Av SidneyArden

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Proper description found in the 'Introduction' section. Mer

T E M P T E D {ch 1 - Girl, Grump and Goodbyes}
T E M P T E D {ch 2 - Royals, Revelations and Romance}
T E M P T E D {ch 3 - Patience, Pedigree and Performing}
T E M P T E D {ch 4 - Dance, Derision and Determination}
T E M P T E D {ch 5 - Challenges, Courage and Caring}
T E M P T E D {ch 6 - Trials, Tenacity and Tact}
T E M P T E D {ch 7 - Allies, Artifice and Annoyance}
T E M P T E D {ch 8 - Nightmares, Numbing and Noticing}
T E M P T E D {ch 9 - Suffering, Surrender and Surprises}
T E M P T E D {ch 10 - Frustration, Fears and Foes}
T E M P T E D {Ch 11 - Bliss, Bitches and Boyfriends}
T E M P T E D {Ch 12 - Hooligans, Heroes and Hearsay}
T E M P T E D {Ch 13 - Temper, Trust and Talk}
T E M P T E D {Ch 14 - Confusion, Confession and Contact}
T E M P T E D {Ch 15 - Avoidance, Awkwardness, and Attack}
T E M P T E D {ch 17 - Morals, Mercy and Murder}
T E M P T E D {ch 18 - Vanity, Vulnerability and Vitalization}
TEMPTED - {CH 19 - Will, Weird, War}
T E M P T E D - {ch 20 - Nerves, Nonchalance and Noxiousness}
T E M P T E D {ch 21 - Stubbornness, Strictness and Seriousness}
Chapter 22: Dread, Dismay and Deterioration

T E M P T E D {Ch 16 - Unacceptable, Unenthusiastic and Urbane}

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Av SidneyArden

Chapter Sixteen

Unacceptable, Unenthusiastic and Urbane


Haezel O'Malley


I quickly changed out of my leotard into denim shorts and a yellow singlet, annoyed that half of lunch had gone by already. Ms Forsa was way too picky for a first year teacher. My thighs were burning from being stretched too far and the rest of my legs were numb from all the leaps. Waking up tomorrow was going to be hell.

...Though tomorrow night was going to be worse. The second session for Greg's dance group was tomorrow and I was tempted to just not show up. I'd gone to huge lengths to avoid him since the Incident, staying in my dorm room as soon as school finished, edging into the female bathroom when he was walking my way in the hallways and keeping clear of the cafeteria during breaks. And he wasn't allowed in my thoughts, no way. I'd forgotten the kiss. I'd forgotten the way he'd held on tightly to my hips and how his talented lips had made me fall into a stupor. I'd definitely forgotten how just reliving the moment had given me barely any sleep that night.

What would he say tomorrow? What if he didn't say anything? Should I say something? Warn him to stay away from me?

I was so caught up in my thoughts I didn't notice anyone in front of me until I ran into a hard chest.

"Oh, hey there." Wide palmed hands grabbed onto my upper arms but instead of pushing me away, I was held still.

I looked up. Porcelain skin, thick black hair. The guy from my music class, Vance I think his name was... Vance? Was I making that up? It sounded right but it was an unusual name. He smirked, his thin lips quirking upwards. His eyes pinched together on the outside and from this close I could see that they were a very dark brown.

"Watch where you're going, sweetheart," he drawled. His voice made me want to gag. There was something about him that just didn't sit right. I remembered what the gossip had told me in the music class, how he wasn't the type to give up on a challenge. I really didn't have the capability to tell two stubborn guys to back off.

I took a step back, forcing him to let go, and gave him a fake smile. "Sorry, I'm off in my own world at the moment. Sorry for running into you."

I sidestepped to go around him. He grinned.

"Still playing hard to get, huh?" He tucked his hands in his pockets and looked like the cat that got the cream.

"Look, Vance is it?" I folded my arms across my chest, irritation building. He opened his mouth to answer but was interrupted when Faye turned into the hall.

"Oh, Haezel, hey!" She smiled at me and made her way over with her elegant gait.

Vance made a 'tsk' sound under his breath and took a step back. "I'll see you in our next music class, Haezel." He winked at me and swaggered off down the hall.

"Do you like that guy?" Faye asked, looking a little concerned.

I shook my head vehemently. "God no. He's just not getting the hint, you know what I mean?"

She laughed lightly. "Yeah. That's good. I've heard things about that guy. Apparently he's got some major anger issues."

