The Chosen

By Abilopez089

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Things are never simple. The world may be beautiful but greed and lust for power drive it. The Gunns learned... More

Authors note
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen

Chapter Eight

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By Abilopez089

We're finally here at the address Loran gave. It was a brick house with a huge yard but I was able to find the spare key easily.

The house inside was very spacious and everything was neatly placed in order; you can tell this guy had serious OCD.

"Finally a sofa!" Laila cheered as she sprawled on the couch and sighed.

"Are you hungry?"

Both Laila and Leila looked at me, while one nodded the other barked. It was comical how alike they were.

I quickly checked the house to make sure everything was in order then started on dinner. Now I'm no chef but I can definitely cook better then my sister. With the food I bought at the store, I was able to make us a decent meal.

I served Leila her food and when she was done released her out into the yard. Making a mental note to clean whatever mess she makes before we leave tomorrow.

When I came to the dinner table where Laila was already sitting, I noticed she hadn't touched her food yet.

"You don't have to eat if you don't like it." I reassured her with a smile.

She looked so out of place it was making me nervous.

"What?" She responded thoughtlessly.

"You haven't touched your food. You know you don't have to eat it if you don't like it, I can make you something different."

She shook her head and started eating. "It tastes really good!" She muffled through mouthfuls.

"Laila are you alright?" Ever since Collins and Walt took her she's been having this distant look in her eyes.

I wonder if she suspects something is going on? Or is she's having suicidal thoughts? I really don't think I can sleep tonight knowing that.

"Yeah...I'm fine. Can we make pudding for dessert?"

Her carefree smile had a knack to put me in a good mood. "Of course we can."

After dinner we headed to the kitchen to make dessert. Laila apparently loves pudding with anything. She wouldn't hear of it when I told her I wasn't a fan and to put it back.

She would then go on and on about how good her brother was at cooking and how many pudding recipes he makes for her every dinner. I didn't even know there was more recipes then the one you get from the box.

Apparently I know nothing.

Tyler really does spoil his sister to the core, he gives her everything she wants. I feel bad for who ever ends up having his kids. Laila's doesn't act spoiled but from all the stories she's told me, Tyler never says no to her requests no matter how ridiculous they are.

I guess I see how she gets what she wants. Those eyes. She asks, looks at you with those eyes and hypnotizes you.

While we were watching TV Tyler called, which I would have been grateful for if he wasn't pissed off that I didn't call him instead. I am very punctual but he didn't even let me put the phone to my ear or the clock hit seven before blew a gasket.

It was more funny than frustrating, because it was Laila this and Laila that, make sure she brushed her teeth and leave the door cracked a little so there was light coming into the room.

Seriously he babies her too much and even she rolled her eyes at some of the things he said.

I did realize though that she was being too quiet. That was still bothering me. She would just give me her megawatt smile and become her joyful self again for a few minutes then quiet down again.

I even brought Leila back to keep her company but she just scooted closer to me and rested her head on my shoulder.

"Are you sure you're alright?"

Laila looked at me and her eyes got teary. "You're leaving tomorrow right?"

That was unexpected, it left me speechless. How do I respond?

She must have taken my silence as a yes because her tears came down. She suddenly buried her face onto my chest and hugged me.

"I don't want you to go!"

I didn't intend to leave her in the first place, especially now.

"You want me to stay?" I murmured; on the outside I was calm but on the inside I was howling in joy.

She wanted me to stay!

Laila looked up and sniffed. "Yes." Her voice cracked a little and I couldn't help the smile that formed in my face. "Jamie please don't leave me"

I swear this girl will be the death of me one day.

"I won't."

"You promise?" Laila murmured.

I held her face and smiled at her. "Yes, now it's time for bed. Go take a shower while I set up your bed."

She nodded then climbed off the couch and left the living room, seconds later I heard the showers turned on.

I leaned back on the couch and covered my face with my hands. I was beginning to feel the whole stress of the situation I was in.

Why does it have to be so complicated?

I didn't want to think about the consequences of my decision. I stood up and headed to the bedroom to fix Laila's bed. I was so distracted with my thoughts I wasn't paying much attention to my task. By the time I finished Laila came back showered and ready for bed with her hair damped and wearing one of my shirts as a nightgown.

My shirt was too big on her and it reached to her mid thigh making her look hot. I half imagined her coming towards me in a cat walk.

She gave me one of her carefree smiles before  climbing into bed. "Can you read me a story?"

