Welcome To The Dream House

By Nightraven896

660 20 28


Welcome To The Dream House

660 20 28
By Nightraven896

Well, by the title I hope you've realized it's a horror tale. Lol hehe... Aren't they always great? Making goosebumps rising up your arms along with your hairs standing-on-end? Lol it's awesome and totally heart-throbbing! Lol

Well there's a story behind this short story. Hehe.

This was actually an assignment that we had to do back when I was in 7th grade with my favorite teacher alive MR. GOSA!!! (Check him out, he's actually a REAL author and he'd be more than happy to read your stories!) And one of my friends, Monica, presented this to the class and we were all blown away! With her consent, I adapted the short novel and added or changed a couple of things.

And now I hope you like it!

A big shout out to Monica! Woohoo! You have a fabulous imagination girl! ^O^ Lol

Now please comment! Any comments are fine: from constructive critism to just 'I love it!' comments! Lol

Vote! Come on, it's only one click away? Is it truly such a burden? Lol

And maybe fan!

Thanks and ENJOY!!!

*WARNING!* The short story you are about to read is gruesome and contains a lot of blood. If you can't handle it, go back to my profile and check out another story! Lol hehe

Love, Mindy! <3


The amber sun shone brilliantly down on little Samantha as she skipped down her sidewalk, an enormous rainbow lollipop in her hand. Suddenly, she felt as though knives were being stabbed into her back as she abruptly came to a halt. She curled her head over her shoulder to glance in the direction of the pain.

And gazed into black eyes, eyes the color of night in its darkest hour. She fully turned herself to face the little girl that was staring back at her. The girl was sitting on the porch, her golden ringlets glowing in the sun as she continued to stare at Samantha. She looked up at the house.

It was the old house that had been abandoned ever since she was born. How could another girl move into the creepy house without her finding out? But hey, she had gained a new friend in her trek for the day.

"Hello!" She smiled at the girl, walking up to her. "I'm Sammie."

She peered up at her with those piercing dark eyes, and she felt that this stranger was peering into her very soul. "I'm Mandy."

"Do you want a lolli?" When the girl nodded, Sammie handed her another candy pop with a smile.

"When did you move in here?" She gazed up. "This house has been abandoned for most of my life."

Mandy didn't break the inspection of her face, as if she were calculating something in her mind, or just trying to read the girl like an open book. "My father and I just moved in a couple of days ago."

"Oh!" Sammie giggled. "Well, do you want to play with me?"

The girl rose, and as Sammie was about to prance away, she placed her pale hand on her arm. She stared at the blotchy red marks all over the girl's pale skin, but because of her innocence and anticipation of having a playmate, she blocked them out. "No, I can't leave. We can play, but only if you come inside."

Nodding, Sammie followed the girl inside.

And began to regret it.

The inside of the house was... weird. The walls were splattered with dark paint. There were heavy drapes concealing the dust-covered windows, blocking out any of the nice warm sun, so both little girls were plunged into eternal darkness. Sammie could hear hysterical laughter somewhere upstairs.

"Don't be scared." Mandy grinned, holding out her hand. When she took it, she pulled her up beside her. "There's nothing to be afraid of."

'Yeah, right.' She thought as she stared at the girl. Even Mandy appeared as if she were changing. The red marks or... stains? on her arms were becoming more noticeable. The gold of her curls seemed to have bled out and were replaced with a lifeless wan color. Everything about the girl became pallid, except for those dark, dark eyes. They remained pitch as night, however one thing did change.

They were now soul-less.

"I---I think I want to go home now." Sammie whined, tugging on her arm, ready to make a mad dash for the door. But, when she looked in its direction, a dark figure shut it, shooting her a wry grin as it locked the door.

"Don't be silly." Mandy giggled, not letting up on her iron grip. "We're just going upstairs to my room. I just got the new Barbie Dream house set and I don't have a friend to play it with. And you're my friend, aren't you?"

Unsure, she nodded faintly, which made the queer girl's smile widen. "Good. Very good."

"So you're going to let me play with your Dream house too, right?" Sammie asked, already wanting to play.

"But of course. What kind of friend would I be if I didn't?" She replied with a curt nod.

When they began to ascend the stairs, the haunting laughter became louder. Goose flesh crept up Sammie's arm as Mandy's nails dug into her flesh, her hand curling around her frail wrist. When they reached the top, the laughter all together ceased. Instead of relaxing her, the sudden stop caused sweat to seep on to her forehead, her palms turning clammy.

