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By escapades

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Copyright © 2014 Morgan Evans Self Publishing ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. What happens when an abundantly problemat... More

Chapter 1. Meeting in the Girls Bathroom
Chapter 2. Creepy Strangers
Chapter 3. Game Night
Chapter 4. Ninja Skills
Chapter 5. Birthday Blues
Chapter 6. Stuck Inside with Two Killers
Chapter 7. The Big Fight
Chapter 8. Locker Dilemma
Chapter 9. This is Inexplicably Wrong
Chapter 10. The Warning Letter
Chapter 11. Library Commotion
Chapter 12. Safe House
Chapter 14. We All Have Our Secrets
Chapter 15. The Breakdown
Chapter 16. Under the Stars
Chapter 17. The Revenge is Just Beginning
Chapter 18. Learning from the Best
Chapter 19. First-Aid Skills
Chapter 20. Time For A Little Talk
Chapter 21. I Dare You
Chapter 22. Unexpected Hero
Chapter 23. The Great Escape
Chapter 24. Rooftop Showdown
Chapter 25. The Raggedy Old Truck
Chapter 26. Leaving Town
Chapter 27. Losing His Game
Chapter 28. Greatest Loss - PART ONE
Chapter 29. Greatest Loss - PART TWO
Chapter 30. Emotionless
Chapter 31. Revealing the Truth
authors note : must read :
Chapter 32. Jinxing It
Chapter 33. The Set Up
Chapter 34. One Last Time
Chapter 35. Together
Cole's P.O.V- Chapter 24/25. The Raggedy Old Truck

Chapter 13. Master Disaster

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By escapades

Chapter 13. Master Disaster

I awake to the sound of birds chirping and the suns rays of light shining on me while the soft wind thrashes gently on my skin. I blink my tired eyes open and see an open window letting the cool breeze inside my room. I sit up with a yawn and look around me curiously.

I'm upstairs in the guest room where I was originally at, meaning Cole probably carried me up here.

My stomach flutters for some unknown reason, but I try my best to ignore it.

I get out of bed and limp down the stairs, still not fully recovered from my flesh wound, and enter the living room. The safe house is still brand new to me but I've come to terms where everything is placed and is located.

"... handle it before Dad hears he is back." Ryder's voice whispers darkly.

"I said I would, so stop pestering me." Cole retorts back.

I limp into the dining area to see Jackson, Ryder and Cole having a deadly stare down.

They clearly notice my presence and turn their attention to me.

"I didn't hear anything!" I blurt out.

"We have to get to school." Jackson murmurs and shuffles past me.

"School? Are you out of your mind, Jacks-"

"We need to stay low, right? What better way than to go to a crowded place?" Jackson interrupts Cole.

"It sounds like a pretty freakin' terrible idea-"

"Ryder?" Cole questions his brother for some moral support.

Ryder sighs and pinches the bridge of his nose. After a moment of silence, he drops his hand from his face and grabs and throws Jackson the car keys.

Jackson grins while Cole rolls his eyes and murmurs incoherent words.

Because I am wearing Cole's shirt and joggers, I decided to wash my bloody jeans and cut some more holes in them, to make it appear as though that's how they are supposed to look like. I took a shower, got my clean clothes from the washing machine in the cabin, and then left with the Woods brothers.

Once we arrive at school, I hop out of Jackson's yellow Camaro and limp inside the building, hobbling past every other student and making it to my locker. I shift my weight to stand on my good leg with my arms holding onto a pair of crutches that Ryder lent me since he once broke his ankle. I unlock my locker, about to grab my supplies until someone latches onto my wrist and turns me around.

"Ryder told me to look after you while he heads to his other classes, so it looks like I'm on the school day shift." Cole says.

"We all decided that I would not be having people looking after me-"

"Well, today that rule is nonexistent." He interjects.

I yank my arm out of his grasp and scowl as angrily as I can, refusing to be pampered like some weak child, because I am perfectly fine on my own.

I slam my locker once I get my supplies for outdoor living and head down the hallway confidently.

"Class is actually this way," Cole stifles a laugh from behind me.