"What?" That didn't sound good.

"Mmm, it could be just rumours but there were a few incidents last year..." she trailed off, looking slightly hesitant. But then she straightened up and smiled. "Are you going to lunch?"

I looked down at my bag of gear. "I should get this stuff back into my locker but I'll meet you there."

She nodded and I set off toward my locker.


Faye Hawk


I watched Haezel walk away worriedly. Perhaps I should have told her the full story of Vance's incidents but he hadn't done anything for a whole year and people DID change. Re-spreading old rumours wouldn't help him. I tucked my hands into the pockets of my vest and made my way to the cafeteria. I felt slightly awkward, walking through the hallway by myself. Strange how I'd gotten used to having friends by my side when at the start of the year I wasn't bothered by sitting by myself in a classroom to eat lunch.

I kept my head down and told myself that everyone wasn't looking at me, I was just being insecure. And who cares anyway?

"Gotcha!" Hard hands grabbed my arms and shook lightly. To my mortification, I couldn't stop a small squeal from escaping.

Matt, chuckling, moved to my side. "Ha-ha, I totally had to do it. You had this 'please-ignore-me' look on your face. I couldn't help myself."

His emerald green eyes were shimmering with mirth. They stood out on his dark-toned face and, as always, they made my heart skip a beat. His skin was like chocolate and so smooth and unblemished that I was envious. I felt my cheeks heat and prayed that my blush didn't show. Matt continuously turned me into an absolute, tongue-tied mess whenever he was around. So confident and charming I just didn't know what to do or say without making myself look like an idiot.

If I was braver, or prettier, I might have worked up the courage to ask him out ages ago. And, even without my timidness, I could hardly believe that he would even want to go out with me. I mean, I was two years older. Not much of an age difference but he seemed like the kind of guy to date a high school girl, someone younger he could 'take care of' or protect...

I must've sighed aloud or something because he draped his arm over my shoulder. His arms were long and lanky so they stretched right around.

"You alright, Faye?" His face leaned in close, studying my features. Oh God, I couldn't breathe. I felt lightheaded. My hands were itching to wrap around his slim torso.

I bit my lip. For a second, he just stared at my mouth but then he swiftly released me and turned his head to side. "You're heading to lunch, right? Let's go together." He sounded slightly awkward. Oh man, what if he thought I was coming onto him but didn't know a kind way to let me down? What if he started avoiding me? Should I say something? Should I tell him that my lip was itchy?

I had to talk about something, get his mind off the moment. "Er, how was your last class?" Oh what a thrilling conversationist I was.

He turned back to me and I was glad to see that his expression was still warm. His dimples flashed and I swooned mentally. "Oh, you know, the usual. Worked up a pretty good sweat. I'm on my way to Baryshnikov."

He grinned and nudged me with his elbow... Like we were mates sharing a joke. I grimaced inwardly. Well, that's what we WERE. Friends. And we were only friends because Leah invited me into the group and he was being nice to the loner girl. I would do anything for him to just open his mouth and ask me out. I would do everything to be able to ask him myself.

His mouth opened. "How about your class? How's the latest mix going?"

If only wishes came true. Just once.


Leah Fox


Was it okay for me to be nervous? It was normal, I was going to dance in a small group. What if the others were annoying or hostile? What if I was the loser who neither of the guys wanted to partner? They were perfect reasons for me to be nervous but those weren't the thoughts going through my head. Was Blake planning something? Was he going to humiliate me? What if he was expecting me to be paranoid and laughed at me while I was wary the entire session? What if...? God dammit! I should have spoken up and said there was no way in hell that I was going to this stupid choreography.

That's right! I wasn't nervous! I was SEETHING! What I should be doing right now is planning something to get back at HIM. I should be perfect during the training and then muck everything up during the graded routine. It would teach him for forcing me to participate.

...But being petty would be lowering myself to his level. Damn, damn, damn. I needed to think to think of something that would hurt him and only him, not affecting those volunteering in the same group... Arrgh, I couldn't think right now.

I was in my room, sweatpants over my tights and my brother's hoodie over a loose, peach-coloured singlet. I was going to be late if I didn't go now. I wasn't in any rush to get there but I didn't want to look bad in my teacher's eyes. Damn this.

