Captive Inu

By TheMakaylaR

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When Lord Sesshomaru saves a filth covered woman and brings her into his home, no one ever expected her to be... More

Captive Inu
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Extra Chapter

Chapter 17

424 20 0
By TheMakaylaR

She winced again when she saw the hanyou being thrown against the hard wall. His sword was knocked from his hand and he didn't get up. She saw the red in Sesshomaru's eyes and decided she had to do something. He dashed forward at the same time Kagome did, ignoring the guard's protest. She jumped in front of the hanyou a fraction of a second before Sesshomaru would have plunged his sword into his brother's heart. She closed her eyes tightly just before being struck by Sesshomaru's blade.

Everyone gasped.

Kagome waited and waited for the blade to slice through her, but nothing happened. Or had she already been stabbed, and hadn't felt the pain yet because she was so shocked? Or maybe she was dead?

That last thought terrified her more than it would have just little over two weeks ago. 'Had it only been two weeks? It felt like longer.' She thought irrelevantly. Just before that time frame, she would have gladly opened her arms to death, if only it would end her suffering. But now, she wasn't quite ready to die. Not when she had little Rin to care for for a little bit longer. Not when she had people depending on her, not when she had hundreds and thousands of lives she could save if only she lived long enough to take her throne. Not when she still had to end that bastard hanyou's life before he could do anymore damage.

With that thought in mind she peeked an eye open. She then blinked open both eyes, staring belatedly down at the sword tip that was pointed half of half an inch above her heart. They widened, and followed the sword length up to its hilt where a pale hand with twin magenta stripes held it perfectly still. She followed that hand up an arm encased in white, to a wide shoulder she knew was rippled with powerful muscles, up a slender neck that still bore a few fang bites, to a pointed chin and strong jaw, then finally, to furious, molten amber eyes that glared at her, not with hatred, but with disbelief.

"You...baka!" He snapped, lowering his weapon to his side. "Do you realize, you daft wench, that you could have been killed just now?"

Kagome's eyes widened even more at his sharp tone. She didn't even think his voice could get that loud. "B-baka? Daft?"

His nostrils flared. "Are you deaf now? Do you have to repeat my words? I believe I just spoke them clearly and loudly enough."

Kagome was shocked, both from being this close to death, and his being so livid because he was the one who'd nearly killed her. Even as the shock remained, her anger kicked in. "Oh, I heard you perfectly clear, you dolt! And lucky for you I was not killed, otherwise you'd be standing there looking like a complete dunce! Do you know that had I not stepped in, your brother, your only remaining bloodline, would have died?"

His angry aura struck hers. "That was the point, you stupid idiot! He challenged me, and I accepted. You had no right whatsoever to step in."

Kagome's own aura retaliated, pushing against his. "And then what, Sesshomaru? If you had killed your own brother, what would your precious people think of you then? Had it been anyone else then I am quite sure it could have been acceptable, but this is your brother, for kamis sake! Have a care!"

"If anyone should have a care, it is you, you clueless wench." He took a threatening step towards her. "You forget your place and you stick your body, literally, in matters it doesn't need to be in."

"I believe you tend to forget my place as well. I will not stand by and allow you to ruthlessly murder your brother. And for what? To simply quench your hatred of him? And what, pray tell, would that do? Can you really live with that in your mind, Sesshomaru? What would you father think if you-"

"Enough!" He roared, his eyes bleeding red. He pointed a long, slender finger in her face. "I have had more than enough of you incessant blabbering. You have been a bane in my existence since the moment you ran into me, and I have had enough! I find not a single trait pleasing about you! Your looks, your personality- everything about you leaves very, very little to be desired. You are an insolent shofu-bitch who needs to be put in her place. Leave my presence, better yet my home, at once, you manuke aho, and do not ever return!"

Kagome stared. And stared. And stared some more. So, these were his true feelings. Kazu was so very, very wrong. As her heart ripped itself in half, and then sliced itself up with his sharp, overly hurtful words, all she could do was stare. He must have just then realized his guards were still standing there, struck speechless at their interaction, for his eyes retained their normal color.

Sesshomaru deeply regretted the words the very moment they left his lips. Damn, but it was her own fault for making him so angry. His cold heart had stopped beating for several frightening moments as he'd watched in what seemed like slow motion as she'd jumped in front of his wretched half brother. He'd just barely been able to stop the blade from sliding through her heart. It had, in all honesty, terrified him.

But he didn't take the words back. He couldn't. He'd look like a fool in front of his own men. But as he looked around at their stunned faces, he already felt like one.

