
By LexTheAuthor

1.6M 50.8K 107K

Aaron Turner had come to terms with his bisexuality at the age of fifteen. His first real relationship was wi... More

Chapter 1. Steal His Man Challenge.
Chapter 2. Love Lost.
Chapter 3. Best Thing I Never Had.
Chapter 4. Lonely.
Chapter 5. Differences.
Chapter 6. Trust.
Chapter 7. Family Affair.
Chapter 8. I Need You.
Chapter 9. Heart For Sale.
Chapter 10. The Boy Is Mine.
Chapter 11. Dilemma.
Chapter 12. Homies.
Chapter 14. You Don't Know Me.
Chapter 15. Do The Right Thing.
Chapter 16. Wild Thoughts.
Chapter 17. Only You.
Chapter 18. Through It All.
Chapter 19. Always.
Chapter 20. XO
Chapter 21. Watch Your Back
Chapter 22. All The Wrong Things.
Chapter 23. Baby Daddy.
Chapter 24. Just The Two Of Us.
Chapter 25. Malik & Aaron.
Chapter 26. The Understanding
Chapter 27. Hundred Reasons.
Chapter 28. In Too Deep
Chapter 29. Fake Love
Chapter 30. Consequences.
Chapter 31. Hard Truth
Trade Book 2 Out Now

Chapter 13. Ex Factor.

51.7K 1.5K 3.4K
By LexTheAuthor

Aaron Turner

"Mama, why is uncle Ron on the couch? He's in my spot" I heard my nephew Kieran question his mother as she sat down a sandwich and a bag of chips in front of me. I glanced over at my nephew who was sipping on a capri sun and staring at me like I didn't belong.

"Because he got hurt. Be nice and share your spot for today" Ajani responded as she walked away. Kieran sat on the coffee table and stared at me as he continued to sip on his juice.

I ignored him and bit into my sandwich while looking through my phone. It wasn't until he tapped my knee with his foot a few times to get my attention that I looked back at him.

"What? Why don't you go bother Knox or something, just let me relax" I groaned. He finished his juice before sitting it to the side as he frowned.

"Knox is at his friends house. I couldn't go" he said sadly as he continued to kick his leg back and forth.

"Why not? Were you bad or something?" I questioned and he nodded his head before he began to rub at his eyes like he wanted to cry.

"He left me alone" Kieran sniffled. I glanced over at my niece who was wearing a pair of sun glasses and carrying one of her mother's old purses pretending like she was going to work as she left out of the living room.

"Why don't you play with your lil sister or go outside with your friends. Knox will be back" I remind. Kieran looked over at Anari and quickly shook his head no like that was such a horrible idea.

"She's bossy and he's taking forever to come back" Kieran cried. I nodded sympathetically knowing what that felt like.

"I use to get really sad when Moses was gone. He always took forever to come back, but what made me feel better is the fact that we have a connection. You and Knox have a connection too, you're brothers so even though sometimes he might go places you can't that doesn't mean he's intentionally leaving you out. Maybe if you act better next time, you can go with him and play with him and his friends" I explained as Kieran stopped crying and looked down at his lap.

"I guess I can be good" he said with a dramatic sigh as Kaine walked passed and stopped in the living room. He looked at Kieran and then at me probably wondering why his son's face was red.

"Daddy can I go?" He questioned getting up. Kaine nodded and motioned for him to follow as he continued walking without acknowledging me. Part of me wanted him to just yell already and say I told you so but him giving me the silent treatment was becoming unbearable.

"I took forever to come back?" A voice from behind me said. I slowly leaned my head back coming face to face with Moses who hovered over me with a goofy smile.

"Don't flatter yourself, I was just having a moment with my nephew. I guess I could've used a better example" I groaned as I placed my hand over the bandage covering where I'd been shot.

Moses walked around the couch before sliding into the spot next to me and placing his arm on the back of the couch while he continued to smile goofily like he had news. I didn't question him about it right away because I was half expecting him to just say something, but he didn't.

"I'm a be out of your way soon. I saw a place earlier that I liked and it's real low key, nobody is gonna know where I stay at" Moses said and all my excitement left.

"Oh, it's because I got shot?" I questioned and he stopped smiling and gave a simple nod as he moved his arm down to his lap.

"That's not the only reason though. I want a space for my daughter and my dog, I don't wanna take over your spot. You helped me out a lot when I got hurt and I wanna thank you for opening your place up to me even after everything I put you through" Moses explained.

I could see his point and why it'd be a better idea for him to have his own place like before, but I didn't want him to go. I'd just forgiven him and I was worried that if he left things would go back to how they were before and he'd hurt me again.

Moses carefully pulled me down and I grabbed a pillow and placed it on his lap before resting my head on it while trying to get comfortable so there was no pressure on my shoulder. His arm was placed on my stomach and he looked down at me like he was in deep thought.

"Why do you look so hurt? I'm only moving downstairs from you into a regular apartment" he said and I frowned as he looked away to hide his laughter.