I stepped out of my room with a sigh, only just remembering to pick up my water bottle on the way out. Haezel was across the hall, I could hear her preppy music struggling to fill the room from her laptop speakers. I was tempted to knock on her door, beg her to come with me, but I wasn't going to hide behind anyone. I felt like a prisoner walking to execution. Dead man walking. God, I was being too morose for this situation. It was like Blake augmented my emotions, I always overreacted around him. He was just that irritating.

As I was making my through the courtyard to the hall I heard someone walking fast behind me. I moved to get out of the way, feeling like I was about to get bowled over. The guy glanced as he was going past and then did a double take.

"Leah Fox, yeah?" he asked gently, his voice soft. I could just pick out a slight Texan accent. He was just a little taller than me though had strong, broad shoulders, obvious with his black singlet. His hair was pulled back into a ponytail and in the dim light looked as if it were a mousy brown colour.

I nodded, wondering how this guy knew me.

He grinned, a charming smile that spread across half his face. "Cool, I guess you're heading to the hall too. I'm Wesley Dodge, I'm another volunteer for this dance thing. Call me Wedge, yeah?"

Oh thank god. I didn't think I could call a guy that looked like him 'Wesley'. But he seemed like he would be fun to work with. I guess some good could come out of doing these sessions.

"Cool, Wedge. I'm Fox."

We made it to the doors and he held it open for me. I was liking him already.

"I'm pretty sure you're the only first year coming out. Oh, the other guys are already here."

The other two were sitting on the chair-stacks at the side of the hall and obviously knew each other well because they were sharing headphones of an iPod. The girl was laughing at something on the screen and tying back her sleek, brown hair at the same time into a messy tail. Her limbs seemed long as she sat awkwardly on the chairs but they were of model quality, shown off by the tights she wore under a leotard. She looked up and saw the two of us enter, her pointy features reminding me of an elf, and nudged the guy next to her.

He also looked up, his brown eyes alight and a smile ready. His blonde hair was styled into a side fringe with the rest carefully mussed. He had the same type of figure as Wedge except a lot taller and thinner across the shoulders. His grey tight-covered legs were tucked under him on the chair.

"Ah, Wedge! And the fourth, I'm guessing!" The girl pointed to me and the guy gently slapped her hand down.

"Don't point," he drawled and then smiled kindly at me. "I'm Sean, this is Darcy, Darce."

"Fox," I said, pointing to myself.

"Mmm, foxy." Sean winked at me.

I couldn't suppress an exasperated smile. "No, just Fox."

Before I could react, Wedge reached over and tugged on my hair. "No, she's water-bitch, towel-bitch and vending-machine-bitch. She's the young'un of the group."

Sean laughed and Darce checked her watch. "Looks like Blake is late. We should warm up."

I followed what the others were doing, warming up every limb and muscle and then stretching to the point where I no longer had any stiffness and felt that I could higher, getting some good hang time. Blake showed up fifteen minutes late but I couldn't say a thing because Mr Paul trailed in after him.

He glanced at the group of us and waved his hand. "Sean, Darce, Wedge, what's up? Leah," he gave me a polite nod.

"B-Amherst!" Darcy grinned widely. "Where've you been? You're totally late."

He shrugged. "My bad, guys. I'll be with you in a minute."

"Oh, while we have a moment," Darcy smiled tentatively at Wedge and I. "Do you guys mind if Sean and I are partnered together? Because we've been working together a lot in class..."

"I'm not fussed," I said, raising my hands.

"SHE'S MINE!" roared Wedge, grabbing my wrists and using them to tug me forward. Unfortunately I'd been in the middle of a double leg hamstring stretch and I swore as he forced me to stretch further.

"I'm gonna kick you in the face if we have any lifts," I growled jokingly.

"I wouldn't say that, sweetie." Sean patted my ankle. "Because he will drop you."

Wedge got up and walked over to where our gear was and I followed him, needing a drink. I checked to see if Blake was coming over yet but he was still talking. He caught my eye and gave me a disappointed look. I frowned, what was that? I grabbed my bottle of water for something to do and took a few large gulps. When I looked back, he was still going over something with the teacher to the side of the room, but his eyes were still on me. No true expression but he looked just a little bit longing. Wait a minute... longing... and sad... ahh...

Oh shit! Did Blake Amherst LIKE me?


I can't put my finger on it but I don't really like this chapter. If you see crappiness, point it out. It'd be much appreciated... I'm still in Sci-fi mode... I might write some more Dan, The Early Years...

Sid x

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