Beautiful Exit: The Bunny Ran...

By XstaceyJones

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Don't ever sell yourself short, for acceptance Settle for the mundane, dwell on the past! Believe in yourse... More

Beautiful Exit
*Chapter 1*
*Chapter 2*
*Chapter 3*
Trial Pt 1. Charmaine Johnson Cartier (Diamond)
*Chapter 4*
*Chapter 5*
*Chapter 6*
*Chapter 7*
*Chapter 8*
*Chapter 9*
Trial Pt. 2- La'Tasha McKinney-(Emerald)
*Chapter 10*
*Chapter 11*
*Chapter 12*
*Chapter 13*
*Chapter 14*
*Chapter 16*
*Chapter 17*
Trial Pt.3- Shelly Hernandez & Elizabeth Garcia
*Chapter 18*
*Chapter 19*
*Chapter 20*
*Chapter 21*
*Chapter 22*
*Trial pt 4.- Bela'cruz Marquez & Jade Patterson*
* Chapter 23*
*Chapter 24*
*Chapter 25*
*Chapter 26*
Trial pt. 5: Cierra Bell-Cartier
*Chapter 27*
*Chapter 28*
*Chapter 29*
~Chapter 30~
Trial Pt.6: Zora Brown
Trial pt. 7: Natalie Brown
*Chapter 31*

*Chapter 15*

81 5 12
By XstaceyJones


She was begging me to come back and stay with them. I wasn't one to say no to my sister but there was no way I could come back and still deal with Rocci and Trix at the same time. Rocci is the controlling type and me not being in the room these last few days has her wondering if my loyalty is wavering to them.

Natalie I'll come and see you every day, I promise. But you can't stay. It's complicated. I understand I just wished it could be like it used to be when you were here with us and we'd stay up watching scary movies or doing each other's nails. DJ, whatever it is they got on you, we can make it go away. You really can't Zo I said looking down. So it's true. What's true? You been sleeping with them? Who told you that? Emerald warned me about you being around them, but Diamond was the one that confirmed it. She said that you were in to the nurse for something. I heard it from Baby doll Natalie interjected. Does everyone in this house know? DJ just tell me did they drug you? I didn't say anything. I couldn't say anything it was exactly how Emerald said it would be, they gave me some stuff, said it would make me feel good. I woke up in the bed naked with Rocci on top of me and Onyx on the side That was the first time, after that it was like a revolving door between them two and Onyx. Rocci and Trix was one thing but Rocci and Onyx together was a totally different situation. They were rough and didn't take no for answer.

I gotta get back I said wiping a tear from my face and going towards the door. Wait DJ, Zo said stopping me. Just say the word and it'll stop. You can't stop this Zo I am in too deep. You don't have to do this Diana. I'll be back later to get my stuff I said moving past her and leaving the room.

As soon as I stepped out the room I broke down crying. I knew I needed to stay with my sisters but the hold they had over me was too strong. I cleared my face before anyone could see me and went back down to Rocci and Trix room. I walked in they were already lit and going at it. There's our girl, take off them clothes and join us. I can't! And why not? That time of the month. She looked at me and then Trix. Well watch then she said going back to what she was doing to Trix. I literally wanted to throw up watching her degrade Trix. And the fact that Trix was taking it and obviously liked what was going on. They finished a few minutes later and she came over and kissed me. Since you couldn't taste it I figured I'd share, she said winking at me. They went and got in the shower while I scrubbed my mouth. I don't know where they been or who they been with these last three days.

So what going on tonight? Work as usual. Naw there is something going down at one of the hotels down on the strip that's supposed to be paying big money. I'll pass! What do you mean you'll pass? You don't have a choice. I am not dancing or doing any of that other shit right now. You been away three days and forget who runs this shit, she said grabbing me by the neck. Rocci let me go! Or what you gon go tell your sister? No I'll beat your ass myself. Oh really you gon beat my ass she said pulling me by my hair. If I have to I will, so you better let me go. She said let her go Trix! Trix just stood there. She let me go and laughed before back handing the hell out of me. Shit! I held my face from where she slapped me. She picked me up by my neck and threw me into the wall.

Listen here you little bitch I run you, you belong to me. If you ever talk to me like that again I'll slit your throat and leave your body on the front yard for everyone to see you catch my drift. I looked at her and shook my head, like I said I am not dancing tonight. She came towards me again and this time Trix in between us. Rocci why don't you go and see Onyx for a little bit! I'll handle this she said putting her hand on Rocci's face. Yeah handle that before I have to show her who the real bitch is in here, she said walking off towards the door. As soon as the door shut Trix looked at me.

