Dark Secrets (Sherlock x Read...

By Just_A_Sherlockian

298K 12.3K 9.5K

After the death of an acquaintance, (Y/F/N) decides to move back home to London to attend the funeral. Settl... More

New Flat, New Start
The Funeral
On A Case With Sherlock Holmes
Smarter Than You Look
Sociopaths Don't Care
To Love, Or Not To Love
Can't Live Without You
Hard To Hide
Figuring It Out
Wedding Invitations
Too Good To Be True
Not Alone
Back To Scotland
And So It Begins
Sleepless Nights
A Breakthrough
Someone To Blame
Family Comes First
A Brief Getaway
Sebastian Moran
The Game Is On
Carl Powers
The Next Puzzle
A Great Game
Jim Moriarty
Searching For You
The Fallen Man
Without Him
Two Years Later
Forgive Me
Welcome Home
Back To Normal
Double Date
It Gets Better

Back At 221B

5K 201 93
By Just_A_Sherlockian

After an enjoyable three days, it was time to head back to Baker Street and pick up the case where you had left off.

You hadn't thought the visit would be as wonderful as it had been, but it was exactly the distraction you needed for a fresh start with the investigation.

Sherlock's father had been lovely. He had made breakfast every morning to surprise you and Sherlock. He made a perfect cup of tea every time and always brought nice conversations to the table. Even the consulting detective seemed to enjoy himself. He had loosened up around his father after the lecture you gave him and actually took the initiative to help out around the house.

It had dawned on him how lonely and sad his dad truly was. Mycroft hadn't been exaggerating. The loss of his wife had hit him hard. He needed his sons in this tough time.

You zipped up the suitcase before carrying it downstairs. You put it in the hall and followed the voices of your boyfriend and his dad to the sitting room.

''I'm glad you visited, Sherlock. I rarely see you boys anymore. Mycroft calls sometimes, but he's always too busy to stop by.''

''I'll just have to stop by his office and give him a piece of my mind then,'' you said, joining the conversation.

Mr Holmes smiled. ''You do seem to have quite the influence on my boys, (Y/N),'' he chuckled. ''Don't scare them too much.'' He winked at you.

Sherlock looked offended. ''I'm not afraid of her! I'm equally as terrifying.''

''Sure you are, honey.'' You kissed his cheek, grinning to yourself.

''I'm glad Sherlock found you, dear. You two were made for each other.''

You smiled. ''Thank you, sir. Don't worry, I'll be sure to keep him out of trouble.''

''More like in trouble,'' Sherlock whispered to you. ''Well, we should get going!'' He jumped up.

''Yes, of course. You're both busy, I understand.'' Mr Holmes smiled sadly, embracing you both before guiding you back to the hall.

''You're more than welcome to come visit us at Baker Street. It must get awfully lonely here,'' you said.

''Oh, thank you, dear. That's kind of you. Surely you'll stop by more often here?''

You nodded. ''When Sherlock and I finish this case, we're all yours.''

You said your goodbyes before heading outside to Mycroft's car.

You watched as Mr Holmes waved until he disappeared out of sight. Sighing, you told Sherlock, ''I feel bad for him. You can tell how alone he is.''

''I know. Mycroft is aware of it, too. He's been trying to get our father to move to a nursing home. He's having more and more trouble taking care of himself and the house. Yet, he keeps refusing.''

''I don't think he'll ever want to leave that house. Too many memories,'' you pointed out.

''He'll have to. He can't live like this. It's too dangerous for him to live alone. Anything could happen at any moment!''

You noticed he was getting worked up and comfortingly rubbed his shoulder. ''We'll keep an eye out for him.''

''The case is enough to have on my mind. I can't worry about things like this, it'll interfere with my work.''

''We'll work it out. We always do.'' You tried your best to sound convincing, but in reality, you weren't confident in your cause at all. You worried it would be impossible to beat Moriarty if you could even find him in the first place.

