Fool's Love (One Shot)

De KenriDoll

11 2 0

Yaoi Story Mais

Chapter One

11 2 0
De KenriDoll

It was a sunny day when I met him, actually it was the day he saved me. I was often targeted by bullies because of my petite and feminine body and features. I was often mistaken as a girl and much to my liking, it attracted the school's bullies. At the beginning they would only insult me or make fun of me but as time went by, they started pushing me around, pulling up punches, kicking me till they were satisfied.

Everyday I would always have a new bruise or scratch on me. The worst that happened was when they broke some of my bones. It wasn't unusual for me to come home with a broken arm or ankle. You must be wondering where my parents are, right? Well, they are not dead or anything, my life isn't that cliche. They see the bruises and scratches, I just tell them some lie that I know they don't believe. They just leave me be, they know that them intervening won't be doing me any good. I'm a high schooler for fck's sake. I don't need some adult's help. I think.

Back to how I met him, he isn't a student just so you know. This isn't some cliche love story..... Wait, it is a cliche love story. Anyway back to the story, he's actually my science teacher, he only became my teacher on my third year. We never really made contact before. It's actually odd how we met.

At the end of my second year, I got beaten up again. And I hurt all over, I went to the nurse's office but no one was there. I laid on one of the beds planning on staying there for the whole day after awhile I fell asleep. A few hours later I was woken up by a loud crash. I looked around and I was still alone. I looked at the clock and there were still some time left before schools out. I was about leave and attend my other classes when suddenly I trip and fell over something soft.

I heard a painful grunt and almost shrieked when I heard it, I looked done and sure enough their was a human underneath me. I never asked what he was doing there in the first place. I quickly got off of him. He slowly raised his head towards me and looked at me with the most deadliest glare I have ever seen. It took some minutes before his look softens probably realising he was glaring at a student. He asked me what I was doing here, I didn't want to tell him so I lied. But unlike my parents who would just brush it off. He shouted at me, telling me he knew I was lying.

I thought he would just leave it be but he didn't, got to tell you he was persistent. So I gave up and told him, I didn't tell him who did it though. He just hummed in response. He slowly got up. I knew a teacher would care less about a mere student like me. But, boy, was I so damn wrong.

"You sure are tough by not telling anyone but don't you think you're fighting a losing battle. Sooner or later you would break and there won't be any way of fixing you back together. So take my advise and stop keeping it all to yourself."

I would never forget the time he told me those words and as I felt tears slowly flow down my cheeks. Once he was gone, I cried my eyes not being able to hold myself back anymore.

When I went home that day I felt both good and bad. And oddly enough I couldn't stop thinking of him. At that time I didn't know he was a teacher. So I thought we would never see each other again.

A few months later and I was a third year already. To say I was shock to see him as my new homeroom teacher was an understatement. After he said that to me that day, I didn't get bullied as much because I talked it out with my parents. They told the school and the school took care of it. They would still tease me and all but not as much as before.

At first he didn't remember who I was but I was determined to make him remember me. It was struggle at first, I would constantly follow him around or get him to assign me to do the collecting of notebooks or homework. I would stay late at night just to be able to walk with him. Lucky me, we live close to each other so it wasn't odd to the two of us walking home together.
In just almost a year we became unbelievably close, to the point that we share our most embarrassing secrets with each other. Graduation was coming nearer and I was scared. I didn't want to be separated from him. I grew more anxious as days passed.

A week before graduation and I was ready to faint with all this stress that's pilling up. Just a week more and I might not be able to see him anymore and I was dreading the day that has yet to come. But just five more days before graduation something I didn't expected happen. To think that this would happen five days earlier.

He asked to see me after class. I was confused as to why, we walked together as usual but we weren't heading home. He wanted to talk in a small cafe he often went to. This is actually the first time I heard of this cafe. He never mentioned it before when I asked, he just shrugged and said that I never asked. I huffed wanting to smack the smug look he has. He was undeniably irritating at times.

The time we got to the cafe, the sun was almost setting. We went inside and the most heavenly scent of coffee greeted my nostrils. A server greeted us as we went to talk a seat at one of the tables near the window. A server took our order and an awkward silence filled the air between us. I still didn't know what he wanted to tell me. A few more minutes passed, our coffee arrived.

