To Marry A Malfoy (Dramione)

By ali-louise

408K 9.6K 3.1K

The war is over. The Golden trio and others return for their final year at Hogwarts. The war still leaving an... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four.
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine.
Chapter Ten
Chapter Elevan
Chapter Twelve.
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen.
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen.
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four.

Chapter Twenty Five.

11.5K 250 88
By ali-louise

-2 years later (5th June 2001)-

Hermione walked into her home. It had been a long day working at the ministry and she was happy to be home. The new and improved Malfoy Manor was bright and airy. After they graduated from Hogwarts, Draco and his mother had the great idea to knock down the old Manor and rebuild a new one to signify the change of the families ways. The house was smaller than before. Still a huge house with everything you could ask for and tonnes more but a much more cosy home, extending the gardens as well which Narcissa took great pride in restoring to look just as amazing as before. Hermione would often find herself wondering how she was able to live in such a beautiful house with the people she loved.

And one of those people was currently attached to her leg, hugging her. For Olivia Malfoy was no longer a doll as part of a Hogwarts test. She was now a happy and healthy 18 month old who had lit up Hermione's life from the moment she was born. "Mummy." The small child said to which Hermione lifted her up and smiled "Hey baby." She cooed at her daughter while hugging her. Hermione loved her job but loved coming home to her baby girl even more.

It hadn't been hard for Hermione and Draco to start a family. In fact it was rather easy. Just a few weeks after leaving Hogwarts, Hermione found out that she was expecting Olivia. They were over the moon and as soon as they found out that it was a girl, they couldn't be more happier to have the child they had fallen in love with at Hogwarts back. Hermione told her parents and mother in law together and of course her mother and Narcissa started crying while her father tried to hold back the tears by shaking Draco's hand and hugging his daughter. They were all in love with Olivia and despite her seeing Narcissa more as they lived together, Olivia saw her Granger side of the family almost every weekend. Olivia was born on 17th February 2000 and had been the best thing that happened to both Hermione and Draco ever since.

Draco was also thrilled to find out he would be getting his little girl back. As there was more than enough money to sustain the family for generations to come, Draco decided that he didn't want to work, he just wanted to spend time with his family. And when Olivia was 9 months old, Hermione, wanting to do something with her life, went to work for the Ministry of Magic meaning that Draco would look after Olivia. He was close with his daughter, as was Hermione but they both knew that Olivia was a definite daddy's girl.

As for their friends, life was going amazingly well for them all too. James Potter had arrived on 28th September of 1999 to his loving parents who constantly doted on him and the 2nd Baby Potter was due in the November of this year making James a big brother to yet another boy for the Potter's. Ginny called it Weasley genes that were making it so hard for them to have a girl but Hermione told her not to panic as this was only their second child.

The Weasley genes however did not stop Ron and Pansy as they managed to get a little girl with their first child. Amber Weasley was born 22nd May 2000 and despite the fact that she had only just turned one, she was already a big sister to not one but two little brothers. Freddie and Frankie Weasley had been more just 2 months ago on the 5th April 2001, suspiciously close to their uncles Fred and George. Pansy was so happy to already have three children and took care of them all although she also vowed that she was not going to have any more for at least a few more years.

Luna and Blaise had taken a bit more time than the rest of their friends to have children. They had gone traveling a lot during their first year out of Hogwarts. Luna wanted to go and see lots of Magical creature and Blaise decided that it would be a really fun idea for them to go together as their honeymoon. All their friends were in awe, not just of the photos they had captured of all the magical creatures they found but also of the news Luna brought with her. She was pregnant. She then gave birth four months after she returned home to a beautiful little girl they called Alessia Zabini on 25th November 2000. It was an italian name they had come across while they were travelling and fell in love with.

Things had worked out perfectly for all the friends. Olivia, James and Amber would all be in the same year at Hogwarts. As well as that, Alessia would be in the same year as Freddie and Frankie so none of the children would go to Hogwarts alone. Even Ginny and Harry wouldn't have to worry about their next baby being alone because Hermione had the next Malfoy slowly brewing in her stomach. And that baby was due in December so would be a Christmas baby. But they hadn't told anyone about their big news, not even their parents.

But today that was all about to change. It was 5th June and to most people that date wasn't important but to Hermione and her friends it was. Because today was Draco's 21st birthday and they had planned a party to celebrate it where Draco was going to make the announcement that he and Hermione were expecting another baby. He tried getting Olivia to learn the sentence of 'I'm a big sister' but it was no use. She kept repeating the word sister. Her words were great but she wasn't able to string together full sentences unless she really tried.

