Dawnflower's Sorrow

By ZombieCat115

331 6 4

When Dawnpaw's mentor, Blackfoot, is killed in a badger attack, she believes it's her fault because she "didn... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17

Chapter 6

18 1 0
By ZombieCat115

Dawnpaw woke up happier than ever. She smiled as she saw Tigerpaw was next to her. Nothing could tear them apart and she knew that. She licked his forehead and then padded out of the apprentices den. Everything seemed bright and happy out, compared to her usual gloomy surroundings and behavior. Today she was happy. She padded to the fresh kill pile and picked out a rabbit. She carried it to a sunny spot and ate.

Her mother padded over to her and Dawnpaw stood. "I don't want sympathy." She said as her mother was in earshot. "Ok, I won't. I'm just glad you're ok." She said with a smile and they nuzzled each other. "Congrats on Dovepaw." She said, eager to change the subject. Willowpelt smiled. "Thanks. I'll have to wake her soon. We explored the territory yesterday but we still have some to go over today." She said and Dawnpaw nodded. Tigerpaw padded out and shook out his pelt at the entrance to the den.

Dawnpaw looked over and was staring for too long. "What are you- oh." Her mother said as she turned her head and saw Tigerpaw stretching, his muscles rippling under his pelt. "I'll leave you alone." She said with a wink and a smirk. For once, Dawnpaw wasn't annoyed. She just smiled and knew that her ears were extra pink. He padded over and took a mouse for himself. He laid beside her they laughed and talked as they ate. Snowfur padded to them and sat down with a smile. "I need to borrow Tigerpaw for the day. I have something special for him to do today. Sorry Dawnpaw, but he can't train with you today." She said with a frown.

The fur on her neck rose and her eyes widened. "No, it's ok." She said with a forced smile as she tried not to slip up. Snowfur smiled and got to her paws. "When you're ready." She said with a smile and padded away. Once she was out of earshot, Tigerpaw spoke. "It's not ok, what's wrong?" He asked and Dawnpaw turned to him. "I don't want to be alone with Nightclaw. I... I just can't. I fear that she'll actually attack me when she's alone with me." Dawnpaw explained, suddenly losing her appetite replaced by anxiety.

"If you fear for your well being, you should talk to Leafstar before she gets up." Tigerpaw said. Dawnpaw nodded and out of the corner of her eye, she saw Nightclaw emerge from the warrior's den, her green eye filled with hate as they scanned the clearing. Her green orbs settled on what they were lookng for; Dawnpaw. She pracically smiled evilly and Dawnpaw picked up her pace to the leader's den.

After asking permission to enter, she hurried in and looked at the entrance. "Dawnpaw, what's wrong?" She asked, seeing her visibly shaken form. "I-I can't train with Nightclaw today. We're going to be alone and I-" Dawnpaw said but she was hyperventilating and she smelt Nightclaw's scent. The black cat padded in and Dawnpaw tensed and stoped breathing all together. Leafstar looked over and saw how tense her clanmate was. Leafstar got to her paws and put on a leader front. "Nightclaw. It is extremely rude to barge in on a private conversation, especially one between a leader." She said sternly as she swished her tail and gave a dominant growl to scare her away.

Nightclaw growled but walked out, her tail lashing angrily. "Dawnpaw, breathe." She said softly. Dawnpaw let out the breath she was holding and calmed. "I think I get what you're saying. Nightclaw can be a bit fierce. I didn't think of the consequences of assigning you to her, you just needed another mentor. I'll have you train with Brambleheart today, see how you like him instead." Leafstar said with a sweet smile and Dawnpaw smiled back. Both Leafstar and Dawnpaw padded out and Leafstar looked for the light brown tabby tom.

They padded over to him eating a rabbit. "Hello Leafstar, Dawnpaw. What's the interest with me today?" He teasingly asked with a laugh. Leafstar smiled and looked at Dawnpaw. "I would like you to train Dawnpaw today. She's been having issues with Nightclaw and I believe that this will be the answer. "Huh, it's unusual for another cat to train another's apprentice. But anything to get you away from Nightclaw. Me and my friends joke that she has ShadowClan blood in her and that's why her pelt is black." He said with a laugh and Dawnpaw nodded with a smile and even their leader was stifling a laugh.

