Dancing On Ice

By RenaFreefall

131K 11.9K 6.9K

#47 in Fantasy ~ All Aeralie wants to do is touch the sky. Instead, all she can do is watch... More

Once Upon a Time
Songstress of The Seas
Wars at Sea
Lost at Sea
The Rip Tide
The Price of Desire
The Voice
Looking Inside Out
Eyes on Me
Cole De Val
Perry in the Middle
Eyes of Brilliant Blue
Free in the Night
Strangers in Our Midst
Sign Language
The Same Direction
White Diamonds
The Mad Heir
Silence to Sound
Taking Sides
Eyes on the Prize
Into The Depths
1001 Shades of You
Unicorns and Courtiers
Smiles on The Ice
Waltzing With The Past
Tears in The Sea
Rebuilding Reality
The Other Side of Us
The Dancer
Parting Warnings
Of The Sea and Sky
Fire on the Ice
When You're Gone
The Lay Luna Waves
Below the Surface
Meeting with Monsters
Silver and Steel
Frozen Sunlight
Knight in Shining Armour
The Fragments of My Shattered heart
The Santiago
Into The Fray
Caught Beneath
Crossing Lines
In Place of Me
Shattering My Heart
Touch The Sky
Epilogue ~ The Uncollected Tale of The Little Mermaid ~
Author's Notes

Taking War to Waves

2K 188 158
By RenaFreefall

"I can't decide if I prefer this or the dresses," Aeralie said as she walked out of the captain's quarters, dressed in a man's shirt so long it was a short dress and trousers that were a tad too baggy for her but were the closest the crew of Cole's ship could find on short notice.

She'd abandoned her high heels for bare feet. The cabin boy's shoes were too big and she decided the heels were a liability.

The trousers and shirt were belted around her hips but they still felt oddly loose after all the time she'd spent confined to a corset.

Well, the shirt did at least.

It felt weird to have fabric against her legs after her skirts had given her so much movement – once she'd become used to the metal cages that formed the underskirts.

"I think you look fine either way," Perry said, looking her up and down as he handed her a length of thin leather.

Dray snorted but kept quiet as he watched Perry hold out his hands for Aeralie as she pulled pins from her hair, dropping them onto his waiting palms before tying her hair up into a tight ponytail and taking the pins back, locking her hair in a bun at the back of her head so it didn't get in the way.

"I suppose this is easier to move in, in a way," Aeralie said, lifting one leg to look at the trousers. "Why don't girls wear these?"

"Well it's hardly proper for ladies to wear men's clothing," Dray pointed out.

"Make them more fashionable and ladies can wear them," Aeralie said and Dray laughed.

"I suppose," he said, "A lady should never be forced to wear rags, I guess. Wouldn't you agree, Cap?"

When no answer came, the three of them looked up to the deck above.

Dray left Perry to Aeralie and moved to the stairs, looking around as he walked up.

Cole stood at the ship's wheel, eyes set straight ahead, expression cold and stern, very unlike his usual self when he took the wheel. There was no fun and games this time; this wasn't a raid on another ship or an attack on a rival pirate. There was nothing fun about this for the captain.

"We'll get there," Dray said gently, stopping beside Cole as another wild roll of wind roared passed them, straining against the sails and tossing the waves ever higher and the sky, so grey it was almost black, rumbled violently overhead, threatening them with the oncoming storm and War Tide that would hit them if they weren't back on land within a few hours.

"I know," Cole said, his voice calm and quiet, "The wind is in our favour and the sea seems to have changed her currents to help pull us along. We're making better time then I imagined. As long as Icadora was not wrong in her directions, we should see them on the horizon any time now."

"So what's troubling you?" Dray asked.

Cole laughed, the sound hollow. "You mean besides the discovery that mermaids actually exist?"

"Well, I admit that was a surprise," Dray said, looking towards the edge of the ship, thinking of a half hour before when the woman named Icadora – possibly the most beautiful woman he had ever seen and apparently Dalton long lost mother – sat on the edge of the ship, completely unconcerned by the violent rocking caused by the waves, and grew a tail.

With only a quick word to Aeralie and Perry, she had jumped off the side of the boat and launched into the rushing waves below.

