Commander Alpha

By koroy003

635K 10.3K 4.3K

Commander Alpha of Chaos's Army (PJO/HOO Fanfic) Highest Ranks: #1 in Percy Jackson; #1 in PJO Percy Jackson... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Author's Note

Chapter 20

18.3K 274 227
By koroy003

Beckendorf's POV

After Percy revealed himself to his friends, I didn't see much of him besides meals and training.  He spent every waking moment with them, and honestly, I couldn't blame him. 
     The kids I was training in the forge were taking a quick break.  We were watching Zoё and Emma brutally train the campers on the climbing wall.  Zoё was shooting the arrows with blunt arrows for them to dodge, taking better aim at the male campers, I noticed, and Emma was shouting.
    "C'MON!  I HAVE ONE LEG AND I COULD DO BETTER THAN THAT!" She screamed at a teenage camper who obviously wasn't trying.
    "Yeah?" The camper sneered, not liking being talked down to by a nine year old.  Emma grinned evilly.
    "I'll race you." she challenged.
    "You're on." the camper agreed.  Emma detached her leg.
    "Hold this." she told a stunned camper who was waiting for their turn on the wall.  Emma dropped the leg in their arms.  She hopped over to the wall.  "3, 2, 1, GO!"  The two raced up the wall.  Emma was aided in the fact that the lava didn't hurt her, so she just climbed through it.  By the time Emma was at the top of the wall, the camper was barely halfway.  I chuckled, and stood from where I'd been watching the scene unfold.
    "Alright, break's over, back to the forges." I told the Hephaestus campers, who groaned in response.  I rolled my eyes and headed back to the forges, the demigods following me but complaining nonetheless.
    "ALL CHAOS WARRIORS AND CABIN COUNSELORS TO THE MEETING ROOM IMMEDIATELY." Chiron boomed.  I looked up in sheer panic and locked gaze with Leo, the Hephaestus cabin counselor. 
"MASON, YOU'RE IN CHARGE!" I demanded and, along with Leo, raced to the big house.  When we entered the room, Chaos sat at the head of the ping-pong table, looking nervous.
"Chaos," I greeted.  "What's the matter?"  He gave me a look that told me to wait until everyone arrived.  I nodded and sat at the table.  In about a minute, everyone was present, their breathing slightly labored from racing to the Big House as fast as they could.  Once everyone sat down, Chaos started.
"Atlas, Gaea, Kronos, Nyx, and Tartarus are going to attack with their army in exactly a week."  This was met with everyone talking at once and pandemonium in general. 
"Everyone, quiet down!" Chiron demanded.  Everyone shut up. 
"I'm really sorry, but I've got a lot to do, so I have to go." Chaos said.  Chiron nodded in understanding.  Chaos teleported out, leaving a bunch of panicking immortal demigods in his wake.
"Now, we need to discuss strategy." Chiron continued.
"I say we attack Tartarus first.  If he's alive, then the monsters will regenerate the moment we kill them."  Percy strategized.  Annabeth stared at him in shock.
"Since when are you this good at planning?" She asked.  He shrugged.
"I guess I've always been good, but I never had to around you."  They spoke quietly enough that the other cabin counselors couldn't hear them and Percy's identity wouldn't be reviled.
'Awwww!' Silena mind messaged.  'So cute!' Percy blushed and I groaned at my girlfriend. 
"Alright, so the Warriors will go against Tartarus first.  Can the campers protect us until we're done?" I asked.  Piper nodded.
"I think so." She said.  We spent the next half hour coming up with strategies and comparing ideas.  By the end, we had a solid plan.  The Warriors would rush Tartarus as soon as they could and fight him as a team.  The campers would fight any surrounding monsters, and the immortal counselors and gods, who were coming down to fight with us, would keep the titans busy.  Then, the Warriors would fight the other titans, while the immortal counselors helped the campers with the monsters and the gods helped out wherever they were needed.  The Hephaestus cabin, under my lead, would divide into two.  One part would make weapons and armor, while the other half would make inventions to help keep back and kill the monsters.  I could tell that the campers were surprised that we wouldn't have the gods fight the titans, but I knew that all of the warriors were just as, and if not more powerful than any given god.
Just as we were about to leave, a nervous looking Rachel Dare flew into the room.  Wisps of dark green mist surrounded her.
"Felt... prophecy coming... came here fast as could." She sounded out of breath.  Her eyes suddenly turned dark, almost black green and smoke of the same shade billowed from her mouth.

"The seven, minus the one who was betrayed,

Shall face the one for whom to fight they were made;

The one who was Kronos's puppet turned bane,   

Will have to repeat his service again;

The one who thinks his burden has been relieved,

Will be stopped by the one he conceived;

The fire blessed one must win no matter the cost,

For if she loses against Night, then all will be lost;

One will fight their foe on an unfair terrain;

And when tempted by the enemy, they must refrain."

