Angel Wings || Victor Bruntley

By Cutehorse

38.3K 795 96

'The story is told that at birth you receive your own angel to hold. You come into this world on a wing and a... More



2.5K 60 10
By Cutehorse


'Nellie flapped her wings, propelling them upward until they were above the house...'


Nellie flew over the town she called home, her eyes scanning over the ground as a worried look was set on her face. She had been sent to watch over Jake as he made his way back to the house. Well, she hadn't really been sent; she had asked in order to avoid Victor. He hadn't seen her this morning, not that she had wanted him too. She still had no clue what Rosie had done and she didn't really want to know. The girl knew her sister wouldn't have done anything bad; it was Victor's reaction she didn't want to see.

She shook her head and started to scan the land below in search for Jake, quickly finding him passing the pub with his head down and his feet moving across the ground quickly. Nellie flew over him, flying the slowest she had in a long time. A groan left her mouth as boredom came over her, why did normal people move so slow?

Nellie sighed and began flying faster towards home, not being bothered to watch over Jake anymore because she was never one for chores. She flew through the window out the front of the house and into the lounge, where Miss Peregrine sat nursing the injured ymbryne Emma had found last night. The girl landed in front of the woman before she sat her wings comfortably on her back and sat on the lounge across from her, letting a sigh leave her mouth as she looked at her hands.

'Did you see Jake?' Miss Peregrine asked.

'Yes, he should be here any minute,' Nellie replied.

'Victor's been looking for you all morning; he seems to think you've been avoiding him.'

'That's because I have.'

'And why's that?'

'Because, um... You know what, don't worry about it.'

The Ambros girl began to stand before she paused as Miss Peregrine spoke, 'Sit down Nellie and tell me what's going on.'

With a sigh she sat, 'Rosie did something last night and I'm not entirely sure what, but it had something to do with confessing my love to Victor. I told her I wasn't ready to do that yet but she ignored me, so yes I've been avoiding Victor because I don't know how he's going to react.'

'Do you love Victor?'


'Well, what are you worried about?'

'Losing him because I told him.'

'I will tell you this right now young lady,' Miss Peregrine stated before she stood; 'If he truly doesn't love you, then don't force him too. But I see the connection between you too, and whether or not he admits you liking you now or later; it will happen. I can see it.'

The lady walked off after she finished speaking, a knock sounding at the front door soon after causing Nellie to flee upstairs before she climbed out of her window and flew to the roof. She laid in her back and stared up at the sky, watching the clouds float by. Though she couldn't help but feel slightly guilty as she thought over Miss Peregrine's word; what was she really worried about? She knew Victor couldn't hate, like she could never hate him. She realised the ymbryne was right, even if the boy didn't like her back she could live with just being friends.

Nellie jumped off the roof and flew back into her room; she tucked her wings away and walked to the top of the stairs where the sound of chatter could be heard up the hall. She stood quietly to listen in to what was going on, curiosity getting the better of her. She could hear Enoch's voice mostly, but she could also hear Olive and Jake. The girl didn't know what they were up to, but by the tone of Olive's voice it didn't sound good.

'Enoch, you can't. You promised,' Olive reminded the boy.

'Olive is right. I do know someone who can break the rules though. Want to meet her?' Enoch asked.

Jake must've nodded because the trio's footsteps sounded through the room as they walked towards the staircase, Nellie ran to her room and watched as they marched past her room not even noticing she was standing by her window. Nellie furrowed her eyebrows; Enoch wouldn't do what she was thinking he was going to do, would he? Surely not. He knew the rules. She listened to their footsteps get further down the hall, making her walk forward so she was standing just inside her doorway.

'Enoch, don't do this! Please,' Olive cried; 'You want me to spend time well with him, Jake. We can all play together.'

'That's what you said. Well, here we all are,' Enoch chided as their footsteps stopped; 'Move, Olive.'

'If you're going to be like that, then I don't want to be your friend.'

'Enoch! Leave Rosie alone. You know how Nellie gets,' Fiona's voice echoed up the hall.

'Stop fussing, Fiona. Don't you think Jake should meet everybody?' Enoch sneered.

