The New Manager (KnB fanfic...


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A year has passed since the winter cup, and Seirin Basketball Team is starting a new year, full of pain and s... Еще

Chapter 1: The New Year
Chapter 2: New Manager
Chapter 3: What The Hell?
Chapter 4: Double Trouble
Chapter 5: Boxed Lunch
Chapter 6: Old Friends
Chapter 7: The Inter-High
Chapter 8: Change
Chapter 9: Stay
Chapter 10: Surprises (Part I)
Chapter 11: Surprises (Part II)
Chapter 12: Unbelievable

Chapter 13: Study?!

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A/N: Wah!! I finally updated after being away for like 2 months! Yay! Sorry that I haven't been updating. You know... school, exams, stuff, do I even need to explain myself?

Anyway, Chapter 13, let's go!


Chapter 13: Study?!

It has been two weeks since the exchange students came, and life at Seirin seem much more lively and chaotic than usual, especially for the basketball team.

They've been practicing as hard as they can, all practicing together on basics, while spending their own individual school's practice separately.

They have all been trying to gather as much info on each and everyone's skills. It was what you call a win-win situation. And the managers of Touou and Seirin have been gathering as much intel as they could.

Ayari, was once again furiously typing at her computer, while not looking at the screen at all. Her eyes were fixated on the games and practices that were going on. On her computer, were notes on everything that was going through her head, each and every second of it.

She had pretty much gathered enough information to create a 25-page document on every single player, including their habits in a game, who they like passing to, what moves they use, their accuracy, their mistakes, and basically, everything they do in a game. With all the info, she could plot every single situation on what they were going to do.

But, this info is only on the Generation of Miracles. None of them were on Dakura's team. And even if she had enough info on the team members of Fukuradai, it still wouldn't be enough against Dakura.

Momoi on the other hand, was also collecting much data. Enough to be compared against Ayari, since she was the more experienced manager. She predicted the things that the players would do, and then tested them out during the practice games.

Besides, she already knew most of the Generation of Miracles things. Now, she only had to collect data on the new Kaijo members, since they only joined that year. The twins. They were strong, and totally in sync and can do crazy plays together. Almost as crazy as Kuroko and Kagami.

But, Momoi had also another goal on her mind as well in this one month. To win Tetsu-kun over.

Over the week, she's been trying to spend more time with Kuroko. Since she was in his class, she thought it would be easy. But even so, he seems to spend more time with Ayari after school, and she never saw him acting as happy around her as he was around Ayari.

Even though Momoi sees Ayari as her rival, she couldn't bring herself to hate Ayari.

Ayari was always perky and cheerful. She is really nice to all of them. She's quirky, and totally fun to hang around with. Even if Momoi wanted to hate Ayari, she couldn't.


Ayari pushed a trolley up to the table, and stopped it by the table where the whole basketball club was sitting.

"Aren't you boys going to help?" she asked, glaring at the people sitting at the table. Immediately, they all rushed to grab their boxed lunches from the trolley. There was enough for everyone. Ayari sighed. "Why am I doing this again?"

"Because this is your payment to us for letting you watch all our practice," Akashi answered, opening his boxed lunch.

"It's a very reasonable if you think about it," Aomine continued.

"It is a very good deal," Murasakibara followed.

"I guess, but don't you think it's a bit much for all of you to custom order your own lunches?!" she exclaimed. "I had to wake up at 4 in the morning just to get all of your lunches ready. Aomine wanted all meat – beef, pork, chicken, Kagami wanted everything, Akashi wanted eggs, vegetables, and only a little meat, Murasakibara wanted some sort of candy with rice, meatballs, and...."

Her little speech continued while everyone just continued eating. Well, except for one.

".... And finally those two twins want the exact same meal, with apparently the exact same portions. That was a pain," she sighed.

"Ayari-chan," Kuroko said.


"Where's my boxed lunch?" he asked.

"Oh right, here," she said, handing him a box. Momoi's throat tightened when she saw how eagerly he took it from her, well eagerly in his own way that is.

"Hey, how come you gave him his by yourself?" Reiko asked.

"And why is the box different from ours?" Daiko asked.

"Because, idiots, this guy is on a special menu, which was create by yours truly," she said proudly.

"How come he gets a special menu from Ayari-chan?" the twins asked each other.

"Because, they have a special connection," Takao answered, smirking. Ayari glared at him, while he continued eating. Momoi was once again trying to hold her frustration all in again.

"First off, no," she answered. "Second, have you seen what he ate in the past? No wonder he stopped growing like in middle school! Right? You did stop growing in middle school right? Anyway, Kuroko-senpai has been growing taller."

"Ayari, why are you so fixated on getting Tetsuya taller, when you yourself are the shortest among all of us here?" Akashi said, looking at his sister. Everyone looked at her. Her 155 cm self glared at him.

"What are you talking about Onii-chan? You should be eating more meat yourself. You not much better than Kuroko-senpai over here," she muttered.

"What was that?" he asked threateningly, clearing his throat as a warning.