He turned back to Kagome and inwardly winced at the deadpan look on her face. He'd never before seen her expression so cold, so empty, so... So much like his. It was foreign and it struck something deep within his hardened soul. Something he'd never before experienced, and he didn't like one bit.

He expected her to come back at him with an angry, biting retort. He expected her own eyes to bleed red. He even expected her to jump on him, clawing for his face. He expected anything but the lifeless look she gave him right now. The only evidence of her fury was the ferocious way her youkai flared and cracked against his own, threatening to overpower him with its dept. His eyes widened uncharacteristically, and from the corners he could see several of his men beginning to back away.

They were wise.

Suddenly, as if it were never there, her aura just disappeared. There wasn't a single trace of it. He knew she was angry. Hell, angry was a complete understatement. Her youkai should be throbbing in the air as a tangible force with they intensity of her emotions, and yet there was nothing.

And in all honesty, that scared Sesshomaru more than it should have.

In a low, empty tone, she said simply, "Kutabare." Then, with a graceful turn, she fled out of his castle's gate.

Sesshomaru didn't know how long he simply stood there staring after her. Some of his men began to slowly retreat back to their positions, while others continued to gawk in shock. No doubt his castle will soon be bustling with rumors and whatnot before the day ended. His eyes slid over to his half brother, who rose slowly. Sesshomaru expected him glare at him, or foolishly challenge him again.

The day, even though it was only morning, was simply full of things not going the way Sesshomaru expected. His brother only shook his head, sheathed his sword, and calmly followed after Kagome. It was just like the old days.

With a small, frustrated growl, he turned his back on the gate and rushed to his private study. There, he paced and paced, trying to get a grasp on his spiraling emotions.

Only Kagome could make him lose control like that. It had always been that way. She could do the simplest of things and he would just lose it.

Without knocking, Kouga strolled in, his eyes narrowed.

"Not now," Sesshomaru growled.

The mangy wolf only closed the door behind himself, ignoring Sesshomaru's ill temper. "What was that all about?"

Sesshomaru glared at the wolf he'd known since he was young. They weren't friends, to be precise, yet they were little more than acquaintances. He'd always been utterly devoted to Kagome, and so had refused to leave her side, even if she were wrong. Over the centuries they'd encountered one another on occasions. In fact, it was thanks to Sesshomaru that he was even the leading general of the south. "None of your damn business."

"Well I am making it my business." And just to prove he wasn't going anywhere anytime soon, he plopped down on a pile of comfy cushions on the other side of the room, away from the door.

Sesshomaru scowled in annoyance. It had always been futile fighting with the wolf. He was as stubborn as an Inu. With a frustrated sigh, Sesshomaru stopped his pacing and looked outside of the window. "You saw what happened."

"Hai, and Kagome was not wrong for doing what she did. And I'm not just saying that because we were once close friends. It is true. And you know it is."

Sesshomaru curled his lip up in distaste, despising the truth in the wolf's words. He'd known it would have been beyond wrong to kill his hanyou brother. It had simply been the heat of the moment. Years and years of hate and anger had propelled him to near the point of bloodlust. Only, it had been his brother's blood he'd wanted. He'd stopped the desire to kill his brother long ago, but nothing could stop the age-old hatred that fueled between them.

Kouga was studying him with a critical eye. "Even after all this time, you still can't get over what happened, can you? You just can't forgive her, or Inuyasha for that matter."

Sesshomaru clenched his fists at his side, his sharp claws digging into his palms. "I don't know what you are talking about."

Kouga hopped to his feet. "Don't bullshit me, Sesshomaru," he growled. "You know exactly what I'm talking about. You and Kagome were way more than friends at one time. When she-"

"Stop!" Sesshomaru whirled on him, moving to stand in nose-to-nose with the wolf. "I have had enough of this, General. What happened is in the past. My reasons for despising the lot of them are my concerns, not your own. Leave me to my peace."

Kouga didn't cower or back down. Even though they both knew who the winner would be should they battle it out, the wolf still showed no fear. It's what made him a great general.

Stunning blue met molten amber as the two glared at each other. Then with a deep, resigned sigh, Kouga strolled over to the door. He stopped just as he laid a hand on it to open it. "While I very much share your pain, Sesshomaru, Kagome does not deserve the way you treat her. Neither does Inuyasha. She was only doing what she'd been born to do. And though I'm positive she doesn't remember what happened, yet, believe me when I say what had happened damn near crushed her. You cannot continue living with so much pain and anguish. It can bring even the most powerful of Daiyoukai to his knees."

With that said, he turned and proceeded to walk out the door, leaving Sesshomaru alone.

Suddenly, Sesshomaru didn't want to be so alone anymore.

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