Out Of My League (NOT COMPLET...

By chloehannah357

11K 172 40

Just an everyday girl starting at a normal university... All she wants to do is focus on her studies and grad... More

Chapter 1: first day at university
Chapter 2: my first lesson
Chapter 3: should I go?
Chapter 4: the beach
Chapter 5: "we all prefer you to Jasmine"
Chapter 6: I've got my shades on, like I'm rocking Barbados
Chapter 7: "I'm getting too close to you and I can't"
Chapter 8: "he so has a crush on you"
Chapter 10: Beach, Brad, Brighton
Chapter 11: "you..."
Chapter 12: Doesn't get much better than this
Chapter 13: wake up
Chapter 14: band name ideas
Chapter 15: "you better treat him right"
Chapter 16: the text message
Chapter 17: 'first date'
Chapter 18: the party
Chapter 19: broken trust
Chapter 20: "help me look after my sister?"
Chapter 21: a different point of view
Chapter 22: vegas girl
Chapter 23: don't tell me you don't want me, cos i know it's a lie
Chapter 24: the last day of term
Chapter 25: taking Brad home
Chapter 26: teddy bears picnic
Chapter 27: "I like Brad..."
Chapter 28: "you're so perfect"
Chapter 29: a few seconds of silence
Chapter 30: running hands through hair
Chapter 31: I was going to say yes...
Chapter 32: I've been up all night, no sleep...
Chapter 33: date night
Chapter 34: let's go back to my place
Chapter 35: wearing his clothes
Chapter 36: YouTube views
Chapter 37: "where's Hayley?"
Chapter 38: fear of rides
Chapter 39: texting
Chapter 40: hospitalized
Chapter 41: the new girl
Chapter 42: movie night?
Chapter 43: pouring water
Chapter 44: Harvester
Chapter 45: Sophie is back
Chapter 46: "I'm sorry for kissing her"
Chapter 47: a new cover
Chapter 48: never leave me
Chapter 49: naps
Chapter 50: behind my back
Chapter 51: the truth about James
Chapter 52: awkward situation
Chapter 53: some weird phase
Chapter 54: confessions
Chapter 55: cheeky
Chapter 56: don't tell me you don't want me...
Chapter 57: trust
Chapter 58: all the time in the world
Chapter 59: stay

Chapter 9: talking to Rachel

222 2 1
By chloehannah357

"We need to spend some time together!" Rachel said as she turned the TV on, I slipped into bed and covered my body with the duvet cover. "Doing what?" I asked and looked over at my phone to see the time was 9pm. "We could go shopping?" Rachel asked. "I'm not a fan of shopping." I replied and sighed. "What's up with you? You're in a grumpy mood." Rachel asked and sat up in bed, I just shrugged my shoulders and rolled over. "Is it about Brad?" She asked and I shook my head, Rachel smiled to herself as I faced the wall. "Don't be upset, you have had the best few days with him and he obviously wants to spend more time with you." Rachel explained and I sat up in bed. "I know that, but I still think he should stop getting so close to me. One of us is going to get hurt because of Jasmine, in fact Brad has already been slapped around the face by her." I explained. "It was nice of you to help him though." Rachel said and I looked at her. "Do you think so?" I asked and she nodded. "Who else would take a boy up to their dorm and help them? Most girls would just tell them to man up and walk away." Rachel said. "I'm not like 'most girls'." I replied and looked down at the duvet.

"Hayley, you have had the best few days with him and the boys and I don't think you should let Jasmine get in the way. She is just jealous because she has finally met her match, she has found someone better than her and she doesn't want you taking Brad away from her. She also doesn't want to admit that you are better than her. If Brad liked her do you think he would be spending this much time with you?" Rachel asked and I shook my head. "Exactly, he doesn't like Jasmine. He wants to spend his time with you so don't waste this because you feel like Jasmine is better for him. This is why most relationships end in tears, because people don't think their good enough and then they push each other away, but the truth is you two are actually perfect for each other." Rachel explained and I smiled a little. "I don't want to rush into anything though, I wanna get to know him first and actually become his friend." I replied. "Yeah, that's fair enough. Don't rush into anything. Just take you're time with it and eventually things will start to work out and fall into place, continue hanging out with him and talking to him and just see where it takes you." Rachel explained. "I don't wanna get distracted from my work either..." I replied. "Then don't, do your work with him. He is in your class, right? Rachel asked and I nodded. "We are going to the beach tomorrow to work on our songs for class." I explained. "Well there you go! Completing your work and spending time with him." Rachel said and I smiled.