I bite down on my cheek, feeling utterly embarrassed. My face heats up as I turn around and march in the other direction with a slight hop in my step since I cannot walk very fast on these crutches.


"And that is the term for-"

Lilly raises her hand from her seat in front of me and Mrs. Cuba stops mid-sentence to answer her question.

"Yes, Lilly?"

"On a completely unrelated note, just out of curiosity, is there any update on the Junior and Senior field trip?" She asks politely.

"Oh! I'm glad you brought that up. I actually meant to hand these out yesterday, but I misplaced them and then luckily found them this morning." Mrs. Cuba says and grabs a stack of papers from a drawer in her mahogany desk.

"Take one and pass it back." She instructs.

Lilly hands the stack of papers to me and grab one for myself then pass it back to the girl behind who's name is Emily, I believe.

Amusement Park Field Trip- Juniors & Seniors:

Hello parents and students of West Wood High, the principal and school council have decided on preparing a trip for the Juniors and Seniors to head to the amusement park, "Planet Zero" which is known for it's thrilling roller coasters and rides. We would like for your child to attend and participate for a daily grade. The concept of this is to learn more about friction, kinetic and potential energy and compressed air. We would love to have your student join us all on this fun experience.

Date: May 23, 2014. Thursday,12:30-3:45 PM.

Call the school office or make sure you tell a teacher that you're attending, the deadline is on Wednesday.


~The President Of School Council

I swallow the enormous lump in my throat at the dreadful words. Especially the most atrocious word, roller coaster.


After Ryder hesitantly agreed with me that I am fine on my own and that I can go home, I end up on my front porch after school, waving goodbye to Jackson, Ryder and Cole, but only Ryder waves back. I huff out a breath and once their car skids away into the night, I unlock my cousins front door with my spare key.

I yawn and throw my bag down onto the floor of the house. I had to wear my clothes from yesterday, but thankfully I got to wash the blood off of them at the safe house before I had to wear them. I trudge up the stairs and into the guest room I have been staying in and change into some comfortable clothing.

Once I'm in joggers and my old soccer sweatshirt, I head down stairs with the permission slip in my hand. I walk into Dad's room after I knock twice.

There, my father sits at the end of his bed with his head in his hands.

"Dad?" I ask quietly.

He looks up from his head, revealing his bloodshot eyes and tussled hair.

"Yeah, Eleanor?" He asks, sitting up a little straighter.

"Are you okay?" I question him skeptically.

"Don't worry about me," He says with a small smile.

A bruise is still noticeable on his jawline from when Dylan punched him that one night when dad told us he is dating someone, but it isn't as bad as it was.

"Did you need something?" He asks.

I grab the slip from my pocket and hand it to him shakily.

"I don't really want to go, so I was hoping you could mark off the box that says I can't attend the-"

"Of course you're going!" He intervenes, signing the paper in the yes column.

"Wait, what?" I face-palm.

This is even more dreadful because the field trip is in two days and it will take more than two days to convince Dad to let me stay home.

"It's a perfect opportunity to branch out and mingle with other people instead of those three kids you're always with. Kelly, Layla and Collin."

"What? Dad, it's Kenzie, Lilly and Connor." I say with a frown.

"Right." He shrugs.

"You seriously can't even remember their names? I mean, yes, other parents get mixed up too, but I've known Connor since I was in what-- second grade? How could you honestly think his name is Collin? Do you even listen to me or pay attention?" I fume.

"I do pay attention, I just-"

"Forget it." I sigh and snatch the signed slip from his grasp.


Thursday comes around quicker than expected, and before I know it, I am sadly sitting in the back of a smelly bus next to Connor and Kenzie. Lilly couldn't make it because she was doing other things today and the Woods brothers are coming in their own cars. Apparently none of them wanted to come and Ryder just forced them both because I "need protection." Cole wasn't hesitant on telling me that I practically took away their free school day off, making me feel extremely guilty.

"Aren't you afraid of roller coasters, Eleanor?" Kenzie asks.

"Yes." I mutter glumly.

"Then why are you coming?" She chuckles.