"Nothing. Besides, does height really matter? Short people can do things too you know?" she huffed.

"She does have a point," Riko said.

"Oh right, Riko-san, Momoi-san, here," Ayari said, handing them box lunches too. "I know you guys didn't ask for any, but I couldn't leave you two out like that. Besides, I had extra ingredients." She smiled.

"Thanks Ayari-chan," Riko smiled.

"T-Thank you, Ayari-chan," Momoi said, a little surprised as she took it. Ayari thought of her?

"Eh? Ayari-chan, what about you?" Iwazaki asked.

"I'm fine," she said, taking a seat next to Kuroko and Kagami. "I ate this morning. Now, if you all would just..." she yawned, before lying her head on the table. "I'm going to sleep. Goodnight..."

"Huh?! You're sleeping now?!" Kagami asked.

"Shut up Baka!" Riko whispered. "She's tired from making all these lunches. At least let her get some sleep!"

Everyone continued eating as the red-headed girl fell asleep as soon as she closed her eyes.

Kuroko was looking at her. He knew that she had been staying up late at night studying, and analysing the data she had gotten during practice. And then, she had gotten up early to make the special lunches. He didn't like how she was doing all that by herself, and wouldn't even find some time to get some sleep.

But, he knew, somehow, that she bringing upon herself this much workload was for the team, and because she had been defeated by Dakura during the Inter-High. She wanted to do this, so she could win in the Winter-Cup.

This year, the Winter Cup was doing a change from previous years, because one of the founders had just passed away this year. So, they were allowing all teams from all schools to be able to participate, and in the finals, they have something huge planned.

He looked at her. He was worried.

Momoi was looking at Kuroko, and she didn't really like how he was looking at the sleeping girl. It pains her when he wouldn't look at her the way he does with Ayari. She knew she was losing him, but she wasn't planning on giving up.

Just then, something came to her, and she smiled. She has a plan.


Practice was over, and Momoi skipped over to Kuroko and the other Generation of Miracles.

"Tets-kun! Wanna come over and study with me for the mid-terms?" she asked.

Everyone fell silent at her words. Kuroko was about to answer her, when he was cut off by everyone else.

"Oh right, the mid-terms. Totally forgot about that," Aomine yawned.

"Eh? There were mid-terms here?" Murasakibara asked.

"I haven't studied anything yet!" Daiko and Reiko said in unison. Quite proudly.

"Aw man, mid-terms are here again," Takao groaned.

"Who cares? As long as you can shoot hoops, you don't need grades," Kagami said.

At that, Riko glared at him. "Baka! This time, grades do matter!" she yelled.

"Huh?" they all looked at her.

Akashi joined in. "I hope that you're aware that if you fail the mid-terms here at Seirin, you'll be attending this school for another month," he said to the transfer students.

"And if you're in the bottom 100, you'll have to take supplementary class all the way through summer vacation," Riko said, crossing her arms.

"B-But, that means," Kagami gaped.

"That's right Baka," Hyuuga answered for Riko. "You won't be able to go to training camp with us."

Worlds of everyone just cracked.

"Summer full of classes," Kagami and Seirin thought.

"Another month in this school," the exchange students thought.


"I'm doomed," Kagami said in realisation.

"EHHHHH?!? Midorimachii! Lend me that pencil!" Kise yelled.

"Us too!" Aomine and Takao followed.

"No way, nanodayo!"

The rest, smarter people, all sighed. They were all idiots.

Just then, Ayari came out of the locker room, yawning. Daiko and Reiko saw her, and ran over to her.

"Ayari-chan! Tutor us for mid-terms!" the two yelled.


Kagami came running next. "Ayari! Help me through mid-terms!"


The first years were all behind him. "Ayari-san! Please teach us!"


Next came Takao. "A-ya-ri-chan! Be a good friend and give me a cheat code through the mid-terms please?"


And finally, came Kise, with the Generation of Miracles behind him. "Ayarichii! You're smart right? Help me plot a plan to get the pencil from Midorimachii!"


"What the hell are all of you talking about?" she asked, looking at all of them. "Wait, never mind. I already know."

"So will you help us?" they all asked.

"No, I don't think so."

"Please! Help us!" they all cried out.

"Seriously though, why are you asking me? Okay, never mind that was an inane question," she muttered. "Where would we study?"

"We could study at Kagami-kun's place," Kuroko spoke up. "His place is big enough to fit all of us. Kagami-kun wouldn't mind, right?"

"Yeah, as long as you can help me get pass the mid-terms," Kagami said.

"I guess..."

Just then, Riko wacked Kagami in the head. "Are you looking down on us, that's why you're asking Ayari?!?" she yelled.

"Huh?! N-No..."

"You stuttered! You are looking down on us!" Riko fumed.

"Okay, okay, I'm fine as long as I pass," he said, putting up his hands to defend himself.

"Of course, we're going to help you all pass. Then, we can have a fair match during the Winter Cup," Hyuuga answered.