By the time they got to the side, she was gone, with nothing more than her gown floating to the surface, like a ghost.

"But it's also nice to know that I haven't been hallucinating mermaids all these years," Dray added.

"And Kazimir had the gall to call me crazy when I spoke about them," Cole muttered.

"But besides that, what else?"

Cole fell quiet, watching the horizon. "What if we don't get him back?" he said gently.

"We will," Dray said, "Whatever these powers, we can best them."

Cole laughed. "Really? We can best mystical powers? A bunch of pirates can better the gifts of supernatural beings?"

"Dago is not a supernatural being and he can't know how to really use them yet," Dray pointed out, "We'll figure it out. And if it comes to it, we have Perry as a last resort."

"You know can't use him," Cole said, glancing down to the deck below where Perry was stood talking to Aeralie, pointing out something in the tumbling clouds above. "This is a fight of mortal creatures – humans and merfolk alike. Asking him to do more than take up arms or pass a message is stepping over the lines. The results affect his life, not ours."

Dray looked at him. "And if he chooses to intervene?"

Cole glanced at him then looked away again. "That's his life on the line there. I can't stop the will of those born for greater things than us."

Dray grinned as he looked towards the horizon, the wind tearing through their hair and howling around them. "Be they princes, gods or demons, far be it from mortal man to shape the will of power," he muttered.

"As my dear old pop is known to say," Cole said with a smirk, "And so far, having had the strange fortune to meet with all three, I'm inclined to agree with him."

"Captain! Ship on the horizon!"

Everyone looked up as one of the men leant over the edge of the crow's nest, high above, pointing dead ahead, a spyglass pressed to his face.

Dray quickly handed Cole another spyglass and he held it to his eye.

The king's flag flew high and wild at the top of the highest mast, lit by a sudden flash of lightening that split the sky beyond it.

"The King's Command! Dead ahead!" he roared, snapping the spyglass shut and grabbing the wheel again. "All hands to your posts! Prepare to board! Ready the guns! We'll be coming up the port side!"

Aeralie looked around as men burst into action around her. Perry caught her hand and pulled her across the deck, dodging the men as they rushed up the stairs towards Cole.

"We'll sail alongside them," Cole said, his eyes never leaving the ship that sailed the horizon.

They were gaining on it faster than any other ship they'd chased down before. Be it gods, sea or wind, something was on their side and speeding them across the storm-tossed waters like they were skating on ice, racing the storm that trembled overhead.

"Perry, stay on board."

"What?" Perry said, staring at him in shock.

"Stay here and keep the ships parallel."

"But I can help."

"I know but you're emotionally involved. I don't want you crossing the line with a power without thinking and messing things up for yourself."

"You're emotionally involved as well."

"I have nothing to lose," Cole said, looking at him.

"What a joke, of course you do," Perry snapped, glaring at him, "You're going up against a man who's taken command of the sea. There is a hell of a lot you could lose! Your life being a start! You have no power."

"I'm not exactly a stranger to almost losing my life," Cole said, raising an eyebrow at him, "It somewhat comes with the job."

"But I—"

"Captain's orders, Perry. Unless I call for you, you stay here," Cole cut in.

Perry glared at him and Cole looked at Aeralie.

"Your power, you control people through your voice, right?"


"How does it work? Is it just anyone who hears or can you decide who gets affected."

"I can decide."

"Good, after the initial attack, I want you to take command of his crew. Wait for my command though; I don't want you to get caught up in the first wave of attacks. Stay down at the start; I don't want to be responsible for the daughter of The King of the Sea being taken out by a cannon ball or stray bullet."

"My voice won't work on the king though," Aeralie pointed out.

"That's alright. I just need his crew dealt with. The men we're going up against are the people who sail the king's own ship. They're the best his kingdom has to offer. Where's Dalton by the way?"

"I don't know," Perry said, looking around, "I haven't seen him since we left."

"I know he went below deck, shall I call him?" Dray asked.

"No, leave him be. Frankly, I'd rather keep him out of the fray if I can," Cole said, glancing up as lightning flashed above them. "I don't want him hurt if I can help it."

"We're almost on them, Captain! Ready at your command!"

