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[Game Of Thrones] 'When you play the game of thrones, you win or you die.' Nymeria Lannister was always a dis... Více



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[Act I:]
[Roberts Rebellion]

'I'm a lioness hear me roar.'


In the beginning of the story a young lioness watched the sea from her bedroom window. It was beautiful day in Casterly Rock that morning.
She sighed to herself, how she would love to be free among those open waters, and sail away to a land of her own.
She didn't want to be stuck in Casterly Rock sewing, and wearing pretty dresses, she wanted to be free out there, in the open sea, on another island away from royalty, servants, the poisonous people that remained around the young girl.
She wanted to experience life in many different ways compared to any of her family members.

Suddenly her door opened and in came her twin brother Tyrion.
"Father requests for you to meet him in the drawing room."

"Is this because of the other day?" Nymeria questioned her twin.

"I'm not sure" Tyrion says. He was just confused as she was.

"If me doing archery is a crime then I'm seriously fucked.'

Tyrion let out a slight chuckle before soon guiding his twin sister out of her bedroom.


Nymeria entered the drawing room with her head held high.
There, her father Tywin Lannister stood and a lady at his side. Nymeria could tell she was from Dorne there was no denying it in her completion. And the bright familiar colours of Dorne, the yellows and the golden orange
"Loreza Martell, house of Dorne. I would like you to meet my daughter Nymeria Lannister, my youngest daughter."
The woman stared in wonder at the young lioness, how well she had grown into a beautiful woman. Just like her mother Joanna.

"Lord Tywin, if you will please leave us women talk alone in private for a while" the woman tells Nymerias father.
"Yes of course" Tywin says as he leaves the room.
"Come my child" Loreza says as she puts out her hand for her to take. Nymeria agrees. Loreza leads the way out into the gardens.

Nymeria walked side by side, hand in hand with the Martell woman.

"The last time I saw you, you were only a few days old. I knew your mother Joanna very well, and you seem to look a lot like your mother Nymeria. Same blonde hair and those captivating Lannister blue eyes. Also so far your mannerisms seem to be exactly like hers, the way you walk, stand and speak."

"Thank you lady Martell, nobody in all my life has ever said that I act and look like my mother. My father or siblings don't talk about her. It's as if she never existed."

"It pains them Nymeria, I watched that night as your father clutched his dead wife in his arms. He was once a happy man always smiling but when Joanna died, all that happiness died along with her and he never smiled again. Have you ever seen your father smile once in your life?"

"Never." Nymeria didn't have to think if he ever smiled, because she knew he didn't, as a child she tried her best to make her father smile or laugh, he would tell her leave him alone or just stay there frozen his face the same all the time cold and distant. That's what she had grown up with all her life a cold and distant father.

"What exactly do you want to talk about lady Martell?"
Loreza Martell smiled at the girl she was perfect for her son, she wanted to get to the point, Oberyn was like that in many ways compared to her other children.

"Marriage my dear. I would like you to marry my son Oberyn Martell."


The entire Lannisters were gathered around the dinner table that evening.
Nymeria seemed to play with her food than rather eat it. She looked up to see her father eating happily. How could he do this? To his own daughter. Sell her off like she was some sort of mare.

"I don't see the point into why I have to marry Oberyn? What about Cersei?" she spoke up at the table. Everyone stopped eating their food turning to look at the youngest Lannister.

"She's betrothed to someone else" Tywin Lannister explains clearly before wiping his mouth with a napkin. His piercing blue eyes looking at his daughters dark blue eyes, she was angry, yet he didn't care how she felt. This had to be done. It was decided before she could even speak.

"No she's not. This is your only way to get rid of me isn't it?" She yelled, as she smashed her fists right onto the table. The young Lannister had a really bad temper, a untamed lioness she was. Tywin hoped that her new husband would try tame somehow.

"Nymeria!" He father barked at her.

"It pains you so much to even look at me, isn't that right father? Because I remind you so much of mother!"

"I said that's enough! You will marry Oberyn Martell and there's nothing you will do or say that will get you out of this marriage!"
Nymeria looked over towards her sister who was smirking away happily to herself. Nymeria fired her glass of wine at her older sister. Cersei screamed as her dress and hair were ruined with red wine. Tyrion smirked at that, she deserved it, the little bitch.
"Father!" Cersei yelled.
Nymeria soon stood up from the table and left. Her father shouted for her to come back at once, but Nymeria couldn't care less. She hated her father and sister so much.


Later that evening Tyrion went to visit his sister Nymeria, only to find her laying in her bed. She looked up once she heard her door opening, her eyes were puffy, and red from crying.
Once she looked at her twin brother she began to breakdown in tears again.
She could never leave her twin brother, not here with her father or that horrible bitch of a sister she had. The only person who she could leave Tyrion with was Jamie, but even he would be away at times, especially when he wanted to become a knight which required a lot of training and being away from home.

"Do you remember as a young child, how you would always stand up for me, and now here you are stronger then ever fighting like the true lioness you always were" Tyrion explained.

"Fighting with my family who are dying to get rid of me because I remind them of our mother." Her blue eyes looked towards her brother, it hurt him too. Being reminded that you are the cause of your own mothers death.