"Alright, Kagami's place. We're going to go through cram school in this one week before the mid-terms," Riko smirked. "Get ready for hell."

Momoi sighed inwardly as the events played out. There goes her plan for finding time with Tets-kun alone.


Momoi sighed. They were sitting in Kagami's place, all with books out. Hell was on the verge of breaking loose. Who would be surprised? They were all rivals, studying together in the same room. All cramped up, and the idiots were all about to go crazy.

It was a Friday, so they were all planning on burning the midnight oil at Kagami's, place since the mid-terms start on Monday.

And she was currently trying to help cram everything in Aomine's head. Kuroko was sitting beside Aomine, with Ayari.

The upperclassman and smarter people were all teaching the... um... less smarter people. Although Momoi pitied Daiko and Reiko, who both had gotten Akashi as their tutor, for every subject.

Kagami had all the third years to teach him, so did the first years of Seirin. Takao had Midorima, although he seemed to be having problems trying to get Midorima to actually teach him properly.

Kise and Murasakibara were being tutored by Himuro, who is surprisingly smart, unlike his 'brother' Kagami.

And as for Ayari? She was just there to help people who needed answers, while wearing her headphones. Apparently, to everyone else, she was not cut out to be a teacher...


"The answer to question is C. Even a baby knows that," Ayari said, pointing at the piece of paper. She was tutoring Daiko and Reiko at first with Akashi. But...

"You baka! That's an A! How can you not know that?!" she yelled.

She has absolutely no patience when she's tired.


So now, she was sitting next to Kuroko and Kagami, with her headphones on, looking at her notebook, which was filled with notes, which Kuroko was copying from.

"Satsuki? Satsuki!" Aomine yelled, causing everyone to look this way.

"H-Huh? Oh, sorry," she apologized. Everyone looked back to their stuff.

"Stop day dreaming! Help me out here!"

"Dai-chan, you're the one not paying attention here. That answer is a C. And besides, all the answers are in the passage. Did you even read it?" she sighed, before looking at Kuroko again, who was looking at Ayari's notebook.

Aomine, caught that look. He inwardly rolled his eyes. Why is she so fixated on Tetsu? It's not like he had ever showed an interest in her. Even in middle school.

Aomine didn't want to admit it, but every time he saw Momoi hugging Tetsu, or staring at him, he didn't like it. He probably should have known about these feelings since middle school, but then when Momoi suddenly fell in love with Kuroko, he guessed he didn't know what to do.

He was not very sure if Kuroko liked Ayari, but there was surely something there. His eyes wandered down Momoi, not for the first time though. He quickly averted his eyes back to the paper on the table.

He looked at Ayari who had her eyes closed. She was definitely cute, but not as big as Momoi. Her frame was small, not exciting at all, but she had an air of confidence around her. Her red hair only highlighted her personality.

But even so, Aomine would take Momoi any day. Now if only she would know that.

"Dai-chan! Pay attention!"

"I wanna die," he groaned, lying down on the floor.


"I want to sleep," he muttered.

Momoi huffed. "Wake up! Everyone else is stu-," she said, but stopped when she saw almost everyone with their head down.

The first years of Seirin and Kagami had fallen asleep. The third years were tired too. Daiko and Reiko were sleeping, with Akashi looking very annoyed, and very scary. Kise, Murasakibara had nodded off. Takao was already asleep, with Midorima's eyes drooping.

She looked back at Aomine, and saw that he was already snoring. The time was already 3 am in the morning. She gave a smile, before she yawned. Exhaustion washed over her, and she lied down as well. "I guess we should got to sleep," she muttered. And not long after, she too, fell asleep.


Kuroko was copying Ayari's detailed notes, trying to remember everything that she wrote for the exams. He never really bothered much about exams. He always tried to study enough to just pass, or get an average score.

But then, with Ayari, he didn't know why, but he wanted to get good grades. After all, Ayari had wanted to make him a top student. And seeing Ayari work so hard, made him want to work hard too.

By the time he finished copying the last sentence, he looked up to see that everyone has fallen asleep. He looked at the time, and saw 3:30 am.

Suddenly, he felt something hit him. He turned to see a certain red-head on his shoulder. Ayari had nodded off and was now resting her head on his shoulder.

He looked at her, before lifting her headphone off her head, and placing it down.

He didn't know what was happening. These feelings were something new to him, and he did not know what he should do. Though he had a hunch on what those feelings were, he wasn't sure.

Since they were sitting in front of the sofa, Kuroko moved them both to lean against it, careful not to wake her up, not that she would – she was a very heavy sleeper.

As he was about to doze off, he felt her move a little. She was muttering stuff again. He couldn't hear her at first. But then, he heard her say something. "Kurai Kishi..."

His heart stopped.

"Kurai..." she muttered again, before she fell quiet.

Did she remember? Will she remember tomorrow? He shook his head, inwardly laughing at how the whole thing sounded like a cliché plot from a book.

"Goodnight Hinoji-chan," he whispered, before his closed his eyes, and he too fell asleep.

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