"You made it sound like you were moving somewhere else entirely. I thought that was code for you wanted to fuck other people and didn't want to be rude and do it in my place" I admit and Moses couldn't contain his laughter anymore.

"Swear down? Maybe the old me might've done something like that, but I'm really trying to better myself. I don't think I've ever been as jealous as I was when I saw you with Amaru or even when you were with Saint's cousin Ashton awhile ago. Something in me said that if I didn't give you my all this time that I was going to loose you for good" Moses said as he stopped laughing and grew serious.

"It was probably your mom that was haunting your mind" I said while looking at the ceiling as I rested my hand on top of his. I could feel Moses using his other hand to massage my scalp.

"I miss her" he admitted as my niece came back into the living room and lifted her sunglasses up as she looked at me and smiled.

"What are you doing?" I questioned with a smirk as she picked up her stuffed animal and carried it under her arm.

"Playing school" she responded grabbing another stuffed animal before she left out again in a hurry.

I reached onto the table and grabbed my sandwich taking another bite from it before sitting it back down.

"If I give you a key to my place can I have a key to yours?" I questioned and Moses started laughing again.

"Is that just a low key way of asking me if you can do pop ups to see if I'm laid up with someone?" He questioned.

"No. Maybe I might wanna leave when Saint is hanging out with his friends or when he's hooking up with some lady who fakes her orgasms like a porn star" I responded and he laughed again.

"I mean I guess you can have a key. You'll probably never wanna leave though" Moses responded as his grip around me tightened a little bit. He leaned down to kiss my lips but I turned my head and he ended up kissing my neck.

"Friends don't kiss each other on the lips" I said and he smirked as he kissed my neck again. I shivered when he began to lick and suck on the area while his hand traveled down to my belt.

"Stop, my niece is going to come back in here. I don't wanna get felt up on my brothers couch" I respond struggling to sit up without hurting myself.

Once I was up I looked at Moses who was watching me as I wiped off my neck still being able to feel his lips there.

"Alright then let's go. I'll feel you up in my car" Moses flirted. I shook my head as I got up and he tried to grab my arm stopping me.

"Ron i'm just playing. Chill out bruv, i'll be good" He whined as I yanked out of his grip. He winked and leaned back on the couch eating a few of my chips.

"I need to go and get something to drink" I mumbled walking out of the living room. When I got into the kitchen my brother in law Johan was flipping through a text book and seemed frustrated.

"What are you doing here?" I questioned walking over to the fridge and opened it up. Johan looked up at me before he shut the text book.

"When did you get here?" He asked avoiding my question. I turned around and showed him the bandage on my shoulder.

"Ajani didn't tell you I got shot? It wasn't serious, I got lucky" I said with a shrug while Johan pulled at his beard.

"You know who did it? cause we can roll up all I need is a machete" Johan stated. I declined his offer not even knowing who'd shot me.

"It's cool, I'm okay. I just gotta watch out, but Moses is going to put word out and see if anyone knows anything" I explain sticking a straw into a juice box.

"Oh you're cool with Moses again? That's not a shock" Johan said as he looked down at his phone.

"Yeah. We should hang out more, we use to hang out a lot when I was still living here. Everyone else has kids and got kinda boring, except you and Malik" I said casually and he made a face.

"No" he said before pressing the speaker button on his phone. I heard his girlfriend Robyn's voice come through and she was complaining about a broken nail and Johan shooed me out so he could talk to her.

I left out of the kitchen with my juice and returned to the living room expecting to see Moses eating my food. I was caught off guard when I noticed my niece had climbed up in my spot and was holding a plastic teacup.

"Like this" Anari instructed sticking up her pinky finger. Moses laughed and copied her showing off the expensive ring on that finger.

He looked up at me as he pretended to drink from the small glass and I tried to hide my smile by tucking my lip between my teeth.

"You both are cute" I admit and he shook his head as I took a seat on the other side of my niece and went to reach for my sandwich when I realized it had two large bites taken out of it.

I slowly looked over at Moses again who whistled and looked around like he didn't want to meet my gaze.

"You stay doing this shit!" I snapped causing my nieces eyes to widen as she stared at me in shock.

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't of cussed. Don't tell on me" I said lowly watching as she climbed down from her spot and took the teacup from Moses' hand.

Anari squinted at me before she walked away and I rolled my eyes before turning back to Moses who was silently laughing at me.

"That wasn't even about to fill you up anyway. Let's go get something to eat, on me" he suggested as he stood up from the couch.

"I just got out the hospital yesterday and I got class tomorrow. I'm just trying to relax and you might get me shot again" I stated and he grabbed my arm forcing me up anyway.

"Never. You just gotta trust me, nobody rides for you like I do Ron, you're good" he proclaimed. I looked down at the sandwich on the table before licking my lips.

"I get to pick the place?" I questioned and Moses looked me over before he nodded his head almost like he wanted to say no.

