
By mariieluise

49.5K 1K 968


How to get a Cover/ Trailer
link für die cover
Rache ist sexy cover - Niallsarah13horan
Trailer cover - julchencupcake14
Moist Trailer - Maddy93
why is that impossible? cover - AlinaBookworm
forbidden love trailer - goatgirls
survivor Trailer - xTeddyBearPrincess
three girls, one direction and five cocks trailer - crazy_chicks3
my real me cover - JuliaHe
Dark Secret Trailer - Maddy93
Games trailer - RockMex3
i love Harry Styles trailer - Yves 99
Runaway cover - Annilein_loves_1D
You can't know what happened tomorrow Trailer - mariieluise
The last summer Trailer - AliciaGraf
Love, Life and Troublemakers Trailer - TC_Leprrchaun
I've tried everything Trailer - Tamara_xx
Forbidden Passion Trailer - Boobear1099
I'm your only desire Cover - Annilein_loves_1D
Sweet Dreams Trailer - Annilein_loves_1D
Behind blue eyes Trailer + Cover - mariieluise
die cinderella.. I'm the new princess! Cover - mariieluise
We found love Cover - Msralikehoran
I need your love Cover - Annilein_loves_1D
I need your love old Cover and Trailer - Annilein_loves_1D
Stand up Cover - lillifee296
You can't know what happened tomorrow Cover - mariieluise// Annilein_loves_1D
the Girl in the shadow Cover - Annilein_loves_1D
How to get happy Cover - CallMeLucia
American Dream Cover - SarahMcClairHoran
Living the american dream Cover - LoveJustinDrewB
the Queen of her Fantasy Cover - Dreams2000
living the american dream Cover 2 - LoveJustinDrewB
Psychology Cover - by lirrydoinstuff
My own little Irwin Cover - OneSecondOfCherCyrus
Gruselgeschichten Cover - by _Bunny13_
Mother 13 Cover - by Real_SophiePayne
All too Well Cover - by DirectionerLoveHarry
The Monster Cover - by Dreams 2000
My Mom, One Direction and i Cover - by Annybunny01
Heartbreak Girl Cover - by DirectionerLoveHarry
The Magic of you Cover - by zarminastelzer
Unforgettable Cover - by xXZerrieShipperXx
Bloody Me Cover - by teachingstyles
Moon the face in the sky Cover - by Kruemmelmonster12
With you by my side.. everything goes wrong.. Cover - by Annybunny01
Sweet Dreams Cover - by Annilein_loves_1D
eine geheimnisvolle Liebesgeschichte Cover - by maroccaingirl1812
Horror memories Cover - by UNKNOWN-05
Everything for money Cover - by Mrs1DMalikXx
The Magic of Love Cover - by Dreams2000
Street Dance Cover - by AnnabelleSchulter
my 100 letters for you cover - by nadinestory
believe me it's love! cover - by sarahinlove
one night one man one woman cover - by cosmashiva
if I die young cover - by JuliaHe
der Bruder meiner besten Freundin Cover - by Mel5SOS
Forever the second choice? Trailer - by Annilein_loves_1D
One Direction? Covr - by Annilein_loves_1D
Homeless Boy Trailer - by Myrilja
Der Bruder meiner besten Freundin Trailer - by Mel5SOS
Freaky Doctor Trailer - by cloudxnixll
~ out of order ~ lest es bitte!

My real me Cover 2 - JuliaHe

423 5 2
By mariieluise


und zwar habe ich mir gedacht, da du ja immer noch dieses alte und in meinen Augen nich grad schöne cover hast, mach ich dir ma n neues..

1. hatte ich lw - 2. hatte ich übelst die guten Vorstellungen - 3. da ich ja jetzt besser mit gimp unso klar komm, wollt ich dir n schöneres machen

naja ich hoffe sehr das es dir gefällt, du musst es nich nehmen, aber kannst es natürlich machen

würde mich auch bei dir über eine Erwähnung freuen, falls du es nehmen solltest..

PS: wir sollten mal wieder schreiben! :o ;)

LG mariieluise x ♥

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