"Jamie and I don't want to get rid of you, we would prefer if you stayed.
You do know this man you will marry has made a name for himself."

"Oh great, let me guess likes cutting off his enemies heads and sticking them onto a wooden stick?"

"Ah no."

"Then what exactly?" Nymeria asks as she looks at her twin worryingly.

"He fucks most of Dorne and he isn't just a lover for the ladies, - also men."

"Oh joy" Nymeria says sarcastically and lets out a sigh before throwing herself on her bed. Her brother moved towards her.
"At least you'd have someone who could love you and is passionate about love."
"Would you prefer to marry him Tyrion? Cause you are welcomed to him."

"Oh gods no, I prefer women" Tyrion says ratherly too happy.

"You mean whores?"

"Yes exactly."

"How does father allow you to have them in the castle?" his sister questioned him. Tyrion smirks at her. "He doesn't. I just bring them to a nice place where no one can find us or hear us more like."

Nymeria lets out a chuckle at her twin brother before throwing her pillow at Tyrion.
"Hey that wasn't nice" he says as he throws one back at her. The twin siblings end up breaking out into a pillow fight. In those few moments of firing pillows at one another, laughing and giggling, the two siblings were in their happy place with each other.


Just a few days after Nymeria's engagement was announced to her.
Nymeria and her family rode to a jousting tournament held outside of Kingslanding. Basically the jousting tournament was to celebrate the engagement of Elia Martell and Rhaegar Targaryen.
Nymeria knew she would have no other choice but to meet with her future sister in law princess Elia Martell and her future mother in law

She walked along the tents with her dearest friend Lyanna Stark, the only girl who seemed to understand the young Lioness.

"Your father wants you to marry Oberyn Martell?" Lyanna asked in complete shock.
"Yes unfortunately. He's much older than me Lyanna, and he has way more experience."

"Experience in what exactly Nymeria?" Lyanna asked as she wiggled her eyebrows at her friend.
Nymeria gave her a dirty look."You know what I mean Lyanna, honestly the man is famous for fucking most of Dorne."

Lyanna let out a horrendous laugh that made all the men and knights stare oddly at the Stark girl.
"We are drawing attention to ourselves" Nymeria whispered as she linked arms with Lyanna who was trying to hold herself together from breaking out into another fit of laughter.
The young girls laughed at one another, as they strode past the tents and people, linked arm in arm.
For many years Lyanna Stark and Nymeria Lannister had been close friends, even though Lyanna was a bit older than her, Nymeria looked up to her as if she was her big sister.
Lyanna was the only person Nymeria trusted with anything secretive and personal, apart from her twin brother and her older brother Jaime.
The two girls shared a rather strong bond with one another.
A she-wolf and a lioness, a never ending friendship.


Elia Martell smiled happily as she sat across from Nymeria Lannister. She took a sip of her herbal tea before placing it on the wooden table.
"So I've heard your betrothed to my baby brother?"

"Indeed I am your grace" Nymeria says as she bows her head.

"Please call me Elia, our mothers were once friends of course and the last time I met you, you were only a few days old. My brother Oberyn should be here today" Elia explains. She soon takes Nymerias hand in hers. "I really hope you and I could become good friends Nymeria."
"I hope so too Elia."

The two women smiled at one another before picking up their cups and sipping their tea in silence, before it was soon interrupted by laughter of children making their way into the tent.
"Moma look what Rhaena did to Aegons hair!!" Rhaenys yelled.
Nymerias gaze moved to the entrance of the tent, three children made their way towards Elia. A little girl who shared a similar complexion to Elia ran to her mother's side while the other girl who was much taller then her and possibly older by two years carried a little baby boy in her arms, the baby boys hair was silver different to the rest of his sisters. These were the famous three children of Elia Martell and Rhaegar Targaryen. Rhaena, Rhaeny and Aegon Targaryen.
"Rhaena Targaryen what in the God's did you do to your little brother?"
"Placed flowers in his hair." The little girl said all too happy about the situation. The little baby boy shook his head crazily trying to shake off the flowers that were placed in his silver hair.
The girl named Rhaena turned to look at Nymeria Lannister.

"Who are you?"
"Rhaena Targaryen don't be so forward!"
Nymeria Lannister giggled at the child.
"She's alright Elia, I am Nymeria Lannister of house Lannister and you must be Rhaena Targaryen eldest daughter to Rhaegar Targaryen and Elia Martell?"
"Yes princess Nymeria."
The woman smiled at the little one.
"I am no princess yet you are one, you come from a powerful family
"You are to marry my uncle right? That makes you a princess. And my family come from dragons we used to have them as pet dragons, father says I can have one when I'm older" Rhaena explains to the Lannister woman.
"And your father is crazy to think he can possibly get a pet dragon for you" Elia tells her daughter. They both knew dragons didn't exist no more.

