The One I Love || Newt-TMR

By mad145

28.6K 929 404

It was all a mistake. Rosie was scheduled to be sent into Maze B, however something went wrong, and she was... More

Authors Note
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Thank you!
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Nearly there!!
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
A Celebration of Sorts
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Not an Update:
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71

Chapter 38

287 12 6
By mad145

Both Newt and Minho had now magically disappeared from the Glade; neither one being found for over two hours. They didn't even show up for dinner; leaving me to be nagged by Chuck for a half hour.
"Hi." Chuck chirped up, seeing me in the queue for dinner. With a white plate in his small chubby hands, Chuck cut in front of many hungry, tired boys, sending a chorus of complaints to roll through the line; Chuck seemed oblivious to the grumbles and insults flying his way.
"Hey." I responded back less enthusiastically. I adored the boy, but he couldn't seem to grasp the concept of alone time. After the long day of searching for Newt, and recently Minho, the last thing I wanted to do was listen to Chuck ramble on about meaningless klunk.
After a long pause, Chuck spoke up again, his wide innocent eyes burning through to my soul, melting away the previous coldness towards him.
"Could I please eat with you? You're my only friend." He added much quieter. A warmth spread through my heart as I looked down at the Greenie, his tight locks shading his sad eyes from my view.
With a gentle touch, I tilted his chin up to look at me, just as I had done to Newt; before I ruined everything.
"I would love to Greenie. My only friends have seemed to disappear anyway." I murmured, kneeling down at Chuck and shooting him a warm smile. His eyes actually got brighter, and his pudgy, pink cheeks creased his eyes almost closed with a wide, toothy grin.
"Awesome! I can't wait to tell you what I did today." Chuck enthused, however I wasn't really listening as my attention was pulled over to something across the Glade.
Shrouded in darkness, I saw a blur of familiar golden blonde hair being whipped behind the corner of the Homestead. I was about to walk over to inspect further and find out if it really was Newt, but I soon changed my mind.
He clearly doesn't want to see me anymore. I'll just make it easy on him and leave him be.
A sadness washed over me as the reality set in; I had lost my first and best friend, a boy so kind and caring. And I had to go and screw it all up because of my shuck feelings.
I was stupid to think I could ever have anything normal in my life. What an idiot I am.
"Umm, Rosie?" Chuck's high voice brought me back to the Glade.
"Hmm?" I mumbled, turning to look down at the little boy.
"Are you gonna get some food?" He asked, confusion written all over his innocent features.
I turned to see Frypan waiting a distance away, and expectant look on his face as the line of boys complained further.
"No, I just realised I'm not hungry. I'll meet you at that table." I muttered to Chuck, returning my untouched plate to the pile and sitting at Minho, Newt's and my table.
I let my hair fall in front of my face and hide from everyone as I held the tears in.
I have to get control over myself. I promised myself I wouldn't let anyone think I'm just a frail, weak little girl. I'm not going to cry over a boy.
With a quiet sniffle, I looked back up and tried to focus on my surroundings. My eyes scanned across the noisy Gladers, most faces falling into the 'don't know them' category. I hadn't realised just how much Newt was apart of my life until now, when I'd lost him.
I listened to the faint crackling of a torch behind me, trying to veer my thoughts elsewhere.
The strong smell of sweat and body odour had burnt my sense of smell raw to the point I could no longer distinguish it from fresh air. The crunch of the courtyard under someone's feet snatched my attention, and although I denied it, I had wished it so bad to be Newt.
My eyes fell upon Chuck waddling over, and a small wave of disappointment washed over me. Pushing my previous thoughts aside, I put on a fake smile as chimed into Chuck's conversation.
"So that Alby guy took me on a tour around the, uh." He paused, struggling to remember.
"Glade." I answered for Chuck.
"Yeah, that. He showed me all the places and the Keeper people, and even showed me each job!" Chuck gleamed, thrilled. His face lit up as he explained everything in detail, from the smell of rotting flesh in the Bloodhouse to the calloused hands of the Builders and Bricknicks. I faded in and out of the one sided conversation, nodding my head where necessary.
"So what did you and that Newt guy do?" Chuck asked, wriggling his eyebrows. A pang of guilt, pain and embarrassment flushed my face a beet red as I figured how to explain it to Chuck.
