Richie Lee Jones- Wanna Try?

By SuperWhoAreYou

14.1K 109 141

~A sequel to Sail Away- Nathan Sykes~. When I, Richie Lee Jones, was enlisted to Nottingham to help a mate s... More

Richie Lee Jones- Wanna Try?
Chapter 1: Finding Jayne Collins
Chapter 2:
Chapter 3: Slap
Chapter 4: Interesting...
Chapter 5:
Chapter 6:
Chapter 7: Richie and Tommy Sitting in a Tree...
Chapter 8: A Kiss with a Fist
Chapter 9: Don't Leave Me
Chapter 10: I'm a Dad
Chapter 11: Rumour Has It with a Sad Twist
Chapter 12: Sammy Boy
Chapter 13: Just short of a professional
Chapter 15: Chasing
Chapter 16: Boots and Dingo
Chapter 17: The Company of Killers
Chapter 18: The Call of Awakening
Chapter 19: Sammy Don't!
Chapter 20: Go
Chapter 21: The Escape

Chapter 14: Falcon do not Engage Contact

558 4 8
By SuperWhoAreYou


~Richie’s POV~


Tom and I came to a stop outside our door and he shoved the key into the door and picked me up bridal style before walking in. I laughed and he kicked the door before kissing me,

“You. Know. I,” he started in between the kisses he was planted all over my neck and cheeks. “Really. Like. It. When. You get. Angry,” he paused and kissed my lips hard, “It’s really sexy,” he continued and lifted his eyebrows. I laughed and pulled away from him.

“Well then,” I say and head towards the bathroom, “Let me just freshen up,” I continued and closed the door on him. I heard him turn on some music as I brushed my teeth to get the taste of Taco out. It went a little louder before it sounded like he fell over. I chuckled to myself and spat out the toothpaste, rinsed and opened the door.

Before I could think my world went black as someone pressed something over my eyes and stuffed something in my open mouth. I went to fight but felt a sting across my back as the floorboards reached out and stabbed a jolt of pain through my legs. My head spun and I felt my breathing grew fainter. Everything was suddenly getting colder and I could feel my body spasm and shake, convulsions making a creamy fluid come up my throat, but the cloth was stopping it from getting out. The music pounded thunderously in my ears, cold gloves touched my face. Everything was cold. So cold.



My feet fell back down on the ground and I took a deep breath before I felt his warm fingers brush across my cheek sending them aflame with a velvet red. I bit down on my bottom lip and felt the blindfold slip away from my face.

I bit down on my bottom lip and felt the blindfold slip away from my face. God what happens in two years? God what changes in two years?

I opened my eyes slowly and beheld the fine feature of Sam. He’d grown and filled out. His broad shoulders holding a strength not just physically, but like he wore a crown, like what he’d done in those two years had changed him. His smile still stayed there though, a slightly crooked grin that went wide over his dusty tanned face. His shaggy brown hair tussled messily over his eyes, his misty green eyes.

“Wow,” I say aloud and smile to hide the blush on my face. “Looks like you’ll be picking up the girls at school,” I comment to lighten the mood I’d realised was a tad too silent for my taste. I felt kind of self-conscious as he stood there looking down at me and smiling all the same. He chuckled and I cracked a bigger smile as well.

“You can speak, who’s your latest boyfriend?” he joked and walked over to where a willow tree hung down onto a glass water pond. I’d only just realised where we were and it took my breath away. Lilly flowers rested on the still water and the golden light made the beautiful deep green and reflected water a shade brighter and as I stepped after Sam I could feel the warmth of the sun on my back. “I’m not going back to school,” he said and I frowned.

“What do you mean?” I ask.

“I’m working… for people,” he said bitting down on his bottom lip and tried to avoid my eye contact.

“Oh. That’s okay, I thought you were working for crazed robot invasion,” I reply sarcastically and he chuckled. “Seriously Sammy, who are you working for?” I ask, not used to his quiet secretes.

“I can’t really say, I’m not supposed to,” he said taking a seat on a log.

“Yeah, but it’s me your talking to Sam. Come on,” I say and sit next to him. He looked over to me and opened his mouth to speak. He stopped himself though and shook his head,

“No. I’m sorry,”

“Sammy!” I whine and take hold of his hand and shake it, “Come on! It’s been hell enough without you for two years! You turn up out of the blue and now you can’t tell me what’s going on with you!”

“I wish I could, I really do,” he said bitting on his bottom lip. God he’s sexy. Wait. What? I Think and turn away quickly. He must have taken it the wrong way because he instantly wrapped his arms around me and drew me back to him. “Richie don’t be like that!”

