Never Wanted You Anyways ≫ Le...

De damntomlinson_

362 15 23

❝I have a phone number too if you-❞ ❝Not a chance❞ Luke has become strangely infatuated with the boy he met i... Mais

A u t h o r ' s N o t e

☉ C h a p t e r 1 ☉

91 9 21
De damntomlinson_

"Yeah yeah Rae, I'll be there in a bit! Okay, I know we have an important lecture today- yes I'm aware. Jesus Christ, calm down. Okay. I'm just getting some coffee, I'll bet there- yes on time and everything! Okay, great. Yeah. Bye. I LOVE YOU TOO!" I hung up the phone laughing and shaking my head. Rae was one of my best friends, but she could be really kinda crazy sometimes. I set my phone in my back pocket and walked into Tim Hortons to get some coffee and a bagel. Their bagels are so fantastic, it's not even funny! My phone buzzed in my pocket as I walked in, so I grabbed it only to see a text from Rae.


How long does it take to get coffee?? 

-To Babe

Longer than 30 seconds! Wait a

"Umph. Oh, sorry, man." I said. As I was texting, I kept walking into the restaurant and accidentally walked straight into some guy. 

"No worries- hey, you're cute!" He said, sounding surprised, smirking down at me. I kinda crinkled my nose a bit and thanked him, before turning back to my phone. 

-To Babe

Longer than 30 seconds! Wait a few minutes, I'll be there soon.

"Hey!" The guy said again, a grin played across his face. "I have a phone too!" He then reached into his pocket and pulled out his gold iPhone 5, showing it to me as if I didn't know what they looked like. I nodded and busied myself with my phone, kinda hoping he wouldn't talk to me again. 

"I have a phone number too if you-"

"Not a chance." I mumbled, clicking on Angry Birds. I don't even like this game, and I'm not sure why I have it on my phone, but I need to do something to get this guy to stop talking to me. He sighed a bit and put his phone back in his pocket. Thankfully, he didn't say anything else for a while, but I could feel his stare on me the entire time he waited for his turn to order. I glanced up at him once, only to catch him looking down at me, seemingly confused. My cheeks flushed a little and I turned back to my phone. Please don't talk to me, please don't talk to me. I think as I busy myself trying to shoot stupid birds into stupid pigs.

"I like that game too." He said, trying to make conversation.

"I hate it." I said shortly. I didn't even look up from my phone. He just sighed again and turned away from me. Good. There wasn't really a chance of me hooking up with some guy I met in a coffee shop, especially this one. He seemed really conceded and so full of over-confidence, it was annoying.

Finally, after at least four minutes of failing at Angry Birds, it was his spot in line. I sighed in relief and put my phone back away, getting ready to order as well. 

"I'll take an everything bagel with cream cheese and a large Iced Cap." My eyes nearly popped out of my head when I heard his order; the same thing I get every time I come here. He saw my expression and smirked at me, nodding at the cashier when she handed him his food. "Thank you." He said, taking his bag and walking out the door. What the hell?

"Next?" The lady said looking at me. I pulled myself together and quickly ordered my (and apparently the other guy's) usual. After getting my coffee and bagel, I walked out of the shop quickly to make sure I wasn't late to class. My professor won't really care that much, but like I said. Rae is crazy. I turned the street corner to get to my car, and walked right into the guy from the shop. Again.

"Wow, we sure have a habit of running into each other." He said, grinning down at me. "Or rather, you have a habit of running into me!" I groaned internally and tried to walk around him, but the cocky bastard stepped in front of me. 

"Dude, I need to get to class, what do you want?" I asked him annoyed. 

"Your number." I'm sure my facial expression was less than friendly at the moment, but he didn't seem phased at all. I rolled my eyes and tried to step around him again, but he stayed in front of me. 

"Bro-" I said, starting to get mad.

"Luke." He said. 


"My name's Luke, not "bro" or "dude" or anything. Luke." Jesus, who does this guy think he is? "Luke" apparently, but sadly for him I don't care. 

"Luke." I said through gritted teeth. "You're not getting my number, now or ever, and like I said, I need to get to class, so can you get out of my way?" I shouted up at him. He just chuckled and shook his head, as if I was joking! 

"At least tell me your name before I let you go, hun. I'll probably never see you again, but I'd like a name to remember that pretty face with." He leaned down closer to me and brushed the back of his hand against my cheek. I swatted it away and tried to give him a dirtier look, but I'm sure I only managed to look like a crazy person.

"First off, I'm not pretty, Luke. Second, I hope you're right about never seeing me again, because that would make me happy. And third, my name is Peter. Now move." I almost felt bad for him as his smile fell from his face and his posture slumped, but this kid was getting on my nerves. It's not my fault he caught me on a bad day! 

As I get into my car, I thought to myself. Well it's not really his fault either. And you have to admit, the kid was pretty cute. "Shut up head." I murmured, shoving the key in the ignition and backing out. For the drive to school, I tried to enjoy my coffee and bagel, but thoughts of that kid Luke kept pouring into my head. He was nice... And he just wanted your number, way to be a jerk Peter. 

"I said shut up!" I shouted at myself. Christ, now I was talking to myself. I turned up the radio and started singing along, anything to distract me from how much of an ass I was being. You need to stop eating chocolate at 3 a.m... Jesus...

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