I agreed as I cleaned up my mess and grabbed my bag that sat on the floor. After thanking my sister in law for letting me sleep on the couch I promised to stay out of trouble like usual.

We left out after that and Moses quickly opened the car door for me which caught me off guard. I looked at him funny as I climbed inside allowing him to shut the door with a smirk.

Once he got into the car and started it up he sat back in his seat and opened his wallet counting his money.

"I'm still single and I don't want a relationship right now" I clarified and Moses looked at me before he gave a simple nod.

"We're just getting food. We can get something to go if you don't want to sit in a restaurant" he suggested and I looked down at what I was wearing.

"We can get a pizza to go. I need to get some stuff organized at my place" I lied and Moses gave a simple nod.

"That's cool. We can watch a movie or something" he said and I sighed before looking at him growing annoyed.

"You're so thirsty" I mumbled and he shrugged before pulling off. I slowly placed my seatbelt and adjusted it so it wasn't pressing up against my bandage.

I looked straight ahead watching the surroundings change as he drove and I tried hard to not look over at him but I couldn't help it.

My eyes slowly traveled to Moses' lips as he licked them. I reached into my pocket and pulled out my Chapstick and reached over applying some to his top and bottom lips while he froze.

"What are you doing?" He questioned glancing over at me briefly before looking back at the road.

"You lick your lips a lot now. Invest in some Chapstick" I mumbled and he smacked his teeth and rubbed his lips together to blend it in.

"Friends don't kiss but they share Chapstick?" Moses questioned curiously and I laughed sticking it back into my pocket.

"We've sucked each others dick, it doesn't get anymore personal then that. This is different" I responded and he smirked.

"I don't recall that ever happening" he lied trying to put on a front. I never understood why some tops were so against admitting they sucked dick, just because you don't bottom doesn't mean you like dick any less.

"Well then this is never gonna work, I'm not like how I was before. I want my dick sucked sometimes too, I'm not doing all the work" I responded dryly.

Moses side eyed me but remained silent as he shook his head like he wanted to say something but didn't.

"Whatever, don't be putting my business out there. Say that shit in public and I'll punch you in the throat" He mumbled.

"But you'd admit to eating pussy in public. Anyway that's not something I'd ever say out loud, people don't need to know what I do in the bedroom unless I'm fucking them" I stated as he stopped at a light. He looked over at me again as I turned my gaze to the road.

"It's not because I'm ashamed or anything like that. It's just awkward, you know? I've been thinking a lot lately about sexuality and shit like that. What if this entire time I've been forcing my attraction to women because that's what's expected of me. What if this entire time I've been just gay and you're the bisexual one?" Moses questioned which caught me off guard.

"You've always had girlfriends, you enjoyed being with them didn't you? What about having sex?" I asked as he started driving again.

"I like to orgasm, but I've only really ever enjoyed sex with you. I'm really attracted to you mentally and sexually. Most of my relationships with women have ended badly, remember when I dated that girl Kamiya when I was like 18?" He questioned and I nodded.

"Yeah you loved her a lot. I always thought you'd leave me and go back to her when we were together" I responded.

"I loved her like I love Skye, as a best friend. Bruv I don't understand this shit, maybe it's just because I've always been in love with you and it has nothing to do with my sexuality. This is why I don't understand labels" he explained with a sigh.

I could tell he'd been wanting to get that off of his chest for awhile. I'd never thought about him just being into guys only.

"It doesn't matter, I'll always love you. Just be yourself, we shouldn't have to pretend with each other" I said and he slowly nodded his head.


"I don't see how you can be friendly with them gay dudes. You're cool and all man but you can't expect me to be friends with your boy" One of Saint's friends said as they sat on the couch playing video games.

"Aaron is cool. I can tell you already picture him being soft just because he's into men, but that's not how he is. You just gotta get to know him" Saint defended as his eyes remained glued to the tv screen.

"Nah bruh I'll pass on all that. I'm not gonna be mean to him cause that's your mans but I don't wanna fuck with him" his friend responded as I smirked and remained lurking in the back.

"It's cool. Just know I can't be cool with you or kick it with you anymore" Saint responded bluntly as he shot through his friends character killing him in the game.

"You being serious?" The dude questioned and Saint nodded as he leaned forward and sat his controller down.

"Yeah nigga, it's nothing personal. But that's my day one and who he is or chooses to mess with shouldn't be on your mind like that" Saint said as he stood up.

He glanced over and looked at me before smacking his teeth as the other dude stood up. He was a bit shook when he noticed I was behind them and he gave a simple nod to me as he grabbed his bag from the ground and tossed it over his shoulder.

My eyes followed him as he left out and he seemed uncomfortable. When I looked back over at Saint he was avoiding my gaze.

"Is that the reason you don't bring that many people over anymore?" I questioned awkwardly and he looked away like he didn't want to answer.

