Diamonds || BTS

Autorstwa junkhoesock

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How long will you shine? Więcej



42 4 17
Autorstwa junkhoesock


C H A P T E R 4

| Choi Kirae |

I was awoken by a shrilling screech. I sat up quickly to find Hyejin on the bed, on top of me. I blinked my eyes and looked around, seeing that Libby burst into the room, her phone in her hands. She pointed straight at me with an unreadable expression and began to speak.

"What really happened last night with Namjoon-ssi?" I blinked another few times, registering what she had said to me. I rubbed my eyes with my hands and yawned before speaking up.

"What do you mean? What's going on?" I tried to get up, but Hyejin kept me in place, grabbing my arms.

"Eomma~ you're all over Twitter!" I gave a confused look and turned to Jeemun who was still standing beside the bed, giving Hyejin a disapproving look for jumping onto the bed.

"Yeah, apparently, some sasaeng fans have followed you guys, apparently acquiring evidence that you two are dating. They had video footage of you two talking, and he put his hand on your lower back with you blushing. How they got that, I have no idea. Now the real question is: what does this mean?" I scratched the side of my head before realizing that I was not a freak last night.

"I knew there was someone following us! I'm so sorry, but Namjoon and I are not dating, and probably won't be. They're our idols and our seniors. I'm sure they have someone else in mind." I pushed Hyejin off me to get ready for the day. "And besides, they wouldn't want someone like me. I'm too fabulous for them." I passed Libby and into the kitchen, preparing kimchi for our meal.

We ate in semi-silence. Small talk was apparent here and there, but it wasn't any full conversations that we mostly had every morning. After the meal and the dishes were clean, I decided to pull out my phone. What I saw on the screen was so many Twitter notifications, mentions, messages, anything. With a shaking hand, I hovered my finger over the Twitter app, showing more than a couple hundred notifications. I took a deep breath and opened it, revealing my notification tab filled with mentions.

*@jump_4_jungkook: Kirae isn't even that pretty enough for my namjoon

*@junkhoesock: is bts and dyemonds dating? If so, stop

*@unbiased_bias: namjoon deserves better than that hoe

*@imurhope: honestly, they look cute 2gether

The list could go on forever. Much of it, though, was negativity. I understand that we are a newbie group, but this was ridiculous. I logged out of Twitter and went to see what my other band members were doing. I found them in the living area. Jeemun was busy writing songs and finding beats to it, Hyejin was helping as well as figuring out the choreography, and Libby was on her phone, texting someone. I sat at the couch beside Libby and I glanced over at her phone. I couldn't read the text because she was typing at a speed that was hard for me to keep up with what she and the recipient were saying, but I did see the name: Jinny. I almost laughed but kept it to myself.

Suddenly, Jeemun's phone went off. She picked it up and went to the other room.

"Hey, Eomma, do you think this will affect our careers?" I internally screamed at Hyejin's cuteness. She was so worried I wanted to just hold her.

"I have hope that it doesn't so you shouldn't worry about it so much, okay? We have each other. Nothing's going to get in between us girls." I held up my fist in a fighting gesture, a smile on my face. Hyejin seemed content with my answer and continued to work on the choreography. Libby looked up from her phone to Hyejin.

"What is this dance for? It looks a little difficult." Hyejin stopped her movements and looked at our general direction.

"Yeah, it's for the new song Jeemun-eonnie is writing. Do you like it?" Libby nodded, smiling.

"Of course, why wouldn't I? You're the best dancer of all of us." The maknae was sent into a slight giggle fit and continued her merry journey of dancing. Jeemun suddenly came back and announced that our manager was coming over to discuss what is going down all over the internet. We rushed to our rooms to get ready. After half an hour, Manager-eonnie has arrived. She waltzed straight into the kitchen and sat down at the table, waiting for us all to seat ourselves before she begins to explain what is going on.

"As you girls have known," she began, "there are rumors going around that your very own, Choi Kirae, and BTS' Kim Namjoon are a couple." She gave a stern glare towards me. "Please do tell the truth. Is that true?" Out of nervousness, I shook my head no. She sighed. "Could you please enlighten us on what exactly happened last night?" So, I did. I told her our conversation and how we just went to the store to grab food for everyone. Also, I told her that as we were walking back to the studio, I felt like someone was following us. She seemed to be deep in thought.

"I see. Well, you have a scheduled interview in a couple days. I have already spoken to BTS about this situation and we have agreed on having DYEMONDS and BTS be more public as friends. Besides, people will always take things the wrong way and this way, you guys can get closer to your idols and seniors. It'll be great, don't you think?" I had my mouth wide open. For a second, I thought it was going to be like this: she gets frustrated, goes to BTS, talks it over with them, makes a deal, come here, tell us about it, and announce that one of us should date a member.