'He's trying to frighten you away, Jake. He was always jealous of Abe and now he's jealous of you. Come and play with us instead.'

'I'd quite like to meet Rosie,' Jake stated.

'After you,' Enoch said as he placed a hand on the door knob.

As soon as she heard the door click open, she moved outside of her room and began walking slowly up the hall; watching as Enoch and Jake walked inside the dark room. Nellie placed a finger to her lips, shushing Fiona as the girl noticed her; her little eyes going wide before she ran off to where the other children were playing. She knew the girl was going to get Victor; he was the only one able to calm her down except Miss Peregrine.

'Hello Rosie. I'm Jake. I'm sorry to disturb,' Jake introduced himself before looking confused as the pale girl didn't move.

'She can't hear you,' Enoch retorted blandly.

Nellie stormed up the hall then, her hands balling into fists as her eyes turned dark; no one touched or saw her sister without her permission.

'It's ok, Nel. He just wants to know the truth,' Rosie's voice sounded in her ear.

'No, it's not Rose. He shouldn't be near you,' She sneered before she reached the room.

The girl with wings stormed into the room and punched Jake into the nose, before she moved over to Enoch who was kneeling by the bed and grabbed him by his sweater; dragging him over to the window. She flung it open and dove through the small gap, Enoch flying out behind her; yelling loudly as the floor disappeared beneath his feet. Nellie flapped her wings, propelling them upward until they were above the house; Enoch hanging by the neck of his sweater, flailing around in her hand.

'Nellie! Nellie put me down!' He cried.

She simply ignored him as hovered in one spot, her wings flapping occasionally to keep them in the same spot. All the children had gathered outside now, Miss Peregrine pushing her way through the small crowd till she reached the front and looked up at the anger girl with the yelling boy in her hand; her eyes wide as she passed the injured ymbryne to Emma.

She called out to Victor, who was being dragged outside by Fiona, to come faster and when he saw his best friend with Enoch in her hand he ran over. Nellie hadn't acted like this in years, the last time she had done anything like this was when Rosie had died and she carried anyone who mentioned her name over the garden; she had always put them down after a little while thought.

'Nellie! You need to put him down, now,' Miss Peregrine called; 'Whatever he did, I'm sure it's forgivable.'

The blonde girl glared down at everyone, before she looked at Victor; placing a hand over her heart and tapped her hand twice in the same spot. Victor began glaring at Enoch as he moved around, his chest heaving as he did so.

'He touched Rosie,' He sneered.

As soon as those words hit Nellie's ear, she dropped the boy; sending him flailing to ground screaming. Everyone gasped as Victor sprinted forward, catching Enoch at the last second in his arms. No one cheered at the amazing catch; they all stood silent; worried about the girl who had now disappeared into what seemed like thin air.

Miss Peregrine sent a nod in Victor's direction, before he dropped Enoch on the ground and ran inside to comfort his best friend. Of course he knew where she would be. He jogged up the stairs, missing every second step till he reached the top where he looked straight down the hall to the now closed door of Rosie's room.

He sighed before he walked up the hall at a moderate pace, his gaze set on the floor. He had received the note from Nellie, but there was something off about it; it didn't feel like Nellie had written it. Victor shook his head and knocked lightly on the door, the sound of soft whimpers could be heard on the other side.

'Nel, it's me. Can I come in?' He asked softly.

She didn't reply but he walked in anyway, he knew she needed someone to hold her because Rosie refused to go into the room that held her body according to Nellie. He shut the door behind him and was stuck at a standstill as he saw his best friend crying, with her sister's hand in her own as she knelt on the floor beside the bed. She looked up at him, eyes red rimmed and tear stains on her cheeks; she looked completely broken.

'Oh, Nellie,' Victor said softly before making his way over to her.

The girl stared at her friend as he made his way towards her, she yearned for his touch but she yearned for another's more; Rosie's. Nellie blamed herself for Rose's death, she always had; she could've done something to save her. The way the Hollow sunk its tentacles into her skull, killing her, for being a hero. For saving Victor's life. A sob left her mouth as Victor sat down behind her, wrapping his arms around her small body before he pulled her in close. She leant into his body, burying her face into the crook of his neck and continued to cry; her hand still holding Rosie's cold one.