"I'm crazy now?" A husky voice says from the entrance to the tent. In walks Rhaegar Targaryen his silver hair slightly curly and his forehead rather sweaty. The dragon prince places down his sword and opens his arms for his three beautiful children to run into them." Father!!" they greet him happily.
"My beautiful dragons how you grow everyday."
Elia admires her husband and her three beautiful children as they greet each other.
"You are so lucky Elia."
The princess smiles at the lioness."Thank you Nymeria but one day you will be blessed with children like me too, with my brother Oberyn
Nymeria wished she hadn't been drinking her tea at that moment as she almost choked on it by Elias words.

"Oh yes the next wedding to happen is Nymeria Lannister and Oberyn Martell" Rhaegar says as he walks over to the two women, Rhaegar plants a kiss on top of his wife's forehead before stealing a bit of food from the plate she had placed out for herself and Nymeria.
"Yes my prince" she says before bowing her head.
"Are looking forward to it?" he asked her before he poured out some red wine for himself.
"If I'm being honest I don't know Oberyn, and I don't know about me marrying him."
"We were the same, but look at us now married and we have three beautiful children" Elia explains to Nymeria.
"And I'm proud of you for carrying our children inside of you Elia."
The dragon prince places another kiss on her forehead before running over to his children, picking up Aegon
while Rhaena and Rhaeny run after them giggling.
"Your life could turn out like this Nymeria with my brother. Don't worry when he meets you he'll definitely settle down."
Yet Nymeria couldn't help but feel that Elia could be wrong.


The young Lannister soon found herself outside of Elia's tent. She let out a deep breath she had been holding in for a while. Her life could be exactly like Elias, yet Nymeria wasn't sure if it's life she would have chosen for herself. All Nymeria ever wanted was to be free. Free like the free folk she had read about once in a book in her mother's library.

Nymeria Lannister was so lost in her own thoughts she didn't realise she had bumped into someone.
She looked up to be met with dark chocolate brown eyes, and fairly tanned skin as if he was kissed by the sun God himself and his hair was dark like the brown mud.

"Nymeria Lannister" the man greeted in a foreign accent. Dornish accent.
"I am Prince Oberyn Martell" he introduced himself to her as he bowed his head towards her.

"Oh your him."
The prince looked at her rather oddly
"Yes I am 'him'."
"Your my bethroth?"
The man chuckled at the woman who questioned him. She was beautiful, a true blonde blue eyed beauty.
"Yes Nymeria I am."
She was stunned at this man could actually become her husband. Wouldn't he be better off with someone who suited his status better, instead of someone like me Nymeria thought to herself. She couldn't help but admire him he was so handsome yet in the smile he held there was pure mischiev. Yet she liked that about him, it brought light towards this man who stood before.
"Shall we?"
Oberyn guided her away from the people and the tents.
"You decide to take me out to the woods prince Martell to do what exactly? Fuck me?"
Oberyns eyes widened and he almost choked on air at the woman's bold words.
"Nymeria Lannister I'm intrigued. But that's not why I took you into the woods, I did it so no one could hear what we'd be discussing but if you want to change the conversation into something else I'm sure no one could hear you scream out here."
The lioness rolled her eyes at Oberyn. He was starting to become annoying right now. "I'm sure you'd love that prince Oberyn."
The prince moved closer towards her, making Nymeria back up against a tree.
"And you wouldn't?" Oberyn whispered. He placed his finger under her chin to make her look up at him. "Tell me lioness what would you love?"
Nymeria could feel the weird feeling in the pit of her stomach. She cleared her throat and pushed the man away.
"What I'd love right now is for you to fuck off." Oberyn smirks at her comment and moves away from her, Nymeria moves past him and walks in the direction of tents and people preparing themselves for the big tournament. Oberyn watches the lioness walk away from him he takes in every movement, the way her hips move from side to side. He licked his lips, he would have that lioness eventually, and he knew she would never stop screaming his name once he was finished with her.


Nymeria Lannister sat next to her best friend Lyanna the next day at the jousting tournament. Across the way from her sat Oberyn Martell watching the Lannister girl intentionally. He wouldn't keep his eyes off her, there was something about her that was very different to the other women around her. Nymeria raised her eyebrow curiously at the Prince. She leant in towards Lyanna but Nymerias eyes never leaving Oberyns.
"He keeps staring at me."
Lyanna followed Nymerias eyes straight towards the viper prince who was smirking away to himself.
"He's intrigued by you, what did you do to him?"
"I simply told him fuck off."
Lyanna giggled at that, she knew it was typical of her dear friend to do such a thing. Nymeria didn't care if the person was of such a title she'd tell them to fuck off. Lyanna liked Nymeria for her honesty and her loyalty, not many thought or spoke like Nymeria Lannister. She was definitely one of a kind.
The two women turned back to watch the tournament in which Rhaegar Targaryen had won rather quickly.

Rhaegar rod past his wife Elia Martell and rode his horse towards where Lyanna and Nymeria sat.
He layed a crown of winter roses on Lyanna's lap making the crowd gasp, including Nymeria. The crown of winter roses were meant for the most beautiful woman in all the land, Nymeria assumed Rhaegar would choose his wife Elia.

Nymeria looked towards her friend Lyanna, who was just as stunned as she was by the young princes actions.

What Nymeria Lannister didn't know that this was the beginning of the rebellion that was starting to form.


So what do you think of the first chapter?


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