"Perry, take the wheel," Cole said, passing command off to him as he stepped back, eyes fixed like daggers on the king's ship as they drew up on their starboard side. "I'm going to say hello to my king."

"Cap, be careful!" Perry shouted but Cole was already moving away, jumping down the stairs and striding across the main deck, his men racing out of his way, scanning the deck of the opposing ship as they finally drew up alongside it.

The crew of the King's Command were already pointing cannons their way, men ready and waiting for orders and actions.

He spotted the king right at the front, stood on the forecastle deck, arms folded, staring out at the horizon, calm and relaxed despite the storm and men taking up arms behind him.

The ship rolled under him as Perry span the wheel, drawing the ships even closer until they were mere meters from each other, Cole climbing up onto the forecastle rigging and leaning out, turning his attention to the same horizon the king watched.

"Not the best evening for sailing, Your Highness!" he shouted over the wind and waves.

Dago clearly heard him however because a grin formed across his face and he looked at Cole.

"Captain Cole De Val," he said, smiling, "How long has it been? Still causing trouble I see!"

"Comes with the territory!"

"And what can I do for the infamous pirate captain?"

"I'm looking for something!"

"Oh yes? What would that be?"

"Well you see, to my great surprise, I seem to have become quite enchanted by a young man I met of recent times. Shocking, I know, Captain Cole; falling for anyone, but happens to even the best! But I have a bit of a problem; it seems this young man is one of your sons! I never did congratulate you on having not one but two healthy sons. Anyway, regardless of his breeding, I'm rather taken by him and, as a few little birdies tell me, you have him with you at this moment. I was hoping you'd be so good to give him back!"

Dago started laughing. "That's a very polite way of asking. I didn't know a pirate like you had such manners!"

"My king is still my king until I denounce him after all, whatever laws I break," Cole said.

"Well let's see. Since I know you have no more than brotherly love for Dalton, I take it you mean my dear Kazimir."

"That would be the one!"

"Well he's right here. Let's have a look. Grades! Bring him up!"

One of the crew ran out of sight for a moment, ducking under the stairs before appearing again, hauling something up the stairs, another man coming to help. When they finally reached the king, he nodded to them.

Kazimir's limp body was heaved upright but, even if he was awake, he wouldn't have been able to stand on his own. He was bound up in yards and yards of rope.

Even without his power, they didn't seem to be taking any chances against his strength, not that it mattered. His head lolled to the side, his face sickly pale and lips turning blue.

Cole had to stop himself drawing his pistol and shooting the king right then and there.

How dare that bastard put his own son in such a situation.

Cole clenched his fist and had to unlock his jaw from grinding his teeth, smoothing the approaching glare into an easy smile.

"That's the one," he said, his voice too casual, "Could you return him?"

"Hmm, well as proud as I am of my son for catching the heart of a murderous criminal, I have a need for him. You can have him back when he's useless," Dago said.

Cole felt his nerves start to twitch. "And what could you need him for? I take it you already have his power?"

Dago looked at him, then smiled. "But it's always good to have someone around to help you out if you're not sure how to use it. For example, I'm not sure what the limit of this power is; he'll have to tell me. On top of that, his darling mother will do anything to see that he isn't hurt. Can one find a better defence? When she turns up – and mark my words, she will turn up – I am not afraid to kill her son in front of her. And this time I'll really go through with it."

Cole felt his body chill as he stared at the king.

His eyes flicked to Kazimir, then back again.

"Your Highness. I hate to defy you, you've always been good to me and my mother... but I also won't let you hurt him," Cole said, his voice quiet as the wind picked it up and carried it across the sea.

Dago chuckled slightly. "Then we find ourselves at loggerheads and I'll have to witness the fall of the Black Dragon Pirates."

The wave hit Cole from nowhere. One moment the sea was rocking and rolling below them, tossing them up and down but it was predictable.

The next, a towering wave roared up above them, towering over Cole before pouring down, slamming directly down onto his head, drowning him in salt and water, stealing his breath as the force nearly knocked him off the rigging, his fingers scrambling to keep purchase on the ropes as he clung on for dear life. If he hit the water now, he'd be dragged below his ship and his fight would be done before it began.