"Because my dad is forcing me to come because apparently I can "meet more peers."" I scoff.

"It's alright, Elmo. I'll hold your hand if it will make you feel better." Connor gives me a toothy grin.

I swat his hands away from messing up my hair and roll my eyes at the nickname, knowing he knows I hate the pet name my younger cousin came up with at the age of four.

"I really have to go to the bathroom," Kenzie cringes, crossing her legs.

"Just go when we get off the bus." I suggest when the bus pulls into the amusement park.

The big yellow bus screeches to a stop as we park in a big parking space. Everyone stands up from their seats and shuffles their way off the vehicle. Kenzie scampers past everybody and runs off the bus, sprinting her way to the restrooms on the other side of the parking lot.

Connor and I are the last ones to get off and right when we do, a yellow Camaro, a dark blue Mustang, and a black Range Rover pull up in the spaces next to the bus.

Jackson gets out of the Camaro, Cole out of the Mustang, and Ryder out of the Range Rover.

I mentally shout profanities at them as they show off their expensive sports cars. Honestly, they could have all came in one car.

Jackson wears khaki shorts, a striped blue tank top, a snap-back and sunglasses. Ryder wears board shorts, aviator sunglasses, black flip flops, and a T-shirt that says, "Hang Loose."

And Cole wears black Ray-Bans, a Hollister tank top, grey shorts, and black vans.

"Why is your face red?" Connor suddenly asks from beside me.

"What?" I say in bewilderment, feeling my flushed cheeks.

He scrunches his eyebrows and studies my embarrassed features. I push him away from my face because he is creeping me out, and try to avert his strong gaze.

"Everybody listen up!" Our supervisor, Mr. Winston, announces while Mrs. Cuba takes attendance and to check the people off who couldn't come.

"You are not allowed to leave the park until the rest of the class and a teacher are leaving the premises! Now, have fun; but also remember that we are here to also learn about potential energy and everything your physics teacher has been talking about. You must have at least one person with you at all times, understood? Good! Have fun and meet back here at three-fourty-five!" He says loudly and everyone merges their way inside the amusement park.

"We have about three hours. Where to first?" Connor asks while we walk.

"How about the frog ride?" I grin like a child.

"The frog ride?" He face palms. "That's a wimpy ride."

"Oh come on, you know I hate roller coasters!" I frown.

"How about the Ferris Wheel?" He suggests.

"I hate heights..." I murmur.

"Oh, right." He says. "How about we just try something simple, like the Terminator."

"Sure," I mumble, knowing he is referring to the fast-paced ride that isn't frightening at all.


Two hours have passed and we have gone on every ride possible, and they were all safe and kept you secure while in your seat, which I was thankful for. Connor and Kenzie, however, keep pestering me about other rides, which I have told them to go on by themselves, but they refuse.

"We've tried every easy, fun and childish ride here. Now can we please try the fun ones?" Connor complains.

I gasp dramatically. "That last ride was fun!"

"The Egg Hop?" Kenzie snorts.

Kenzie met up with us two hours ago, after she went to the bathroom and she has been complaining after every ride just like Connor has. Now the two are getting on my nerves, and they refuse to listen to my advice to just ride a coaster by themselves.

"It may sound stupid, but it was fun." I defend the fun ride.

"That ride is ridiculous! It's exactly like bumper cars but more... safe." Kenzie shudders.

I roll my eyes at the fact that she actually shuddered at the thought of a safe, non-thrilling or dangerous ride.

"Whatever, why can't we have a real ride? Come on, it isn't so bad!" She urges.

"It's okay, why don't you and Connor go already? We can meet here at Dippin' Dots at three o'clock." I grin uneasily.

Connor and Kenzie share a look before giving me a stare down to see if I'm being completely honest. I keep a blank face and the three of us gaze into one another's eyes until I blink and Connor high-fives Kenzie for their big win.

"It's fine, really." I smile.

Connor narrows his eyes and I grin wider. He eases up and frowns slightly, appearing as if he hates the idea of leaving me behind; Kenzie on the other hand, has a large smile plastered to her face at the idea of going on a real ride for once.

