She's The Billionaire: Meet Y...

Por ellendominick

4.1K 35 3


She's The Billionaire: Meet Your Boss, Chris Baker

4.1K 35 3
Por ellendominick

Today is the day.

Richard brushed his teeth, checking himself out in the mirror. He spat out the minty foam and smiled. Perfect, shiny, pearly whites. He shrugged on a crisp white shirt and flexed. Just tight enough to show off all those hours at the gym, but not too tight for the office. Or at least he didn’t think so.

Richard combed and brushed his hair. He used his fingers to spread mousse through his brown waves, making his hair seem even thicker and shinier than normal. He finished dressing with some dark blue slacks and shiny leather oxfords. Richard looked at himself in the mirror and smirked.

Looking good, he thought. Looking real good.

Before he left, Richard took out his phone.

Heading out. Ready to pick up some hot paralegals? He texted.

Only if I get to be more than just the wingman. Dick. Mike texted back.

Yeah right, Richard thought.

The traffic was tough, but Richard made it to Baker & Austin’s just in time. He parked, slammed his car door, and ran to the elevators in the garage. The walls of the elevator were reflective, so he checked himself out again and adjusted a few stray hairs. Right before the doors opened, he put a smile on his face.

“Nice to see that you could make it, Mr. Holder,” Mr. Dunn said. Richard shrugged. Mr. Dunn looked down at the clipboard and stack of papers in his hands.

“Okay, it looks like you’re all here. So let me be the first to welcome you to your first day at Baker & Austin’s law firm,” he said. He handed out large paper folders to everyone as he talked.

“Today you’ll get your own desks, meet the paralegals you’ll be working with, and meet your mentors,” Mr. Dunn said. “Chris Baker wants to meet with each of you individually, so I’ll let you know when it’s your turn. Any questions?”

None of the young lawyers said a word.

“Great, then you should all get to know one another.”

They went around in a circle sharing their names, their schools, and their hometowns. Richard could already recognize a few faces, since everyone had gone to Ivy Leagues. There were only two girls, and he tried to imagine what their breasts looked like under their blazers as they talked. He was pretty sure one of them had Ds, at least. Maybe a large C. Richard’s reveries were interrupted by the older man with the clipboard.

“Now that you guys all know each other, let’s get you guys some desks,” Mr. Dunn said.

As they walked down the hall another group pushed past them, walking in the opposite direction. They didn’t even give Richard and the others a second look. They walked quickly to the elevator, not running but not wasting time either. Purposeful.

“Those would be the higher-ups,” Dunn said.

Richard looked at them again as they filled the elevator and disappeared behind it’s closing doors. He thought he was looking good, but those guys were looking sharp! They had watches on their wrists that could pay off his student loans. Richard couldn’t afford that kind of style. Not yet.

In the middle of all the men was one woman. She was nearly as tall as they were in her black stiletto heels, and she definitely didn’t look like a paralegal. Her long dark hair was slicked back into a high pony tail, her lips were deep red, and Richard could tell that she had a nice curvy ass under that office skirt. Who was she? That’s what he wanted to know.

“Okay guys, if you’re done gawking at the people who control your fate, we’ve got things to do,” Dunn said. He tapped his clipboard.

The rest of the day passed quickly. There wasn’t much for the new lawyers to do but sit back and watch everything that happened around them. The real work would start tomorrow. Today, well, it was just a preview.

Dunn came to see Richard just before most people packed up for the day.

“You’re first on the list of meetings, Mr. Holder. You’ll meet just after hours,” Dunn said.

Richard nodded his head. After Dunn left, he got a text.

Hey. Drinks with Kim and Sophia? Mike texted.

Yeah. Meeting with Baker. Text you after. He texted back.

Richard watched the clock until it was time to go. He felt sick to his stomach.

No big deal, he thought to himself. The guy probably just wants to see my face. It’ll be fine.

Richard walked over to the office. He read the large name plastered over the door: Chris Baker, Partner. He reached out for the doorknob, but then paused. Richard straightened his tie and took a deep breath. Then he knocked.

“Yes, come in Mr. Holder,” a voice said. A woman’s voice.

Richard walked into the spacious office and in the middle, staring at a large computer monitor, was the woman he had seen earlier.

“Uh, I’m here for my meeting with Mr. Baker,” Richard said. He looked around, trying to be sure he was in the right place.

“You have a meeting with me. Christianne Baker. Your boss,” she said. “Sit down.”

She barely acknowledged Richard, and only looked down at some files. She wore a large man’s watch, and it nearly engulfed her thin wrist. Richard sat silently in front of her desk. Be cool, he told himself. She’s just a girl. A very hot looking girl. He knew how to deal with those.

“I see that you went to Harvard and graduated cum laude. It’s nice to have another alumni at the firm,” Baker said. She still didn’t lift her eyes.

“I didn’t know that we had such good looking alumna,” Richard said.

Baker flicked her eyes up, staring into his eyes for a second before she returned to the file.

“How are you liking your first day here? I trust Mr. Dunn has shown you around,” she said.

“Yes, he introduced me to some very friendly paralegals, but I’m much happier that I met you,” Richard said.

Baker’s finally stopped looking at the paper. He had her full attention.

“Excuse me?” she asked. She raised her eyebrows slightly.

