The Asylum Walker [DISCONTINU...

By Demon_Lost_Soul

99.7K 2.9K 1.6K

You, The Reader-chan, walks in an asylum where young teenagers like to hangout and have parties, you are name... More

Character Deacriptions
Chapter 1- Meeting the girl with the teddy bear
Chapter 2- SuSpIcIoN In ThE pAsTa
Chapter 3- EnCoUnTeR
Chapter 4- CoNfRoNt
Chapter 5- LiViNg WiTh PyScHoPaThs
Look what i found on Pinterest
Chapter 6- LiFe As A pAsTa
Any ideas
Chapter 7- WeIrD uNkNoWn PeOpLe
Chapter 8- DoWn HiLl
Chapter 9- HoLy TrUtH aNd ReVeAl
I fucked up
Chapter 10- YoUr HeRe...
I can take ideas
Ya know what..
A return 👀???
A return 👀???

Chapter 11- DoN't Go AnD tHiNkInG oF yOu...

2.5K 92 29
By Demon_Lost_Soul


Silence rang through the twos ears as they stared at each other. None of them blinked or even broke eye contact. Pale ice blue stared into (e/c) and (f/c). (Y/n) narrowed her eyes when the male talked earlier. She didn't know what he meant by but it was be something. She turned her attention away and grabbed whatever she had left on the ground before dashing off. She quickly ran, dodging past branches and bushes but she could hear the male following behind her. "H-Hey! Wait! (Y/n)!" Her eyes widen when hearing her name but she then growled under her breath and jumped up onto a branch and stared down at the ground below her, her hand rested on the bark of the tree as the male skidded to a stop when spotting her. Her eyes stared down at the male with no emotion but interests and confusion "How do you know my name?" She spoke out as she jumps down and stalked towards him. Her hands suddenly grabbed onto his jacket and pulled him nose to nose. She was a few inches shorter than him so she had to look up at him a bit while he looked down at her a bit. The male had taken a good look at her. Her hair was still the same but darker color and her eyes were still the creepy multi colored eyes but different colors. Her skin was pale and cold to the touch. The male just stared at her with an unknown emotion she has ever seen in his eyes, her eyebrows narrowed even more. "Well? Aren't you going to tell me!?— Mmph?!" Her eyes flew open wider than they were before when a pair of cold lips attached to hers.

Her hands roughly pushed against the males chest, trying to get away from him and she had the urge to kiss him but she fought as his hands were tightly gripped her waist. Her mouth was open so he took the advantaged on pressing his tongue into her mouth. (Y/n)'s eyes widen to the point her pupils were just a dot. Massive blush had spread across her pale cheeks. The urge to breath came and he pulled away slightly, a trail of saliva connected to their lips. She pushed him back roughly and backed away from him, glaring at him and wiped her mouth. "You Idiot!" She screamed as she was fuming in rage. The male just smiled a bit and walked closer to her but she backed away from him. "Leave me alone you..." She yelled pointing at him before taking off. "Wait! (Y/n)!" Her heart quickened as she ran faster. The male ran after her, calling out her name. The male skidded a stop when he saw her jump off a cliff and fell down into the river below. Wetness ran down his cheeks as he stares at the cliff and below "Don't go..." He whispers tearfully.


I sat on my fathers throne, I'll watching my tutor lecture me about how I should be acting like a queen and ladylike. With an irritated sigh, my mind went to that boy who kissed me on my fucking lips!? A hue of blush came onto my cheeks and warmed them making me feel weird. His black shaggy hair felt soft against my cheek, his paper white skin felt leathery. But his eyes were snow blue, a blue that I've never seen before and his lips.... Oh his lips were soft to the touch when they were pressed against mine. My heart started beating faster than it usually does which is weird. "Lady (Y/n)! Please quit drooling during my lessons." I snapped out and wiped away the slimy substance that dripped out of my mouth. "Now back to my lesson." I rolled my eyes again and sighed once again. I didn't really pay attention to her anyway, she's just a whore. It went for another hour until I finally got out! I quickly went to my room and sighed, my heart was still fast and that hue of blush on my cheeks were keeping my cheeks warm. My hand touched my chest where my heart is and I laid on my bed. My eyes widen when I heard a sound that came from me, what!? I quickly sat up and heard it again. I covered my mouth and made the sound, a giggle? I frowned and shut my mouth up. I still continue to think about the boy and sighed softly, I think it's time for me to go to bed. I laid down and closed my eyes, not really taking the bother to change my clothes but took the chance to kick off my shoes.

I yawned and fell into a deep sleep, I was then taken into a land of black and white.

__DrEaM bEgInS__







A girl ran into the woods as she was chased by a creature of some sorts, she cries for help as she does twists and turns through the dark trees that create the forests dark and scary aura. "Jeffery! Help me!" She cried hoping for the said name to help her as runs for life. A mad cackle came from behind her as the creature gets closer. "You Can't Get Away From Me, My Daughter!" She screams as she was tackled down by a large shadow creature, tears ran down her cheeks. Her arms were pinned upward by a black clawed hand as the other was raised in the air, her eyes widen when seeing the claw above her. She struggles and cries for someone to help. "JEFFERY!!!" Like someone had heard her scream, a knife came hurling at the shadow creature and had stabbed itself through the creature making it screech in pain and got off of the girl. A boy in a white jacket and black jeans with making black converse came into sight and ran over to the girl, pulling her into his arms. They both watched as the creature disappears while leaving a black blood trail after it. The girl had heavy breathing and tighten her hands grip onto the white jacket, a hand rubbed her back gently and she was soon picked up.

"It's going to be alright. I'm here." A raspy voice said into her head as a small kiss was placed on it. The girl snuggled into the chest of her savior as the male gently picked up the black blood covered knife. The girl clams down and looked up at her savior "Jeffery..." A smile spread onto her cheeks as the male looks down at her, her lips pressed up against his pale cheek and massive blush came spreading like wildfire against his cheeks. The girl laughed at his face and the male frowned at her before smirking, she was then it on the ground and the male had topped her. His lips were pressed against hers and they both started to make out. His hands trailed up her hips and curves until he got to her breasts, he smirks in the kiss and soon the girl gasped when his hands latched onto her breasts and gave them a good squeeze. He took the chance to push in his wet muscle into her wet cavern and a full on battle went between the two. Sadly the girl lost and they pulled away a few minutes later, the girl pouted and looked at the hands that were on her breasts "You cheater..." She muttered and looked up at the male who grinned. His slit smile made him smile even more and he groped them again making her yelp and blush came on her cheeks "Will You Quit That!!" The girl yelled playfully pushing him away.

The male laughed and pulled into her chest again "Man how I love teasing you~" the girl rolled her eyes and chuckled softly. Leaning against his chest, she looks up at him with a smile that could melt his heart over and over again. "Oh how I love ripping your dick off~" she growled teasingly making him pause for a minute.


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