Who am I? Hermione Granger..O...

By Jubbly-x-Bubbly

427K 8.7K 6.6K

Hermione and her friends, Harry and Ron are destined to defeat the Dark lord and the death eaters one and for... More

Questions and back to Hogwarts
A Plan
Ron becomes suspicious of Hermione
Mother-Daughter reunion
Family Moments
Emergency Death Eater meeting
Blood traitors?
Going back?
Back to The Burrow
Back to Hogwarts
Change of Plans
The Order meeting
A talk with Draco and This could change everything
Ugh Great, They have to ruin everything
Traitor in our midst
Punishing the Traitor
Planning his demise
A battle and A Huge Loss
Attack on the Burrow
Family Moments Part 2
Sirius' Funeral Part 1 -Family reunion
Sirius' Funeral - Part 2
Torn apart
Moving day
Back to Hogwarts (again)
Hermione's 16th birthday
Malfoy Manor
What does it take!?
Death Eater meeting
Authors note
Birth (Time Skip)
The Beginning of the end.
Preparing for Battle
The Final Battle

Meeting The Malfoys

16.6K 323 294
By Jubbly-x-Bubbly

WARINING: The timeline is a bit messed up but i can not figure out a way to fix it .
Strong language

Italics-Hermione's thoughts

A few days later, Hermione and her 'Friends' sat down to breakfast in the great hall.She quickly noticed Dumbledore, McGonagall and professor Snape staring at her, this confused her, Did Snape know? After All he was a death eater and what the hell was Dumbledore and McGonagall up-to? Eh. She had nothing to say to either of them. This sent her of on a tangent in her thoughts. How dare they take her away? How dare they call themselves good and light when they KIDNAPPED her? Hermione was ripped from her thoughts when her owl, Arialla, flew in and dropped a very small package and a letter.She thanked her and the owl flew back off.
"Who is that from Hermione?Harry asked.Hermione froze as she saw her fathers mark when she turned the letter over, she quickly turned it back over so no one else could see.
"My aunty"She lied.Well she couldn't say her father, she obliviated the Grangers memories and she was keeping her true parents a secret.For now.
"Hey Harry i'm not feeling great,i'm going to lie for a bit" The Gryffindor lied.Thank god it was a Saturday, otherwise Harry and Ron will be suspicious.Hermione never misses classes

Hermione made her way back up to the Gryffindor dorms and was relieved to find no one else in there.She sat down on the bed and opened the letter first.

Dear Hermione,

I hope you have settled in well and that i am going to receive a letter about Potter from you soon.However that is not why i am writing to you.

I want to introduce you to your other family,they have a right to know that you are alive and that i have found you. As you know your mother has a sister called Narcissa Malfoy,this woman helped deliver you into this world and was supposed to raise you when after my downfall.You have already met her son Draco I presume? And you have already encountered Lucius but i would like to sit you all down and get you to know each other. After All you are family.Please write back when you get a chance, informing me when you are available for the meal and informing about what Potter is doing next

Oh and before I forget, in the package I have sent you is Black family heirlooms,once your mothers and now yours.All I ask is that you were them to the meal as I know it will please Narcissa greatly.

Love from Lord Voldemort (Dad)

Hermione grinned as she read the letter,She couldn't wait to meet the Malfoys.The grin fell as she realised she would have to be in the same room as Draco for a while, She really despised him, He has been terrorising her since first year for being a 'mudblood' HA, that was soon gonna change. The young witch diverted her attention to the package in her hands, and opened it very carefully, trying to not damage the things inside. She gasped as she laid eyes on the most beautiful jewellery set she ever saw.

The necklace chain was mainly gold but had emerald mixed in and the stone was Star Diopside as was the earrings ( She guessed this was because most of the black family were named after Stars) Hermione turned the necklace over and found that it said something on the back, After a closer look she found that it said Bellatrix on the back but as she went to turn it back over the writing changed to say Hermione . She was amazed by this and moved to try the Jewellery on.She went into the bathroom to look into the mirror and grinned as she realised the suited her quite well.She then took the jewellery off,put then back into their casing, which she then put in her trunk and proceeded to write her father back.

