Almost Less Than Perfect- JaL...

By witchyheart

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Almost Less Than Perfect- JaLec FanFiction
Chord 6-10
Chord 11-15
Chord 16-20
Chord 21-24
Chord 31-34
Chapter 35-41

Chord 25-30

232 8 3
By witchyheart

Ch0rd 25


That's what I've been telling myself during dinner for Ate Mayi was kept 0n staring at me and my nerves were all shaking,I even dr0pped my sp0on twice.

"aaaggghhh that d0g was bad news and he's giving me t0othache"

G0od it's still 8 I can sneak out to Myrtle,I run outside and head towards the opp0site h0use,the gate was open so I rushed into her r0om after 3 kn0cks an avenger sh0ws up.

"HULK?babae ka na pala"

Myrtle r0lled her eyes and m0ti0ned me to get in,I sp0t the purple st0ol and sat at it.

"it's mud pack fren,beauty 101, so what did y0u do?"

I heaved a deep sigh and l0ok at the wind0w.

"I signed in Theater"


Ei! d0ve c0mmercial lang?

"but why?and what if Ate Mayi find ab0ut it?"

She then started to pace back and f0rth.

F-E-A-R was spelled out 0n her face.

"I signed cause I have f0und what my passi0n was, then I th0ught I've c0vered it by also signing in the LEAF,but this dog I mean new guy saw me at the audit0rium and he it like nuclear b0mb in fr0nt of Ate Mayi, and during dinner Ate kept her gaze 0n me"

She sat again thanks, she st0p walking for I was turning to be dizzy.

"dog?new guy?"

"great I haven't t0ld y0u the scene that will be the first Trending Topic,bukas I'll tell y0u everything at lunch"

She then smiled as if a light bulb popped out.

"why d0n't y0u befriend him,I have this feeling he's g0odl0oking then ask him to keep it a secret"

yeah his go0dl0oking he was s0mewhat have s0me resemblance with Robi pero Robi pa rin ako.

"easy to say but N0,he's fr0m n0rth and I'm at s0uth and we can't meet at the Equator it's too h0t there, we might explode"

I massage my temple I'm really getting stressed,I wished he w0uldn't pick the pieces together and use it against me, I still need m0re time in order to face them.

"tell y0u Jai,3 ch0ices be his friend,signed out or get y0urself into"

I sh0ok my head as I finished her statement.


Ch0rd 26


That's what happened to me as I w0rried 0n n0thing,this m0rning Ate Mayi return to her old self again after dr0pping us at scho0l I went to the Info L0bby to check s0me news.

N0w I only have one pr0blem to deal with and it was the.


I'm n0w at the e-news portal of The LEAF and as expected the Dog was named as the newes popular student at N0rth Hill Academy.

"I think he bel0ngs to my team"

I lo0k up at this tall guy who st0od beside me.

"Kit the basketball captain,y0u're right he bel0ng to y0ur gr0up,what was it again?,yeah The Pack of Dogs"

I then left him stunned and when to my class,n0thing unusual happened up till the third class,the dog must have played dead or he must be making a diab0lical plan against me but why?,ah never mind.

It was n0w lunch and I'm with Myrtle discussing the details of the scene yesterday.

"I went to the c0unter to checked our flight since dalawa nga lang kami cause Dad and m0m board an early flight si Ate naman ei mahuhuli,so I left my suitcase to Joj yun pala umalis rin, to buy s0me fr0yo and when she heard our flight she run while pullin our suitcase and hit the dog then sumabit pala sa suitcase ko yung bracelet"

I st0p talking and to0k a bite of my ham and egg sandwich.

"but why did y0u w0re it?"

I to0k s0mething fr0m my bag p0cket.

"Joj t0ld me she b0ught a bracelet for me and put it in my suitcase akala ko yun kaya sinu0t ko yun pala ito yung bigay niya"

I raised a purple string bracelet.

"so when he saw y0u he pressumed y0u're Joj and harassed y0u"

I sh0w her my arm with purple tint.

"yeah he was gripping my arm when Ate Mayi came and threw him like a piece of chess"

"hahaha well he deserved it,teka y0u haven't menti0ned this guys name but a mere Dog"

I clean my mess and st0od up.

"ALEC,yeah that's his name"

"Jai water please I'm ch0king"

I handed it to her.

"why? do y0u kn0w him?"

"I only n0t kn0w him,I lived him he's my?"

I held my bo0ks and dr0pped it when she said.

"y0u're what Myrtle?"

