into the land of death note

By Lilliansummer

372 14 11

kashikoi, is a 18 year old girl who is very beautiful, kind, and smart. Her father left her and her younger s... More

into the land of death note
Where in the name of Frank dogs in a barrel ami?
Part Three


57 3 2
By Lilliansummer

Getty. So yeah. It's been like 3 months since I undated last sooo. Me really sorry. /:

"Who are you really?" Light asked.

"What do you mean? I'm me!" I say sweat-dropping.

"No your not. I don't exactly know who you are, but I know your not who you say you are. . . So tell me." He said starring daggers at me. Jeez, he's more scary then Bronies!

I sigh.

"Do you really want the truth?" I ask.

"Yes. Why else would I ask?" He says.

"Okay. Iwassittingwithmysisterandiwanttogetabookfrommyback-packandwhenipulleditoutandopeneditiwashereinrgeworldofDeathNote.AndinmyworldyourfromaawesomemangacalledDeathNote.andimlikethebigestfanofit,myfavouritecharacterisLwhoyoukillbutintheendyouendupkillingyourselfuseingtheDeathNote. You got all that?" I say way to fast for him to hear.

". . ." He paused. "What did you say? I'll I heard was Death Note, and L. . . What do you know about the death note?"

"Well, the truth is. I used to have one myself." This isn't really lyeing, because I once had a note book that looked like a death note. Sooo yeah. "But I never really used it. And when I heard that people where dieing because of heart attacks almost at the some time, I knew someone else had gotten their hands on another one." I said acting all cool and smart. I think I may be stitching the truth now.

"Wha? B-but. How did you find me?" He said look completely shocked. Awwe, I wish I had my camera right now. Fan-girls all around the world would have paid good money for that look he just gave me.

"It was simple really. Your careless with your kills. That's how I fund you. That's all I'm going to say. . . Right now." I say smiling.

"So how can you see Ruyk?" He asked.

"I can't."

"Then way did you jump 5 feet in the air?" He asked.

"Because I could sense him. Since I had a God of death too." Hot Bacon Beans! I am on a roll today! Can you get a maedal for lieing?

"where is it? Because I sure can't see it." Ruyk said.

"Then where is it? Because My God of death says he can't see it." Light asks, eyeing me.

"Well, she didn't follow me all the time. And pulse I get rid of the book." I say as if it was obvious.

"Hmmm. So. What do you want from me then?" Light says.

"Well. I was thinking I could possibly help you. I mean, two heads are batter then one right?" I say smiling. Welp, I guess I'm gonna have to work with this evil couch. Sigh.

"Yes, but two mouths are even worse then one head." He says.

"Well. I guess it's up to you rather or not I help you. So you decide." I say still smiling, as he leans back in his chair thinking.

"I suppose. . ." He says after awhile. "But if you do anything, and I mean Anything. I will not think twice about writing down your name. Do I make my self clear?"

Jeez. His really creepy when he glares.

"Perfectly.But if we work together. I have some rules we need to follow." I say. Hehehe.

"Huh? And what are they?" He asks.

"We Have To Be Best Friends!" I say throwing my hands in the air.

"Ha. Fine." He chuckles.

After that, I stayed for dinner. Then left.

"Where were you honey? I was kinda worried about you." My 'mom' asks as I start to go up stairs to my room.

"Oh. I was helping this one kid out after school. He had problems with Greek. Then I eat dinner with his family." I say as I go up. Gosh. This new mom is gonna take some getting use to.

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