A little more minutes have passed and we started small talk, once we were comfortable enough. We were so busy talking that we almost forgot the reason why we were here in the first place. The sun had set a long time ago.

He must have noticed because he suddenly stopped talking, he looked at me and his whole demeanor changed. It sent shivers down my spine, his expression is making me uncomfortable. I asked him what was wrong and he looked down with soft sigh. The next minute felt like the most painful minute I experienced. I abruptly stood up and ran out of the cafe, wanting to get out of there as soon as possible. Shocking him and other costumers in the process.

I heard him ran after me, he was shouting out for me to stop. Before I realise what was happening, I felt someone yanked me back. I was pulled back into a hard chest. I felt him turn me to face him, he brought up his hand to my face and wiped my tears away. He pulled me closer to him in an embrace and I bawled my eyes out. I had my face tucked in between his neck and shoulder. I had never felt like this before and it hurts.

I can't believe that we would get separated earlier than I expect, Im not ready yet, I don't want to let him go yet. Please make time stop, keep him with me a little while longer.

He slowly pulled me away from here, I was still looking down. He lifted up my head so that he's looking straight at me. I sniffle as tears continue to stroll down my cheeks. I didn't know why I was crying so much but thinking about him leaving is making chest tighten up. It hurts.

He quietly reassured me that he was coming back that he won't be staying in the US for that long but I knew he was just saying that to make me feel better. Who knows how long he's going to stay there.

I stepped away from him and wiped my tears. I tried to put on a brave face, I looked at him and said that he shouldn't waste his time on a selfish brat like me. He tried to reach out to me but I backed away. Who the heck am I to him to think and act so selfishly. I had no right to stop him or be angry or sad. I was just an imprudent brat that stepped into his life.

I slowly turned around and started to walk home. Feeling more down than I have ever felt before. The second I entered my room I broke down, I couldn't keep my emotions in check anymore. I just want sink into the ground and never come back again. I cried myself to sleep that night. And only as I was about to succumbed to sleep that night did I realise that I was in love with him. How ironic. I really am stupid.

7 years later..................

It's been years since I saw him. I wander what happened to him after all these years. I never really got over him but I'm still trying. I guess you never really forget your first love, huh.

If you told me a few years ago that I would see him again then I would probably be jumping up and down and screaming my heart out. But in present time I would be dreading it. So I was really beyond shocked to see him fcking standing in front of me. I looked at him awkwardly and waved at him. While looking extremely uncomfortable. Damn, do he look handsome till now, how has he not aged a day older. But I must admit he look more professional now, wearing a suit and tie and all. Wait a minute this isn't the time to be fantasizing about him right now.

So yeah we met again after all this years. I'm feeling really lazy so I'll skip all the boring stuff. So I'll just get to the point, we got together how lucky of me that he felt the same as me. Okay, I now you're probably cursing me right now but nothing dramatical happened. We talked to each other, became friends and after a few months he confessed well more like he found out. I might have accidentally blurted that out when I got jealous because I saw him with a women walking together at night. Yes I got jealous and being stupid me, I said some stupid nonsense in front of him.

Right, about the dramatical part. There might have been a little dramatic that involved a car and some rescuing. I'm sure you get the picture I'm not elaborating. Oh fine, for the sake of the story. Me and him got into a tinsy bitsy fight. Okay it was a major fight but it was completely his fault. How would you react when someone told you were getting fat. Angry right!??!??

You're thinking that that's stupid. Well it isn't, I am very insecure. Well one thing led to another. And a small thing became a huge one. I don't think I particularly remember what we fought about but it was enough to make me storm out on him. I was furious that I didn't realise a car was about to run me over.

And that was how he saved me for the second time. We made up after a couple days of him babying me and me sulking. It was funny how he looked when I threw a vase at him, of course he wasn't hit with my weak bones it was impossible. Did I forget to mention we live together now? Well I mentioned it now. And that is how we lived happily ever after.

My life's story is crappy right? Deal with it.

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