I probably read too many stories for this.

"Ah, thank you Manager-eunnie." Jeemun spoke up. They conversed about what would happen in the next few weeks while my head was spinning with the interview in a couple days. Why couldn't they have it today or tomorrow morning? Why wait? I sighed and felt my phone buzzed. The others have gone somewhere else so it was just me in the kitchen.

It was a text from an unknown number.


hey. It's all over twtr. You okay?


it's yoongi btw

I unintentionally smiled. He was so sweet like sugar. I giggled softly at this. I replied, saying I was okay and got up to get ready for the day. Since it's our day off, I decided I wanted to hang out around Seoul by myself, to get some things cleared. Jeemun offered to come with, but I told her I wanted to be alone for just a bit. She understood and let me off, telling me to be careful. I grabbed my mask and went out of our dorm.

The weather was nice out. The sun was shining over the buildings of Seoul. I walked to where my feet took me, enjoying the sight of people walking to work, children going to school, and passerby's enjoying their day just like I was. I took in a deep breath, closing my eyes. I suddenly felt someone tap my shoulder. I turned around to see someone else clad in dark clothes and a mask as well.

I looked up at the eyes and noticed it was Namjoon. I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding and lightly smacked his arm.

"Holy shit, Namjoon. You scared the hell out of me." He chuckled, placing his hands in his pockets.

"Sorry. I was taking a stroll and I spotted you. It'd be nice to just walk around with someone I know other than my other members." I nodded, thinking to be a good idea.

"Sure. Let's go somewhere nice and quiet." And with that, we both went off to who knows where, just talking about our days, and about the upcoming interview about the two of us. I didn't want to go further into that conversation and he didn't push me. So, we stayed in comfortable silence.

| BTS |

It was last evening, after the girls have left that a serious conversation between the boys have ensued. They all sat in the living room, a quiet atmosphere surrounds everyone. It was a bit tense for everyone that no one said a word for the next five minutes. That was, until Jimin spoke up, breaking the deathly silence.

"I noticed something strange going on." Every member looked over at Jimin, wondering what has he noticed. "I noticed that you hyungs and even our little maknae are getting closer to those girls. Is something going on with you guys?" Some of them seemed nervous to answer his question. There was another long silence between the seven boys.

"I don't think there is anything to talk about." Namjoon spoke up, almost getting up from his spot on the couch. Before he could leave, Hoseok grabbed onto his forearm.

"Oh, but there is. You went to the convenience store with Kirae, and took longer than expected. What happened?" All eyes were now on Namjoon. They had the same idea, though some were wondering why the food took too long to arrive rather than what happened between the two.

"Nothing, there was just a long line at the convenience store." It was such a smooth lie.

"Then explain why Kirae-noona looked so flustered when she came back to the studio!" It was Taehyung's turn to speak up. Damn him for being so observant, Namjoon thought to himself. He sighed and got out of Hoseok's grip, rubbing his temple with that free hand.

"It was chilly out." It wasn't a complete lie. It was really chilly. Everyone knew this, so they thought he was telling the truth. No one said anything after that. Jin finally spoke up after a few minutes.

"I have a question." Half the boys hummed in response. "I'm only asking a hypothetical question, but if any one of you ever do decide on dating the girls, who's to say that some of you guys won't be jealous?" They glanced at each other, some glaring and some full of fear for each other. They would have to fight if they share the same crush. Were they prepared for that?

"But we aren't going to fight each other over a girl, right?" Poor Jungkook, he's naïve. Jimin looked at him and sighed.

"I still don't believe Namjoon's answer, though Jimin commented. Namjoon shrugged, finally able to leave the room. He went into his room, closing the door behind him. The others began to drift away from that subject and began to discuss what they need to do before they upload their next comeback video onto YouTube. As soon as it got late, they migrated to their bedrooms. Yoongi and Jin went into their shared room.

"I have something I need to tell you." Suga quietly told Jin as soon as the others went to their rooms so they wouldn't eavesdrop on the two eldest. JIn kept quiet, signaling that he should keep going. "I really like KIrae." Jin gave him an unreadable look before smiling just a bit.

"At least you had the guts to admit it." He patted Yoongi's back before climbing into his bed.

"What about you? Do you have anyone you're interested in." Jin gave a thoughtful look before answering.

"It's too early to tell, honestly. I'll get back to you on that. For now, get some sleep, we got a lot of planning to do before we release our next comeback." Yoongi nodded, getting into his own bed and falling asleep.

"Good night, hyung."


The next morning came and Jin was in the kitchen, fixing some food as usual. Doenjang soup**, rice, and kimchi was prepared. The aroma of the delicious found its way to the other boys' sense and one by one, they filed into the kitchen table where they are greeted with a table full of a delicious meal. Each one sat and begin to munch on the food hungrily yet peacefully. Namjoon came in last, though, because he was on the phone with their manager.