"Befriending people that aren't homophobic is hard. I could befriend anybody but then what if they start dissing you?" He questioned sounding like he was overthinking it.

"I understand. I feel like I never thank you enough, so thank you for always having my back" I said lowly and he shook his head.

"Why you gotta make shit awkward? You shouldn't thank people for being decent humans. But anyway I'm about to make something to eat, you want something?" Saint questioned but I declined.

"Nah I ate pizza with Moses. He's about to get his own place soon so he won't be here like this anymore" I explained and Saint tried to hide his excitement.

"Good. I was tired of that nigga singing slow jams. Lame ass" Saint muttered as he walked away.

I brushed him off and headed upstairs stepping over London who was laying sprawled out in front of the guest room snoring.

Moses was packing his clean clothes into some of his bags as he smoked a blunt and seemed to be in his own world. I knocked to make my presence known and he looked up at me before back down at the pile of clothes on the bed.

"Yeah?" He questioned. I walked further into the room and extended my hand wanting what he was smoking. He took another hit before handing it to me and I smiled and watched him as I smoked.

"You still want to watch a movie? I don't think I'll be able to go to sleep without you, at least not tonight. We can even be childish and sleep head to feet so we aren't tempted to fool around or you can sleep on the couch in my room" I offered.

"I'm stepping out tonight for a little while" Moses said as he scratched at his chin. My lack of silence made him look up at me and he sighed.

"You don't gotta explain yourself to me. We're friends" I clarified showing there was no hard feelings and he nodded.

"I'll be back though, if you're still up we can watch something. But you got class tomorrow" he reminded.

"Only in the afternoon, I'm good" I said quickly. Moses extended his hand taking the blunt back from me and nodded as he zipped his bag up and dropped it on the ground.

"Alright then" he said awkwardly as he looked at the door and then at me. I stood clueless for awhile until I got the hint he wanted me to leave.

"Oh my bad" I said clearing my throat. I quickly left out of the room and shut the door as he begun to take his shirt off.

It wasn't until the door shut behind me that I felt my heart beating hard as hell in my chest like it was about to bust out.

After awhile I went to walk towards my bedroom when I overheard Saint whispering from down by the staircase. I walked over to the railing and looked down at him as he held a phone to his ear.

"You can't call me all the time. He's gonna start getting suspicious" Saint whispered into the phone. I furrowed my eyebrows watching him as he awkwardly paced and wondered who he was talking to.

"No we can't tell him. You said you didn't want to tell anyone and now all of a sudden you wanna tell Ron?" He questioned growing defensive.

"Peyton I swear to god" Saint said walking away. My eyes widened and I awkwardly took a step back and looked around wondering if I was being pranked.

If they were fucking they'd never live it down and Erin would try and fight Peyton but loose and then I'd have to pick a side.

I frowned before shoving open the guest bedroom where Moses was naked and he slowly looked over at me.

"I think Saint is slinging dick at Peyton" I stated. Moses looked down at his dick before back up at me not hiding his confusion.

"Bruv what are you even talking about?" He questioned grabbing his towel from the bed and walking into the bathroom so I followed him.

"He was loudly whispering on the phone to Peyton and the conversation sounded wild" I explained as Moses cut the shower on.

"Does he know you heard him?" Moses questioned and I shook my head no. "So pretend like you haven't heard anything. But if shit hits the fan and they are fucking then you publicly have to take Erin's side. You know how females are" Moses explained with a low key eye roll.

My eyes slowly roamed down to the tattoos on his body before they landed on his dick and I quickly looked away.

"This is childish. I'm probably wrong" I said and he laughed as I slowly looked back at him.

"Are you done? Unless you wanna shower with me even though friends don't shower together" Moses said looking me over.

"Yes, I mean no. I don't know" I mumbled shaking my head. I looked at my bandaged shoulder and sighed figuring it'd be too much of a hassle.

Moses smiled showing his teeth before he closed the glass door that had started to fog and I decided to take my hoe ass to my room.

Part of me regretted telling him his dick was trash. It really wasn't, but I was suppose to be focusing on myself right now and not thinking about dick even though I was horny as fuck.

It's like after I got shot and my life flashed before my eyes my hoe tendencies had tried to return but I was trying to suppress them.

I slowly climbed into bed and laid down flat before pulled my phone out of my pocket. I responded back to Peyton and Erin who'd asked if I was home from the hospital yet. I was even shocked to see a message from Kadence asking how I was and apologizing for being upset with me because life was too short.

I typed a message back to her but then deleted it once I realized I didn't know what to say. I really hadn't intended on playing with her feelings and hurting her, she had been a good friend and I was a dick.

Instead of responding I decided to just talk to her face to face the next day. Before I could lock my phone back I got a picture message from Amaru and rolled my eyes as I clicked on it.

I stared at the picture for awhile trying to feel something but I didn't. He'd sent me a picture of some dude giving him top and then sent another text apologizing like that shit was an accident when I knew it wasn't.