The only way of getting to him was by playing along in his big scheme. You had to play by his rules even if they put you in grave danger. But you were willing to do so. You'd risk everything to get your revenge. Even if that meant losing Sherlock in order to keep him safe.

He was aware of that. Your safety worried him the most. He knew you were willing to give your all to your cause. He'd always admired your determination and ambition, but now that it had the potential of killing you, he began to fear it. Your lust for revenge would be your downfall. Sherlock was willing to do anything to keep that from happening.

You weren't the only one with a target on your back, though. Moriarty had been after Sherlock even longer than he'd been after you. You hadn't piqued his interest until you met the detective. It wasn't until then that he realised how special you actually were. Special like he was. It threatened him.

He was prepared to go beyond his limits to come out on top in his own game. He spread misery and fear wherever he went. Even the devil would be envious of his taunts. This man was a machine. A machine with a mission

You and Sherlock had spent many hours profiling the consulting criminal. You knew what he wanted and what he'd do to get it. Dead or alive didn't matter to him, it was only about winning. He wanted to prove he was better than you. He wanted to prove he stood above the weaknesses of humanity. Most importantly, he wanted to prove you didn't.

You knew you didn't. Sherlock knew it, too. You had fallen for each other and sentiment was one of those weaknesses. Moriarty would focus on that. He'd use it against you. You weren't prepared for it, but you knew it was coming.

Though, you weren't going to let him win. After everything he had done to you, to Sherlock, to the world, it was time for him to stop. And you were going to make it happen.

He wasn't a machine. A monster, yes, but not a machine. The advantage to that? A man could be killed.

And you'd be the one to do it. You'd be the one to take down the consulting criminal. You were determined to.

The car slowed to a stop, drawing you from your thoughts. ''We're here already?'' you asked.

''I'll get the suitcase.''

You got out of the cab and headed inside. As you searched for your keys, you noticed Sherlock carrying your bag upstairs. ''No need to drag it all the way upstairs. I'll just put it in my flat right away.''

He turned around, eyes downcast. ''I actually wanted to talk to you about that.''

''Alright,'' you hesitated. ''I'll make us some coffee then. My place or yours?''

''Mine.'' He trudged up the stairs and entered his flat, your suitcase going with him.

You followed him. ''What's going on?'' You felt your stomach churn.


''I don't like where this is going. Just tell me what you want to say.''

He sighed. ''I want you to move in with me. You spend most of your time here already. We always work up here. It would make me feel much more at ease if you were to live in the same flat as me, so I'd know you'd be safe. We're entering dangerous waters, (Y/N). I just want to keep an eye out for you.''

You bit your lip, looking anywhere but him. ''Listen,'' you started, ''I appreciate the gesture and although I do love spending time up here, I value having my own place. I need a space of my own to go to when I need to be alone. I know you do, too. Which is why I am confused as to why you're proposing this.''

''I worry, (Y/N)! I can't see you when you're in your flat by yourself. I can't know whether or not you're safe. Someone could easily break in and I would notice too late. If you were to live up here, I'd know where you are all the time. I'd know you're safe.''

''I need my freedom and independence, Sherlock!'' you argued. ''I can't have you watching my every move. Just the thought makes me uneasy. I can take care of myself!''

''Our situation is too dangerous right now! I can't risk you getting hurt. I want you up here with me.''

''I already spend most of my time here. I want to have my own place. My social battery needs charging sometimes! Even when it comes to you. I like being alone when I need to be.''

His face fell. ''I won't be able to convince you then?''

''Not right now, no.''

''Right. Forget I asked.'' He turned away, distracting himself with the task of making coffee.

''Sherlock, listen to me,'' you sighed. ''Someday, I would love to live with you. But right now, we have so much going on that I need to be alone sometimes. It's how I cope with things.''

''I know that. I'm just concerned about your safety as well as mine.''

''That's just a part of our lives now. Whether we live together or separate, that danger will always be there. It comes with the job.''

''I know, I get it. It's fine.''

You nodded. ''I'll go take my suitcase downstairs. Make me some coffee, too?''

''Of course.''

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