Girl are you crazy that bitch could kill you? I am not taking her shit Trix. You need to come correct because Rocci and Onyx aren't the ones to be played with. Something dawned on me when she started talking to me. Wait I said looking at her. I thought you were with them. Naw I am here because I need protection. From who? It don't matter all you need to know is that Rocci and Onyx are crazy and not that Sapphire popping pills crazy I am talking that I'll murder you in your sleep crazy. How do you deal with it then Trix? Sometimes you gotta do some strange things for the money and protection. You need to be cool on Rocci. I am not into girls like that. Me either. I just saw you doing the hell out of her. Correction you saw her doing the hell out of me, do you ever see me reciprocate that shit? She was right I've never see her repay the favor. I mean Rocci wasn't ugly in the least she was fair skin with these mysterious green eyes, and a unique accent like she was from the islands or something.

Look I am a give you some pointers on how to fake this out alright. Why should I trust you? Because if you don't you're going to end up like the last few girls that crossed her. What happened to them? Well they aint here now and they sure didn't leave as a part of Diamonds little charity program either. So you want the advice or not? She went over to the door to lock it, I guess so Rocci or Onyx wouldn't bust in. Okay look with the drugs don't snort it, swallow it, or drink it, when you go to do there is a trick to where you sweep it off but leave a little to make it look like you did it, but it'll actually be in your hand. Once you take it lean back and let her go. While she's doing it you have time slip it in the couch or something. So you were never high when you were doing all that stuff? Sometimes I am sometimes I am not. I let her get as high as she wants and then I pretend to be that way. What about the sex? Now that's going to be harder because she's the dominatrix type. You may have to take it a few times before she lays off of you. I am telling you all of this because I can tell you don't belong here DJ. What about Onyx. Now she's the one you really need to worry about, she's 10 times stronger than Rocci and she don't give a damn she takes it when she's wants it and there is nothing you can do about it.

Lucky for you she's out of commission after Emerald got to her. What do you mean Emerald got to her? The fight the other day was her and Emerald going at it. She slammed the girls face into a wall four times, broke her nose and everything. Why you think Nicoli suspended her for three weeks. I didn't know I've been with Natalie and we've just been hanging in the room. Yeah it was a big to do and he was going to kick her out but Sapphire stepped in to her defense. Wait Sapphire, as mean mugging, "bitch better have my correct costume", "don't look me in the eye Sapphire"? Yeah that same one, she said laughing. They got a love hate relationship. Some folks think they are secretly together and just play it off well.

Those two I highly doubt that. I know, you know what I think though? What's that? I think their sisters. Sisters! Yeah if you look real close at them they have similar features, and one time when Sapphire had one of her episodes and cut herself, Emerald was the only one in the house that was an exact match to donate. That could just be a fluke I mean we could have the same blood type. No you not understanding, they asked for family to donate, ain't none of us here family. Well with the exception of you and your sisters, besides that none of us are related. So tell me why she donated and matched.

Could they really be sisters, I thought to myself. She's been telling us the whole time that we should keep Natalie away from Sapphire. If that's her sister why would she go against her that way? I didn't want to pry anymore so I just nodded. Here she said handing me a bag. What's this? She's eventually going to give you harder stuff since you put up a fight so this will help you with that. Whatever you do DJ don't ever swallow the blue pill. Blue pill! Yeah if she gives you one don't swallow it, put it in your cheek or fake her out but don't swallow it she said with a discerning look in her eyes. I don't know if I should trust her but if she's giving me outs then I can at least take them. Thanks! No problem get your stuff together we gotta get ready for tonight. I really am not feeling dancing tonight Trix. Neither do I need this cash so suck it up and let's go.

After doing the gig I was beyond tired and just wanted a good night of sleep. I waited till Rocci was knocked out in the bed with Trix and I snuck out to the Zo and Natalie's room. Where you going Trix said popping up like a crack head. My sisters! She looked at the clock and then me, be back by 10 she'll wake up by then. Okay I said grabbing my phone. I quietly slid out of the room and shut the door before tip toeing down to the Natalie and DJ's room. I could hear the TV signaling that at least one of them was up. I went in and to my surprise they were both passed out with the TV blaring. I shut it off and climbed into bed with Zora cause Natalie was all over that other bed.

