Angel Wings || Victor Bruntley

Af Cutehorse

38.2K 795 96

'The story is told that at birth you receive your own angel to hold. You come into this world on a wing and a... Mere



4K 88 1
Af Cutehorse




At the age of four, the Ambros twins were abandoned early one morning on the doorstep of Miss Peregrine's home for peculiar children by their parents. Nellie and Rosie were two peculiar girls and had only developed their peculiarity, quite recently, at the age of three; their wings. From a young age the sisters knew they weren't like the other children, and when they went through an extremely painful mutation they found out they were right.

Nellie and Rosie loved their wings, they were like the ones they had dreamt about many times. Miss Peregrine had told them many times that they looked like angels. Each day the two girls would fly around the house, racing and playing with each other, but to them that wasn't the best part. The best part was playing with the other children.

After they had developed their wings, they were never allowed outside. Their parents were scared of what society might think of them having two odd children. So, they tried everything in their power to try and rid of the girls wings; from trying to rip them from their backs themselves to the countless surgeries they had doctors perform on them.

It had caused the Ambros twins to hate their parents, especially Nellie. She was over the moon when her parents had left them, she was glad to be away from that hell. Even at the age of four, she was more mature than some adults. Though Rosie was more forgiving, she had always told her sister that their parents simply didn't understand; but Nellie wouldn't have a bar of it.

After many years of peace, tragedy struck the home. The loss of Rosie Ambros was one that had hit everyone hard, but it hit Nellie the worst.  She became dark, she was completely and utterly broken. She refused to speak to anyone other than Victor Bruntley, Miss Peregrine and Rosie's ghost; and that was only when they were alone.

Speaking to the dead was something new for Nellie, a new peculiarity of sorts that she had developed after the death of her sister. It allowed her to speak to, see and touch ghosts; it had its perks and its downfalls as all peculiarities did. Though on that dark day, Miss Peregrine was forced to create a loop to save them all from certain death. Nellie hated it. She hated being reminded of her sister's death. She hated having to see the very thing that killed her every single day.

But with Abe gone, and a new edition soon to be added to the never ending day, Nellie has a choice; to open up and go back to being the girl she once was, or become even darker than ever before.

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