Richard got up and walked around Baker’s desk. She watched him with wary eyes, turning to follow his gaze. When he reached the back of her desk she turned to face him. He came close to her and whispered in her ear.

“I just think you are a very beautiful woman,” he said. Before she could react, Richard pushed Baker against her desk, pinning her to it by holding down her arms and pushing his weight against her. He brought his face close to hers.

“Aren’t you tired of being the boss?” he asked.

The sharp stiletto of Baker’s heel hit Richard in the chest. He fell off of her and onto the ground, clutching at the indentation it had made. Baker looked down at him.

“No,” she said, “I am not tired of being the boss.”

Baker ground her heel into his chest again and Richard moaned.

“Shut up,” she said. She pushed even harder.

“You probably think you’re a hit with the ladies, but you don’t know who you’re fucking with,” she said. “Don’t you ever touch me again or lay a finger on any of my employees.”

Baker paused for a moment, looking at Richard. His hands were under her shoe,trying to stop her from grinding into his chest. His white dress shirt was strained with dirt.

“Do you understand me, worm?” Baker asked.

She spit in his face and he flinched. Her saliva pooled on his cheek, dripping across his face and onto the floor. Richard felt his penis twitch and press against the fabric of his pants.

“Now get the fuck out of my office, and don’t make me have to call you in here again,” Baker said.

Richard scrambled off of the floor and bolted out of the door. He covered his shirt with his blazer and rushed all the way to his car. He slumped in the front seat, pushing his forehead into his steering wheel.

What the hell just happened? he thought. So stupid. She’s hot, but she’s my boss! Crap, am I going to get fired on my first day of work? I didn’t think she’d get so mad. I was just hitting on her, that’s all. Nothing wrong with that, right? And what happened when she spit on me?

Richard remembered the moment and his erection became even harder. Why am I so hard? he thought. Did I like it? No. No way. I dominate, not the other way around.

He drove home, the same thoughts racing through his mind. He texted Mike.

No drinks tonight. Sorry. Enjoy without me.

* * *

The next morning Richard hesitated before going to work. His hand hovered over his car door handle as he thought. Will everyone know? Is Baker going to fire me in front of everyone? He took a deep breath and opened the door. I’ve just got to act natural, he thought.

His stomach twisted itself tighter with each metallic ding of the elevator as it rose to his floor. Already he could feel sweat gathering on his forehead and dampening the armpits of his shirt. Still, he tried to smile when the doors opened.

No one even noticed when he entered. The floor was abuzz with activity, and the new lawyers had all gotten their first real assignments. The only person who paid Richard any attention was Mike, who came over to Richard’s desk.

“You okay man? You don’t look so great,” he said.

“Yeah, I’m fine.”

“We missed you last night. What was up?” Mike asked.

“I just wanted to get some rest and make a good impression today,” Richard said. Mike cocked his eyebrow.

“You? Serious about making a good impression? You’re sure you’re okay?” he asked, putting his hand on Richard’s shoulder. He shrugged off Mike’s hand.

“Yeah, I’m sure. Talk to you later, okay? Trying to get some work done.”

Richard started to fuss with some papers and Mike backed away and returned to his desk. After a few minutes Richard put the papers down and stared at them.

Okay no one knows, he thought. Everything is fine.

When he looked up, Dunn was standing over him.

“I hope you’re keeping busy Mr. Holder,” he said.

“Ah, yeah. Lots of work here,” Richard said. He shuffled his papers again.

“Chris Baker wants to see you after hours today. It seems that she wasn’t quite finished with your conversation yesterday,” he said.

Richard’s stomach dropped. He was barely able to reply. “Yes. Thank you Mr. Dunn.”

The rest of the day went by in a blur. Richard couldn’t think of anything but Baker and her meeting. The scene yesterday played over again in his mind: her shoe in his chest, her spit, his hard-on, her warning. His heart pounded.

Finally, it was time. Richard opened her door slightly and peeked his head in.

“Come in and close the door behind you, Mr. Holder,” she said.

Richard closed the door and sat in the same chair in front of her desk. Baker’s elbows rested on her desk and she pressed her fingertips together to form a steeple. She smiled a little as she talked, and her slick red lips parted to show perfectly white teeth.

“I should have fired you yesterday,” Baker said.

“I know. Thank you for not firing me Ms. Baker. I...”

“Baker. Never call me Ms. Baker,” she said. Her voice was low and sharp.

“Baker. I’m sorry that I...” Richard started to say. Baker put her hand up and he closed his mouth.

“I have a proposition for you,” she said. “Become my pet.”

Richard paused for a moment, blinking his eyes and trying to understand what she had said.

“What? Why?” he asked. Baker smiled again.

“For one: I imagine that you would like to continue working at this firm,” she said. She slowly extended one manicured finger for each point.

“Two: Ialso imagine you would like to continue being a lawyer, but I don’t think most firms smile on sexual harassment. Especially not from someone fresh out of school like you.” Richard gulped. He hadn’t thought of it like that before.

“Three: I saw the bulge in your pants yesterday,” she said. She looked directly into Richard’s eyes. “You liked it.”

He looked down, away from her gaze. Richard couldn’t deny it, even though he wanted to.

 “So, do we have an understanding? It’s your choice,” Baker asked.


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