Our children are in our hands...

By Rebeccaxchapman1

13.4K 310 416

Well from the previous book Vilu gave birth to Leonardo and Maria Vargas, but one of them isn't well and Leon... More

Part one ~
Part Two ~
Part Three ~
Part Four ~
Part Five ~
Part Six ~
Part Seven ~
Part eight ~
Part Nine ~
Part Ten ~
Part eleven ~
Part Twelve ~
Part Thirteen ~
Part Fourteen ~
Part Fifteen ~
Part Sixteen ~
Part Seventeen ~
Part Eighteen ~
Part Nineteen ~
Part Twenty ~
Part Twenty - two ~
Part Twenty - three ~
Part Twenty - four ~ 😢😢

Part Twenty-one ~

548 13 11
By Rebeccaxchapman1

Leon and Violetta were sat in the kitchen after inviting Leon's parents so they just chilled until they came then the doorbell went but vilu didn't put any dinner on yet, so they were early.

Leon: Babe, go get the door.

Vilu: But we haven't cooked anything yet?

Violetta: Shh, calm down it's all under control.

Violetta: It is?

Leon: Yeah, go get the door before they leave.

She walked to the door and instead of his parents, she saw Diego.  

Violetta: Diego? What are you doing here?

Diego: I've come to see Leon, is he in?

Violetta: Yeah, he's in the kitchen I'll get him now.

Leon: Who's at the door?

Violetta: it's Diego, he wants to see you.

Leon walked into the living room and saw him sat on the sofa.  

Leon: What are you doing here?

Diego: I need a Favor.

Leon: I can't right now my parents are coming, and I promised Violetta I wouldn't leave her alone with them.

Diego: It will only take one minute.

Leon: What?

Diego: I have a surprise for Francesca.

Leon: What have I got to with this?

Diego: I want you to be my wingman.

Leon: Uh... your wingman?

Diego: Yeah.

Leon: Uh, sure.

Diego: Great, I'll see you tomorrow.

Leon: Okay, bye.

He left and Leon was so confused on what just happened Violetta was smiling and kissed him.

Leon: What just happened?

Violetta: You and Diego just made up.

Leon: What?

Violetta: Yeah, Leon you're his Wingman.

Leon: For what? 

Violetta: I have no idea but whatever it is, you better be nice.

Leon: me? Nice, no way.

Violetta: Leon, promise me you'll be nice to him.

Leon: I'm not promising anything.

Violetta: *Pushes him down on the sofa Sits on him* Promise me?

Leon: *Holds her thighs* Look just because you're sitting on my d*ck right now doesn't mean I'm going promise you anything.

Violetta: Leon you know I don't tolerate language in this house when Leonardo is here.

Leon: Then you'll have to put a bar of soap in my mouth.

Violetta: That can be arranged *About to get off him but he pulled her back*

Leon: *Pulls her back and she landed on his stomach* Baby, you don't need to get a bar soap I was kidding.

Violetta: I will because your language is disgusting.

Leon: I only said d*ck it's not like I said any other word

Violetta: Yeah, but there's another word you could say instead of that.

Leon: Name one?

Violetta: You could have said penis.

Leon: No way d*ck is my word you can say that if you want but I'm not saying that.

Violetta: You are a d*ck, Leon.

Leon: What? Did you call me?

Violetta: Yeah, I did.

Leon tickled her and she was laughing so hard that she wanted him to stop.

Violetta: Please, Leon I give up.

Leon: Say sorry for calling me a d*ck and I will stop.

Violetta: I'm sorry please stop.

Leon kissed her and she kissed her back.

Violetta: Thank you, we better make dinner ready for you parents Leon.

Leon: I would rather do something else.

Violetta: Later Leon, when Leonardo's in bed and when your parents have gone.

Leon: Why then? When we can do it right here?

Violetta: Because we must cook otherwise your parents will be waiting for their food because we haven't put anything on.

Leon got up and went to the kitchen and Violetta followed him.

Violetta: Look, I'm sorry we can do it if you want to do it, we'll do it.

