Suddenly the Bad Boy is Livin...

By Nadineat2

994K 41.3K 8.6K

Ella's life was full of joy and love. Everything was perfect until the night her parents told her secrets she... More

1- Wait...what !??
2- Here comes the bad boy
3- Nutella caused this
4- I met my principal... in his house
5- Why is this happening to me?
6- I'm your bad boy bodyguard
7- Scary Past ?
8- Dad is here
9- Something is about to happen
10- Almost...
11-There is a storm coming
12- 'Because of me'
13- Destiny
14- He's leaving ?
15-He is easy to convince
16- Ashton King
17- My Ex
18- Awkward morning
19- New guys,Detention and Ed .What's wrong with this day ?
20- A surprise move
21- I own it
22- Tom & Jerry or a basketball game?
23- Can this day get any weirder?
24- End of this tiring day
25- Potato chips
26- Again
27- So what happened to the advice?
28-I'm happy to see you happy
29- Cheers
30- It can't be
31- Money ruined everything...
32- I have no mercy
33- Thank God ...
34- Just Answer
35- Amazing two days
36- He's my boyfriend
37- I'm her boyfriend
38- Dad's approval
39- Rayn doesn't know, right?
40- Fun drama
41- My cute bad boy
42- Is This Heaven?
43- Another surprise?
44- Best day ever
45- it's over


22.4K 839 284
By Nadineat2

[3years later]

I was waiting for the big door to open with my father, holding a boutique of red roses. I feel so nervous right now, like I'm gonna fall any second.

" Dad, don't let me fall " I whispered to my dad.

" Never sugar ,never " he tightened his grip on my arm then smiled at me.

The door was open and all the guests turned in their seats to look at me, the bride.

We started walking down the aisle, and everyone that I know is here, smiling at me.

I look straight ahead and saw my handsome, soon to be husband, Rayn.
He was staring at me with lust, passion, warmth and most importantly, Love.

I started to get edgy and restless, I'm gonna be ms. Arthur in a couple of minutes and I can't wait.

We planed the wedding as soon as we finished our studies, and we stayed here in London because we liked it here and we don't want to leave our best friends.

" Be strong " Dad whispered in my ear as we reached Rayn.

" I will " I kissed his cheek, then walked to stand in front of Rayn.

We looked at each other with awe and love " You look beautiful " Rayn said with his calm, very calm voice.

Isn't he nervous? 

" Thank you, and you look hot " I joked and he laughed a gentle laugh.

" Uh-mmm" The priest cleared his throat and everyone turned to look at him.

" We have gathered here today, to witness the wedding of Rayn Chase Arthur and Ella Ave Simon. Rayn repeat after me : You Rayn Chase Arthur promise to take good care of this lovely lady in good and bad, easy and difficult, sad and happy times no matter what happens, you will always love her. " the priest waited for Rayn.

" I am Rayn Chase Arthur promise to take good care of my lovely lady in good and bad, easy and difficult, sad and happy times no matter what happens, and I will always love her till death due us apart . " Rayn said with a genuine smile.

The priest nodded then turned to look at me " Do you Ella Ave Simon promise to stick with this gentleman, in good and bad, easy and difficult, Sad and happy times no matter what happens, and you will always love him ?" 

" I Ella Ave Simon promise to stick with my gentleman, in good and bad, easy and difficult, Sad and happy times no matter what happens, and I will always love him till death due us apart " I smiled and waited.

" Now, Do you Rayn Chase Arthur take Ella Ave Simon as your loving wife? "

" I do " Rayn replied.

" And do you Ella Ave Simon take Rayn Chase Arthur as your loving husband? "

" I do " I replied.

"  I announce that you are now Husband and wife, you may now kiss the bride " As the priest said that, Rayn grabbed my waist and pulled me to him to a passionate full of love kiss.

[5 years later]

" Luke, stop running I need to change your clothes " I yelled at my 3 years old son who's running around the house littering the floor with the mud that was stuck on his clothes and shoes.

" Na-uh, I want daddy to clean me not momma No No No " he kept running and I kept chasing him.

Damn he's fast.

" I'm home " We heard the door close and Luke ran to his father.

Oh no.

" Ray be careful " I warned him because Luke's dirty.

" Why hon- oh shit " he said and I chuckled.

I went to the kitchen to set the dinner.
Rayn came into view holding Luke.

" I warned you " I laughed then picked his lips and he sat on his chair still holding Luke.

" How was your day? " I asked him after I put the food on the counter.

" It was stressful but okay " he replied with a sight.

Guess it was another tough day. You see Rayn is a successful Lawyer . He works really hard to defend the innocent people.

" How was your day? " he asked me.

" Great you know except this dirt on the floor " I sighted and looked at the floor.

I'm a fashion designer that mean I don't have to leave the house to design because I have my own studio here.

Easy right.

" Daddy Daddy look, I draw you a picture of you and mommy and me " Luke ran to his backpack and pulled a paper.

" Luke that's amazing " I looked at the drawing and it was a colorful beautiful drawing of us.

" Buddy that's cool " Rayn said then hold Luke and put him on his lap.

" Come on let's eat I'm starving " I said

" Me too " Rayn and Luke said at the same time then we began eating.

I looked at my beautiful family and I thanked God that made the Bad Boy Suddenly Live with Me ...

The End

Hey guys, thank you for sticking with me till the end and I appreciate all the support, and I hope you liked this last chapter :)

And I'm starting a new book, make sure to check it out .

It's a humor book with a twist...


Nadine ^_^

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