"I don't know what you're talking about." I finally answered, trying to keep an innocent facade.
"Yes you do! It can't be that bad, you're boyfriend and girlfriend anyways." Chuck stated nonchalantly, as if it were obvious.
"Huh? Chuck, Newt and I aren't- where did you get that idea?" I asked, shocked that the innocent looking boy knew if such things. Sure, it wasn't anything inappropriate, but I would have never expected Chuck to talk about it so casually. Heck, I can't even talk about dating without breaking out in a blush!
"Oh, you're not? It kinda looked like you guys were, the way you were looking at each other and talking." Chuck responded, sounding disappointed.
"You seem disappointed." I said with amusement. But deep down, my heart was aching just talking about a future with Newt when I knew there was none.
"I dunno. You two kinda seemed like the parents here." Chuck answered, a little a embarrassed as he looked down at his plate and picked at a piece of broccoli.
A small smile broke out across my lips as I imagined myself a parent, staring down at my beautiful child with love.
But then I looked around and realised its never happen in this lifetime.
"Rosie?" The smooth, deep voice punctured through my chest, sending a wave of fear and sadness to paralyse my body.
I managed to look up into his dark eyes that were yet again glazed over with his defensive barrier. The smile and humour from the previous question was drowned out by fear as I inhaled.
"Newt." I breathed, my voice and hands trembling with anxiety. I could feel Chuck's confused and anticipation filled stare flicker between Newt and I.
"Could we please talk? Alone?" He paused, looking down at Chuck who quickly pretended to be eating his dinner.
All I could manage was a nod as I rose from the table. Newt had already took off to a brisk walk before I could even catch up. I decided it was best to stay behind rather than walk side by side.
I could tell Newt was worried, or nervous; the way he continuously ran his hand through his hair and scratched the back of his neck. Meanwhile, I fiddled with my hands, trying to wipe away the sweat gathering up on my palms.
I silently followed Newt into the Deadheads, further and further until the trees around us grew so thick and close together that it became almost impossible to walk. But I knew this faint path better than anyone, well except Newt.
He was leading me to our meadow; our escape from the Glade, and our own little world.
My heart beat against my chests so hard that I felt the blood pulse through my head, my vision swaying slightly. I pushed myself to focus and calm down for another five minutes before I began to notice the trees thinning and spreading out more.
Newt's silence was torture as I continued to follow him into our little meadow. We finally broke through the fringe of trees, where the bright moon shone high above; an illumines glow that would seem enchanting and magical in a any other situation.
I almost ran into Newt's back when he suddenly stopped. I inhaled deeply, preparing myself for the unknown.
Ever so slowly, Newt turned around to face me, his face etched with anxiety and fear?
"I wanted to talk to you about earlier." Newt breathed through a loud sigh, clearly just as stressed as I.
Oh god, here it comes.
I looked up into his dark eyes, the moon making them appear sad but bright.
I remained silent, worried that I wouldn't be able to speak at all. All I could manage was to keep eye contact, just wishing Newt could get over with the dreadful conversation that he no longer wanted to be friends with me already.
I heard him mutter something along the lines of 'here goes nothin' under his breath through a loud sigh.
"Th-that wasn't how I planned for it to go." Newt's words sent an icy cold wave of shock through my body, freezing it in place rigid.
Still, all I could do was stare up into those wide, russet eyes with a storm of emotions sending a muck through my chest.
I tilted my head to the side, the only way I could communicate and tell Newt I was utterly confused.
The breath began to hitch in my throat as the silence dragged on, and I had to remind myself to breath
"Look, I've been meaning to tell you this for a while." He paused again, as if contemplating whether to go through with whatever he was gong to say.
A sudden burst of confidence sent life through my motionless body, and I managed to speak up.
"It's okay, you can tell me Newt." I soothed, barely audible as my hand reached down and held Newt's. He looked down at our entwined hands for a long time before finally looking back into my eyes. With a heavy sigh, Newt spoke up.
"I don't really know how this goes, but I'll give it a go." He gave me a weak attempt of a smile. I remembered that was the same line he said when he danced with me, the night magical and amazing.