Leon was cutting an onion in anger, and he cut his finger.

Leon: *In pain* Ow, sh*t

Violetta: Really Leon, I'll let you do anything to me we can cook after we've done it.

Leon: How much I would love that? But instead of talking about s*x maybe save me because I just cut my finger and I am overflowing with blood right now.

Violetta: Oh, *Takes the first aid kit* Here wipe it while I find you a plaster.

Leon wiped his finger with the baby wipe she gave him.

Violetta: Leon, where's the plasters gone?

Leon: Babe they should be some in the drawer

Violetta: Which drawer? be specific.

Leon: The cabinet drawer.

She came back with plaster and put it on his finger, and he groaned in pain.

Violetta: Sorry, baby.

Leon: It's fine but you'll have to cook because I can't it hurts.

Violetta: Okay, I'll cook but can you set the table.

Leon: That I can do, are we inviting your family as well?

Violetta: We could ring my dad and ask if they want to come over for dinner say about 7 pm

Leon got her phone and rang her dad and asked him if he would like to join his parents and him, Violetta for dinner and he said yes, and Angie will be there.

Leon: They're coming baby so you better cook enough don't forget Leonardo and Emily are coming as well.

Violetta: Okay, I got it.

She prepared the food and then put it in the oven it was 5:06 pm, so they just relaxed and waited for the food to cook Leonardo came downstairs from doing his homework and saw Violetta and Leon on the sofa relaxing in each other arms.

Leon: Daddy, is Angie and Bampi coming for dinner?

Leonardo: Yes, and your uncle and second Auntie are coming as well.

Leon: Okay, Daddy what time should I get changed? is Emily coming as well?

Violetta: Yeah, baby boy and get around 6:15 pm.

Leon: Okay mommy can I sit with you?

Leon looked at Violetta, but Violetta didn't want to move from Leon, so Leon moved her way and let Leon sit the other side of him and he jumped up on the sofa and cuddled up with Leon

Leon: What am I a teddy bear?

Then after a while, it was 5:45 pm so they just had a nap until it was 6:30 pm so they had a long time yet, but Violetta woke up by the doorbell and she panicked

Violetta: LEON, WAKE UP!!!

Leon: Baby, we got time to calm down.

Violetta: The doorbell just rang what if it's them.

Leon: Well, answer it then.

Violetta walked to the door and opened it.  

Violetta: Leon, my dad and Angie's here.

Herman: Hey sweetie.

Angie: You look well.

Violetta: Where's Emily?

Herman: Oh, she's at a sleepover with some friends.

Violetta: Oh, Leonardo was looking forward to her coming.

Leonardo ran at Herman and Angie and hugged them.

Herman: Have you been a good boy? because we have a present for you.

Violetta: No more presents your giving him enough.

Herman: Well since my granddaughter isn't here anymore, I need to spoil my grandson.

Herman took Leonardo while Violetta and Angie were talking, and Leon brought out drinks.

Angie: So, how have you have been?

Violetta: Uh, I and Leon are getting back normal slowly I guess it's just unusual not seeing Maria running at us and giving us big hugs but we're fine with Leonardo, he misses her.

Angie: How's Leon? Has he dealt with his record deal yet?

Violetta: Uh, we are going to Los Angeles for him to record and then for our anniversary we are going to Madrid with Leonardo.

Angie: Ooh, nice time away.

Violetta: Yeah, just to give us a break.

Angie: You'll enjoy that.

Violetta: Yeah, I love Leon, but I asked him if we can try for another baby.

Angie: *Takes a sip of her wine* What did he say?

Violetta: He didn't answer me he just changes the subject all the time.

Angie: I might be painful for him he might be scared Violetta to try again.

Violetta: I guess you're right.

Herman: Ooh, a car just pulled up.

Violetta: That will be Leon's parents.

Then the door went, Leon was getting changed upstairs and Herman let in Leon's parents, while Violetta went up to see him.

Violetta: Leon, baby your parents are...here, wow you look sexy.