"Are you parents home?" She questioned, trying to make conversation as Mandy continued to drag her onwards.

The girl nodded her head, "Yes. Only my father." Sammie swallowed, attempting to force the glob in her throat to go down. But only resulted in her coughing. Mandy patted her softly on the back. "Don't get yourself killed just yet. I want you in tiptop condition when you meet my father."

"Tiptop?" She breathed, her oxygen quickly fleeing from her lungs as they reached the door to her room. What could possibly be behind that door? And did she even want to know?!

Two red wet hand prints were on the dingy alabaster wood, smearing down to the side. The door unbolted and sprang away to let them in. When Sammie walked deeper in, Mandy locked the door with her skeletal key, burying it deep in her pocket afterward. A victorious smile spread across her face as the oblivious girl ran over to the Barbie Dream house, giggling.

"Oh my gosh! You weren't kidding about it. It's so pretty!" She squealed, pulling out dolls from the open roof.

Mandy brushed her hands clean on her dress, smearing her torn gown. "Of course I wasn't kidding. Would best friends lie to each other? And thank you."

Sammie looked up from her play, examining the strange girl. Her gown was all torn with those red stains all over it, her soul-less eyes were gazing at the bed then at her, and her scarlet lips had twisted to a sneer.

"What's under the bed?" She asked the girl, standing up. The laughter returned, this time MUCH louder.

She just shrugged. "You sure?" She took baby-steps, her fear returning. So much for playing, huh? ""Cos it sounds to me like that's where all the laughing's coming from."

"Laughter?" Mandy blinked, stepping towards her. "What laughter? I don't hear anything."

Sammie had, had enough. No more creepy little girl. No more 'playing'. She wanted out. Moving towards the door, she said over her shoulder. "This is too weird for me. If you want to 'play' with me, then you'll follow me outside."

Mandy shook her head. "I can't allow you to do that, little girl. My father would be VERY upset if you left without giving him a nice little visit."

"What are you---" Her words ceased as she was being choked. Her fingers wrapped around something cold and metallic, she peered up at Mandy. The girl had a thick chain coiled around her neck, her eyes icy as she resumed choking the life out of her.

"Really, Sammie? Didn't your parents ever tell you not to go into strangers houses? Especially if they JUST moved into a scary abandoned house?" She growled with a wicked grin.

Gasping, she cried. "But I thought we were friends!?"

Twisting the chain, she responded. "Yes but you see, thought and being are two complete different things. Thought is merely a figment of your imagination, your mind."

"What---" She breathed, trying to pull away the chain. "What are you?!"

Mandy leaned in as she fastened it. "I'm a demon messenger. The devil's baby girl." Her voice was the same warm giggle from outside, but the face it was coming from had altered utterly.

Snapping her neck, she laid Sammie's body on the ground. The laughter grew louder, making her grit her teeth as she pulled out a dagger. "Shut up, will you? I'm almost done!" She snarled back, glaring at the bottom of the bed.

Crimson eyes frowned back at her.

Slitting her throat from ear-to-ear, her inner thighs, and both wrists, Mandy let some of the blood slowly seep out. Her father didn't like his mortals all too bloodied. And on each slit, she wrapped a rubicund ribbon over it, wrapping her up like a present.

Sauntering up to her bed, she tossed it open. Under it was a void of fire, the flames lapping up at the insides of the walls. They glowed bright oranges, reds, and even blues if you got close enough. "Quit your freaky laughter!" She growled, dragging the body over and cleaning the dagger over its cheeks, then hiding it on her belt again. "Because of it, we almost lost your prey!"

Lifting the empty body, she held it over the void. "Enjoy your dinner." She snarled, dropping her into the fiery pit.

Dropping down her bed and listening to her father's excited cackling, she skipped over to her closet. Changing into a new dress and cleaning the room a bit, she then pranced out her door and out the house, sitting once more on the porch.

Her eyes scrutinized on the back of a little brunette girl skipping down the block, another lollipop in her hand. 'Oh the famous lollipops.' She sighed, shaking her head. When the girl realized she was being glowered at and turned her head, Mandy smiled.

Grinning ear-to-ear, she skipped over.

"Hi! I'm Hayley!" She squeaked, her voice much more annoying and higher than Sammie's.

"I'm Mandy." She replied, watching the girl's reaction.

Nothing. Just oblivious innocence and anticipation of having a new friend.

That deepened her simper.

"Do you want to play with me?" Hayley asked, thrilled.

Mandy peered over at the setting sun with her dark eyes and nodded.

"We can play, but only if you come inside."

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