More than Best Friends (LOUIS...

By beckys_prayers

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More than Best Friends (LOUIS TOMLINSON Fan-Fiction)
Chapter 2- Tears of joy
Chapter 3- First day of school
Chapter 4- The Cinema
Chapter 5- Date Night
Chapter 6- A new song
Chapter 7- The Carnival

Chapter 8- Goodbye?

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By beckys_prayers

 I woke up extra early this morning. I had a headache from thinking to hard about the whole thing with Louie yesterday. I felt like shit. I was sick to my stomach. I hope I wasn't loosing my best friend... my BOYFRIEND.  My phone vibrated. It was Louie. My stomach turned, and I felt as if I was going to gag.


   Hey love, come over? ;D xx

He made it sound like everything was fine.... or WAS it?


Okay... :)

I added a smiley face to 'act' like everything was okay. I quickly put on a grey cardigan with a blue striped polo shirt underneath. I had dark blue skinny jeans and then put on black converse. I used the curler to add some waves to my hair and put on makeup. I was out of the house, butterflies started forming. 

  I walked up to Louie's door, trying to stop me from getting emotional. I didn't KNOW what was going on, so I had to stop going to conclusons.

  "JANEEEE!!!" Louis screamed on the top of his lungs and held me tight. He looked happy, which made me happy. It made me feel a LOT better, and my butterflies and tears held back.

 "Hey Louie!!!!" I screamed happily and jumped into his arms. "So... is everything okay?"

 "Sit down, love.." Great. The butterflies came back. We both sat at the table and he took my hand. He squeezed it and intertwined his fingers into mine. My face turned red. I wanted to burst into tears. I was so nerveous!

"I- I'm leaving to go on tour with the boys..." He sighed and looked into my eyes. I held back my nerveous tears for so long it was time for them to gush out of my eyes. Here came a waterfall of tears, rolling down every inch of my cheek.

 "YOUR WHAT?!!" I yelled in between sniffels. He then looked down, and a grin appeard on his face. What the fuck? Was this SUPPOSED to be funny? 

 Louis then slid a little paper across the table. I picked it up, and stared at it. NOW, there were tears of joy. "And I'm taking me with you." He stood up, "We leave tomorrow." He picked me up bridal style as I was still hysterically crying. "YOUR SUCH A DICK!" I lightly punched him and giggled, looking up at him.

 "I didn't know I would be taking you until I came up with a plain to get extra tickets.. Just for you!" He explained and kissed me on the forehead. He then whispered to me, "I love you too much to let you leave me. I would never do that." A tear rolled down his cheek, and I wiped it off for him. He was so adorable.

                     After I was all packed, I saw the boys waiting for me in my house downstairs. I saw my mother and she started to cry.

    "Your going to be all the way in the US and I'll be stuck with your brother!" She laughed. She pulled me in for a hug.. a long one. She then let go. I turned to face my brother, Vince.

   We always joked around with each other and got in fights, but I knew deep down inside that I loved him. I dropped all my suitcases, and hugged my little brother. I saw tears swell up in his eyes.

"I know there were times where we got in fights, and were we called each other names." I paused, "But I'll miss you. Very much." I whispered, and then pulled out of the hug. 

  "I- I... Love you." Vince blurted. "How long will you be gone?"  I smiled at him, and replied, "a few months" and soon realized that me and the boys were out the door.

  We arrived at the airport. We walked through security and boarded on the plane soon enough.

 "I CALL DIBBS ON SITTING NEXT TO JANE!" Louie shouted and winked at me. We both sat together. While the other boys called dibbs, I said, "Louie, it was really sweet of you to bring me with you, and decide not to break up with me." He gazed into my eyes and put his hand lighlty on my cheek, 

  "You're my best friend, and girl friend. I have known you for so long. I have a special connection with you, that I've never felt with any other girl." I blushed... he was adorable. He then leaned closer, and crashed into my lips, letting sparks go throughtout my whole body. It was amazing. 

  We were then just about to fall asleep. He played with my blonde hair, stroking his fingers through it. I then rested my head on his shouder as he covered us in his blanket that smelt just like him. 

      "I love you, so very much.. Carrot." He kissed me on the forehead and leaned his head on mine. Before I knew it, we were asleep... and were going to be landing in the US in few hours.

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