But instead of being equally petty I decided that since I did cheat on him and hurt his feelings he could continue trying to hurt me or whatever. I knew if I really wanted to be an asshole all I had to do was respond back with that video going around of me sucking Moses' dick and he'd curl up in a bawl and cry.

Saint walked into my room after I tossed my phone to the side and I looked up at him before resting my head back.

"You good? You need anything?" He questioned nervously and I chuckled.

"Why? You about to leave or something?" I asked as he stepped further into my room and cleared his throat.

"Yeah, but I was also just being a good friend. Your birthday is getting closer and I feel a little bad you got shot" he explained.

"It's cool. When I was laying in the hospital bed that's all I was thinking about, and I realized that I'm going to be single on Valentine's Day again" I said sadly.

"So? Do what other niggas do on Valentine's Day and go to the strip club" Saint demanded.

"I just got shot, I'm not going anywhere I don't need to be" I mumbled and he smacked his teeth.

"Niggas get shot everyday, did you die?" He questioned and I shook my head. "Okay, get out your feelings then" He demanded.

He was right, before this shit happened I was trying to get as job and do better. I couldn't hide out like a pussy just because I got caught slipping once. When I started robbing people with Amaru I knew the consequences and still chose to do it.

"Thanks for the words of encouragement" I said lifting my hand up. Saint smiled as he walked over and grabbed my hand helping me sit up.

"No problem. Now I'm about to step out for the evening. Call if you need something" Saint said as he turned to leave.

"Going to go and hangout with Peyton?" I questioned and he stopped dead in his tracks and looked at me growing horrified.

"No. Why would you even ask that? Nothing is going on between us that's nasty" he said growing defensive.

"I didn't say there was?" I responded awkwardly. Saint looked at me suspiciously before he quickly hurried out before I could say anything else.

I could've questioned him more but I really just wanted to fuck, it'd been awhile and my boredom was adding onto the desire.

Moses McKinley

"Damn girl he's fine. Who is that?" A woman questioned as she walked passed my car. Her friend smiled and waved at me and I smiled politely and gave a simple head nod until they turned around causing me to drop my smile and looked away.

A black and red corvette pulled up beside my car and Carlos and a few women exited the vehicle. He walked over to me after sending the women he came with inside the club first.

"Why this club? I invited the baddest females like you asked. I call dibs on the one in that short white dress, you can have the other two" Carlos rambled but I brushed him off and remained silent as a few people walked passed us.

"I didn't come here to enjoy myself. This is business, follow me" I responded as I looked both ways before crossing the street. He mumbled to himself as he followed me over to a bouncer who'd just let the women Carlos brought inside.

The bouncer straightened up when he saw me approaching and he prepared to move the rope to let us in but I stopped him.

"You seen him tonight?" I questioned showing him a picture of Trent on my phone. The man looked closely at the picture and averted his gaze elsewhere.

"No" he muttered shaking his head. I looked at him before my gaze shifted to the line of people waiting to get into the club.

"Check again, make sure" I responded in a cold tone as I reached for my gun. He didn't look at the picture right away, almost like he didn't believe I'd really pull out a gun on him until he heard the gun click as I placed it under his chin.

A few people ran from the line while others looked the other way and I pressed my gun deeper into the bouncers chin.

"He's inside, I just let him and a small group in not even an hour ago. Just please get the gun out of my face" the bouncer cried.

"Why didn't you just say that from the beginning? Stupid nigga" I complained moving the gun. I pushed him aside and tossed the rope onto the ground causing him to flench.

"We don't need to make another scene. We got a few minutes, what's up?" Carlos questioned rubbing his hands together as my eyes scanned the club.

"Send them upstairs and have them bring him down here. I'll do the rest" I stated. Carlos seemed hesitant but got the women's attention and had them come over.

I showed the women the man they were looking for and they did as told without even questioning it. The woman in the white dress went to follow her girls but Carlos grabbed her hand and stopped her before she could.

He attempted to spit game at her and I removed myself away from them and went to sit at the bar which gave me a better view of the upstairs.

"I thought that was you and your dick that wouldn't stay hard" a woman's voice from beside me said. I turned my head and the bartender covered his mouth in embarrassment for me as I stared at the woman putting me on blast.

"Your names Sasha right?" I questioned trying to remember my one night stands name. She nodded her head as she smiled and sipped on her drink.

"Did you ever fix your problem? Or is that still a thing?" She teased over the music and I smirked off my annoyance.

"You just gon' talk shit every time we see each other? I was having a tough time but I'm better" I explained as she bit her straw.

"So does that mean you want a round 2 to redeem yourself or? There's no fine niggas here and my friends left me to go hump on the dance floor" Sasha complained.

"Nah I came here to handle something" I responded looking back up towards the upstairs when I noticed Trent leaning on a balcony and one of Carlos' girls was flirting with him.