I just stood there with my mouth hanging open.

I didn't know any bedtime stories. Maybe about the three little pigs who went to grandma's house or little red who ate the poison apple some dwarf gave her?

No that can't be it.

I was getting nervous, I hardly get nervous yet here is Laila waiting for a bedtime story and I got jack.

My face was hot.

"Do you know any?" She asked.

It was like she knew and was mocking me.

I shook my head as I sat right next to her and grinned sheepishly. "I can make one up." I suggested.

Her eyes lid up and it was my undoing. She crawled next to me and snuggled to my chest.

"Okay ah, once upon a time there was this beautiful princess with a very big heart."

"What was her name?"

"I'm getting to that."

Sheesh, she's impatient.

"Her name was ah, princess Naila."

"Did you just give her a name similar to mine?" Laila asked with a raised brow.

I laughed then kissed her head, she was smart. "Yes I did, but it's a made up story so don't complain."

Laila giggled then snuggled to me some more. "Ok no more interruptions I promise."

"Thank you, now where was I? Ah, the princess lived in a big castle protected by this very mean dragon that collects people's monkeys."

Laila looked up at me curiously. "Why monkeys?"

"Hey, you said you weren't going to interrupt." I complained but I wasn't upset about it.

"But I'm curious!"

"Honestly I don't know, he just likes to steal people's annoying monkeys. I haven't met him yet so I haven't asked him."

"But monkeys aren't annoying."

"That's because you haven't met this particular annoying monkey. The monkey in this story is very curious and doesn't listen to anyone, not even her big brother who tells her to be careful."

"What's her name?"

"We're going to call her Leslie and her brother's name is Jay. While Jay was away the big mean dragon came down to the village and stole Leslie and took her to his castle. When Jay's mom told him, he was very upset and searched everywhere for his little sister, but he couldn't find her. He knew the mean dragon took his sister so he made a plan to find the dragon's most precious treasure and trade it in for his sister. So he traveled long and far with his trusted steed Lisa to find the dragon's treasure."

"Does he ever find it?"

"Yes, the dragon's treasure was the beautiful princess Naila. Jay found her and took her far from the castle. And they traveled from town to town looking for the nasty dragon. When the dragon found out his treasure was missing he called the monkey and said he'd give him Leslie back if his treasure was returned."

Laila looked up at me excitedly. "Jay did it! He rescued his sister!"

"Yeah but Jay wasn't too happy to lose the princess. You see because of the princess' kind heart and beautiful face, Jay fell in love with her. He didn't want to give up the princess, he loved her too much, but he also knew she wouldn't be safe with him. There were villagers also wanting the princess to hurt her. They knew Jay very well and if they were to find out he had the princess, they would take her and he would never see her again. He knew the only way she could be safe is if the dragon had her tucked away in the castle." I squeezed Laila closer to me.

Even though I decided to run away with Laila I couldn't do it her. Laila needed to be kept safe where no one would find her, and she needed her brother.

"So is Jay going to just give her up?"

"He has too if he wants her happy."

"But doesn't the princess love him too?" Laila asked as she looked up to me.

"I'm sure she likes him, but I'm not too sure she's in love with him, besides she really wanted to go back to the dragon. He was her best friend and she loved him more then anything, and he her." I traced her cheek with my finger and stared into her eyes.

I can't deny anymore, I'm in love with her. I want to be with her, but I can't. Not only because of what's going on around us, but also because of our past.

"Even though it hurt him so much to give up the princess he has too. But he was happy."

"How can anyone be happy losing someone they love?"

"Because his princess was going home, where she was happy."

"It was still a sad story." She murmured as she buried her face to my chest. "You shouldn't make up stories any more."

I chuckled. "Sorry."

"Will Jay ever be happy?"

I smiled as I lifted her face by the chin and kissed her cheek. "Laila, Jay is happy, very happy." I whispered as I rested my forehead on hers. "Because he fell in love with a wonderful princess, and just seeing her happy made him happy even if he couldn't have her. Now go to sleep."

Laila nodded at me and turned to sleep, I guess I do suck at telling bedtime stories because she didn't look satisfied with it, not that I blame her, I'm not satisfied with it either. But it wasn't like I had any other choice.

I sighed and left to take a shower to go to bed too.


An ear piercing scream woke me up and made my heart sink to my gut.


I shot up from the couch with my gun and rushed to the room.

I swear if a hunter was hurting her, I'll tie him to a chair and torture the hell out of him before I kill him.