With those cryptic words, Rachel collapsed.  Chiron caught her and placed her in a chair. 
"Odd." He muttered.
"What?" Bianca asked.
"The smoke, it was a much darker color that it is normally." He explained.  I heard a noise from Emma.  Her eyes were wide in terror, her face pale.
'You figured out the prophecy, didn't you?' I mind messaged her.  She nodded.
"The prophecy, aside from the first two lines, is for us, the Warriors, not you guys." Chiron looked ready to object, but Emma continued.  "Besides the seven, all of the descriptions are matched perfectly by someone in our group.  Just trust me, okay?" She pleaded.  Chiron nodded, although it was obvious he was still unsure.  "Inform the campers of the prophecy.  Meanwhile, the Warriors need to have a meeting."

• • •

"So, you deciphered the prophecy, right?" Castor asked.
"Most of it, yeah, but you guys aren't going to like it."  She sighed.  "Okay, so the first line: 'The seven, minute the one who was betrayed, shall face the one for whom to fight they were made.' That means that the seven, minus Percy, are fighting Gaea." Percy didn't look happy about his friends fighting Gaea without him, but he didn't say anything.  "Next line: 'The one who was Kronos's puppet turned bane, will have to repeat his service again.' That means that Luke, you're fighting Kronos." Luke looked grim at the news.  "The third line: 'The one who thinks his burden has been relieved, shall be stopped by the one he conceived'.  I'm not sure-"
"It's me." Zoë looked nervous.  "I have to fight Atlas.  He conceived me and his burden of the sky has been briefly removed.  It has to be me." She looked around, as if daring one of us to object.  When no one did, she turned back to Emma.  "Contine."
"Next up is my personal favorite line," Emma said sarcastically.  "'The fire blessed one must win no matter the cost, for if she loses against Night then all will be lost'.  That means that I'm fighting Nyx and have to win, no matter what, or else... or else, I don't know.  However, I do know that I do not like the sound of that.  The last line is the one that really concerns me: 'One will fight his foe on an unfair terrain, and when tempted by the enemy, he must refrain'. There's no indication to the person's identity.  Also, it says they will fight on an unfair terrain."  Silena shrugged.
"Hey, for all we know, it could be unfair to the other side." She suggested, trying to remain upbeat.  
"With our luck and the fates' passion for torturing me, that won't be the case." Percy scoffed.  I frowned.
"We should talk to Chiron about the last line.  It could be about a camper" I recommend, receiving a chorus of approvals.
"Also, I was thinking, Zoë, Luke, Percy, and I should reveal ourselves to Chiron.  He doesn't seem to trust us fully yet, and we can't have our side divided.  We're already at enough of a disadvantage."  Percy and Luke traded stares, probably having a mental talk about the proposal.
"Okay," Percy decided.  "I trust Chiron.  But first, let's get Chaos to briefly change our voices back, and we can tell him the prophecy."  Percy pushed back the sleeve of his cloak to reveal a simple bracelet he was wearing around his left wrist.  It had a button in the front that alerted Chaos that we needed him wherever we were.  I had just created and distributed them to the group a few days ago.  Their invention was inspired by the whole Percy-blowing-off-Emma's-leg thing.  Percy pressed the button, and a few seconds later, Chaos appeared.
"You rang?"
"Yeah, two things actually.  First, can you change Percy, Zoë, Emma, and I's voices back to normal for a half hour so we can reveal ourselves to Chiron?" Luke asked.  Chaos snapped his fingers.
"Done.  And the second thing?" Emma told Chaos the prophecy and explained the meanings that we'd come up with so far.  Chaos laughed, turning to Percy.  "Man, you're a prophecy magnet I tell you."
"I mean, I'm not specifically mentioned in this one, so that's an improvement." Percy laughed back, sounding like himself again.
"Thanks, Chaos." Emma said, hinting that he should leave.  Chaos picked up on this.
"Yeah, nice to visit and all, but I have important things to attend to.  Creator of the universe stuff, y'know?"
"Like beating your highscore on Flappy Bird?" Percy asked like it was some kind of inside joke between them.
"Maybe." Chaos teleported away before we could make fun of him.
"Flappy Bird, really?" Silena exclaimed.  "That came out, what, 2013?" I shrugged.
"I mean, he is older than the universe itself, so time must feel a little different to him." I suggested.  
Castor sighed. "But Flappy Bird?  Really?"

Sorry for being late!  I was having formatting issues on my phone and didn't have access to my computer...

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