Leon: Thanks, I'm so nervous I'm going to throw up.

Violetta: Leon, they're your parents.

Leon: I know I'm just scared of what they might say or do.

Violetta: They won't do anything or say anything, babe.

Leon: Just don't leave me alone with them.

Violetta: Leon I'll be right there I swear I'm just going to change my dress and I'll be down.

Leon: Really? you're going to let me go down on my own.

Violetta: My dad and Angie are down there, Leon babe I'll be 5 minutes and then I'll be down.

Leon: Okay, *Takes a deep breath* I'm going down.

Leon ~
I walked downstairs, I was sweating and shaking while I was looking at them is it me or is it warm in here I swear I have a fever I've never sweat in my life apart from having s*x with Violetta, but I shouldn't be sweating now I saw their faces and I got to the last stair and my mom walked up to me and pulled me close to her chest her perfume was strong it tickled my nose I cuddled my mom and pulled away.

When I did, she did that thing where she'd pinch my cheeks to say "look how grown-up you are" I hate it when she does that.

Then I saw my dad he walked up to me and shook my hand like a gentleman where he used to pull me close to him but instead it was a handshake like huh? Then I could hear footsteps coming downstairs and I looked at the staircase and I saw Violetta she was gorgeous, and my mom was holding on to my arm.

Violetta's outfit ~ 

Violetta: Leon, love your drooling.

Leon: Your gorgeous baby. *Helps her down the stairs*

Violetta: Awe, thank you my love.

Mrs. Vargas: There's my beautiful daughter-in-law.

Violetta: Hey, Mrs. Vargas.

Cathy: Please call me mom.

Violetta: Okay, mom.

Angie: Catherine long time.

Cathy: Oh, Ángeles Carrará and Herman Castillo.

Angie: How have you been?

Cathy: Uh, good still working at the studio?

Angie: *Touches Herman's shoulder* Yes, my husband has bought the studio, so he owns it.

Cathy: Who's your husband? Pablo?

Angie: No, Pablo's just a friend Herman is my husband.

Cathy: But I thought Herman was married to Maria? And you were his sister-in-law?

Violetta: My mom died a long time ago, so my dad and Angie got married.

Cathy: Oh, yes sorry I remember she took that last tour and the accident I remember.

Violetta: Yeah, can we change the subject?

Leon: Dad, are you going to say hello to your daughter in law or NOT?

Mr Vargas: Violetta, you look amazing as always, I can see my son keeps you fit in bed.

Leon: Dad!!!

Mr Vargas: Well, she's a good-looking girl I would even have her in bed.

Leon: Dad, that's enough, she's, my wife.

Violetta: It's okay Leon, it's nice to see you too, Mr. Vargas.

Mr Vargas: Please call me dad.

Violetta: Okay, dad.

Cathy: So, Where's your son?

Leonardo ran in.

Leon: Mom and dad this is our son Leonardo.

Carlos: Ugh, another Leon huh?

Leon: Well, Violetta named our daughter may she rest in peace, and I named our son.

Cathy: it's sad, you lost your daughter Violetta, will you try again?

Leon: *Changes the subject* I'm going to check dinner and I'll bring out two glasses of wine for you two.

He went into the kitchen.

Herman: So, Carlos how's the business going?

Carlos: Oh, it's going quite slow, how about you Herman?

Herman: Well, ever since I bought the studio I've been distancing from the factories because I've been busy with the studio and my wife.

Angie: *Held Herman's hand that was in his lap* Yeah, and we are enjoying each other company right now.

Violetta was daydreaming playing with the ring on her finger.

Cathy: Violetta, honey are you okay?

Violetta: *Came out of her thoughts* Uh sorry Yeah, I'm just worried about Leon that's all.

Carlos: Oh, he;'s a big boy he can look after himself don't worry about him.

Leon: It's ready.

He put the food on the table, and they sat around it and talked.

