All I Did Was Help (Zak Bagan...

By SabrinaMayy

44.9K 1K 266

When your boyfriend is Zak Bagans - anything can happen. Marilyn and Zak have been through everything at this... More

1. The Beginning
2. Sadbury.
3. Drunk.
4. It's time to take a break.
5. Back Home.
6. Petty apologizes.
7. They're going to kill you
8. Fucking You In a Plane
11. A coma?
12. 5 Steps To Rid Of Evil
13. Step One
16. Crew Meeting.
17. Accident
18. I'm Sorry
The End of Ends

9. Lizzie Borden Had An Axe

2.8K 56 7
By SabrinaMayy

-Marilyn Anderson-

“Lizzie Borden had an axe.” I sang, obviously annoying the boys in the car – which consisted of Jay, Aaron, Zak and Billy. (The other boys had taken a separate Van). “She gave her mother forty whacks, when she saw what she had done, she gave her father forty-one.”

“Marilyn,” Zak began, looking in the backseat from the passenger side, “I would highly appreciate it if you would shut up. You've given everyone in this car ear damage with your singing already.” I halfheartedly laughed at this, realizing that Zak was joking – but it still managed to hurt my feelings slightly.

“It's not my fault you can't have fun when it's time for a lockdown.” I argued. It's not like we were on our way to the lockdown, we were on our way to view the location and to start some interviews. Zak rolled his eyes and said nothing more to me, so I pulled out my phone and began scrolling through my twitter, looking through Billys twitter, then Zaks. His twitter made me laugh, replying to giddy fans and tweeting about how obnoxious I was being – I replied with a simple, “You're just jelly because you can't sing as good as me;)” That ought to shut him up!

Suddenly, the van lurched to a stop, and I didn't have to ask if we were there yet, because the cute little house had a sign gently rocking in the wind next to it. “Lizzie Borden Bed & Breakfast.” What? This place was a motel? Who in their right mind would want to stay at this hell-hole, literately?

Zak hopped out of the car, anxious to get a feel to the lockdown. I turned on my camera, charging the flash before I followed Zak's move and exited the car before snapping a few shots of the location. “This house is beautiful.” I muttered next to Zak, who nonchalantly threw his arm over my shoulder before nodding.

“The most beautiful homes are the ones in which the murders happen.” Zak winked at me, “I figured you would've figured this out by now.”

“I have,” I replied, “It's just that this home.. I would love to have it to myself. I couldn't believe something has bad as murder took place here.” Zak chucked at that, and nodded his head towards the house.

“Lets get a move on,” Billy shouted, “Hurry up! Aaron wants to get some quick shots of the house before sundown!” Zak rolled his eyes softly, bored with Billy's instructions. I decided it would be best to just do as Billy said – because I didn't want either of the boys mad at me. I took Zak's hand, and tugged him over to the front porch, where a lady in the window waved at me. She was wearing 1800's attire, her hair done up in pins, wearing no makeup. She must've knew who we were – The Ghost Adventures Crew. I waved a quick hello to her. Where she replied with no expression, and a quick wave of her hand. I nodded and turned around, powering on my canon and taking a few quick shots of the house, and of Zak, Nick, and Aaron.

“Is that lady going to let us in the house to take some shots?” I asked, turning my attention from my camera, over to Zak. Zak rose an eyebrow at me as he pushed his sunglasses down to his eyes.

“There isn't anyone here, Marilyn.” Zak replied, “There won't be until tomorrow. Nobody is checked in to the bed and breakfast so staff goes home.” Zak watched me, as my face waved over in shock.

“B-but..” I stuttered, looking back at the window where the lady waved at me, “I just saw someone in the window. It was a staff member! Zak I just saw someone!” My voice got louder with each word I said, and Zak tried to hush me, taking my hand and leading me back to the other side of the house. “I saw someone inside the house! They were wearing old clothes! They were a staff member! Zak!” I yelled at him – as he gave me the look of disbelief. Zak put his hands on my shoulders, and stared at me. Waiting for me to simmer down.

“Marilyn, are you sure that's what you saw?”

“I'm 100 % positive that's what I saw!” I replied, my voice raising again. “She waved at me!” Zak rose his eyebrows. In disbelief.

“Marilyn, are you sure?” Zak questioned me again. I stared at him, fuming.

“Do you not believe me?!” I growled at him.

“It's not that I don't believe you; it's that it's out of the normal for a spirit to wave at you..” I looked at him, feeling tears welling up in my eyes.