“You didn’t answer any of my calls,” I say stubbornly and set my jaw in a straight line. “You promised to never do that,”

“It was for your protection,” he stated and pushed away a lock of my hair. He straightened himself up and shifted awkwardly.

“So you do dangerous stuff,” I comment. “I’ll have to start one of those walls with the wool,” I say and he frowned, “You know the ones where the people are trying to figure out who killed who and they string up the connections. I just got my first clue,” I say pretending to be like a spy. He laughed and pulled me into a big bear hug. I’d missed his warm hugs, I always felt so safe with him around even when he was a skinny ten year old.

“So I do believe it’s a Sunday,” he said.

“Yeah what about it?” I ask.

“You can’t cut tradition!” he exclaimed like I’d proclaimed murder. A smirk came onto his face and he pulled out a $20 note, “I’m buying the Pizza.”

“I’ll choose a DVD,” I continued.


~Tom’s POV~


I put on some music and turned to look at the bathroom door. I thought about just walking right in there and kissing her, telling her not to bother at all… but then I realised my breath smelt like Chilli and alcohol. I turned to search for a mint or some gum when I felt something cold against the back of my neck.

“Richie you…” I paused when I felt a red hot pain spread across my back.

“Be quiet or we’ll kill her,” a deep voice said in sync with the loudening music.

“Sam if you fucking hurt her I’ll…” I stopped when I heard someone laughing and suddenly a hand struck down hard in the soft between my neck in shoulder. I fell to my knees searing with anger now. “You don’t even think about fucking touching her or I’ll make your life a living fucking hell!” I say coldly.

“Shut up,” he said and I felt a gloved hand enclose around my neck. I struck out, connecting my elbow with his nose and turning as I did. Before I could get my footing though a fist connected with my nose and a crack split the air as it broke. I stumbled back and hit my head on the way down. A gun went to the bridge between my eyes and the safety lock clicked off. He’s not wearing a mask, I realise feeling a thick turn of dread come into my chest. He’s either stupid or doesn’t expect anyone going to tell…

The man pulled out a rod from a belt and pushed it against my stomach. A hot white pain tore my stomach apart with a thunderous attack, making me want to curl up and die. He pulled the rod away and in my silent scream he shoved a piece of cloth as a gag.

I relaxed, everything feeling like I was paralysed. My head fell limply to the side as I watched Richie grow pale with a man crouching next to her, a black gloved hand trailing across her face as she shook with a blindfold over her eyes.

Something spurred in me. The need to save her, the need overpowering everything but the paraplegic state I was in. Not even my fingers would twitch now. Nothing, the pain still burning a hole in my stomach, but not as large as the hole in my chest, filling quicker than a sinking ship, full of dread.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~

~Sam’s POV~

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~

“No I’m telling you they’re here now!” I shout into the phone.

“I repeat Falcon do not engage contact,” the automatic voice drilled.

“Fuck you!” I say and throw the phone into the toilet. They’d already picked up my location, what would it matter if it only leads them to the shit hole. I grabbed my larger rucksack and put the silencer on my handgun. I need to save her, it’s always been for her.

I burst through the door and took the fourth one on my right, not pausing for effect or a breath. That shit killed people. I pushed the door open, Nearly professionals always leave the door open, too cocky to care.

The first man I took without a breath of hesitation. The muffled PING hit the air and the grunt of his body falling limp. Headshot, I register as I took cover at the now upturn table. Two loud gunshots broke the air and I waited for him to reload. When I did I sprung up to fire as hand connected with my wrist, slamming it against the table and removed the gun from my hands. He lifted his right hand to shot my chest, but I pushed it aside and brought my hand up pushing the palm of my hand into his nose. He stayed still for a moment, the gun falling limply from his fingers as blood came out of the left corner of his mouth. The nose connecting with the brain and cutting a major link to the heart, I recall.

A muffled cry occurred from the ground and I lifted my head to see Richie and Tom lying on the floor. I quickly picked up my gun and shot the man in the head to be sure before locking the door and barricading it with the table. Then I went to Richie. I have to save her, it’s always been her.

“Raenne, Raenne,” I say and pull the cloth from her mouth. She rolled over limply and a creamy, yellow and white liquid came from her mouth. She coughed twice bringing up more of the fluid with a small stain of red blood.

“Help Tom,” she whispered hoarsely I nodded but paused when her hand weakly lifted again. “And turn off that god awful music,” she continued.

I laughed. Despite it all, I was just glad to have her close again. The music died with a silent gunfire and a sizzle of complaint and then it was Tom’s turn.


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