Leon was sat by Violetta while Herman was sat at the end of the table with Angie, Carlos and Cathy were sat apart because Carlos sat the other side of Violetta, but Leon was curious on what he was going to do so he pulled Violetta's chair towards him, and she was confused on what Leon was doing.

Violetta: Leon, why did you move me away from your dad?

Leon: Because I know him, and he will start stroking your legs I know he will.

Violetta: I think your being ridiculous.

Leon: What?

After they ate, they just sat down and laughed, and Carlos moved his chair closer to Violetta so he could show her pictures of Barcelona when he and Cathy went on their honeymoon and Leon was laying on the bed with Leonardo because he was trying to get him to sleep so he was laid on the bed with him in his arms stoking his hair.

Violetta: Yeah, we went on tour to Barcelona it was a beautiful place.

Cathy: The sights were incredible.

Violetta: Yeah, they were me and Leon enjoyed it.

Carlos: *Put his hand around her chair* And that hotel was great it had everything.

Violetta: It did?

Cathy: Yeah, it had entertainment, a spa.

Carlos: Karaoke club and even some place to have an alone time which I need from you right now, will you come out to the garden with me?

Violetta: Sure.

They went outside for fresh air.

Violetta: What are we doing out here, sir?

Carlos: Oh, you can call me Carlos or dad and I just needed fresh air and I thought I would bring you with me. *Rubs her butt

Violetta: You're a bit to close.

Carlos: Oh sorry, *Pulls her closer* that's better now we're both close.

Violetta: Uh, Leon's probably back down from taking Leonardo to bed I should go find him he might be worried on where I am.

Carlos: Don't worry about Leon he'll be fine *Looking into her eyes* you have beautiful eyes, Violetta.

Violetta: Umm, thank you but I think we should go back in.

Carlos: Not yet *Leans into her but she moves away* Come on Violetta, kiss me.

Violetta: *Pulls away* I'm married to your son.

Carlos: Leon doesn't love you he just loves you because he doesn't want to be my business partner, so he is being with you because it stops him from being in business *Kisses her and she kissed him unexpectedly*

Violetta: *Pushes him off* Get off me, LEON, LEON HELP!!!

Carlos: You little brat have s*x with me now.

Violetta: *Shouts* No, please LEON, LEON!!!

Leon ran outside with everyone who followed him, and they saw Violetta on the floor crying and Leon's dad on top of her hurting her.


Carlos: *Gets off her* Oh, what a shame I was enjoying myself.

Leon: *Helps her up* It's okay beautiful *To his dad* Are you serious? You've come to have dinner not try and have s*x with my wife, dad.

Carlos: She's a beautiful, adoring girl.

Leon: This isn't the first time you've tried to have s*x with my girlfriends.

Violetta: What?

Leon: Yeah, every girlfriend I took home he always wanted them in his bed.

Carlos: I'm a man, Leon a man needs what a man needs.

Leon: Then do it to mom.

Carlos: She's too old for me, I need young girls to do it with.

Leon: I don't need to know.

Violetta was cuddling Leon because she was scared.

They all went back inside.

Carlos: Well, we better get going, Cathy.

Cathy: Okay.

Cathy walked up to Violetta and hugged her goodbye.

Cathy: Violetta, don't worry about Carlos you're not the only one he's done it to, so don't worry Leon saved you just in time.

Violetta: I don't understand why your still with him if he's trying to sleep with young girls
Cathy: Because he doesn't want me to leave and, I'm scared to leave because he can be aggressive a bit like Leon can be, but he won't be aggressive to you.

Violetta: Yeah, like father like son.

Cathy: Yeah, but Leon won't go with other girls just for s*x.

Violetta: I hope not.

Cathy hugged Leon goodbye and kissed his cheeks and then hugged Angie and Herman and they left after saying goodbye.

Leon was sat on the sofa Herman and Angie were staying the night Violetta was already in bed asleep and Leon was just thinking about what happened tonight then he went up to bed and cuddled up to Violetta. 

Leon: *Whispers in her ear* Night, my beautiful wife. *Kisses her earlobe* 

Violetta: Night, my handsome husband. 

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