"Go, before the lines for the rides get longer." I say with a laugh.

"We'll come back here right at three!" Kenzie promises and the both of them run off to a more thrilling ride.

I walk the other way and buy myself a bottle of water. I take a swig of the refreshing water and walk down the long path of the amusement park and my feet make their way to a monstrous looking ride called, "Thriller Killer."

A shiver runs down my spine at the name and I turn away from it, deciding to go explore some other rides.

I put away the rest of my water into my cinch-bag and continue to walk down the long pathway. Screams erupt all around me followed by loud booms and swooshes of the roller coasters zooming away down the tracks they are set up on and some roller coasters even twist upside down above me, high into the sky.

Someone bumps into me unexpectedly, sending me backwards, making me drop my crutches. The mystery person grabs my forearm to stop me from falling, and helps me gain my balance and I mutter a thank you, then realizing it's Ryder.

"Oh, hey." I say, curling a strand of hair behind my ear as he grabs my crutches for me.

"Where are your friends?" He asks, looking around.

"They went on a different roller coaster that I didn't want to go on." I shrug.

"Well, want to be my partner?" He asks.

"What?" I awkwardly splutter out.

"Mr. Winston said everyone has to have someone with them at all times... so would you like to be that somebody?" He smirks.

"Why not," I laugh as he hooks our arms together.

"What rides do you want to go on?" He asks.

Before I can get the chance to answer, Jackson and Cole come out in front of us, appearing from the exit of a roller coaster as they both laugh at something the other said. They both are admirably tan and have been since the first time I met them, but it still is depressing to see their golden looks compared to my average pale-ish skin color.

I look up to see that the ride they went on is called, "Master Disaster." I shudder at the name, knowing full-well that it is probably more terrifying than people say it is. From all of the twists and turns and steep drops it has, plus its big hills, it is probably frightening.

(Pic Of Roller Coaster On The Side>>)

"That. Was. Awesome." Jackson beams.

"We should go on that," Ryder grins. "What do you say, Eleanor?"

"Oh, um..." I stammer while my heart races in fear.

Ryder's phone suddenly starts ringing and he excuses himself to go answer it and I calm down a little once he leaves, feeling my hands grow less clammier. I bite the inside of my cheek and glance all around the mighty coaster and take a deep inhale of air.

I feel Cole's eyes on me suspiciously, probably noticing my odd behavior, but I ignore his gaze. Ryder comes back with an urgent look on his face, making me slightly anxious at what it going on.

"Jackson, can I see you for a minute?"

Jackson goes off with Ryder, leaving only Cole and I.

Screams burst out of nowhere, making me flinch. I glance up at the roller coaster to see a cart of people screaming zoom past and go into another twist and turn. My stomach clenches at the scene, making it gurgle.

"You hungry?" Cole asks surprisingly generously.

"No, not really." I mutter back, gazing at the twists and loops of the entire ride above me.

"You're afraid of roller coasters, aren't you?"

I look over to Cole and my throat goes dry once I see his smirk. I roll my eyes at his remark, deciding to play it off as if his words don't faze me.

"What, no." I scoff.

"Right," He nods with a small smile.

"So what if I am, is it that big of a deal?"

"You aren't really afraid." He states.

"Yes, I am." I argue.

"What are you afraid of, then?" He asks.


"You're just afraid of falling," He remarks.

"Someone's a poet." I tease lamely, trying to change the subject.

He moves his sunglasses to the top of his head, uncovering his beautiful eyes that shine brightly.

"Do you want to go on it?" He asks, surprisingly ignoring my statement.

"A little, I guess." I shrug.

"Then why don't you?"

"I'm afraid, remember?"

Cole views the roller coaster and then takes a swig from a flask hidden in his back pocket. I roll my eyes at his "bad boy" ways and peer up at the dangerous coaster as well.

"I'll go with you."

"What?" I ask in disbelief.

He takes another drink of his beverage, swishes it around in his mouth, and then spits it out onto the pavement, making me grimace. He tucks his handy container back into his pocket and moves his sunglasses back down to cover his eyes.

"Why not?" He shrugs.