I rushed into the room thinking the worst
scenario possible, but she was still asleep. Laila was having a nightmare, she was tossing and turning, she was even crying.

I rushed to her side and placed my gun on the nightstand next to the bed then climb in next to her. I couldn't wake her up, it would only make things worst.

She stopped tossing and turning enough for me to grab her and hold her close to me.

"Shh, baby it's ok, I'm here, no one's going to hurt you. It's just a dream." I whispered in her ear.

My words seem to be working because she was calming down. She was still panting and her screams died down to a whimper, but she was shaking.

Seeing her like this was tearing me apart, she kept calling for her parents and brothers. Then she'd try to push me away.

"Laila baby, its ok your just having a nightmare."

What should I do?

Laila started screaming again as if someone was hurting her and it was driving me crazy.

How do I help her?

I didn't know what to do. I was even pulling my own hair in desperation.

After one last agonizing scream her eyes shot opened and she sat up. Her breathing was labored and she had a wild look in her eyes as she searched around for something.


Laila jumped and turned to me, her eyes wide with fear.

She tried getting off the bed but her legs were tangled with the sheets. I tried helping her but she just smacked my hands away.

"Get away from me! Don't touch me!! Your one of them! You killed them! It was you!"

"No Laila, please calm down." I implored desperately, but all I wanted to do was crawl under a rock.

"Ty!" She screamed out looking around the room as she got off the bed quickly and backed away from me as if I was going to hurt her.

"Tyler please help me!"

"Laila please, I'm not going to hurt you." I tried to soothe her but my voice cracked a little.

I slowly approached her making sure I did no sudden movements so I wouldn't scare her even more.

"Who are you? Why do you want to hurt us?" She asked in a small voice.

Damn it, she's delusional.

"Baby it's me, Jamie."

"Jamie?" She murmured as she cried some more, shaking her head back and forth; her damped hair smacking her face from the motion. She then grabbed her head and winced. "Jamie's not here! He's gone!"

"No, I'm right here. Look at me! I'm right here. Laila I haven't left you. I promise I won't leave you."

"Get away from me!" She screamed, her eyes searched her surroundings and she grabbed a picture frame and threw it at me.

I had to duck to avoid it.

"Your one of them!"

I don't know what to do.

I watched as she backed up to the corner of the room and shook in fear like some frightened animal.

She didn't trust me.

How was I supposed to calm her down?

The only person who could calm her down wasn't here.

I searched my pocket for my phone and dialed Tyler's number. He picked up after the third ring, but surprisingly it wasn't his voice that came through, it was a woman's.


"I need to speak to Tyler."

At the mention of his name Laila blinked and took a step closer to me. But once our eyes met, she grabbed her head and retreated.

"Who's this?" The woman asked but I could hear her moving in the background. "Tyler, Tyler the phone."

"Tell him it's Jamie, something's wrong with Laila."

"Oh my God, is she ok?!" She asked desperately. "Tyler baby wake up, it's Jamie. I think Laila is having another episode! Damn it Tyler get up!"

"Damn Falish, wait until morning!" I heard Tyler grumble at the woman.

"Jamie's on the phone, it's Laila!"

"What?!" There was shuffling on the other line before his voice came through. "Put her on!"

"She won't let me get next to her." I explained as I glanced at Laila still holding her head and watching me cautiously. "She had a nightmare and woke up screaming."

"Put me on speaker." He ordered.

I slowly removed the phone from my ear to press the speaker button. All the while Laila watched me cautiously.

"Alright you're on speaker."

"Hey kiddo, it me." He said all cheerily.

Laila's eyes widen in such hope, it deflated me completely. The selfish part of me wanted that trust.

"Ty?! Ty where are you?!"

"Calm down. I need you to relax. You had a nightmare, but everything is ok now."

"No everything's not ok! It's my fault! I let Quinn go! He's dead cause I let him go! I should have held him tighter!" She exclaimed desperately. "It's my fault!"

Her tears started coming down again as she shook her head.

"No Laila, stop it, it wasn't your fault! You did everything you could to save Quinn! It wasn't your fault, so please don't blame yourself."

"Ty my head hurts. It hurts Ty! Please make it stop hurting!" Laila screamed crying.

"Do you have anything for her head Jamie?"

"I'll check as soon as she calms down. If there isn't any I'll get her something. I just can't leave her like this."

I wanted to close the gap between us and hold her. This distance was killing me.