“Do you think I don't know that, Zak?” I asked him, “How long have I been with you guys, going to locations, doing lock-downs, feeling spirits around me. I know what it's like. I know what to expect – for the most part. And you think I'm still some amateur that doesn't know how to connect with a ghost?”

Zak stifled a chuckle, “You kinda are an amateur still, Marilyn.” I stared at him, tears finally spilling over.

“I can leave right now if I'm ruining this investigation.” I replied. “I will get ou-”

“I don't want you to leave, Marilyn.” Zak whispered. “Now C'mon – lets go take pictures of the location and go back to the hotel.” Zak stared at me, not even acknowledging the fact that I was bawling in front of him. I ignored him, pushing him out of the way and walking over to Billy, my arms crossed angrily.

“Hey.” Billy greeted, “What's wrong.”

“I saw something in the window earlier and I-”

“You saw it too?!” Billy exclaimed, almost dropping the camera on the concrete sidewalk, raising his eyebrows. I nodded.

“Yeah, I did. It was a woman wearing Lizzie Borden era clothing. She waved at me, Zak thinks I'm crazy.” I shook my head, crossing my arms – getting mad all over again. I still couldn't understand why Zak didn't believe me. I knew what I saw, and I saw what I did. I've been around this stuff for so long, you think I'd know what I was talking about – or what I saw. “He thinks that my mind is playing tricks on me.”

“If so,” Billy began, “My mind is playing tricks on me too. It's been a long day, don't get me wrong. But I know what I saw. And I'm almost sure that I saw Lizzie standing in that window waving at me.” My heart stopped, and my eyes slowly went back to the house.

“Lizzie?” I squealed, “You don't think-”

“Don't even speak of it.” Billy replied, “You know better than that.” And I knew what he ment.

If we talked about her, we didn't know what Lizzie's spirit was capable of. I stayed quiet, and watched Zak walk around the house, run his fingers along the edges. He loved doing this, feeling the house, feeling the energy. That was one thing he did at every location, and I loved to watch him do it. It's how he got the feeling of the lockdown before he actually did it.


“Lets pack up..” Nick said after about an hour of being here. I was already half-asleep in the SUV, my feet up on the dashboard scrolling through my facebook timeline, waiting for the boys to be done. I was done with my photos long ago, it was just a matter of when the boys were going to be done. And there was no way in hell to rush them they take their precious time and they know it.

Zak appeared from the other side of the house, and nodded. “It's getting late,” He noted as he looked up to where the sun was setting over the slow town, “We better head back to the hotel. I'm beat.”

“Me too,” Aaron agreed, “I think it's about time we get ready for the interviews tomorrow. I have a feeling this lockdown is about to be intense.” I nodded, agreeing, but not saying anything. The boys said nothing else as they packed up the cameras, and piled in the backseat, realizing that I wasn't about to move from the front seat. As Billy drove away, I had a feeling, in the pit of my stomach, that something was going to go wrong. Wheather it was tonight or tomorrow – something would happen. But I just didn't know what.



That's what woke up Zak and I. I wasn't sure where it was coming from, nor who was making it. - but it was coming from our room. Zak sat up in bed, I laid there, not too sure of what to do, my heart pounding. Zak didn't say anything, just looked over at me. “Did you hear that?” He asked after a moment, making sure it wasn't the air conditioner malfunctioning. I nodded slowly.

“What was that?” I whispered, my voice slightly softer than Zak.s

“I don't know.” Zak replied, ripping the sheets off from him, about to go and investigate. I shook my head.

“No,” I replied, hoping that he would realize that it wasn't a spirit. “It was probably the air conditioning. Please come back to bed.” Zak looked over at me, sighed, and nodded. “Just take a night off, nothing spirit wise tonight. Just me and you, okay?” I was half begging for this, all I wanted was one night with Zak. Where the spirits, the ghosts, the shadows didn't matter. Zak nodded, saying nothing, and climbed back into bed with me, wrapping his arms around me, and cuddling me tight.

Tonight, I won, not the shadows.


Zak Bagans POV

Usually the spirits never win, they never get to me, but tonight they did. After Marilyn fell asleep, I pushed myself away from her and laid on my back, staring up at the ceiling hoping that somehow the screams would come back and I could investigate. But I knew they wouldn't, there was no way they would, shadows are like that sometimes. They would appear, and won't reappear for another one hundred years. What happened in this room? Did someone commit suicide, a homicide? What could've happened over the course of when this building was built? I tried to push my thoughts aside, but it's so hard to even try to do that. The room was still hot even though the air conditioner was pushing cold air out right beside us, and I was sweating. I threw the blankets away, uncovering my body. I was only in my boxer briefs, which I wore to bed. And suddenly, over the sweating, my feet were swallowed in freezing cold. I looked down, seeing nothing, figuring that it was just the air conditioning finally freezing the room. It slowly crept up my legs, and I realized I knew better than that. It wasn't just the air, it was something. That something was creeping up my legs.

