Run for your life

By redaudaz

319 9 0

A ruby redfort book for those who want a new one but not a soppy one More

A boy named Clancy
More Tea?
No clue

Dinner of donuts

76 1 0
By redaudaz

BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP. Ruby stretched out a lazy arm to hit the snooze button. It had been a long night and the research from yesterday was still scattered across the bedroom floor. Spectrum had a break out in the high security prison and put Ruby on the task or making the prison secured. As usual she missed the clock completely, falling out of bed onto the ever expanding mess, which seemed to have arranged themselves so that you couldn't see the floor anymore. She reached for her glasses, gone "God damn it Ruby why'd you have to be so forgetful" instead she reached for her contacts. Ruby hated them she always had and always will.
Bug came bounding into the room, he hadn't seen her all day yesterday as she had locked herself in while she was working. Behind Bug stood a cheerful Hitch he had made fruit bars which mainly consisted of prunes. " get me a shake will ya hitch"
"Sorry Rube we all out of everything Sabina gave it all to the homeless dogs charity"
"If she don't stop giving away all our stuff WE'RE gunna be homeless!"
"Anyway" said Hitch "How's the work going?"
"Terrible, I can't even find WHERE he escaped"
"Well he can't have just disappeared" said Hitch, regretting he had landed himself in this conversation. "Look it's early days have a bar, pretend their brownies" Ruby looked at him, how dumb could this guy be.
Hitch left the room but Bug still stood there, giving Ruby his best puppy dog eyes. Coms on then Bug. And they set of into the early morning sun.

Disappeared though Ruby, maybe he could of just disappeared I mean we've had sea monsters, magic wolves even invisibility cloaks maybe he can just disappear. After all Count Von Viscount had always been cunning and had always thought outside the box. This was leading nowhere. She whistled to Bug who was further down the road. She needed Clancy. Ruby walked over to the big tree in the middle of the green she climbed to the top and took out and origami Crain, "very original Mr Crew" she unfolded it and read the message " Oveb zg rt 12, lbwslm qqeub."Ruby scribbled on the paper and hopped down from the tree and checked her watch.

They met Clancy at the double dinner.
"What's up buster"
"Nothing much just bored, dad wants me to do another shoot but you know how it is, I really hate it" Clancy slid Ruby's shake across the table
"Aw that's sounds like a bummer" she said sucking the banana shake out of the straw.
Mr Crew was an ambassador and always had people coming in to take photos of him and his family.
"So how's the work coming on"  whispered Clancy
"Come back to mine we dunno who could be listening" they looked around suspiciously and left the dinner.

When Ruby got back she saw that Hitch had been out and bought the entire contents of the fridge again.
"That's some butler" said Brant. Ruby and Clancy climbed the stairs to Ruby's room. Clancy didn't mind the mess, He was used to it.
"So Rube, what do you think happened"
"To be honest with ya Clance, I have no idea" 
"Maybe he disappeared like in that episode of crazy cops where..."  Clancy was yapping on about crazy cops again, he loved the show. Him Ruby and Mrs Digby. Ruby decided not to tell Clancy she had thought about this, instead she said
"Don't be a bozo Clancy, people don't just disappear" Clancy looked hurt but got over it quickly." Well maybe we just need to look at the security tapes"
"Already have, it's too dark down their to see anything"
"Oh, what about witnesses" 
"already asked, nobody saw a thing"
"Who escaped, Ruby" he looked scared, he was trembling. you could see little boy Clancy looking out of his big brown eyes.
"The count" whispered Ruby and she watched all colour drain from her best friends face.

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