"So, back to the question I asked earlier. Do you wanna go shopping?" Rachel asked and I looked over at her. "I was serious when I said I'm not a fan of shopping." I replied and she smiled. "Ah ok, well how about we just go to the cinema or something then?" She asked. "What films are on?" I asked and she shrugged her shoulders, I reached over to my desk at the end of the bed and grabbed my laptop before loading up the cinema website. "The Emoji Movie, Dunkirk, Baby Driver, Despicable Me 3." I read out and Rachel giggled. "What?" I asked. "The Emoji Movie, what is that?" She asked and I smiled. "No idea, I'm feeling Dunkirk though." I said and she nodded. "Cool, when did you wanna go?" Rachel asked. "Well I'm out tomorrow with Brad, what's the date tomorrow?" I asked. "Wednesday." Rachel replied. "Thursday?" I stated and she nodded. "Sounds good, although it will have to be in the afternoon because I have a lesson in the morning. Not everyone is as lucky as you and gets two weeks off of lessons." Rachel said and giggled. "Yeah that's fine, I will book the tickets." I replied and she nodded. "I will pay you back now, how much is my ticket?" She asked as she hopped out of bed and walked over to her bag. "£9." I replied as I booked the tickets, she passed me the money and I thanked her before she got back into bed and I turned my laptop off.

Rachel continued flicking through the channels to find something decent that was on and I looked out of the window to see the sun setting which made me smile. "You and Brad are cute together, you know that?" Rachel asked and I blushed a bit. "Thanks... I think." I said and Rachel giggled. "You're both so shy around each other and I can see you both care about each other." Rachel explained. "We do, well at least I think he does." I replied.


I looked over at my phone to see I had a text message and picked it up.

1 message from Bradley Bear
Hi Hay, just looked at the weather and seen that it is meant to rain all day tomorrow. So if it is raining when we leave tomorrow then I was thinking you could just come to my dorm instead to write our songs? If you don't want to that's fine but it was just an idea x

I giggled at this message, firstly he somehow managed to change his name on my phone to Bradley Bear... He must have done it when I was getting changed in the bathroom this morning. Secondly he has just invited me to his dorm room. "Why are you smiling at your phone?" Rachel asked and I looked up at her. "Oh wait, is it lover boy?" She asked and I threw a pillow at her. "Ouch!" Rachel said and I laughed. "It's Brad yeah." I replied and she held the pillow I just threw at her to her stomach. "What did he say?" Rachel asked. "He said that he has checked the weather for tomorrow and it's meant to rain all day so he has invited me to go to his dorm room tomorrow instead of the beach... But only if it is raining." I said. "Awwwwwww! This is so cute!" Rachel said and I smiled before looking down at my phone.

1 message to Bradley Bear
Hey, I'm liking what you changed your name to on my phone! And yeah sure that sounds good x

1 message from Bradley Bear
I'm glad you like it :) and ok cool, I will meet you at your dorm at 10am tomorrow and we can decide what we wanna do then. If you do come to my dorm you can have lunch here as well if you like? x

1 message to Bradley Bear
Yeah that sounds nice thanks x

1 message from Bradley Bear
I am looking forward to tomorrow x

1 message to Bradley Bear
So am I :) x

1 message from Bradley Bear
Thank you for helping me today, Jasmine was really out of order when she lashed out like that. I think she is just jealous x

1 message to Bradley Bear
It's ok, she has no need to be jealous because she knows you better than I do x

1 message from Bradley Bear
She may know me better but I would prefer to be your friend than hers, which is why she is jealous x

1 message to Bradley Bear
Aw 🙈 x

1 message from Bradley Bear
I know that you wouldn't slap me around the face :p x

1 message to Bradley Bear
I might, you never know :p x

1 message from Bradley Bear
That's not nice :( x

1 message to Bradley Bear
How is your cheek now anyway? x

1 message from Bradley Bear
Bruised but it's getting better, I couldn't believe how hard she slapped me x

1 message to Bradley Bear
Me either to be honest, I knew she would push and shove me but I never thought she would hurt you x

1 message from Bradley Bear
That's just the sort of person she is and if she ever did hurt you I would be having a word with her x

1 message to Bradley Bear
Would you? x

1 message from Bradley Bear
Yeah, of course I would! x

1 message to Bradley Bear
Oh right x

1 message from Bradley Bear
Why wouldn't I? x

1 message to Bradley Bear
It's just that you didn't when she pushed me off my chair the other day x

1 message from Bradley Bear
Yeah that's because I was being an idiot on that day, I had only just met you and I was really shocked when Jasmine started acting like that towards you x

1 message to Bradley Bear
I guess so, but that didn't stop me from helping you today x

1 message from Bradley Bear
I know, I'm sorry I was an idiot. You deserve a better friend x

1 message to Bradley Bear
No I don't, and I don't want anyone else either x

I decided that I should probably stop answering him before things got too out of hand, I don't want to ruin things for tomorrow because I am actually looking forward to spending time with him.

1 message to Bradley Bear
I am going to go to sleep now because I'm getting tired. I will see you tomorrow x

I placed my phone on the side and put it on charge before laying down in my bed, I rolled over to face Rachel's bed to see that she had turned the TV off and gone to sleep. I am looking forward to tomorrow, I hope it is going to be a good day and I don't end up ruining it... Like I usually do.

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