Deja vu

By _TrillQueen

55.3K 3.7K 694

have you ever had a moment in your life and it's like you've already lived that moment? yea me too that's cal... More

candy land.


1.3K 91 9
By _TrillQueen

I apologize for not updating, I took it upon myself to work on two books at once and that was stupid butttt this book came first so I'll try to focus on it more, anyway enjoy!


      My leg bounced as I sat with Storms family, my mom and our friends waiting for the doctor to tell us what happened and if he would be okay.

Times like this my mind always seemed to put me through these scenarios where bad things would happen and I had to find a solution, but I couldn't find a solution for this scenario I was numb.

I continued to blame myself although i had nothing to do with what happened I still blamed myself, who would even do something like this? why would they even do it?

Storm had a good heart and a good personality but yet trouble always seemed to follow him, he could never get a break and live his life, here he is eighteen years old working like a father, laying in a hospital bed while doctors and nurses operated on him trying to save his life that could easily slip through their hands if they didn't move quickly, or if they made one little mistake...I'm terrified.

I didn't notice that I was crying until my mother wiped my face with the end of her shirt, my head hurt to the point where I felt as if I was going to pass out. Looking over at Storms mom I watched as she sat motionless staring off into space.

I felt for her, she already lost one son and could be close to losing another no mother could bare that type of pain.

I looked over at spud who held a sleeping nuzuri as he rubbed jasmines back, Abby sat next to him rubbing her stomach in slow circles as she breathed heavily.

Standing up I walked over to her and bent down,"you okay?" her breathing started to increase.

"It it hurts" she cried out clenching on my shoulder.

"what hurts? talk to me" by now everyone was staring over at us with looks of concern.

"my stomach"

My mom called over a nurse that was standing near by coming over she asked Abby how she was feeling, suddenly I felt something wet on my leg and hand.

"her water broke, ma'am how far along are you?"

"five months and a few days"

"that baby is coming early"


twelve hours later...

After they got Abby in a room and all set up they told us to go home since it was getting too late they didn't give us any information on Storm, said he was still in surgery.

As of now I was getting dressed so I could drive up there with Storms mom to check on both him and Abby, while my mom watched the girls.

Sliding my feet into my slides I grabbed my MK book bag, and a duffle bag with some clothes and body wash for Storm, I had faith that he was going to pull through and when he did I knew he would be comfortable in some sweats and not a gown where his ass was hanging out.

Grabbing my phone and keys I walked out into the living room Mrs.Lewis and my mom sat talking while jasmine sat in front of the tv eating what looked to be a pop tart.

"hey jas" she looked back smiling at me.

"hey I came to talk to you but you were in the shower" I dropped the bags and sat down next to her on the floor.

I smiled,"oh really? what did you wanna talk about"

"I just wanted to hang out do girl stuff but if you don't want to-"

"I would love to, how about this we'll have a sleep over and stay up all night watching movies and eating junk food, sound good?"

I always wanted a little sister, so spending time with Jasmine really was nice.

"sounds good"

I gave her a hug before standing up.

"okay, I'll be back in a few hours"

Picking up the bags I walked into the kitchen my mom was holding nuzuri as she sucked on a cheeto puff.

"hey Mrs.Lewis you ready?"

she nodded standing up grabbing her purse,"yea baby I'm ready"

I gave my mom a kiss on the cheek,"I'll see you later"

"okay call me and let me know how everything goes"

"I will"


"listen sir, we've been up here for two hours and we're not going to even count the hours from last night, and no one has told us anything so can you please-"

I was interrupted from going off on one of the doctors when a tall white man with piercing blue eyes came over to me with a smile on his face.

"Dr.Snell I'll handle it from here"he said to the man I was going off on before looking over at me,"your boyfriend I'm guessing Is fine he just got out of surgery a few hours ago we just got him settled in you may go back to see him"

Mrs.Lewis came over,"so what exactly happened?"

"I'm Dr.Richards I'm guessing your the mother, well Storm was hit six times, twice in the lower chest, once in the lower back, and three in his left shoulder"

"oh god"

Dr.Richards nodded, I left him alone to talk to Mrs.Lewis while I went to check on storm.

room: A227

Taking a deep breath I placed my hand on the knob.

here we go.


excuse mistakes.

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