As soon as my head hit that pillow I was out like a damn light, sleep don't come easy in that other room. I woke up to someone shaking me. Ugh what! You came back. Huh! I said cracking my eyes. You came back Natalie said looking all eager. Yeah I needed the rest I said closing my eyes and then popping back up again to see what time it was. Oh thank god it was only 8:15. Natalie let me sleep for another hour and then we'll go do something. For real! Yeah I made us some money and I think we should spend it. Cool I'll wake you at 9:20 okay I said drifting back to sleep. That little hour and 5 mins didn't last long because before I knew it someone else was shaking me again.

It's 9:20 already I said sitting up? Girl naw its 11, Zo said looking at me. 11 oh shit I said darting out of bed and sliding on my shoes. Why you in a rush? I gotta get back to the room before Rocci wakes up. She don't run you. Zo you don't understand I said looking up at her. Her face went from a peaceful expression to one filled with anger. What's wrong? That purple bruise on your face is what is wrong with me, who hit you? Nobody It was an accident. Who's accident? One of the guys at the party, accidently hit me it was no big deal. Naw I don't believe you she said going towards the door. Zora! Please it was an honest accident he was tipsy and I got between him and another dude fighting I swear to you I said holding up my pinkie. A fight! Yeah a fight. Okay I believe you she said not taking my pinky. That was her way of saying I am a let it go but I don't believe the story you just told me.

Where is Natalie? Shower she said we were going somewhere? Yeah I want to spend the day with just my sister's see if Diamond will lend us a car. Where are we going? Anywhere but spending the day here. Okay I'll ask. So where we going Natalie said coming out the bathroom? Shopping and to the spa I need to relax I said going into the bathroom behind her. I took a quick shower through my hair up, and covered the bruise from where Rocci punched me the other night. Diamond told us to the take the Porsche. Cool can I drive. You know how to drive? Ugh yeah I do Zo. Oh okay well lets go. As we were walking out the house I spotted Trix. She gave me a look like wtf, I shrugged and kept walking I wasn't going to deal with Rocci, Trix, or Onyx today or for the rest of this week. I just want to spend Christmas with my sisters and not worry about any of them until after the holidays.

New Year's Eve...

I can't believe you actually thought that was okay to do. What he kept biting me so I bit him back how was I supposed to know that he was going to cry Natalie said laughing. Well let tell me you this you can't be biting folks now. Hell naw boys are dirty, I was six when I did that that not 16. Yeah just make sure you keep your mouth to yourself now. Of course I will she said laughing. So you talk to Nathan lately. Who is Nathan? Thanks a lot DJ. Wait you didn't tell her. No I didn't. Well you need to tell me now, who is Nathan? He's the guy I met when I went to LA with Sapphire, he's an artist. Aw Sookie sookie now, little sister got a boyfriend? No he's just a friend. "And you say he just a friend oh baby what I need" Zo said joining me in the singing. Yall are not funny! Oh don't clam up on us now. Whatever she said rolling her eyes at us.

After leaving that day I didn't go back to Rocci's room at all. Trix brought me my stuff before her and Rocci left for Christmas. Funny how so many of these girls aren't even runaways, some of them are here because they want to be. I mean they packed up and went home like this was college or some shit. While the rest of us were at the house look like little orphans. There weren't that many girls here on Christmas a hand full maybe, Us, Baby doll, Emerald, Amethyst, a couple of other girls that I'd never seen before. My guess is they stayed on the 2nd floor. Surprisingly, Sapphire was here as well. We were all surprised that Nicoli didn't take her with him when he went to Miami for Christmas. But I guess it was Diamonds holiday to go with him, cause Sapphire was here the whole time.

I took the time to really pay close attention to Emerald and Sapphire's relationship. I don't know how folks hadn't realized it because they looked slightly similar and they act like sisters. Just like Zo and I. Arguing and bickering but let someone step to one of them and they quick to jump on you. Now I know you thinking when has Sapphire ever defended Emerald, well it's not in the way that you are thinking because Emerald has no problem defending herself. There were just certain things where you could tell that she looked out for her. And not to mention the girl bought Emerald a freaking car for Christmas. Not just any car she bought her an Emerald green Ford Mustang. She probably didn't think anyone saw her give her the car but I did. Emerald screamed and hugged her and then I swear I think she cried. It was the happiest I'd seen anyone since we've been here. Well except for Natalie, nothing could compare to what Sapphire gave her. Silver necklace with Natalie's name on it in Sapphire stones. Can't tell me that girl don't like her but I don't say anything because I know they're keeping it on the DL.