He felt hands on his arms as crew grabbed him through the rigging, hanging on tight until the water passed and he emerged, coughing and choking.

Dago opened his mouth to speak, probably to mock and gloat over his new found power but he didn't get a chance.

One of Cole's men pressed a dry pistol into his palm; Cole swung back, aimed and fired.

That single shot was like the command to fire.

In an instant, the sky was thundering with explosions as cannon balls roared through the air, shattering through the sides of the ships, wood and metal flying, fires catching and roaring over the decks and into the sails.

Cole didn't see how Dago dodged the bullet, he resented that he did but he didn't have time to dwell on it.

"Grapples at the ready!" he roared as another cannonball sailed through the air, ducking the attack as he dove for the main deck, staring across as Dago moved, shoving Kazimir's body to the deck, out of sight.

Men wheeled heavy cannons into place, angling them for The King's Command.


Huge grappling hooks attached to heavy, thick chains, exploded from the new cannons, hurling across the open ocean and driving into the side of the ship, latching into place, dug in too deep and far too heavy to be pulled free.

Gunfire screamed from the king's ship as Cole pointed towards Aeralie.

"Lower the ropes! Get ready to board! Aeralie! You're up!"

Aeralie ran to the side of the ship, Perry shouting for her to not go so close, before she opened her mouth and started to sing.

The music was dizzying.

Cole felt the straightest sensation form in his chest, a warmth, like falling in love, odd that it reminded him of something he felt, on occasion, towards Kazimir – though that wasn't right. He wasn't actually in love with the man. He didn't fall in love... but this feeling... he would throw himself to his death just to hear this voice and keep feeling this feeling.

And then the feeling passed.

Like a wave, it rolled passed, like a daze, his men woke from the sudden enchantment as it passed them by and they looked towards the king's ship as that same, dazed, enchanted emptiness filled their eyes.

Dago's eyes were filled with rage, however.

"That's enough!" he snarled, drawing his gun and firing directly at Aeralie.


Perry's scream was drowned by another round of cannon fire as Dago's men snapped from their trance and launched another wave of attacks.

"Is she alright?" Cole shouted.

"All good, Cap!" Dray shouted from where he lay on the floor, Aeralie under him from where he had tackled her.

She sat bolt upright as he moved off her and sprang to her feet, staring over the edge.

"They should still be enchanted!" she shouted to Cole, pointing at the men, "The spell shouldn't shatter just because I stopped singing!"

Cole stared at he looked across to Dago.

"Seems it's not only me I can protect from that wretched music," Dago laughed.

Aeralie's eyes widened. "Protection from my voice?" she muttered, staring, "That's not possible. Is that one of Kazimir's powers? It can't be! He drowns ships!"

"It must be Dalton's!" Perry shouted.

"Damn it," Cole growled, before snatching one of the hanging ropes and pulling himself up onto the side of the ship. "Board, men! We'll take them down the old fashioned way!"

"I think not."

Cole stopped as Dago stopped opposite him, right in front of one of the grappling hooks.

He smiled at it for a moment, then patted it.

"You should never get too attached to anyone, Cole!" Dago called, "It only leads to trouble."

Cole glared at him then blinked.

Was it... how strange... Dago seemed to be... drawing away from him?

The rolling of chains unwinding made him look to his left, staring as the grappling cannon beside him unwound more and more chain.

His eyes widened and he looked back at Dago.

No, he really was drawing his ship away from them but how? There was no one at the wheel at that moment.

The deafening thunder of a waterfall made him jump, looking around in confusion, before a strange, unnatural cold settled in his stomach.

Slowly, he and his crew leant forwards, setting their hands on the edge and looking over the side of the ship.

Cole's heart stopped.

It wasn't that Dago ship was pulling away.

The sea was simply splitting in two.


Next Up: Monday

Art By: Pinterest Image

Here's a fun fact. I know how this book ends. I don't know how to get there.

And I don't know how to beat this guy.

Genuinely. No idea.

And yes, You're all going to say 'use Perry' But I need him for something else. And if I use him too early, that trump card is gone, (I'm not going to kill him, relax lol)

So this is gonna be fun~

....... I still haven't recovered from that one Piece episode, you know -.-

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