"my C0USIN"

Ch0rd 27

"she's friends with Turtle?h0w c0me?she l0oks and act n0rmal.

After foll0wing her fr0m the audit0rium I ended up here few tables fr0m them,c0ntemplating if I sh0uld walk to her and ask apologize and if I did it w0uld be the first time.

"well there's always a first time"

I st0od and was ab0ut to walk when s0me0ne blocked my way.

"Ryan? Is it really y0u?"

"yap Alec,it's me in the flesh"

I can't believe it he's here,we hugged and as we parted we then sat.

"but h0w?when did y0u arrive?"

"I b0arded a plane then jump here using a parachute"

He then gave me a l0opsided smirk.

"whatever,bro I'm happy to see y0u again"

"ok seri0usly I c0nvinced M0m that I'll finished my study earlier here,but I have to stay at Kuya Jay he was the 0ne who enr0lled me here"

Kuya Jay his c0usin I didn't knew he also graduated here.

"and h0w did y0u find me here?"

"easy dude,y0u're already popular here"

Grabe! pala ang impact ng kagwapuhan ko me fans club .

"natural gwapo ako"

"no d0ubt ab0ut it,but that's n0t the reas0n"

Hindi ang kagwapuhan ako then what?

"I passed by the e-news portal and saw y0ur ph0to with a capti0n "HIT BY MAYI"

"wait,there were 0nly few who witnessed it and it was a petty one so why they w0uld make it a big deal"

"because acc0rding to the article she's one of the m0st respected alumni"

I w0nder where was that e-news located so I can check it later,I then n0ticed everyb0dy left.

"crap Ry,it's 1:30 talk to y0u later"

I didn't hear his resp0nse as I grabbed my bag and run.

I was half an h0ur late for Physics, I to0k a deep breath before entering.

"g0od aftern0on I'm Alec, I'm s0rry I got l0st 0n my way here"

The Grey haired w0man l0ok at me fr0m head to toe that I answered with a smirk.

"it's okay you're new here,just take y0ur seat"

I went to the last table and sat d0wn.

"in0rder for y0u to be familiar within the academy I suggest Jai to be y0ur T0ur guide"

W0w is this for real? Then the girl that smells like oranges st0od.

"okay Ma'am"

But when she turned she m0uthed.


Ch0rd 28


Ano sya turista ei mas mukha siyang karatista.

If 0nly I c0uld say no to Ms. Paty but I d0n't have a ch0ice.

I remained pissed until the last class.

"I will spare half an h0ur for y0u, so y0u better listen"

My ph0ne then vibrate fr0m my pocket.

"Jai,y0ur twin inf0rmed she'll have practice,wait for her"

"okay Ate, I have a new student to assist,see y0u at dinner"

Ms. Paty ended the class,every0ne started to leave the r0om. I turn ar0und and handed him my tablet.

"here take this and stand up,I have a l0t of better things to do"

"can't y0u just smile for 0nce"

I held my backpack and walked to the d0or.

"I was assigned to be a Tour Guide and n0t a Cl0wn"

He then st0od up and walked behind me.

"where do we start?"

I felt like he's smelling my hair so I turned ar0und.

"can y0u please walk beside me?"

"why? I'm fine trailing behind y0u,and what's with the tablet?"

Since it's 0bvi0us he's stubborn I grabbed his arm and held him beside me.

"we'll start at the Arts building"

"sh0ot lead the way"

He flashed a devil grin and l0ok d0wn,I also l0ok d0wn that's when I realized I was still h0lding him,I immediately let go.

"easy I d0n't have skin infecti0n"

I raised my left br0w and hit him with.

"but y0u have rabies"

We ended the 20 minutes campus t0ur here at Info l0bby,I b0rr0wed the tablet and open it.

"this Tablet has a virtual map of the N0rth Hill,y0u can see what's inside of each r0om"

He then started to br0wse the map.

"so every student has this applicati0n 0n their Tablet?"

I n0d as I st0od up and walked to the Wide screen.

"I ch0ose this place as the last part of the T0ur"

I pressed the switch 0n.


"simply because this is where the N0rth Hill LEAF e-news portal was l0cated"

He became speechless when he saw his ph0to.

"y0u were currently the trending t0pic,and must I say the ph0to was great"

He then clenched his teeth,which was quite amusing.

"was every0ne have an access to post an article"

I clicked the article.

"n0pe,0nly the members of Leaf were all0wed"

Ch0rd 29

"so y0u're into the Leaf and n0t in Theater but why do y0u have to go here to check the news?"

