Ten (Laurmani)


7.5K 446 127

There comes a time when you have to ask yourself, is this really how I want to live my life? Scared and alone... Еще



1.6K 64 11

I sighed deeply tossing my bag into the seat beside me then plopped down. Whoever said college gets easier after the first year is a damn liar. I'm more stressed out than I have ever been and it's only the first semester. If I didn't already put so much money into this, I'd drop out..my parents would kill me but i think it'd be worth it.

I shrugged off my thought then ordered myself coffee and went back to my booth. If I was going to do this I was going to need caffeine and a lot of it. I have two essays due by midnight and me, being the very smart person I am, decided to wait until the last minute to start them. I should've and could've had these done last week, but I decided to sleep instead. Of course that doesn't matter now, what's important is finishing and acing both of the essays before I fail yet another class.

It only took about an hour but now I had fully motivated myself to start. I finished the whole opening paragraph to one of them and I had notes written down from class so I knew it would be easy to complete if I could just stop getting distracted. The constant jingling of the bell on the door forced me to look towards it every time. Usually I could block things like that out but now I was practically begging for a distraction.

Almost as if I had spoken the thought out loud, I heard someone sit on the other side of the booth. I flicked my eyes up ready to tell them off. Right as I opened my mouth a soft voice cut me off.

"Hey, I hope you don't mind me sitting here. This place is pretty packed." It was a young woman, probably my age, who looked beautiful to say the least but also vaguely familiar. I couldn't have known her though because I know I would recognize someone so pretty.

I shook my head remembering that I was supposed to be angry and looked around the small coffee shop. There were literally only two other people here and they were at the same table. I sent a glare to the strange girl.

"There are plenty of other seats. Why are you here?" She giggled out the most beautiful sound which melted my glare almost immediately. That's not good.

"Okay so maybe I lied," She shrugged waving the waiter back over. "Maybe I just wanted to sit by the pretty lady." I blushed lightly and went back to typing.

"Well this, "pretty lady" is working. And I really don't want to be distracted."

"Yeah, well I find that a little hard to believe," she paused to say her order and chuckled. "You looked up every time you heard the slightest noise. You've probably only finished one paragraph and you've been here almost 2 hours..."

I looked up at her widening my eyes.
"Have you been watching me?"

"Yes and no. I got here when you did. I was just working up the courage to say hi." I nodded showing her that I understood then I started to work again

"Well, I'm sorry but you're wasting your time. I'm on a deadline here. No time for flirting." I smirked at her annoyed expression and finished another paragraph.

"Alright, Green eyes. You win. I won't distract you anymore, but I will just leave you with this. I hope that you use it." I looked over, watching her hand slide over beside my laptop. She let go of a piece of paper then moved back.

"Don't call me green eyes." I snapped crumpling up the paper. She sighed softly and straightened it out

"Well if you told me your name, I would've called you by it."

"It's Lauren." I replied eyeing the crinkly paper. It looked like a phone number. It probably was.

"Okay Lauren, here's my number. Text me. Maybe we can continue this when you aren't so busy..." She sighed standing up. "I'm Normani by the way. Good luck on your essay." I watched her wave shortly then walk out of the shop. I sighed deeply and pushed away the paper and went back to writing. That was more distracting than I needed.

A/N: I'm not sure what this is but I'm actually gonna  finish it...probably dkejeje if not I'm gonna delete and act like I never posted it 😋

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