Game Of Survival | GOT

By kells00

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[Game Of Thrones] 'When you play the game of thrones, you win or you die.' Nymeria Lannister was always a dis... More



2K 93 13
By kells00

Casterly Rock
273 AC.

The cries of pain came from Joanna Lannisters chambers that night. She pushed the young baby girl out of her body first, then Joanna screamed in agony as she pushed the young baby boy out of her body. Tywin Lannister smiled happily at his wife as she had given birth to twins. The Maseter called Tywins name making him turn around, the wetnurse handed the first baby to Tywin Lannister, she had the same complexion to her mother. Tywin brought their new baby girl over to his wife, who gave a weak smile.
"S-she's beautiful" Joanna whispered.
"Just like you my love" Tywin says to his wife.
"N-nymeria, she should be called Nymeria."
"Tis a beautiful name my love."
The wetnurse soon takes Nymeria away, the other wetnurse soon hands the baby boy to Tywin. As soon as the baby boys face was revealed, Tywin looked quiet taken back by the way the baby looked. He notices the boys head is larger than the rest of his body and his arms and legs are smaller then they should be.
Joanna smiled at her son, for she did not care if he had a large head, and small arms and legs, he was her son and that's all that mattered. Her smile soon began to fade when she felt a sudden pain. Joanna let out a whimper, and the two baby's began to cry.
Tywin shoved the baby boy into the wetnurses arms while he went over to his wife.
"Joanna! Someone do something!" He yelled.
"I'm sorry my lord, she's losing a lot of blood, its impossible to stop" the maester replies.
Tywin turned towards his wife, a small faded smile remained on her face. Her blue eyes looked tired and weak.
"I- I love you" she whispered, before the light in her eyes faded away, and she stopped breathing.
Tywin held onto her lifeless body, tears filled up in his eyes as he screamed out her name.

Loreza Martell watched from the door as Tywin Lannister cried, screamed and yelled as he clutched his dead wife's body to his own. Loreza wept as she stared at her dear old friends lifeless body. Joanna Lannister and Loreza Martell an old friendship that lasted long, for it will live with Loreza until her dying days.


On the last night of Oberyn and Elia Martells stay, the Lannister siblings finally invited them to go see the tales of the monstrous baby boy and girl. Oberyn heard the rumours about how the young boy had been born with both with the privates of a man and woman and had razor sharp fangs, while the young girl had been born with a tail between her legs and sharp claws. Prince Oberyn had heard so many rumours about Tywin Lannister and his now late wife's new born twins.
As soon as he arrived at Casterly Rock, he's wanted to see if the rumours where true.
They soon made it to the nursery, a young wetnurse soon opens the door which makes a loud creak, and right near the end of the room appears two wooden cradles. Elia and Oberyn Martell approaches the cradle along with the Lannisters. Oberyn faces soon falls once he see's once he hasn't seen what the rumours had told him.

Young Oberyn notices though that the young boys head is rather large while his arms and legs remain small, but when he looks at the young girl everything looks in place. There aren't any tails, claws or fangs.

"Those aren't monsters" he says as he turns towards Cersei and Jaime. "They're just babies."
Young Oberyn looks towards Elia who looks straight towards Jaime, while Cersei looks straight at the twins. Hatred filling her eyes. She hisses towards them but never taking her eyes off the twins who remained in their cribs.
"They killed my mother."
Suddenly Cersei pinches the boys cock. Elia Martell lets out a gasp at the young Lannisters actions.
Oberyn thinks it a joke but the young baby boy starts crying and that part starts to turn red. Soon shortly after the young boy starts crying, his twin sister starts as if she's sensed the pain as well.

The two Martell siblings feared that Cersei might pull it off, but soon Jaime Lannister intervened.

"Stop it Cersei. Your hurting him."

ersei stops squeezing it and looks to her brother, his blue eyes pleaded for her to stop and she soon releases it.

"It doesn't matter. Everyone says he will die soon" she hisses as she looks straight at the twins. "Both of them. I hope they're bloody right about it. They should've never lived this long."

Cersei soon leaves straight after what she had said, she did wish those twins died for they killed her mother, the only true person she loved and cared about in this world. Cersei knew her father would grow bitter after his wife's death and he would never smile again.

Jaime covers his siblings up with two soft blankets to keep them warm. The two babies are already after calming down. Jamie soon turns towards the Martell siblings who seem rather shocked with Cersei's behaviour.

"I apologize for my sister's behaviour and I'm sorry you had to see all of that" he says to them. The two Martell siblings both nod their heads.

Oberyn peaked his head into the baby girls crib, he was met with blue irises, they stared right into the young princes brown eyes, she looked exactly like her mother Joanna. With the exact same pale skin, blue eyes and the blonde hair. The little baby smiled happily at the young prince, who seemed surprised by her.

"She is a beautiful child" Elia says. "Very like her mother."

"That's why Cersei hates her" Jaime replies, before clearing his throat and speaking up again. "If you let me Prince Oberyn and Princes Elia I'll walk you both back to your chambers now."

"Thank you my lord" Elia says as she follows Jaime out of the nursery. Oberyn looks at the young girl who is still smiling at him. He puts his finger into the crib to touch the baby, but once Nymeria see's Oberyns finger she clutches onto it. Her blue eyes gaze into his dark chocolate brown.

The young boy turns around to see his mother watching him curiously at the door.
"What are you doing here?"

"The Lannister siblings brought Elia and I here to see the new born twins, I was just about to leave mother."

His mother moves closer towards them and peaks inside the little cots.
"They are not what I expected, the rumours are all lies. And I see the little girl has taken a liking to you my son."

Loreza Martell looked towards the baby girl, who was still clutching onto Oberyn's finger.

Soon an idea popped into Loreza Martell's head, an idea that could form their houses together, her dear old friend Joanna Lannister would've agreed to this and hopefully Tywin would too.
For these two where meant to be together, it tis what the Gods had granted.


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