I'm going to get raped.

All jokes aside, I was scared shitless. My heat quickened, and I couldn't breathe. No, no, no. “Who's there?” I whispered, trying to push out the thoughts that could me, or even worse, the girl beside me. No answer, but the coldness went up to my knees now, my skin tingling, my heart thumping (I was surprised it hadn't woke Marilyn up yet). “Leave me alone.” Stern, but steady, something I've learned from years of investigations.

“Zak..” A voice hissed, and the coldness covered my entire body. Stunned, I wasn't able to move, speak, breathe. I was dead, paralyzed. I felt it, the cold hand of something – not someone – touch my inner thigh. I knew instantly right where it was going. And I couldn't move or speak to stop it. It moved up the side of my leg, tugging on my waistband of my boxer briefs. Don't move Zak, don't fucking move. My mind chanted at me to do something, to say something to stop it – but no matter how badly I wanted to I couldn't.

Suddenly, my body was thrown up into the air, about a foot, my boxer briefs came off In seconds, flying across the room and smacking against the wall with a soft *thump. There I was completely exposed, and I didn't know what was coming for me. Somehow, the ghost managed to lift it up, and I could feel it. Just like it would be if a girl was, um- giving me a hand-job. But it wasn't a girl, it was a dead persons shadow. Suddenly, Marilyn turned over, and wrapped her arm around my waist, and the coldness vanished, in a snap of a finger. I let out a sigh of relief, and wrapped my arms around her. Thankful that she moved, and thankful that no ghosts would fuck with her.


“Zak?” Marilyn's voice giggled, “where are your shorts?” I stirred, opening my eyes, instantly feeling the coldness on my ass, and Marilyn laughing her ass off when I struggled to pull the blankets up over me. “What the hell happened last night? Were you mad because I wouldn't give you any so you had to give yourself some?”

At that I had to laugh, Marilyn’s since of humor was always a little rough, but always got me laughing. I looked at her, her hair a little thick from her rest, her eyes messy from her makeup, shining from laughter. At that moment, in the back of my mind I realized something. Through all the shit we've been through together, the arguments, the possessions, the demonic entities, every lock-down, from the moment I met her, I knew she was special. And I was lucky enough that she had fallen in love with me.

Lets just hope this lockdown doesn't fuck it up too bad.


-Marilyn Anderson-

I brushed my teeth slowly, taking my precious time just to see how frustrated I could make Zak. I've been in the bathroom for a good 45 minutes now, and we have to leave in 20 minutes, and Zak hasn't had five minutes in the bathroom yet. And I was laughing my ass off on the inside. “Babe,” Zak called, “I know it takes you a long time in the bathroom in the morning, don't get me wrong. But it would be awesome if you could hurry the fuck up.”

“I'm not done yet.” I replied, forcing down a laugh, “I'll be done in ten minutes.”

“If you're not done in two seconds I'm going to break that fucking door down.” Zak replied, laughing. I rolled my eyes, spitting out the toothpaste and washing my mouth out with mouth wash before opening the door. Zak stood there, a good foot taller than me, his arms crossed, a smirk on his face.

“I love you.” I cried smiling.

“I love you too, asshole.” Zak replied, smacking me playfully upside the head. I rose my eyebrows.

“You did not.” I said.

“I did too.” Zak mocked, attempting to push me out of the way. When he couldn’t, he grabbed my waist, and body slammed me onto the bed, knocking the wind out of me for a moment, before I caught my breath. I stood up. Grabbing a hold of his neck, and hopping on his back. Zak fell on the bed, taking me down with him. He turned around, straddled me, and his fingers found my ticklish spot, and tickled me.

I cried out for him to stop, laughing my ass off. “Stop!” I cried.

“Stop taking up the bathroom!” Zak replied, finally rolling off of me after a moment, and walking his happy ass to the bathroom.

“I love you faggot!” I called.

“I love you too, asshole.”

We sure are a weird couple, but I couldn’t ask for anything better.


Trust me, I know. Totally over due, I'm so sorry. I've been so busy with everything. I had this about half done but it was just the fact of completeing it. I hope you all enjoyed.

Dont' forget to comment!

<3 <3 <3

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