My mind was a complete mess as everything happened. Confusion wrapped tightly around me as I tried to comprehend what the hell was going on.
I thought Newt was upset with me. Maybe he still is. Maybe he's just trying to tell me as nicely as possible that he doesn't like me. Doubt seeped through my mind as I continued to look into Newt's eyes. Although he was acting himself, too many emotions etched into his features for me to grasp what was going on.
"Rosie, will you be my girlfriend?" The words came out quick as Newt shut his eyes tight, as if expecting me to slap him or something.
At first, I didn't really understand what Newt had said. It took me a moment to realise that he had actually just asked me out.
Shuck! Freak, shuck. God, what?
My heart somehow sped up, and I couldn't help the overwhelming warmth surge through every inch of my body.
"Oh Newt!" Was all I could manage through my high. Newt remained frozen in place with eyes squeezed shut as I pulled him into a tight hug.
"I would love to." I barely managed to say through a giggle, an almost unbearable happiness making me feel like crying.
That's in fact what I did. A few stray tears of joy rolled down my cheeks as the flurry of emotions swirled around in my mind.
A moment after my answer, Newt burst to life as his long arms wrapped tightly around my waist, his heavy breath blowing my hair over my neck.
"You're not just saying that?" He asked, doubtful.
"What? No of course not! Newt, I like you; a lot." I admitted shyly. An indescribable feeling took hold and settled in my heart as I realised that Newt was mine and I was his. I could finally grasp small sense of normality in this crazy world we live in.
"Bloody hell, this is amazing!" Newt thrilled, his face bright with happiness. For the first time I had known Newt, he looked to be purely happy, his lips curled up so tight in a small that they turned pale.
Another strong wave of the indescribable feeling hit me as I realised I helped Newt feel like this.
"Finally! That was shucking beautiful!" Minho's voice echoed through the darkness, a slow clap soon following. In a brief moment, Minho stepped out into the light, wiping fake tears from his eyes.
Confused, I looked up at Newt for answers.
"Uh, Minho helped me out." Newt admitted, scratching the back of his neck.
"It's about shucking time!" Minho shouted as he slung a lazy arm around both Newt and I.
A sudden question that had been bugging me all afternoon popped into my mind.
"Wait, after we, uh, almost kissed, why did you disappear?" I asked, feeling my cheeks flush a beet red.
"Oh, well I didn't plan to do this until tomorrow, but after our almost kiss, it kinda messed everything up." Newt admitted again. His hand laced through mine as everything stayed silent, his touch familiar to me. It wasn't like any other time we had touched though. The way Newt held my hand in his was almost protective, and intimate, as if here were telling me how much I meant to him through his touch.
Memories of before the Maze crept to mind, and I remembered how Newt used to hold me; with such a firm, protective grip that made feel safe in his arms.
The faint cheering in the Glade signalled the beginning of Chuck's welcoming party.
"I suppose we should go and join them." Newt muttered, disappointed.
"Well I don't like to miss out on a good party, so I'll see you shanks later. Hey, don't try anything funny, ya hear me?" Minho called as he disappeared into the darkness of the Deadheads.
Newt and I looked at each other awkwardly, not knowing what to do or say. We both silently began to walk back to the Glade, enjoying each others presence and silence.
"This still feels like a dream." I finally broke the silence, gesturing to our entwined hands.
"I know. I have been freaking out all afternoon about this. I still can't believe you said yes."
"Why wouldn't I?" Newt only shrugged as we approached the huge bonfire, similar to the one at my party.
The lively atmosphere put me into a hyper mood as we joined the group of boys drinking that putrid golden drink. Boys ogled at Newt and I as we joined Minho sitting against a tree besides the fire.
I felt like Newt was showing off the fact that we were together to everyone, as if warning them to back off.
I couldn't lie, I liked how protective he had become over me. It wasn't so much as not letting me go off on my own, or talk to other boys (because then that would be impossible in this place), Newt was just letting everyone know not to try anything.
I sat in between Minho and Newt as he squeezed my hand.
"So, love birds, how does it feel to finally get together?" Minho asked as he handed Newt a jar filled with Gally's drink.
"And unreal." I added, smiling up at the boy I had grown to admire so much.

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