"Thank you, Brackenheart." Leafstar said and she sat down. "I need to have a private chat with Brackenheart." Leafstar said with a smile and Dawnpw nodded and padded to Tigerpaw. "So I'm guessing that Brackenheart is your new mentor?" He asked as he got to his paws. Dawnpaw nodded. "But listen, I have to go. Snowfur is waiting. You'll be fine." He said with a smile as he licked her forehead. Dawnpaw nodded with a sigh as she watched him leave. She sat down and waited for Brackenheart.

In the meantime, Nightclaw found her again. "Ready to train?" She asked as a sly smile crept onto her lips. Dawnpaw's fur ruffled and she scrambled to face the black warrior. "I-I'm I-" She stuttered with fear and Nightclaw gave a disgusted look at her. "Spit it out." She spat as she got closer. "Leave her alone, Nightclaw." Brackenheart said as he backed her up. She knew she couldn't take him on by herself because he was such a big cat so she only hissed and stalked off. "I swear her father was of ShadowClan descent." He said with distaste as he padded to Dawnpaw.

"We should leave now before she comes back." He said and he led the way to the sandy hollow.


After awhile of training, Brackenheart suggested a break. Nightclaw never had her take breaks. "You don't talk much, do you? Well maybe not to new cats." He said and Dawnpaw looked at him. "Sorry. It's just that normally Tigerpaw is with me and I just feel comfortable around cats when he's with me." Dawnpaw explained. "Don't apologize, it's ok. I was just like you when I was younger." He said with a laugh and Dawnpw smiled. "I wasn't supposed to tell you this but Leafstar wanted me to be leniant on you after all that's happened but I didn't because how is any cat supposed to learn like that?" He said and Dawnpaw nodded. "Shall we continue?" He asked with a smile and Dawnpaw nodded and she got to her paws.


After training, they took their time getting back. It was sunset and Dawnpaw felt she made real progress than when she did with Nightclaw. "Thank you, Brackenheart." She said with a smile and he smiled back and dipped his head. "Anytime." He said with a smile and padded to the fresh kill pile. Leafstar padded up to Dawnpaw and she turned to look at her leader. "So what did you think?" She asked with a smile. "It was a lot better. I feel I actually got closer to being a warrior than I did with Nightclaw." She said with a smile. "That's good. He will be your mentor from now on, and I wil give an announcement later." She said with a smile and Dawnpaw nodded.

Tigerpaw still wasn't back and she started to worry and pace. Awhile later, it was dusk and he returned with Snowfur at his heels. He was carrying a mouthful of prey and so was Snowfur. Wow. She padded to him and he was ecstatic. "You worried me." She said as she licked his cheek. He smiled and sat down. "I get to be-" He started but Leafstar's yowel silenced what he was going to say. "All cats old enough to catch their own prey, gather beneath the Highrock."

They padded over and Tigerpaw smiled wide. "Tonight is a very special meeting. One of our apprentices is becoming a warrior tonight." She said and Dawnpaw looked at Tigerpaw with a wide smile. "Tigerpaw, please join me on the Highrock." She said and he exciedly got to his paws and jumped onto the boulders. "Tigerpaw, you have fought long and hard for this day. With the help of both Mistyheart and Snowfur, you have learned the ways of the warrior code. You will now be known as Tigerstorm. StarClan, take this young cat as a warrior of ThunderClan and light his path." Leafstar said and she turned to him. He licked her shoulder in respect and she smiled proud. "Tigerstorm must now sit vigil and guard the camp while we sleep, knowing we are safe." She said and the clan cheered. "Tigerstorm! Tigerstorm!"

"But this meeting is not over. Brackenheart will now be training Dawnpaw until she has received her warrior name." She said with a smile and they met up to touch noses. "That will be all." She said with a smile and they both jumped down and Tigerpaw- no, storm, got caught in a herd of congratulations before he could reach Dawnpaw. Once the cats cleared, he padded to her. There was an air that Dawnpaw couldn't place. She felt like a kit compared to him now. "Congratulations, Tigerstorm." She said with a smile. He smiled and flicked his tail to the clearing. She nodded but then remembered something. "How am I going to sleep? I'm going to have a nightmare without you." She said with a frown. He shook his head and licked her forehead comfortingly. It sent chills up her spine and she suppressed a shudder. She smiled and licked his cheek before padding to the apprentices den.

It felt empty without him. Her best friend was now gone and out of the den. She sighed and padded to his old moss bed and curled up. It smelt like his scent and she fell asleep quickly.

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