After breakfast, he announced that they should prepare for practice for their comeback. However, he was going straight to the office where his manager is going to meet him to talk about something. It was really early in the morning for something like that, but he did sound serious. After everyone else went to where they were supposed to be, Namjoon went another direction to meet the man.

"Ah, Namjoon, come and take a seat." He greeted, motioning for him to sit anywhere he'd like. Once done, he began to speak about what is to come.

"Since you and the other boys are busy with the comeback the next couple days, I am going to say that you are scheduled to have your interview in the next few days. I want this to be as quick as possible and as painless as possible. I don't want anything to cause trouble to where you all don't perform well. You've grown far to give it up with a scandal like this."

"I still don't get how they could recognize Kirae-ah as a member of DYEMONDS." Namjoon spoke his mind. His manager nodded, perplexed by this phenomenon as well.

"If I were guessing, they were also a fan of DYEMONDS. They are certainly getting a lot of recognition. I don't want anything to happen to those girls, and besides, you know about the contract." Namjoon nodded, knowing full well about what that means. Soon, he was dismissed and since he didn't feel like practicing for the upcoming music video, he decided to take a stroll.

Meanwhile, in the practice room, Hoseok was desperately trying to teach Jin how to do the chorus, but he was failing bad. They were only at this for half an hour, yet it felt like forever.

Couple days later.

| Choi Kirae |

The past few days have been great. I got to spend a lot of time with Namjoon. The others don't know yet. I am planning on telling them, but I decided it would be best to not let them get worked up over something as petty as this. Today was the day, though. The interview that either make us scared to death on what other people say or to be relieved that they might believe our truth on the matter. Doubt it. People are stupid.

I got up and got ready, putting on a grey sweater with open shoulders, high-waisted shorts, a gold necklace with a large ring, and black boots. [outfit below] I was ready for the day.

I felt weird going to an interview about a scandal involving two groups under the same entertainment. I didn't know you were required to have large media interviews of scandals like these. Could you even call it that? Is this really that important? OK BTS is extremely popular all over the world. Anyway, we sat in the room filled with reporters and journalists. The interview began.

"What were the two of you doing the night the pictures were taken?" One journalist asked, a pen in his ear and a recorder in one hand while having a notepad in the other. I looked over at Namjoon, hoping he would answer for me, but he nodded, signaling that I should and that it'll be okay. I took a deep breath before answering.

"We were actually getting food for the rest of our members and it was late so Namjoon-ssi decided that he would walk me to the store and escort me. It was merely a friendly gesture and there was nothing going on between us." The crowd seemed a bit disappointed at my declaration. Screw them.

Haters are gonna hate, am I right?

Questions after questions continued to pile on, soon it was over and I felt like I was going to pass out from lack of sleep from the previous night and lack of food in my stomach. It growled so loud while we were in studio again. Namjoon chuckled.

"Hungry, are we?" I nodded shyly. "Well, let's call the rest of the gang to hang out and eat. I'm sure they're hungry, too?" I thought back to Libby and Hyejin. They seemed the hangriest when it comes to lack of food.

"Yes, that sounds like a good idea." I grabbed my phone from my purse and dialed Jeemun's number. She picked it up almost instantly.

"Kirae-eonnie! How was the interview?" I told her everything went well and told her that Namjoon had invited all of them to lunch with him and his members. "Of course! We couldn't have waited another second for you to get back to feed them." She snickered at that thought before quickly bidding farewell to get ready. We were to meet at the Korean barbecue restaurant just down the street. We all arrived and began to eat hungrily like animals. Everyone was hungry.

I felt like we all got closer that day, and I can tell some of the girls are being really weird to some of the guys. I forgot who because I was busy stuffing my face with the delicious cooked meat that was served right in front of me. I didn't talk much, but I listened, mostly, and ate. By the end of it all, I was bloated.

"Thank you so much for inviting us to lunch!" We, DYEMONDS, chanted at the same time, bowing to BTS. Everyone exchanged numbers after that and we got to hang around for another hour before they had to leave to continue working on their comeback in a few months.

I went back to the dorm, falling asleep on my bed as soon as I lay on it. Today was such a long and tiring day.


*I made up those twitter accounts. Sorry if they are yours. I can always change it

**that is soybean soup with vegetables. Sounds yummy actually

I had major writing block with this chapter. However, it did end up being my longest chapter so far. Hope you enjoy it and sorry for not updating it a couple days ago. I was super busy.
Also I would like to point out that I wrote this late at night. If it's not good, I blame it on lack of sleep.

dedicated to jungsalt Vabductedme and TannazErika

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