I decided it was best if I stay with my sisters I can only take so much of Rocci and Trix, I need an escape. I know Rocci will have something to say about it but oh well she can kiss my...DJ! Dj! Huh I said as Zo pulled me out of my thoughts. Someone is at the door for you. Me! Yeah she said with a sour face. I looked at the door before going over to it and coming face to face with Rocci and she didn't look happy. I'll be back in a minute Zo. Yeah you better come back in here she said looking at Rocci. Rocci rolled her eyes and looked at me before motioning with her finger for me to follow her. No we can talk here I said standing my ground at the door. Alright have it your way, she said looking at me. I warned you DJ, and you playing with me like I won't actually hurt you. What you want with me Rocci you got Trix? You really think it's about you, It's a bigger thing, you make me money. More money than Trix's ass could and would in a lifetime. And I won't part with my money. I am not your hoe Rocci, despite where we live at I am not and I am not down with the extra parties or sleeping with random folks just to get you some money. Then you at the wrong mother fucking place she said getting closer to me.

Everything good over here I heard Sapphire say as she walked down the hall. Sapphire had never said more than two words to me but I knew that she wouldn't let Rocci do anything to me. Rocci looked at me and then Sapphire, who was standing there with her arms crossed and an eyebrow raised. Rocci backed up from me, we'll talk later DJ she said winking at me. Hmm I don't think so Rocci, you stick to dealing with Trix and Onyx and leave her alone. You don't run anything here Sapphire. Oh but I do sweetie those little private parties that you doing that you think no one knows about, I can cut them off and have your non-factor ass working back at the 7/11 in Miami, keep fucking with me Rocci and I'll lay all your shit bare Sapphire said getting in her face. You don't know shit! Oh but I do and remember the halls have eyes and ears so run along now bitch and don't come over here again. She had this mean mug on her, I knew right then my troubles with her were long from over with.

She moved past Sapphire and walked down the hall until she disappeared. Thanks I said looking at Sapphire. Mhm, do yourself a favor DJ watch who you associate yourself with here all these bitches ain't here for you, she said as she continued past me towards the main house. Another reason why she and Emerald are sisters, they say the exact same things with the exact same meaning.

Is there a problem Zo said when I came back in the room? Nope no problem at all. But we do got work tonight. I know! Natalie you gonna be okay! Oh I am gonna be fine I have plans she said wiggling her eyebrows. What plans Ms. Thang is working tonight. Who said I had plans with her. Baby doll still can't work so we're going to the lake to watch the fireworks. Wait a minute how yall getting there, cause neither of you can drive or have a car. Duh it's called a cab, she said laughing. Oh well excuse me smarty pants. I gotta find something to wear Jermaine is going to be here tonight and I want to look nice. Girl the boy has seen you damn near naked I am sure you'll be fine in whatever. Whatever tonight I am dancing so I really have to look good, she said going to the closet.

You really going to the lake or are you meeting Ms. Sapphire for a secret rendezvous? She's working but I may see her afterwards she said blushing. You love her! I do not she said hitting me with the pillow. Don't lie you love that girl. Love is a strong word that don't fit our situation. Situation, so there is something going on with yall. Friends DJ she said laughing as Zo came out in a this wicked black and gold two piece, what yall think of this? Damnnn girl! It look okay? Its more than okay, Jermaine gon snatch yo ass off the stage and go half on a baby with you. Girl please I am on the pill as are you so there will be no babies. Yeah that's what you say I said smirking at her.

The ranch was on fire, I mean it was so many folks at the house that they even extended the party to the pool area even though it was cold as hell there was half naked bitches dancing and folks swimming. Hey Hey someone said wrapping their arms around me. Sean what you doing here? I came to see my favorite girl he said smiling at me. Oh I am yo favorite huh! Yeah you know I can't deny Ms. Blaze. Whatever Chris with you? Naw he had his little thang going on with some shorty he met in LA. Oh cool well let me know if you need anything. Most definitely he said kissing my cheek.

It was about 11:30 when I decided I needed a break so I snuck back in to the main house to chill for a little bit. I grabbed a water bottle out the fridge in Ruby's office and sat down to rest for a minute before my set to dance, when I heard the door close, lock behind me. Then the lights went out. Hold up a minute I said trying to feel my way out in the dark. You thought I was playing was the last thing I heard before someone grabbed me and started hitting me hard in the stomach. I passed out after the last blow to the head. 


This chapter is the chapter starts all of the drama for this book and trust me when I say its about to go down.  DJ has gotten herself into some mess for real.  That's all I am going to say is stay tuned cause things about to get real crazy real fast! 

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