Those Who Go Unnoticed

By KodiGrey

73 3 16

The roots of the "vampire" go back centuries. We all know them as what Hollywood has depicted them for as lon... More

For Anyone Who May Ask

Understanding The Vampire

23 1 15
By KodiGrey

    The vampire is misunderstood in this society. Oh, the pale, cold skin, the fangs, the red eyes, they're fast, they're strong, etc. This is not the the case with real vampires. They are you, and me. They are the gas station clerks, the mailman, that soldier over yonder. Your cousin Bob, and your uncle Tim. They can be anyone you know, yet, you don't. We don't have superhuman abilities. If anything, we have average to above average human abilities. 

    "What abilities?" you may ask. Well, they differ from person to person. Some may have more heightened abilities than others. They may have faster reflexes. Some have heightened senses, such as heightened smell, taste, hearing, touch, or sight. Some even report having heightened third eye abilities. As I said, they differ from person to person, but these are the things I know.

    "You guys like, turn to ash in the sun, right?" Yes. We also only eat and drink red colored foods. No. We don't turn to ash in the sun. I will tell you though, the sun hurts like the aftermath of taco Tuesday x 1,000. Some vamps have a higher sensitivity to sunlight than others. Some might blister in as little as 20 minutes, others, may be able to stand it for an hour or two. It's the migraines that kill you. Migraines that no amount of Excedrin extra strength can help. When vampires go a time without feeding, many of the negative symptoms can, and will pop up. Some have it worse than others. Now that I have said that, I think it's time to list the negative symptoms of vampirism. 

- Migraines

- Physical and/or visual sensitivity to light (i.e the Sun, or those darned UV lights)

- An insatiable hunger

- Lethargy

- Irritability 

- Muscle Spasms

- Flu-like symptoms

- Random body pain

- Insomnia

- Tiredness (especially during the day)

- "The Beast" is when you want to jump out and rip someone's neck open. I've heard it is really bad when you first awaken, and slowly lessen over the years. I seem to only get it when I see blood, or hear the word. Sometimes, if I am within about a foot or two, and someone is bleeding, like, a bad paper cut causing blood to drip down a finger, I can usually find subtle hints of it in the air. 

[NOTE: These are the symptoms that I experience. There are many more symptoms than the ones listed. If you have any symptoms other than these, you can message me, and I will add them. If for some reason, I develop new symptoms(God I hope not), then I will add them.]

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