Every Angle

By lucycharmz_

407 17 1

How can someone look so good from every angle? More



86 6 1
By lucycharmz_

Cairi - Monday Morning

I grabbed my phone looking at the time and realized I had fifteen minutes to get to my management meeting. "Shit!" I grabbed my keys and rushed out the door. I dashed to the elevators and when the doors opened Dave was walking out. He smiled once he saw me and was about to start talking but I quickly cut him off.

"Sorry Dave! I'm running late to a meeting and if I don't get there right now. It's my ass, but I'll call you later." I got in the elevator and as it was closing he had an amused looked and gave me a salute laughing. I laughed and once the elevators closed I texted my PR and made a traffic excuse just in case I ended up being late. Once getting off the elevator I walked to my car and got in. I started it up and backed out my spot and out the garage. The meeting was in Beverly Hills and if there was traffic that would be a good thirty minutes so I was praying that I could beat it.

Twenty-five minutes later.....

I parked in front of the café and got out the car. I was immediately swarmed by paparazzi and I cursed at the fact I forgot all about my bodyguard Rick. They were throwing questions at me left and right.

"Cairi! How are you beautiful?" One guy said

"Cairi is it true you and Keith Powers are dating?"

"Cairi are you going to be walking in Vera Wang's Fall line next month?"

With the help of staff from the café I managed to get inside safely. Thankfully this was a very upscale place where a lot of celebrities held meetings so this was nothing new. I looked around and spotted my manager, my publicist, and my modeling agent. I walked over to them and took a seat next to my publicist Jen.

"I'm so sorry I'm late guys, there was quite a bit of traffic." I said

"No worries, we all were quite late actually but let's get straight to business." said my manager Timothy. "So a few days ago I received a call from Lee Daniels and he told me that he would love to bring you in, work with the Empire cast, and wants to know if you would be interested in a cameo for five episodes on the show."

"Are you serious? Of course, that's amazing." I said cheesing from ear to ear.

"He just wants you to come in first, read the script, then see if there is any changes to be made, then you can start filming." Timothy said.

"So when do I go in?" I asked sipping on my lemon water.

"This Thursday." I coughed a little bit and raised my brow at him. "I know very soon but that's the industry Cai." I sighed and made a mental note to push up my mani pedi to tomorrow.

"Okay, now that's out the way, I also have some big news for you." said Paulina, my modeling mom as I called her. "Beyoncé and her Ivy Park label reached out." my eyes went wide "Not only does she want you to model clothes for the site but she also wants you to be apart of the latest ad campaign." I just sat there thinking. This was huge and had to be one of the biggest deals I've ever made.

"Now before you let that sink in, there's one more thing." Jen said. What more could there possibly be? I felt like I was about to explode. "Rihanna personally reached out to us to invite you to her Fenty X Puma fashion show." I smiled and just sat there taking everything in.

"These are all things that have to happen in the span of the next three months, how do you feel about all of this" Tim asked

"I don't know whether to jump with joy or cry." I said laughing

"I know it's a lot Cai but just realize we'll be here with you every step of the way. This is what you have been working towards for the past year and it's finally paying off." Paulina said.

"We managed to worked around the week and half you're taking off to fly back for your brother's baby shower. You can do this, we believe in you and so does the rest of the team." Tim

"I don't know how I managed to find people like you to support me and guide me, but I'm so thankful for you guys."  I said smiling

The rest of lunch was spent discussing the specifics of everything. I was so thankful to God for all the blessings that were coming my way and I couldn't wait to get home and call my mom to let her know. I started working on Thursday so the rest of today through Wednesday I was going to take some me time. After the meeting was over I was escorted back out by staff and safely into my car. Once inside, I pulled off and debated whether I was going to go home or not. "Siri, call best friend." The phone started ringing and after a few seconds she answered

"Yes?" She sounded stressed and that instantly caused me to worry.

"Babes, are you okay? I haven't heard from you since the shoot with Miracle and you sound stressed." I said. I got off the exit towards her house.

"I'm fine, just a bit tired." She said. Something was definitely wrong because Milan was literally never tired, the girl had the personality of a crackhead.

"I'm coming over, I'm literally almost there actually so just leave the door open."

"You don't need to do th-" I cut her off and hung up quickly. Five minutes later I pulled into her driveway and parked my car. I got out and walked up her porch steps and into her place. I locked the door behind me and looked around. There were bottles of alcohol everywhere and the place looked like it had been trashed. I walked up the stairs to Milan's room and saw her on the floor near her mirror. I stood by the door and looked at her

"Babes, are you okay?" I asked walking towards her. She grabbed the empty bottle of  Hennessy she had in her and threw it at her mirror shattering it instantly. "Oh my god." I rushed over to her and grabbed her as she started hysterically crying. I kneeled down and just held her and continued to whisper it's okay in her ear. I brought her to her bed and we laid down. I let her lay her head on my chest and we say in silence until she was ready to talk.

"I'm just so tired, I give my all and it still isn't enough, why aren't I enough for him Cai?" She muttered. "We went back to his place that night after the studio, I was so angry at him that night. I was getting dms with a bunch of pictures of him with some bitch at the strip club a week prior. All he could say is I have no reason to be mad because I'm not his girl. I went belligerent Cai, I started throwing shit at him, breaking glass" she took a pause and sighed "I'm tired of being plan B, I could have any fucking guy I wanted and yet I sit here and wait on him to realize I love him." I looked at her with wide eyes. I knew that they had strong feelings for each other but this is the first time she came out and said she loved him.

"Guys do and say very idiotic things. A man will not change unless he wants to. If Ty really cares about you he will realize that he's losing you and do everything possible to get you back. You have to step back and stay away from him to see if it reigns true. Know your value and don't accept being treated in a way less than you deserve. Now, I don't mean to start going out there with unrealistic expectations, demands and a sense of entitlement. I am saying that you deserve to be treated the way you treat others, and vice versa. The minute you negotiate your self worth and accept less, you're saying that you don't deserve any better, and the vicious cycle/pattern begins. Change for yourself and of course, friends and partners are great mirror reflections that help you grow. But don't change out of the wrong reasons to appease someone or in hopes that they will like you more. If they judge you for who you are now, they aren't your fit."  I kissed her forehead and sat up looking at her. She sat up with me and hugged me.

"Thank you, I don't know what I'd do without you."

"Well for one, you would be stuck cleaning up all of this on your own." I said she busted out laughing and looked around. "Come on, you go take a shower and I'll clean up, starting with all this glass. Next time can you throw a pillow or something." We both busted out laughing and she headed to her bathroom while I went downstairs to get the broom and dustpan.


So this chapter was pretty short but I just wanted to get out another chapter. Go fuck with my rant book if you haven't already.

Do you think Ty really cares about Milan or is he just using her?

Milan loves Ty? Thoughts?

I personally think we all need that Cairi in our life.

See y'all in the next chapter :)

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