"Business? You a drug dealer?" She questioned scrunching her face up. I went to respond when I noticed the woman taking Trent by the hand and leading him down the stairs as some of his boys cheered him on.

"I gotta go" I said walking away as she downed her drink. Carlos saw me walking through the crowed and tried to catch up with me as I tried to keep up with Trent and the girl once they'd come down the stairs.

She led him towards the back of the club where the emergency exit was located and by the time Trent spotted me he'd shoved her out of the way and tried to run but it was too late when Carlos ran ahead and grabbed him slamming him into the wall.

"Where are you going?" He questioned and Trent's eyes widened as he held both of his hands up.

"Man what? I haven't even done anything" He complained as Carlos let go of him. He turned to look at me while straightening his shirt.

"If you didn't do anything why'd you run?" I questioned and he smacked his teeth and he looked me over.

"Nigga do you know who you are? I thought I was about to get some head and then I see you coming at me. What the fuck was I suppose to think?" Trent questioned.

"I just wanted to talk. Let's step outside, it's loud in here" I demanded pushing him towards the exit. Trent pulled his pants up and looked at me fearfully but reluctantly went out the emergency exit being closely followed by Carlos so he wouldn't run.

"If this was about that shooting then I didn't do anything. Your boy was asking for it anyway" Trent muttered.

"What you mean by that? He was asking for it?" I questioned and Trent stopped walking and turned to look at me.

"Yeah he was asking for it. Say you didn't know him at all and he ran up in your shit, tied you up and stole your drugs and your money. You wouldn't come for his life?" Trent questioned.

"He's right" Carlos said lowly. I licked my lips before pulling out my gun and Trent cursed under his breath as he looked around.

"You say you didn't do it, so I halfway believe you. But I know you know who he did it, just tell me and I'll leave you alone" I responded pointing my gun at him.

Trent went to speak until two men came out of the emergency exit and stopped when they saw us. He got this sneaky smile on his face as he relaxed.

"I'm not telling you shit! You aren't stupid enough to shoot me with witnesses" he said growing bold. I smirked before pulling the trigger shooting him in the thigh and he gripped the area as the two men went running.

"Go handle that" I said emotionless and Carlos pulled out his gun and chased after the men while opening fire on them. I moved the gun up further pointing it at his head once we were alone.

"You were saying?" I questioned as he cursed and held his thigh with tears filling up his eyes but I knew he wouldn't dare let a tear drop fall.

"When you and I got into it at Skye's party your old homeboy was waiting on me when I got back to my crib. He was looking for you and I told him what happened, he told me not to worry about it and he'd talk to you. Man I thought y'all was still cool" Trent said shaking his head.

"My old homeboy? You mean Deejay?" I questioned and Trent nodded his head as he continued to squeeze down on his thigh.

"That's all I know man I swear to god! I was just gonna take the money you offered to pay back, I wasn't even thinking about coming after that nigga anymore" Trent explained with his voice getting a bit higher.

I took in his tone of voice and his pleas before accepting that he was telling the truth. I nodded more to myself wondering what Deejay had against me. I'd been meaning to run into him after finding out he was fucking my wife but it slipped my mine when other shit got in the way.

"I'm sorry about this. Hopefully there's no hard feelings" I said showing a bit of sympathy. Trent went to speak but I pulled the trigger again shooting him in the head as Carlos returned and tucked his gun away.

"I was scared you'd let him live and I'd have to come back and get rid of him behind your back" Carlos said as I stared down at the body.

"Nah, leaving him alive would've been a rookie mistake. Do me a favor and swipe the cameras from the club before you get wasted for the night" I said slapping hands with Carlos who smirked.

"I got you" he nodded as I tucked my gun in my pants and pulled my shirt over it. I left Carlos outside with the body and slipped back into the club where nobody had heard the gunshots over the music.

I made my way to the front of the club to leave when I was stopped again by Sasha who was trying to grind on me.

It was obvious she sensed the awkwardness as she was pushed into me on accident by another couple.

"What is it? Is it me or do you have a girl at home?" She questioned wrapping her arms around my neck.

"No, a man. We just aren't together right now" I explained and she moved her arms from around my neck and stared at me in disbelief.

"Wait a minute, so you're gay?!" She questioned loud enough for a few people to hear and they looked over at me.

"I don't know" I said with a shrug. She grabbed a drink from a woman who was a bit drunk and threw it in my face drawing even more attention.

"I hate DL dudes! Take that fag shit somewhere else and stop fucking women!" She snapped attempting to slap me but I caught her hand and tossed it back down to her side.

Instead of getting angry I smiled it off and walked out of the club ignoring the crowed that had gathered around us.

The bouncer I'd pulled a gun out on was still shaken up and was standing off to the side allowing people to just go in without checking them.

I ignored the fearful look he was giving me and stripped my shirt from my body wiping my face and neck off as I walked over and climbed into my car.

My adrenaline had went up and I sat in my car for awhile until it went down. Part of me wanted to go back and just shoot the club up because of my pride but the other part of me knew that was sloppy and a quick way to go to jail.