Nellie hadn't felt like this in years, not since Jake had arrived. Usually, she would've been fine with Enoch talking to Rosie; they used to be best friends after all, but he crossed the line this time. Showing Jake her dead sister, just pushed her over the edge. If anything, she would've rather she showed the new kid herself. Any of the children were allowed to speak to Rosie, it was not like there was a rule against it; her twin's death was just a touchy one.

She finally released her sister's hand and moved it to lie on Victor's chest, the boy's grip tightening ever so slightly around her as he laid his head on top of hers lightly. Her cries slowly stopped, but the pain didn't leave her body. The blue eyed girl sat up slowly, and looked up at Victor who looked at her with concerned eyes. She placed a soft kiss to his cheek before she stood, holding her hand out to the dark haired boy; offering to help him up. Victor took it and pulled himself up, taking Nellie surprise as he wrapped his arms around her shoulders; hugging her once more. She wrapped her own arms around his waist, nuzzling her face into his chest.

As they released each other Nellie spoke, 'It's time.'

Victor nodded before he watched her leave the room without another word, her feet taking her to the garden for her daily ritual. Nellie walked through the quiet house and outside until she reached the courtyard that overlooked to sea, one that was hardly used anymore. She opened her wings and flew up so she was just above the wall, before she crouched down on top of it; one hand pressed down beside her as she sat. Her gaze was set on the rolling ocean, awaiting Miss Peregrine to make her daily walk down the flat plain to kill the Hollow that returned every day.

'Hurry! You'll miss it,' Emma's voice came from behind her.

Though she quickly paused when she saw Nellie sitting on the wall, her head slightly turned to the side with its usual dead look on it. She looked at Jake with wide eyes before motioning with her head that they should go, but Nellie had other ideas. She sighed before she flew off the wall, hovering above it as she took in the pair's faces; Emma looked slightly as scared, as did Jake with his black eye. The girl flew over to Jake, reaching down she grabbed Jake by his jacket and lifted him off the ground; moving him to sit on top of the wall before she sat down again.

Nellie looked to the side again to see if Emma had left, she hadn't. Instead she stood there with a worried look before Jake motioned for her to leave, she obliged immediately. They sat silently as they watched Miss Peregrine make her way through the field with a crossbow in hand, her pocket watch in the other. She sighed before she looked down at her hands, her fingers fidgeting with one another as she shook her head and looked up again.

'Ymbrynes usually pick the perfect date to create a loop,' Nellie started.

'You... You can speak?' Jake exclaimed quietly.

'Do you want to know what happened to my sister or not?'

'Well, yes but-'

'But, nothing. Sit quiet otherwise you can go find your girlfriend.'

Jake nodded quickly before he turned his gaze back to watch Miss Peregrine, waiting silently to hear the rest of the story.

'Miss Peregrine had to create this loop in a rush. Because the Germans were about to drop a bomb on the house. September the 3rd, 1943 wasn't perfect. It will never be perfect. Because this day we live in is the day my sister was killed. And the thing that killed her comes back every day searching for more,' Nelle said darkly before she paused to watch the ymbryne paused by the cliff edge.

They watched as the grass began to move oddly, like as though something was walking through it and as she looked over at Jake Nellie knew he could see it; the Hollow.

'Wait, watch out!' Jake yelled.

'Shush, you'll put her off,' Nellie sneered.

Miss Peregrine raised her weapon, loading it before she checked her watch before putting it away and firing her arrow at the invisible being. The grass moved oddly again, before the Hollow landed in the shape that had been marked out by Nellie and herself a long time ago.

'You can see it, can't you?' Nellie asked softly; 'That's the thing Jake, its invisible. No one else can see it. That was your grandfather's greatest gift. He could see the monsters.'

'But... what was that thing?' Jake muttered.

'We call them Hologaust, or Hollows for short.'

'My grandpa told me about people who turn into monsters. Is that what they are?'

'Come, we must go see Miss Peregrine.'

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