jack mocked you. After seeing your expression falter, he sighed, now feeling guilty.

You only glared at the lifeless body until you felt some arms wrap around your figure, and you didn't have to guess to figure it out.

"Get off me." You growled, before biting his arms, ripping the fabric.

"(Y/n)!" Jack shouted as he held his arm that was now leaking cotton.

Hearing how angry he was terrified you, so you made sure to escape as soon as you got out of his grasp. Well at least tried to.

Jack grabbed you by the neck and held you up, against the wall. Making sure to cut off your oxygen. You flailed about, trying to get his hand away from you.

"G... get off m... me..!" You wheezed, feeling your head pounding while your vision got blurry.

Once Jack saw your eyes begin to roll to the back of your head he let go, letting you fall into the floor.

You quickly gasped, trying to get as much air as possible, "f.. fuck you."

Ben Drowned

"God dammit!" You groaned, throwing the remote to the corner of the living room. Beside you was a laughing Ben.

"You lost again, (Y/n)!" He snorted as you only watched the red letter appear on your screen 'DEFEATED'.

"I'm not playing this shit anymore." You said before walking down the hall, but before you could reach the bathroom door, you heard Ben speak.

"Oh come on (n/n), don't be a sore loser." He mocked you, with a smug smirk presented on his face. He really knew how to push your buttons.

"Fuck off, Ben." You grunted before flipping him off. While you had hoped that doing that would make him stop, the exact opposite happened.

He began to tease you relentlessly, and due to your short temper, you blew up.

"Shut the **** up, you dumb*** *****!"


You admit that you may have overreacted, but you've had enough. After all, he was the only you had left, so when he began to ignore you, it hurt.

Masky[Tim] has always had it rough, and you knew that, but you had hoped that he trusted you enough to stop blocking you out whenever it got rough.

Why wouldn't he talk to you?

"Tim, please, let me help you," You begged while standing outside of his bedroom door. He had been in there for weeks, being alone started to get to you [as shown by the object thrown across your room].

"(Y/n)... just leave me alone."

That was the first time you heard him since he locked himself up, so it was no surprise when you began crying. However, what did shock him was when you started loudly sobbing as you fell to your knees.

"Why? Why don't you trust me?!" You banged your fist into the door, built up anger and sadness leaking out.

"Why won't you let me in?!!" You screamed, beginning to pull at your hair due to not knowing how to cope with your feelings.

You were never in control when it came to your emotions, leading to reckless and harmful ways of coping. Masky knew this.

You got up from the floor, still crying, and began walking towards your room. While walking, you made sure to push down every picture that hung on the walls, making the hallway full of glass.

But, even after all this noise, Masky never came out.

Slender Brothers

"I hate you guys!" You sobbed as you sat at the bottom of your brothers' feet, watching the bruised and bloody Lucas.

You had just walked in on Slender lashing Lucas with his tentacles, Offender asking about your and Lucas' sex like, Trender talking crap about Lucas's appearance, all while Splendor was using his manipulation to have Lucas feel joy while getting tortured.

You had immediately stopped the fighting once you realized that it really was in fact, Lucas.

Which leads to now, you sobbing as you picked up Lucas' head to rest on your lap.

"What the fuck did you guys do?" You shouted, before looking up at your four older brothers.

"If he dies, I'll murder all of you with my bare hands." You growled to them, making sure they got the memo.


There's no doubt that Hoodie was an overprotective brother, which is nice sometimes, the other times... you wish he'd just stop.

Like yesterday, you had noticed that a group of teenagers were hosting a small get-together, and you wanted to join in.

At first everyone just looked at you but overtime they began to welcome you with open arms. It felt as though you had known them for years: telling stories, jokes, and rumors. It was your perfect teenage dream.

The campfire would sparkle and crackle as the wood burnt, giving off heat to anyone who dared to sit close enough.

'This is nice.' You had though as you looked up at the midnight sky, allowing you to get a good view of the full moon. However, just as you were about to look back at your friends, you heard the terrifying screams.

You quickly looked to the side to reveal 5 lifeless bodies surrounding you.

"No... no... why!?" Your body shook as you looked up at your brother. He didn't respond to your cries, he only lended you his hand to help you stand up from the log.

You hesitantly took it while the tears never stopped, "why do you always do this to me?"

Hope you enjoyed!

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