"How does it feel being 21?" Hermione teased Draco as she walked in with Olivia on her hip. Draco still looked as perfect as ever. "I should ask you Grandma. I mean aren't you 22 in like 2 months." He laughed. Hermione raised her eyebrow "Now Draco play kind. You know Hermione can easily change your hair colour to make it bright colours and you wouldn't want that for the party." Narcissa said as she walked in. She was in full party mode, putting balloons and decorations everywhere. "Hermione darling, what time are your parents arriving?" She asked. Hermione looked up at the clock and smiled "They should be here soon actually. Maybe they got stuck in traffic." She said to her mother in law. Narcissa nodded and left the room. "She's frantic isn't she?" Draco asked to which Hermione nodded. "Yep." She said as she giggled and sat down, placing Olivia in her lap. "We need to get you into your dress soon princess." Draco cooed at her. Olivia just giggled and climbed down from Hermione to run around the Manor like the carefree toddler she was. The Manor was enchanted with protection spells in many areas meaning that Olivia (Or the new baby) could not hurt herself.

"Ahh perfect. Time with my wife." Draco smiled as he wrapped his arm around Hermione. Hermione giggled "You mean without our Princess running raging around?" She asked. "Or at least right in front of us." She added on at the end. Draco nodded and smiled, "Soon to be Princess and hopefully a Prince running around." He said. Hermione knew that Draco wanted a little boy but also knew that if they had another girl, he wouldn't mind. Hermione just smiled and leaned up to kiss his lips. After a few minutes of kissing, Hermione giggled "Ready to look after pregnant hormonal me again?" She asked. Draco shrugged "It can't be any worse than Pansy was." He said as the two laughed remember one time Pansy would not stop crying because she had dropped her wand on the floor and couldn't pick it up because she was pregnant with the twins, all while forgetting she was able to do wandless magic and get it that way. Hermione then smiled and said "Don't be mean."

It was hours later and Draco's birthday celebration was well and truly under way. There were 3 toddlers running riot in the room where they were having their dinner while the parents watched them, very amused. Hermione refused the firewhiskey that Narcissa had been offering stating that as she was working tomorrow, she didn't want to drink tonight but she knew her mother in law was getting suspicious of Hermione's activities. She knew that Narcissa had seen her running to the bathroom multiple times to throw up and had a feeling Narcissa knew but was waiting for Draco and Hermione to announce it to everyone.

Draco was drinking with Harry and the other boys. "So boys. Can you believe that it's been two years and we're all dads?" Draco said while he kept an eye on his daughter. It wasn't very hair though. Her blonde hair was a straight giveaway that it was her. Amber had her brown hair and James' hair matched his father and late grandfather's. The three kids played happily and even though both James and Amber were older, they weren't bossing Olivia around. The kids always saw each other and Draco was only scared for the future and whether the kids would remain friends when they went to Hogwarts. He knew that Hermione was one of the bravest, most gryffindor like people he knew but he couldn't shake off the fact that everyone in his family had been instantly sorted into Slytherin for generations. He was worried that if his daughter was that her friends would leave if they weren't.

Draco was cut from his thoughts when his mother stood up. "A speech from the birthday boy." She said beaming. It had been a tradition that the birthday person would talk a bit. Draco stood up and looked around "Well first off I want to thank you all for coming. You guys all mean so much to me it's incredible. Especially of course my beautiful wife." He said looking at Hermione who started to blush. "And my oh so adorable daughter." He said, looking at the flash of blonde who wasn't paying attention. "The same daughter who will soon be getting a little brother or sister as Hermione is pregnant. So I would also like the thank Baby Malfoy number two for coming even if you are in mummy's tummy." He said as the friends all gasped and Ginny squealed with excitement.

Some laws are created for a reason. The marriage law and Baby law were created to increase wizarding population. But in doing so, it changed the world. Because if Draco Malfoy learned anything it was that the ones you least expect to love are the ones you will love the most. For the law brought Hermione Granger into his life and he couldn't be happier about that.

As for Hermione Granger, she learnt a valuable lesson too. Even if the leopard seemed like it would never change, it can change it's spots. And she learnt that through Draco Malfoy. Despite thinking he would always be the same, he showed her that he could change. He could love. He could be the man she had been looking for.

Because life is full of love. And their love will never die.

And just like that the story is complete. Wow. I can't believe that it is finished. I just want to thank everyone for the support on this story over the past 9 months. When I published this story in November I had no idea that it would even get 1000 reads. I thought that a few people might read it but I am shocked every single day by the mass support. 

Now I did however have an idea about how to keep the story rolling but I will only do it if I get enough support on the idea. I was thinking about doing a sequel which surrounds Olivia and her time at Hogwarts. Let me know if you think that it's a good idea. 

I honestly can't thank you guys enough for sticking out this story until the very end so thank you from the bottom of my heart. I hope this final chapter did the story justice.

Thanks again. You guys are amazing. And pressing the complete button on this story is going to be very weird.

-Alex xxx

Ps. Don't forget to follow me as a new Dramione story will be coming soon.

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