She switched of the screen and put b0th her hands 0n her hips.

"we're y0u f0ll0wing me?"

"of c0urse n0t why sh0uld I?"

I do f0ll0w her but n0t entirely ar0und so I denied it.

"I just recently signed yesterday maybe Roy haven't link my acc0unt,by the way it is imp0rtant to be in a club,for unkn0wn reas0ns it is a big deal here"

She then waved at s0me0ne "T0m,Roy over here"

Two guys walked t0wards us.

"Jai what were y0u d0ing here?

"obvi0usly she's giving a t0ur to the new guy"

I lo0k at the three of them they were seem to be cl0se.

"yap I'm assisting him to get familiar by the way Alec this is Roy president of the Leaf and this 0ne's T0m fr0m Theater"

Sabay niya it0ng inakbayan ang dalawa which irritates me for unkn0wn reas0n.


They said in unis0n as they sh0ok my hands.

"d0n't be surprised y0u're the talk of the t0wn"

T0m was a smaller 0ne but a great l0oking guy,KARIBAL? Wait why am I thinking that?.

"have y0u signed into any club,if y0u want y0u can j0in the Leaf?"

That was Roy we're of the same height and he l0oks inteligent,this 0ne was just a friend no need to worry.

"Roy y0u said the team was c0mplete?"

"yesterday we are,but Mike resigned so we d0n't have a ph0tographer and I f0und out he's into ph0tography"

She then opp0sed, I w0nder why she d0esn't want me to j0in.

"thank y0u Roy I accept it"

"okay punta ka sa Leaf bukas and I'll register y0u"

No fam0us painter can paint her reacti0n as she kept 0n shaking her head.

"and Jai I just link y0ur acc0unt a while ago,y0u'll be able to use it afer an h0ur let's go T0m"

She remained quiet as she st0od with her lips pout. CUTE

"and Jai I've sent y0u an e-mail,let's talk ab0ut it when y0u're d0ne reading"

All of a sudden her face brighten up and she smiled.

"Tara T0m I have a new article to write"

"and what's that Dude?"

They were few feet away fr0m us,as he sh0uted.

"The N0rth Hill Academy's newest L0VE TEAM"


Ch0rd 30

"so that's it,I think you'll find y0ur way with0ut getting lost?"

I grabbed my tablet fr0m his hands.

"so do I have to expect 0ur ph0to there with what Roy said?"

I slid my tablet into my bagpack and checked my ph0ne.

"so Joj was still at the gym,and oh ab0ut that thing y0u d0n't have to w0rry"

I c0mbed my hair using my hands it still smells go0d yet s0mewhat sticky.

"but he said he'll write an article ab0ut us"

I blew my bangs,up till n0w he d0esn't get who we are here in this Academy.

"he w0n't and I can bet 0n that,simply because he d0esn't have the guts to go against us

I then heard s0me0ne yelling.


Ryan? He also study here?,DOG then l0oked at me seri0usly,SELOS LANG VAKET?

"bro, I've been waiting for y0u for half an h0ur,and Joj I saw y0u at the gym kanina but y0u didn't n0ticed me"

Oh I forg0t! I intr0duced my self as Joj,n0w was the chance to ir0n things out.

"she's n0t Joj Ryan,and s0rry to keep y0u waiting bro"

I smile and to0k his hand.

"I'm Jai twin sister of Joj,and welc0me to the academy"

He sh0ok my hand but s0me0ne tap 0ver it.

"en0ugh of the intr0ducti0n let's go dude"

"was he really y0ur friend Ryan?"

Dog then lo0ked at me and pr0udly said.

"yap I'm his bestfriend,just like Turtle to y0u,y0ur stupid bestfriend?"

"aagghh d0n't y0u call Myrtle like that, y0u SNO0PY"

I want to cut his brainless head,I w0n't let anyb0dy insult Myrtle.

"why did I hit a nerve?"

"no! You were getting into my nerves and Ryan y0u better drag this pet of y0urs before he became the trending t0pic again"

Ryan then pulled him and before they turn to walk he said.

"I'm sorr Jai,he's just kidding I'll just make it up to y0u bukas,if y0u d0n't mind I want to invite y0u and y0ur twin over lunch?"

Ryan seems really interested to Joj,bet they were a match.

"sure, see y0u then"

"thanks Jai"

I also then left and went to the Gym

"Joj guess what?he also study here,y0ur-"

She was drinking when I saw her.

"who study here?my what?"

She burst the water as she heard what I said.


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