I Can't Be Tamed

By jademariah24

19 0 0

It all started with breaking the law. How was I supposed to know that I just so happened to break into the wr... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3

Chapter 1

13 0 0
By jademariah24

Waking up early to go to school sucks. The only good thing about school is that this is my last year. I get up at 5:30 every morning and it's so tiring. But school is supposedly important so I am forced to go. I don't bother putting much effort into my outfit for the day. Who cares what you look like for school? I certainly don't. After I got dressed in light-washed jeans and a light blue top, I headed downstairs to grab a quick bite for breakfast. As I was finishing my bagel, a car horn goes off. I peeked through the window in the kitchen that overlooks the driveway. I saw my best friend, Skylar Davis. I opened the front door to tell her I'd be out in a minute. I grabbed my phone, keys, and school bag. I locked my front door before heading to Skylar's car. I opened the passenger door and huffed.

"What's the matter, Scarlett?" Skylar asked.

"I don't want to go to school." I whine in complaint.

"That's not something you can avoid. We could maybe do something after school if you wanted."

"Like what?"

"Well, Kai called me earlier. He wants us to break in to one of his friends' house. Are you in?"

"What does he want us to take from the house?"

"Well apparently, the guy took some of his money and is hiding it in his room. The guy will be out of the house tonight, so it's our only chance. What do you say?"

"Why the hell not!" I smiled. "It's been a bit of time since he's asked, plus I love the pay."

Skylar laughed. "I'll give him a call to let him know."

I nodded. I was tired of listening to radio commercials so I changed the station. My favorite song came on, so I blasted the radio. I sang along with "Despacito". Skylar turned to me and shook her head, knowing that I'm crazy. She loves me anyway. When the song ended, I lowered the volume. Plenty of good songs came on to fill the silence in the car. After a few songs, we pulled into the school parking lot. We got out of the car and headed into the building.

We arrived at our lockers, which just so happened to be right next to each other. A friend of ours was waiting for us at our lockers. I'm not as close to her as I am with Skylar, but she's still our friend.

"What's up, Ava?" I asked.

"Did you guys hear about what happened last night at Emma Moore's party?" Ava replied.

"I heard that she had a huge fight with Mason Carter for cheating on her with some cheerleader." Skylar said.

"I didn't hear anything. I was too busy playing video games" I added and laughed. "Why do you guys care about what happens to her? She's a major bitch. Ava, you know how she treated you last year."

"That's exactly what happened. Everyone was posting it on social media. Scarlett, you do remember that Skylar likes Mason, right?" Ava replied.

"Shit! Sorry, Skylar, I totally spaced that out. But Emma did get what she deserved. I thought that Mason broke up with her last month."

"He did but she thought he was just joking since he was still hanging around with her." Skylar added quietly.

I gave Skylar a sad face as I grabbed the correct books I needed. The bell rang loudly as I closed my locker. The three of us walked to our first class, chemistry. Although we are all intelligent, we still sit in the back of the classroom. The only problem that I have with this class is that Mason shares it with us. I'm amazed that Skylar is able to pass this class since she's so preoccupied with staring at Mason. Our chemistry teacher decided that today was the day she wanted to spring a pop quiz on us. The teacher had mentioned it the day before, but as always, no one pays any attention. Ava groaned when the teacher announced the quiz. I guess she forgot to study. I laughed to myself and received a glare from Ava. I bit my lip but I still had a smile on my face.

Mrs. Baker passed out the quizzes. I started as soon as the paper touched my desk. We only had fifteen minutes to complete five questions. Unfortunately, the questions weren't multiple choice. We had to write a sentence for each question. I smiled as I realized I actually knew the answers. I answered the questions then handed the quiz in after double checking my answers. I glanced at Ava and saw her struggling. I turned and looked at Skylar. She looked angry and I didn't understand why. I'll just ask her later. It didn't seem like fifteen minutes passed, but Mrs. Baker was asking for the quizzes back whether they were finished or not. I looked around the room and everyone looked anxious. I suppose no one studied. Mrs. Baker tells everyone that the rest of the period is a free period since she wanted to grade the quizzes.

"Skylar, are you okay? You looked angry." I asked as I turned to face her.

Skylar nodded. "I didn't study for the quiz."

"Why not?"

"Mason hit me up last night."

"What did he want?"

"He wanted me to hook him up with Ava."

"Why with Ava?"

"Apparently Ava really pisses off Emma. He just wants to use Ava to hurt Emma. It hurt me to hear how badly he wants to treat Emma because, well, you know that I like him. Granted, she deserves it, but still. It's not right. Before the quiz, I saw him pass a note to Ava. I think he asked her out. I really hope she said no. I don't want to see her get hurt."

"I'm sure she told him no. She wouldn't do that to you." I turned to Ava. "What did Mason's note say, Ava?" I harshly asked her.

"He wanted to hang out with me." Ava timidly replied.

"What did you say?"

"I told him yes. I didn't see a problem with it."

"Ava, he just wants to hook up with you to hurt Emma."

"He wouldn't do that. He's not interested in me like that. I'm still going to hang with him."

"He asked Skylar to hook up with you last night. She told him no. She - we don't want to see you get hurt."

"I'll be fine, Scarlett. I'm not a baby."

"Fine." I ended the conversation by getting up and leaving as the bell rang.

Skylar caught up with me pretty quickly. "What did Ava have to say?" Skylar asked with distaste.

"She said that the note asked her to hang out with him and she said yes. She wouldn't listen to me. I'm sorry Skylar."

She nodded, sadly. We walked to our next class, history. Skylar and I share every class together. The only problem with this class is that we, unfortunately, share it with Emma. Skylar and I sit in the back, far away from Emma. She sits in the front of the class. Thank God. History is my least favorite class while it just so happens to be Skylar's favorite. I folded my arms on my desk and rested my head on them. I decided to take a nap. What feels like five minutes later, Skylar was shaking me to wake me up. I looked up at the clock on the wall and saw that we only had a couple minutes left. I nodded at her to thank her. She smiled.

I'd rather not tell you about the rest of my day at school. We can just leave it the fact that I got into a fight at lunch with Emma. One of her cheerleader goons told her about Mason hanging out with Ava. Emma had come up to my table at lunch and started cursing Ava out. It ended with me telling her off and to get the hell out of my face. I don't really care to remember the rest of my day. So let's just skip to after school.

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