Lie to me◾ [Edited]◾

By Sinner_Min_Bun

53 8 13

BTS Fanfic (Yoongi x Mina ) Make me believe what you're saying is true. Mina falls in love with a stranger... More

stranger 2 Me


51 8 13
By Sinner_Min_Bun



It's a been three years since Mina's father past away.

Her life took a turn for the worse, becoming emotionally isolated, seeking thrills in the form of violent acts, and Befriending a dangerous crowd. Inevitably turning her boyfriend Taehyung, back to the habit of living a dangerous and carefree lifestyle. One he had abandoned in order to be accepted by Mina, since she wasn't fund of that toxic lifestyle.

Yes, she was aware of these changes but did so little to fix them. Barely acknowledging others around her.

We all learn to cope one way or another. Now blinding herself of everyone else's pain, was hers.

Mother thought it was only a matter of time, “She'll soon recover, it's nothing but a minimal trip on the road ahead of Her”. Pressing the bridge of her nose, clearing her blurry vision as she spoke to Taehyung, whom was doing the most to bring Mina out of her depressive state of mind.

"Mina you will be back to your normal, cheerful self and everything will be okay" she insisted. Threatening Taehyung every now and then to scare him off, even thought it was of no use.

She held a special place in his heart, “She might be right…” he thought, exiting Mina’s home without a goodbye.

Opening the umbrella as he stepped outside into the rain, “Maybe I'm not the one to fix you” his cries being masked by the pouring raín.

             **********One Year Later************

Mina's Point of View

Taking In the night scenery, "It's quiet tonight. Perfect night to admire the stars, barely visible to the naked eye yet was able to illuminate the night sky." Thinking to myself as I walked further into the park’s pathways.

The fresh air lightly brushed my face. Walking around the park late at night. Always my to go spot when I couldn't sleep.

Nothing unusual in particular, so like any other night, I went for a twenty minute walk to a park. One we had a block or two near my apartment. I would sneak out making sure mother wouldn't hear me and wake up– She hates when I do that.

You see, after my father's death she became depressed. Drowned her sorrows down with a bottle of wine. Every now and then she would vow never to touch another drop again.

"Empty promises…" that's all they were at this point. Reliving every moment she would make that promise. Just to break it days or even hours later.

I'll have to admit, this year has been a bit different from the two before. Breaking the gut wrenching habit of bringing in stranger's into the apartment.

I'm glad. Unable to forget the occasion when one of them almost tried his luck with me. It filled me with rage. Needless to say, I've gained a few skills here and there as I roamed the streets at night, dangerous streets. Including weaponry thanks to the guy I still would wholeheartedly consider my boyfriend Taehyung. Even after knowing nothing of his whereabouts. Taking a piece of me with him.

Although he's the sweetest guy you'll ever met. He's got his own dark past he refused to open up, which I respect and leave that subject aside. But I'll be lying if I said I wasn't curious as to what it could've been.      

Emitting a deep sigh. “I was weak, maybe that's why you decided to leave…” Raising my head to avoid tearing up.


Combing my fingers through my hair, I looked at the clock in my phone screen. "Wow, this time I took longer than usual". a

Standing on the same spot, lost in my own thoughts again for so long. Almost appeared to be about ten minutes.

"I better get going" my voice being the only sound I could hear.

It tends to get dangerous around 12:30 at night.

You know what they say "the creeps come out at night". Yea all the kidnappers, druggies, drug dealers, and more.

As I continue my walk to exit the park. My fear turned reality.

"Oh shit". I thought to myself

I could feel a presence. Someone was following me.

"For fuck sake this is why I keep track of my time." Mentally Cursing myself with every obscenity known to man.

I prepared myself, slowly sliding the pocket knife in  between my middle and index finger, a part of the knife peeking out my sweater.

Turning left I stepped into the small bridge, taking me across the other side of the lake.

It gave me the chance to hear his footsteps as he walked on to the bridge.

Ten steps. That's how far he was behind me. ‘God Dammit...I couldn't do much at this point’.

"Plan B". I took out my phone making it seem like I didn't notice the moron behind me and pretended to send a text to Taehyung’s old phone number.

<<To: Tae <3>>
I miss you… help

[Message SEND]

"What's a pretty little thing doing here...this late at night" The stranger said.

Those words send chills down my back. "Fuck off" was the only words I could phrase together.

"Listen I can show you a good time, if you're willing to come with me" he added. His voice getting closer and closer, I could feel his hot breath.

"No thanks" being my final answer.  

He kept insisting. Quickly getting tired of my attitude. As I was about to swing the knife towards his face. He managed to yank me by the shoulder.

"Let me go!" I yelled, getting loose of his grip. But his strength surpassed mine by a lot.

"HEY I SAID LET ME GO!" I yelled even louder hoping this time I would manage to get away.

Without a warning the man kissed the wooden boards of the bridge. Accidentally bringing me down with him.

He let go of me. I got up rubbing my shoulder now containing a large bruise.

I looked down to see him on the ground trying to cover his bloody nose and busted lip.

"Who the hell are you" I said startled by another stranger.

Giving no thought that he just saved me from a lunatic. "Great Now what do you want huh? I whined.

"Well a thank you should be enough" he said putting his hands back into his jacket.

"I could've handled it myself thank you very much" tired and aggravated from the creep before not wanting to deal with another one.

"Yea I could tell from the way he almost dragged you away" he said beginning to walk away from where we stood.

Although I didn't want to admit it, he was right.

"Thank you" I said before I started walking back to the other side of the bridge.

"Wait up"

It was him again, ‘what does he want now’.

"Listen I didn't mean to come out as rude back there. But you really shouldn't be walking alone this late at night"

"You don't need to worry about me, I can handle myself, plus I called my boyfriend."

I lied.

"Oh really. I don't see him anywhere" He taunted, moving his hand to show no one in sight.

A knot formed in my neck as I tried to swallow. My next few words coming out broken. "He p-probably didn't receive my message"

I lied again.

I increased my pace in order to lose him. I had to, before tears began to form. There's one thing I hated more than my mother drinking and that was crying.

To be specific people seeing me cry. It made me feel weak and that's something I never want to show.

"Well if that's the case, I'm not leaving you all alone to wander elsewhere. I'll walk you home". His offer sounding sincere to his word as he flashed a gummy smile.

The corner of my mouth twitched, almost wanting to smile.

"If I do, will that make you go away" expecting a simple answer.

"Yea... for now" he said said playfully nudging my arm.
"Ash..." I rolled my eyes in annoyance letting out a smile this time.

"Don't lie to me. A deal is a deal" I stated making sure he knew not to cross boundaries.

He Began to speak trying to engage in conversation.

"The sky seems brighter with the stars shining every now and then" I said staring up at the sky.

A shimmer in his eyes "Yeah it is." He agreed, taking off his hat to slightly fix it for a better view. "It's the beauty we see in the small imperfections nature has to offer."

I stared up at the Night sky.

Droplets of water landing on our faces. We kept walking and talking a bit more sharing laughs and small chuckles here and there.

The walk was only twenty minutes but it felt longer and I was grateful for it.

Across the streets there it was, my apartment. All the lights from every other apartment was off including mine. Which was a good sign, indicating my mother was still in deep slumber.

"Well this is it. Thank you again and goodbye" I said waiting for the light to turn red.

I walked away, still feeling his eyes on me every step of the way. Forbidding myself to turn back.

I hope we meet again stranger.

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