"I don't want to." I say frantically, stepping away from the entrance to the ride.

"You said a little part inside of you did, and that's good enough for me." He smirks.

Snatching my crutches away from my grasp and leaning them against the wall of the entrance into the roller coaster, Cole leaves me hopping on one foot while keeping my wounded leg away from the ground.


He grabs my wrist and begins to drag me into the dreadful entrance. My heart hammers against my chest and I dig my good foot into the cement below our feet with frantic rambles blurting out of my mouth.

"No!" I hiss, using all of my strength to cower away from him.

"Let," I huff. "Go of me!"

He grabs my other wrist and then hoists me over his shoulder, making me scream. I throw punches at his back, but he doesn't flinch.

"I swear to God, Cole. Put me down right now or I'll scream." I threaten lamely.

"Be my guest." He offers.

I then register that if I scream, it will just mix into the screams of the crazy roller coaster passengers. Therefore, not helping me in my predicament.

We wait in line for about ten minutes, and everyone stares at the both of us like we're an annoying PDA couple or something. My face burns from embarrassment and I murmur threats to Cole as he finds all of them amusing.

He begins to walk forward again and I'm abruptly let down and plopped into a seat and a bar clicks and I'm suddenly strapped into a death trap. I widen my eyes and my face drains from all of its blood, turning as white as snow.

"Let me out, let me out!" I demand, tears burning and desiring to come out in the back of my eyes.

Cole ignores me and hops over me, sitting in the seat beside mine and locking himself in. My legs begin to shake and my hands tremble in fear while I breathe in and out, trying to control my anxious nerves.

"I can't do this, I need to get off." I begin to panic, hyperventilating.

"You'll be fine." He reassures me pathetically.

A speaker above us suddenly blares out a muffled voice.

"Welcome to Master Disaster! Please make sure you are securely strapped into your seats and hands and legs inside of the carts while the ride is going. Thank you." The monitored man voices.

Another man involved in the roller coaster business comes around to everyone and makes sure we are all buckled and secured. When he comes to our cart, I breathe heavily while my legs feel like jelly as he pulls on the buckle and the shoulder harnasses, making sure they are tight and secure.

"Please let me off! I don't want to do this anymore!" I plead the man.

"Ma'am, if you would like to-"

I grab him by the collar of his shirt and bring him down to my sitting level.

"Get me off this ride." I seethe in a deep death voice.

The man's eyes widen in shock and Cole pries my hands off the poor man's shirt.

"She's fine, sir. Thank you." He says kindly to the man.

The man scurries away and checks other passengers while I begin to want to shrivel up and just die. I put my head in my hands and breathe heavily, cursing mentally.

"Hey, you're-"

I ignore Cole's voice as my hands and legs tremble vigorously. Cole's hand takes both of mine in his and holds them tightly while his other hand grips my chin and tilts my face toward him so I have to look at him.

"You're going to be fine, Eleanor." He promises sincerely.

"I can't do this." I shakily breathe out.

"You'll be fine, nothing is going to happen." He assures, dropping my hands and chin.

The ride suddenly lurches forward, making me grip onto the side of our cart. The cart follows the tracks and we're now moving upwards, forcing my weight to go to my back. The padded seat I lean against isn't that padded at all, it's just as hard as wood.

A clicking noise echoes and the ride comes to a stop. We all lurch forward and then backwards, freezing the entire ride and our carts. I stay completely still and my entire body goes numb while I stare at the blue sky above me.

"Eleanor? Eleanor." Cole's voice drones out.

"We are experiencing some technical difficulties, please stay calm and stay seated until further notice which will be in not more than five minutes." The monitored man voices out through the speakers.

I turn my head slowly to face Cole with an furious scowl and he grins sheepishly with a small shrug.


(A/N): Tehe, sorry for the long wait guys!!

12k reads?!?! Thanks so so much

I hope you enjoyed this long chapter, because it's just for you

QOTD: If You Had To Choose Your Best Friend-Connor or Kenzie?

P.S: There will be some #Rydeanor scenes next chapter ;D

I love you all!

See you next chapter


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