A Sister's Love

By darkt123

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Cover credit : The amazing and wonderful @hudhasmiles123 "She set out to capture him and the only one who was... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Bonus Chapter

Chapter 14

69 17 18
By darkt123

'Wow, this place is..interesting. So what should I do? Right! Get the schedule. Then go to class. See who looks like Cole Parker. Befriend that idiot. Get him to come to the lair. That's easy! I hope!' She was walking while thinking and bumped into someone knocking them of. 

"Oh my gosh! I'm so sorry!" She exclaimed and looked down to see a fuming girl. Darrel extended her hand to help her but the girl pushed it away and stood up herself.

"Who do you think you are to push me? Huh?" the girl screeched and pushed Darrel; unsuccessfully, as Darrel simply moved to the side.

'Great! The perfect person to bump into! A bully!' "Look I'm sorry. It was an accident. Now please move, I have to go"

"You are not going anywhere you blind girl."

"I'm not gonna listen to you or waste my time with you." Darrel pushed past the girl and started walking when she heard the footsteps of the girl behind her. She walked casually until the footsteps grew nearer and louder.

Sure of the girl's position behind her, she tuned around and hit the girl with the book she was carrying. The girl screamed loudly, falling again. Darrel bent down to her level and then tried her best to sound dangerous and whispered; "Loser." as remembered the times with Victor. She straightened and then walked away with the cries of the girl echoing in the background.

 'Man! I hope I didn't hit her hard! This is not a good start to a school year. Especially one for a mission. Let's hope I don't see her again.'

"Hey! New girl?" a cheery voice asked and she turned around to see a tall boy with a huge grin on his face. The grin was so infectious that even she smiled, her previous worries gone.

"Yup! New and vulnerable."

"Yay! I will now take advantage of you!" he cheered and they laughed.

"I'm Darren. Nice to meet you."

"I'm Daina. Nice to meet you too!"

"C'mon, I will show you the way to the office."


Later during lunch break, she entered the cafeteria to see a panicked and panting Darren approach her. 

"Daina! Daina! Go catch Her!" he screamed pointing to a group of girls.

"Her who?" 

"No! Her Chu!"

"What? Calm down! Then tell me whatever you want me to do!"

"There's no time to calm down! Go catch Her! Hurry!"

"What are you saying? Who is 'Her'?"

"No! Chu is Her!"

"What? What's happening? What are you doing?" Darrel cried exasperated and stared expectantly at Darren. He kept on panting hands on his knees and she bent down to his level asking if he was okay and whom to catch.

Suddenly Darren started laughing. "It was a prank! That's how we welcome newbies. Welcome to our school Daina!"

"Oh my god! I hate you! I was genuinely worried."

Darren just laughed and Darrel started chuckling after a while. "How did you come up with it though?"

"Ah! That's my secret!"

They just laughed and then two more boys came toward Darrel and Darren. 

"Daina, these are my friends; Justin and Aiden."

"Hey Daina. Looks like we are Just-in time. Get it? Justin said grinning a his own joke.

Darrel just chuckled and they made their way to their table. The whole of the lunch time Darrel had a weird feeling about Aiden. His name was new to her and she was sure they had never met before but he somehow looked familiar to her. She brushed off the feeling and continued the day studying everybody and trying to find anyone who looked like Cole. Her attempts were all in vain and soon she went back to the lair, did her homework and went to bed.

'I can't believe I am sleepy so quickly! I have been practicing and training like mad since the last few months and now I am sleepy after a day at school.'

She was thinking when she heard a knock on her door. She immediately sat up and then unlocked the door. Nick was standing there a fake smile plastered on his face.

"What's wrong Nick?"

"Can we talk? Did I interrupt anything?"

"No Nick. I was doing nothing. You can talk about whatever you want. I am here for you."

"Yeah. You said that a few days ago that's why I am here."


"I have been smoking for quite a long time now. Raymond found out and then he banned me fro doing so. At that time I had become completely mad but I started getting better. A few weeks ago I started again. Now I am scared that Raymond will find out and then he will be mad at me. Again. I don't know what to do."

"O..kay? Why did you start smoking anyways?" Darrel asked confused by the little amount of information he had given to her.

"Back when I started it had been because my friends smoked. But that was like a normal thing and I easily quit it. Then I..something happened and I felt like smoking will be the best thing to do. I then started smoking again because it lead me to a world where there were no problems. No one to disappoint. No one who would scold you. Or be mad at you. No one at all. It would just be me and my thoughts. My parents found out and they were pretty mad but they gave me a few cigarettes for a day limiting my smoking to them and them alone. I came to the point of being alive without them and then started again! That was the time I was here and Raymond found out. He made me quit and I was happy with it until I started again. Now. And I have no one to find  help to quit them."

These were the most words Nick had ever spoken to Darrel or anyone in the lair. Darrel was stunned but managed to speak up some words.

"Nick..I am sorry. I have no idea what to do. But I am willing to help. Can you tell me why you started again? Like recently?"

"I don't wanna talk about it." he replied bluntly. Darrel confused and a little cautious sat down beside him.

"Oh okay. I am sorry. But to cut down any addiction, you have to lessen  the amount little by little regularly in order to find yourself comfortable without it by the end of the method."

"You said you didn't know what to do?"

"I did. I am not sure of this I remember reading a book where a character was an addict. He wa a werewolf but I think this would work on humans too."

"It could."

"Well, there's only one way to find out!"

"You are right. But how do we start? Also keep this a secret. Nobody knows about this."

"Okay. How many cigarettes do you smoke in one day?"

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