"Laila can you do me a favor and listen to Jamie?"


"Yeah Jamie, you remember him right?"

I watched as she looked down and thought for a second. "There's two right? A good one and a bad one."

Tyler chuckled lightly. "The one standing in front of you, but if he does anything stupid, you kung fu his ass."

"But I don't know kong fu."

"Of course you do, you're a kung fu master. Your even better than me. Just trust your instincts. But look, Jamie is going to help you ok. Can you behave for me while he gets you some medicine for your headache?"

She looked at me for a few seconds and slowly nodded.

I tried giving her a small smile but she flinched and grabbed her head. She needed that medicine now,

I left the phone on the bed and slowly backed away so I wouldn't freak her out.

Once out the room I rushed to the bathroom and searched for Tylenol or anything for pain.

Once I got what I needed, I came back to the room, and relaxed as I saw Laila sitting on the bed with my phone in her hands. She was listening to every word her brother said as if her life depended on it.

"There are only two packets of Tylenol, it should hold you off for the night." I said as I slowly neared her with the medicine and a glass of water.

She nodded and placed the phone down on the bed and drank the medicine. "Thank you." She murmured.

"Good girl, now get back to bed." Tyler added.

"But I don't want to go back to bed." She whined as I sat down next to her. Hopefully she didn't freak out.

"Well of course you don't, that's because you just want to watch cartoons. How many times must I tell you that eats your brains!" He playfully scolded.

Her fear seemed to have faded away and she was getting angry.

"No it does not!"

"Oh it doesn't? Yeah sure and the elves still go around stealing your undies."

She giggled just as she rested on the bed. "That's not funny!"

"Well you're laughing so it was funny. But you need to go to sleep Laila."

"Fine." She groaned and gave me the phone.

I took it off speaker.

"Hey she'll be fine, hopefully she won't go off on you again. Just call me when she acts up."

"I will thanks." I murmured then ended the call as I stared at Laila. "Hey are you ok?"

She turned to me and blinked. "My brother said he's coming to get me."

I exhaled a deep breath. "Yeah I know, nothings going to stop him from getting you back."

I know it was wrong of me to ask her anything regarding her past but the fact that she saw me as nothing more than a hunter hurt. It hurt more then I could ever imagine it would.

"Laila?" I whispered as I scooted closer to her. "Are you really that afraid of me? You know I would never hurt you right?"

"But I saw you, you were there."

"But I would never hurt you." I felt myself begging for her to understand. "If you only knew how much you mean to me." I added before placing a hand over hers.

Laila lowered her eyes and slid her hand away from mines before hugging her legs. "I'm sorry."

"You shouldn't be sorry Laila, it's not your fault." I managed a weak smile but even then I felt like crap.

Tiredly I leaned my head against the headboard and closed my eyes. I will never be anything else but a hunter to her.

"We should go to bed, I'll leave the light on this time."

As I was getting ready to stand up I felt Laila's hand wrap around my forearm. My whole body froze at the contact.

"Jamie please don't go, I'm still scared." Her voice cracked a bit and her eyes glossed over.

"No one is going to hurt you Laila, I promise."

Laila shook her head then flinched and winced in pain.

"Hey, don't move so fast, it's not good for your headache. I'll stay if you really want me to." I added as I made myself comfortable right next to her.

As soon as my head hit the pillow I felt Laila snuggle closer to me until her head was resting on my chest. Instinctively I wrapped my arms around her and held her closer to me.

"Dose it still hurt allot?"

She whimpered and nodded her head slowly. "It feels like someone is squeezing my head."

"I'm sorry you have to go through this." I whispered to her then kissed her head. "I'm so sorry."

Laila's grip on my shirt tightened and she released a grunt as she closed her eyes tightly.


I stayed awake the whole night watching over her. She fell asleep half hour after, but even then she whimpered about her head.

I was completely lost, I didn't know what to do with her. I was thinking about taking her to the hospital but what would I say?

If I explained she was having nightmares about her past, they'll start asking question then send her to a mental hospital.

Even though she thinks she's a child she isn't crazy, but the doctors won't see it that way.

Morning came and Laila was still asleep on my chest, by then my eyes felt like sandpaper and I was about to knock out but I couldn't bring myself to sleep.

I did realize though that Laila was a very bad sleeper, she's just about kicked me three times and nearly punched me twice. She was a tenacious cuddle monster but very violent at the same time.

It wasn't until I buried my face on to her hair that I managed to finally relaxed.

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