By alibrarising

294K 9.2K 11.5K

A girl who's new to town and a guy who's been blind for years. What would happen when he gets his vision back... More

Final Chapter
its me again 🤓


8.1K 325 581
By alibrarising

I'm still at the hospital but taking therapy. The doctor saud i need emotional and mental therapy since I've been having depression lately. My friends take turns on who is staying with me. I always tell them that its fine for them to go home. But they wouldn't approve.

I sat there on the horpital bed, looking through the window. I recall the memories that i had with my mom and dad. When we weren't that rich yet. Dad wanted what's best for his family. He wanted to give us everything that's why he's always at work. He let mom spend time with her friends. He wanted her to enjoy everything even if it means spending the money. Whenever dad has a day off, they both meet up and fly around the globe. They wanted me to come with them but refused. I rather stay at home with my friends than spend money flying around the globe.

"(Y/N)?" i heard someone call. I turned my head to where it was and it was Yumi. In her uniform. Oh, i forgot she works here. I quickly wiped my tears away and did my best fake smile to her.

"Are you okay?" she asked in her fake, worried voice. I know. I can see it. She walked closer to me but i stopped her.

"Drop the act. What do you want?" i asked. She sighed and looked at me again.

"Im not acting. But fine. Levi wanted me to check on you. After all, you're friends." she said checking the flowers. I looked at the window again, watching the other patients with their friends and families.

"Well, since you seemed fine, i got to tell you something." she said leaning on the table. She stared at me while i keep looking at the window.

"Forget about him, he didn't like you or love you. Stop being so emotional and let go. You look pathetic..
Thats what Levi wanted me to tell you too by the way."she said then she left. I felt tears flow down my cheeks.

He never liked me? I knew that. That's why he's with you. And not me.. You didn't have to rub it in my face. I thought. I wiped my tears away still stunned at what she said. Well then so much for a happy life. I stood up, took the IV fluid off my hand and went inside the bathroom. I took my phone and dialled Tico's number.

"Get me out of here" i said once he picked up. I heard a car and then it drove away. I'm guessing he's coming here now.

Eren's POV

Something isn't right. Something isn't totally right. I can feel it in my gut. I was laying on my bed, staring at my ceiling. Finding out that both (y/n)'s parents are gone now broke my heart. They were like my mom and dad. They've been so generous and kind to us and i still can't believe it. We later found that when Tico called us. All of us. We were devastated but then we thought about what (y/n) is feeling right now. I know she's miserable. She wouldn't even eat.

But right now. I know that something is wrong. I stood up and went to Armin's room. He's on his study table, reading a book.

"Armin? Is it weird that i feel like something is wrong? I asked. He looked at meand thought for a moment.

"Who's looking after (y/n) today?" he asked. I shrugged my shoulders and then Mikasa and Sasha came. My eyes went wide when i saw them together. Armin saw my reaction and he peeked from his room.

"WHO'S WATCHING AFTER (Y/N)?" he shouted. Mikasa and Sasha's eyes went wide when realization hit them. We hurriedly went down the stairs and ran to the car. Mikasa drove away quickly and we all hoped that she's alright.

Please (y/n). Dont do something stupid.


We reached to the hospital and hurriedly went to her assigned room. Mikasa is faster than us so she went ahead. We were all so anxious and worried. We all came at her room, Mikasa was inside already but then went out and ran towards the fire exit. I'm so confused because she went out of the room not saying what happened. But then Armin went inside and i followed him. We found no (y/n) inside. Her IV fluid is still there and the bed wasn't made yet. She's gone. But what caught my eyes is that a paper, crumpled on her bed.

"I'm sorry. If you saw this, i wont be coming back. Its for the best. I want you all to keep the house. Don't tell anyone that im gone. Even him. Please, dont find me. Don't look for me."

Was all it said. So she ran away. She ran away from her problems. Typical her.

Mikasa's POV

This is all his fault. If he just didn't made her fall for him, this wouldn't happen. He's a fucking prick. Im sure his bitch did something since she worked here. I'm gonna fucking kill her.

I walked out to the Receptionist. She looked at me frightened by my look. I don't have a fucking time for this. I want my sister back. We're not related by blood or some shit. Her parents treated us like were their own. And i would do everything to protect her.

"Call Yumi Dean" i demanded. She pushed the intercom and stated Yumi's name. I leaned on the wall just beside the receptionist and moments later, i saw the bitch hurriedly walking here. She fixed her hair and she smiled. Well she thought Levi asked for her. No bitch i did. Your hair will be a mess soon. She came beside the reception area and asked if who called for her. That's when i got off the wall. I quickly walked to her, my eyes beginning to get dark and my phase started to go fast. She turned to my direction and that's when i slapped her, hard across her cheek. I slapped her other cheek and she fell on the ground. She sat up, touching her bruising cheeks. She looked up at me, her eyes welling up with tears.

"What did you do to her?" i asked lowly. My head hung low. Everyone is staring. I didn't care. All i want to do is make her speak. Tell me what she did.

"SPEAK YOU BITCH! WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU DO TO HER?!!" i shouted this time. She whimpered at my outburst. She didnt speak still so i grabbed her arm and pulled her outside to the car. I pushed her inside and i went to the driver's side. I drove off to Levi's place.

"You don't want to talk? I'll make you talk." i said staring at her devilishly. I locked the cars door and she started to struggling to open them.

We now reached Levi's house. Oh this is gonna be fun.

Hey guys! Im going to add some characters to this the next chapters so stay tuned. Oh and thank you for the views! It would be lovely if you vote and comment too. But not mean ones.
Next chapter will be uploaded later.


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