I eventually started my car up and pulled off going back to Aaron's place. My clothes smelled like straight up alcohol which was fueling some of my anger.

By the time I got to Aaron's place I parked and slammed my car door before tossing my shirt into the garbage as I caught the elevator.

I was so angry I hadn't even noticed the man standing on the other side of the elevator watching me. I stopped mumbling shit under my breath and stared at him with a mug until he awkwardly looked away and adjusted his tie.

"Women troubles?" He questioned trying to start a friendly conversation which ended up just annoying me even more.

"Something like that" I responded as the elevator stopped on Aaron's floor. I stepped out and the doors closed behind me as I walked over to the door and knocked on it a few times.

It took longer than I expected but when I went to knock again Aaron opened the door with a blanket wrapped around him and he wiped the sleep out of his eyes.

"You should've just called" he mumbled as he turned and walked off towards the stairs. I shut the door behind me before locking it and following him upstairs.

"I found out who shot you, if you care" I said and Aaron stopped walking up the staircase and looked over his shoulder at me.

"Who?" He questioned as I pushed him up the stairs wanting him to keep walking.

"Deejay. I don't understand that nigga, it's like he wants my life or something. I told you he was fucking around with Camry? I found texts between them in her phone awhile back" I explained.

"Your wife? What if he's working for your father in law? What if that's how James found out about us"  he accused and I paused and placed my hand to my forehead never even putting that shit together.

"I really was out there slipping while all this shit was going on around me. It took for you to say something that I realized it" I said shaking my head.

I followed Aaron into his bedroom and pulled my shoes off tossing them in his closet as he climbed back into his bed and cuddled under his covers.

Aaron's TV was cut off and the only light coming into the room was from the hallway which set the depressing mood.

"Where's Saint at?" I questioned as he turned his head and remained silent while he tried to get comfortable again.

"I don't know. Probably dicking someone down" he responded sleepily. I walked over and shut his bedroom door before flicking the lights on and he smacked his teeth.

"You gotta here what just happened to me. I almost went to jail tonight, I was about to risk it all" I said and he slowly sat up and squinted because of the bright light.

"Is that why you aren't wearing a shirt?" He questioned and I looked down at my shirtless body before nodding.

"This girl I was fucking with tried to get with me tonight and because I wasn't feeling her she asked what was up. She assumed I was thinking about a woman and I corrected her and said I was thinking about a man. She called me DL said she hated my type and then tossed a drink on me like I wouldn't choke her out" I explained.

"That's why I'm just honest with everyone I sleep with. It's good you didn't put hands on her though, that would've just complicated your life more. Come lay down" Aaron suggested as he pushed his covers to the side.

I looked at him for awhile before pulling my pants down and tossing them in his hamper. Aaron watched eagerly as I climbed into bed with him and he leaned over and sniffed my face.

"Yeah you smell like alcohol. But that's cool, just let me use your chest as a pillow" he demanded. I looked his childish ass over before laying down on some of his pillows and he rested his head on my chest cuddling into me while he smiled.

"You act just like a damn baby. You wanted daddy Moses to take care of you, yeah?" I questioned and he laughed into my chest.

"Don't say weird shit like that. I just wanted to cuddle, that's it" he said in denial. My hand traveled down to his ass and I grabbed it to see what he'd do but he didn't react violently like normal.

"I know you're not telling the truth. You've been craving me just as much as I've been craving you that's why you keep acting all passive aggressive and shit" I remind.

"I really want this to work. I want you to be my husband one day, that's all I've been thinking about for a long time. I know we shouldn't rush things now but I want to be clear when I say I want you and you shouldn't take my passive aggressiveness seriously. I haven't had sex in a few weeks so I'm kinda crazy right now" he explained as he traced the tattoos on my chest.

"I want this to work too. We are both all in, the only way either of us is getting out of this shit is death. I'm not dying and the only way you'd die is if I die so we about to be the oldest married couple in the world one day. I'm a be a hundred and something still trying to dick you down in a nursing home" I teased and he laughed.

"Now that's goals"  Aaron responded as he kissed my chest before he sat up some and began kissing my lips.

"Friends don't kiss" I smiled as I looked down at his lips and he ignored me as he kissed my lips some more.

"I don't care. You're mine, you've always been mine so fuck it" he said as I broke the kiss and moved my mouth to his chest. I licked his nipple before moving my lips to his neck causing him to moan a bit.

I sucked and licked making sure to leave my mark anywhere I could to piss him off in the morning.

"You're so fucking sexy" he moaned again through his laughter as he straddled my lap. Aaron roughly grabbed my face and slid his tongue into my mouth as I wrapped my arms around him tightly.


I woke up around noon the next day and after showering and taking care of my breath I got dressed. Aaron sat up with his back against the headboard halfway dressed as he rushed to finish his work for the class he had in an hour.