Dear dad,

I would be delighted to have a meal with You all tomorrow if possible as it is a Sunday, which means no classes.I also cannot thank you enough for the necklace and earrings, as they are extremely gorgeous and I cannot wait for the dinner. Unfortunately i don't have information about what Potter is going to do as he doesn't have a plan yet.

Love Hermione

Hermione finished the letter, opting to keep it short, and walked over to the window to whistle for Arialla.
"Give this to Voldemort" She whispered to her because the owl still did not know Voldemort was her father. The owl hooted at Hermione before flying of.The witch Shook her head, amused before lying down on her bed and picking up her DADA book, despite who her parents are she is not going to change who she is , a huge book worm.

Sunday rolled around quickly for Hermione, Her father agreed to have dinner at 6pm on Sunday. She agreed to sneak of to the Forbidden Forest where she would meet her him and he could bring them to the Malfoy manor. Whereas Draco would be picked up by Lucius, wanting to keep Hermione a surprise.

It was now 5:30 and Hermione was struggling to get away from Harry and Ron, she needed to think of something quick because she had to get ready.
"Hey Hermione"Ron said loudly "Where are you going?"He asked, causing Harry to stop whatever he was doing to look at Hermione.Shit Hermione thought what should I say? fuck it i'm gonna tell them the truth.
"My aunt and uncle want to have dinner with me" She nonchalantly, well it wasn't exactly a lie. " So i'm going to get ready, I'll see you later?" She said before dashing off, not waiting for an answer
" Does Hermione seem off to you?" Ron asked Harry , who just shrugged and went back to reading a book

30 minutes later, Hermione was sneaking out of the castle after' borrowing' Harry's invisibility cloak.Ok she stole it but she was going to give it back. She was wearing a Slytherin green dress along with her mums necklace and earrings.as she made her way deeper into the forest, she noticed her father standing there,looking impatient and decided to scare him. She walked behind him, making sure not to step on any twigs or anything that can alert him to her presence, before throwing the cloak off and shouting 'BOO' This cause Voldemort to chuckle as he turned around.

"Ok you got me haha" He laughed as he brought her into a hug " You look beautiful,Are you ready to go?" When His daughter nodded he grabbed her hand and apparated to the Malfoy manor.Hermione felt dizzy because of this and almost fell, luckily her father caught her. He glanced at her before going in,he is forgotten something but didn't know what.

Voldemort Rung the doorbell and a house elf called Dinky answered the door. Upon seeing them she squeaked and opened the door wide and kept her eyes low.Voldemort ignored her while Hermione surprised both her father and the elf by thanking her. Father and daughter walked in comfortable silence to the dining room, where they were met with all 3 Malfoys, Lucius was to the right of Voldemort, who sat at the head , Narcissa to the left and Draco next to his father.Draco sneered upon seeing her.
"Whats that filthy Mudblood doing here" He growled, his gaze not leaving her as she sat down next to Narcissa.Lucius sighed
"Draco she is the dark lords guest"He began but was silenced by said dark lord when he held up his hand.
"Well, my boy" He began in a calm voice, scaring the crap out of Draco. " She is not a Mudblood but rather a half blood, your cousin and my daughter" He said then proceeded to eat, ignoring the shocked faces of the Malfoys. The Silence was broken by Narcissa, who shrieked in shock, anger and excitement, how she conveyed those emotions all together, Hermione would never know.
"HERMIONE?" She shouted before tackling her in a hug " YOU ARE ALIVE AHHH," Hermione awkwardly hugged her back
"Uhh nice to see you too Aunt Narcissa"
"Oh please call me Aunt Cissy" Narcissa waved her hand dismissively. Lucius stood and made his way over to Hermione, much calmer than his wife, but that was just Lucius
"And you can call me Uncle, Just uncle" He said sternly, but jokingly at the same time.Draco still sat there shocked, not knowing what to do. Narcissa noticed this and scowled at her son
"Go say Hi to your cousin, be nice Draco" She said. Draco crossed his arms.
"She's not my cousin, she doesn't even look like Aunt Bella or My lord" He scoffed then Immediately looked towards Voldemort, a scared expression on his face.Voldemort ignored him as he was looking at his daughter a thoughtful expression on his face.He suddenly snapped his fingers and pointed his wand at her , Removing the glamour
"I knew there was something i forgot to do" He muttered to himself before carrying on eating

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