My eyes roamed to his neck that was covered in hickeys but he hadn't reacted to them yet. Instead he scratched the back of his head and preceded to type on his computer while I sat at the foot of his bed.

"I love you" I said watching him and he looked up and smiled all goofy and shit before he looked back down at his computer.

"I love you too" he responded puckering his lips. I stood up and walked over kissing his lips a final time and sneaking a look at what he was writing.

"See you later" I whispered before leaving out of his bedroom and shutting the door to give him silence. Before I could even step away from Aaron's door Saint was coming out of his bedroom and he sized me up before shaking his head.

"I heard y'all up at three in the morning when I got home laughing all loud and shit, I knew y'all wouldn't be able to stay away from one another" he accused.

"It's complicated. But I know I still need to do better and I'm going to do that, my main focus right now though is making sure my daughter is good and then Aaron. I'm doing better" I explained and Saint nodded.

"Yeah that's good. I wanna talk to you about something though, step away from his door so he can't hear us" Saint said dropping his tone into a whisper.

"Don't tell me you're really fucking with Peyton" I said lowly and his eyes widened before he frowned in disgust.

"What the fuck? Why would you even suggest that nasty shit?" He questioned and I glanced at Aaron's door.

"Hell no bruh. We just trying to plan him a surprise birthday trip and she's trying to ruin the surprise. Aaron wants to go to Vegas and I think our whole lil group should go, including you I guess and since he and Amaru aren't dealing with each other right now we can't invite him" Saint explained.

"Let me pay for everything" I suggest. He went to decline before he took a step back and looked at me.

"Oh shit you do have money. When you say pay you mean?" Saint said wanting me to elaborate. I smacked my teeth and walked away as my phone rung and I grabbed it out looking at my brother Michael's contact before hitting ignore.

It wasn't until I got down into the parking garage that he stopped calling and removed the phone he had pressed to his ear.

"Jesus, why didn't you just answer the phone bruv? Had me worried sick" Michael scolded and I rolled my eyes.

"I was with Aaron, what did you really think was going to happen?" I questioned as he raised an eyebrow.

"I don't know, you both are crazy and haven't been on the beat terms. For all I know he could've killed you in your sleep and then turned the gun on himself" Michael pointed out.

"I mean that sounds like something he'd do. But Ron and I are on good terms, we're better than ever" I said with a smile.

"Well I don't mean to rain on your parade but this showed up at my house this morning" Michael said handing me an envelope.

I opened it up and looked over the paperwork before I took a step back furrowing my eyebrows.

"Divorce papers?" I questioned out loud almost like I was unsure of what I was reading and Michael nodded.

"You need to lawyer up before she tries to take everything. They're gonna play dirty bruv and you can't get played again" he said.

"Last night was good as hell, I should've known something was up" I mumbled shaking my head.

I put the papers back into the envelope before climbing into the passenger seat of my brothers car.

"At least you won't be legally attached to that bitch anymore. You still have a daughter with her though, I really wish you would've listened to me before you got caught up in this shit" Michael said shaking his head.

"It's a bit late now innit? You keep putting that over my head and I can't do anything about it now. You want me to just abandon my daughter?" I questioned and my brother rubbed the back of his neck and looked away.

"I mean-" he started before he went silent and shrugged and I looked at that nigga like he was crazy.

"Nah man I'm not about to be a dead beat just because I was a dickhead and didn't strap up. Sienna doesn't deserve to grow up in a family like that, I want her to know what love is and how it can't be bought. Don't ever suggest no shit like that to me again!" I snapped.

"Your life is on the line. If you take that little girl you're just going to give James even more of a reason to take you out. Don't fuck with these people anymore than you already have and Aaron might be cool with it now because she's not around 24/7 but he's a young dude, he's not gonna wanna play house with you. You made a mistake bruv, let nature work itself out" Michael continued.

"Aaron is irrelevant to this. He knows how much my child means to me, Sienna comes along with me and he gets it. I'm her father and I'm going to be in her life, I can't even believe we're having this conversation. Part of me feels like there's something else you aren't telling me" I accused.

Michael started his car up and tried to play it off with laughter but my brother just seemed really sketchy all of a sudden with wanting me to just give up my daughter.

"You're reading way too much into this. I'm just trying to look out for you and your wellbeing. You didn't even want the baby to begin with, this is your way out but if you don't wanna take it then that's on you. You're going to get killed" he said shaking his head.

"Where is all of this coming from? Be real with me, do you know something I don't?" I questioned and Michael went to speak but caught himself.

"No, just forget what I said. I'm talking crazy right now, I'll support whatever decision you make. Let's just drop the conversation, yeah?" My brother suggested.

I rubbed my chin as I eyed him on the low feeling the fake tone of his voice that he tried his best to hide.

My daughter came first to me in this world, if he knew something and wasn't being real I was going to find out either way and if it had anything to do with my daughters safety being put at risk I'd kill him and he knew that.

Authors Note -

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